Family Violence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Family Violence


... children need a father, ... colluder (sacrifices her daughter either intentionally or ... of trust, fear of intimacy and sexual dysfunctions in adulthood. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Family Violence

Family Violence Sexual Abuse
  • Chapter 13

  • Although not as dangerous as war zones or urban
    riot scenes,
  • families households are dangerous places.
  • A woman is beaten by her boyfriend or husband
    every 30 seconds.
  • Each year, at least a million American children
    are physically abused by their parents.

  • Violence is "an act carried out with the
    intention or perceived intention of causing
    physical pain or injury to another person.
  • Other prevalent forms of abuse include neglect
    emotional abuse.

  • Common couple violence refers to violence that
    erupts in the course of an argument as one
    partner strikes at the other in the heat of the
  • Intimate terrorism occurs in relationships
    characterized by the desire of one partner to
    dominate control the other.
  • Violent resistance encompasses what is often
    meant by
  • self defensive" violence.
  • Mutual violent control encompasses the
    relationships in which both partners are
    violently trying to control each other the

  • Several theories have been proposed to explain
    why family violence exists.
  • Patriarchy / male-dominance theory maintains that
    in societies where men hold the authority and in
    women and children are defined property, male
    violence against women and children is common.
    The personality theory of abuse maintains that
    the abuser's personality characteristics are the
    major determinants of family abuse.
  • Social- learning theory posits that aggression
    and violence are learned by observing the
    behavior of others. Resource theory assumes that
    the more social, personal, and economic resources
    people have, the more power they command.
  • Conflict theorists argue that women and children
    are victimized in the family not only because
    they have few individual resources but also
    because societal institutions rarely take
    violence against women and children seriously.
  • According to exchange theory, the assailant's
    violent behavior and the victim's tolerance of
    the abuse carries more benefits than costs.

  • Battering includes slapping, punching, knocking
    down, choking, kicking, hitting with objects,
    threatening with weapons, stabbing, shooting,
    sexual abuse.
  • A man who systematically batters is likely to
    believe the myths about battering
  • believe in the traditional home
  • have low self-esteem
  • have a dual personality
  • be sadistic, passive-aggressive,
  • or pathologically jealous
  • use sex as an act of aggression or believe in
    the moral rightness of his violent behavior.

  • The three-phase cycle of violence involves the
    building of tension, the explosion, the
    "honeymoon period"
  • The "cycle theory of battering incidents"
    (Walker) proposes that there is a three-phase
    cycle involved in marital abuse.
  • Beginning with the tension-building phase when
    the wife tries to prevent her husband's anger
    from escalating,
  • leading to the acute battering incident where the
    husband explodes into a rage of abusing his wife,
  • and ending with the calm that follows the
    incident where the husband begs his wife's
    forgiveness and promises that he will never hurt
    her again.

  • Marital rape is one of the most widespread
    overlooked forms of family violence, but many
  • (including the victims themselves) have
    difficulty acknowledging that forced sex in
    marriage is rape.
  • Raping a wife has been a crime in all states
    since 1993.

  • I. Acquaintance rape (date rape) is the most
    common form of rape.
  • Alcohol or drugs are often involved.
  • 2. Physical violence often goes hand-in-hand with
    sexual aggression. Three-fourths of victims who
    were acquaintance rape victims sustained bruises,
    cuts, black eyes, internal injuries.
  • 3. Much sexual communication is done nonverbally
  • ambiguously, creating considerable confusion
  • argument about sexual consent.

battered women
  • economic dependence,
  • religious pressure to submit to her husband's
  • belief that the children need a father,
  • fear of being alone, especially as she may have
    been cut off from all other ties,
  • belief in the American dream of family bliss,
  • pity for her husband,
  • guilt shame, feeling that it is somehow her
    own fault,
  • duty responsibility to stick it out,
  • fear for her life if she tries to escape,
  • love for the partner, despite the battering,

Learned helplessness
  • It is connected to low self-esteem keeps
    battered women feeling that they cannot control
    the battering
  • The woman's determination that the violence must
    cease is crucial to stopping it.

  • Characteristics of parents who abuse their
    children may include physical punishment by
    one's own parents
  • Children who are abused are often labeled by
    their parents as "unsatisfactory" may be a
    "normal" child (who is the product of a difficult
    or unplanned pregnancy or who is the wrong sex)
  • The family ecosystem may include serious problems
    contributing to stress

  • Physical abuse refers to an ongoing pattern of
    bodily injurious acts.
  • In Munchausen syndrome by proxy, an adult feigns
    or induces illness in a child to attract medical
    attention and support for herself and her child.
  • Sexual abuse includes making a child watch sexual
    acts, fondling a child, forcing a child to engage
    in sexual acts for pornography and incest.
  • Child neglect is a failure to provide basic
    caretaking obligations.
  • Language neglect includes discouraging the
    child's communication skills.
  • Emotional maltreatment conveys to a child that
    they are inferior, worthless, flawed, unloved or
  • This may include spurning (threatening to hurt,
    kill or abandon a child), isolating (denying a
    child opportunities to interact with peers or
    adults) or corrupting (modeling, permitting or
    encouraging a child's antisocial behaviors).

  • The incest taboo, which forbids sexual
    intercourse between close blood relatives, is a
    cultural norm in almost all known societies.
  • Incest is defined by law as sexual intercourse or
    marriage between family members.
  • A national survey found that 15 of adults said
    they had been victims of unwanted sexual
    intercourse and touching as a child.
  • Theories about the role of the mother in the
    incestuous family can be classified into three
  • as colluder (sacrifices her daughter either
    intentionally or inadvertently),
  • as dependent (a helpless person who is suffering
    from a disabling condition like depression or a
    physical infirmity),
  • and as victim (fails to intervene because of her
    own victimization as a child).

Abused children are more likely to
  • have parents who abuse drugs and alcohol
  • live in larger families
  • have parents who are experiencing economic stress
    and poverty,
  • live in homes where there is wife abuse and
  • have divorced parents.
  • Children who survive often suffer from
    physiological, social and emotional problems.
  • Incestuous relationships in childhood often lead
    to lack of trust, fear of intimacy and sexual
    dysfunctions in adulthood.

  • There are various forms of sibling abuse,
    including name-calling and ridicule (the most
    common form), degradation, promoting fear,
    torturing or killing a pet, and destroying
    personal possessions.
  • Most parents view sibling violence as a normal
    part of growing up.
  • However, 10 of all murders in families are
    sibilcides, killing of one's sibling.
  • Men, are more likely to be the perpetrators and
    victims of sibilcide and the average age of the
    victim is 33.

  • About 20 of teenagers are abused by their
  • Being abused and witnessing domestic violence has
    twice the negative effect on children's
  • Adolescent victims are more likely to be victims
    of other crimes, problem drug users as adults,
    serious property offenders and serious violent

  • Baby boomers, now in their early forties to late
    fifties, are often referred to as the sandwich
    generation because they care not only for their
    own children but also for their aging parents.
  • Elder abuse, sometimes called elder mistreatment,
    includes physical abuse, negligence, financial
    exploitation, psychological abuse, and
    deprivation of basic needs, isolation from
    friends and family and failure to administer
    needed medications.
  • Elder abuse is called the hidden iceberg because
    84 of cases are not reported. Elderly women are
    more likely to be abused.
  • Adult children are the largest group of elder
    abusers, followed by the victim's spouse.
  • Overall, men are more likely to be abusers.
  • Risk factors for elder abuse include shared
    living arrangement, weak social network, alcohol
    use and abuse, impairment of the care giver or
    care recipient, physical and emotional dependency
    in the abuser-abused relationship, medical costs,
    stress, negative personality characteristics, and
    the intergenerational transmission of violence.

  • Child abuse prevention (CAP) programs have aimed
    at teaching children that they have rights
    including the right to control their own bodies
    genitals, the right to feel "safe," the right
    not to be touched in ways that feel confusing or
  • Other CAP programs are directed at parents to
    help them educate their children.
  • CAP programs for professionals encourage them to
    watch for signs of sexual abuse to investigate
    children's reports of abuse.
  • In recent years, both the American Medical
    Association (AMA) the federal government have
    become more actively involved in fighting
    domestic violence.
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