Title: Video Search: Whats New
1Video SearchWhats New
- Gloria Rohmann
- NYU Libraries
- October 14, 2005
2The problem I know its in there somewhere
- Gist (what its about)
- Genre
- Style
- Scenes
- People
- Objects
- Dialogue
- Soundtrack
3Video Search How does it work?
- Conventional methods catalogs, databases and
analog previewing - Why digitize?
- Discovering video structure
- Automatic and manual indexing
- Data models user interfaces
- Prospects for the future mobile and web services
4Conventional Methods Browse and Search
- Structured databases
- AV cataloging (AACR2, MARC 21)
- Shot lists
- Asset management systems
- Pathfinders (librarians, archivists)
- Embedded markers hints, chapters, scenes (DVD)
- Video logging systems
- Hardware browse/skim FF, slow-mo, etc.
5 Video Search in Libraries
- Mainly MARC
- 245 Title (usually main entry)
- 300 Description (physical piece)
- 505 Contents
- 508 Credits
- 511 Performer note
- 520 Summary
6Sample screen from BobCat video record
505 Contents
520 Summary
650 Subject headings
7Enhanced metadata shot lists, transcripts Open
University video collection
8 Footage - Opening creditsChocolate factory
workers. Alan Coxon and Kathy Sykes preparing
food. Man biting into
chocolate bar (0'00-0'50") Alan opening fridge
and walking over to Kathy at table. Kathy grating
orange. Alan showing
ingredients for cheesecake. Cookingchocolate.
Alan and Kathy breakingchocolate and smelling
it. Breakichocolate. Kathy
tasting chocolate (0'51"-"2'00"
Footage - Opening credits Chocolate factory
workers. Alan Coxon and Kathy Sykes preparing
food. Man biting into chocolate bar
(0'00-0'50") Alan opening fridge and walking over
to Kathy at table. Kathy grating orange. Alan
showing ingredients for cheesecake. Cooking
chocolate. Alan and Kathy breaking chocolate and
smelling it. Breaking chocolate.Kathy tasting
chocolate (0'51"-"2'00)
9Video Pathfinders
10Asset Management Systems
- Building digital library collections
- What metadata (METS, MPEG-21, etc.)?
- Distribution standards required
- Not born digital ingest problem
- DRM what drives commercial distribution?
11Browse and skim Analog Control (VCRs)
- Pause, FF, rewind (all VCRs)
- Some VCRs
- Pause and frame-by-frame
- High-speed picture search AKA FF
- Variable speed picture search
- Index recording VCR marks beginning of each
recording on a tape.
12Browse and skim DVDs Digital Advantages
- Pause, FF, rewind
- Navigate
- Frame-by-frame menus, chapters or tracks
- Insert markers, repeat play
- Change audio, subtitle languages, show closed
captioning - Shuttle/scrub onscreen
13Browse and Skim Media PlayersDVD player clones
can be enhanced with SDKs
- Media Players are DECODERS
- Pause, FF, rewind
- Variable speed
- Navigate menus, chapters, tracks
- Insert markers
- Change audio subtitles
- Show closed captioning
- Shuttle/scrub
14Media Player ExampleDVD player clones can be
enhanced with SDKs
File markers added by end-user
Play speed settings 0.5 gtgt 3X
Start, stop, pause, rewind to beginning, FF to
end, advance by frame
15What Is Video?
- Authored video has
- Series of still images _at_25-30 fps
- Structure frames gtgt shots gtgt scenes
- (Audio tracks)
- (Text captioning, subtitles, etc.)
- (Graphics logos, running tickers etc.)
- Production metadata timestamp, datestamp, flash
16Advantages of Digital Video
- Store and deliver over networks
- Allow analysis by computers
- Allow auto manual indexing
- Image processing
- Signal processing
- Information visualization
17Why Compress Video?
- 1 frame (_at_TV brightness) 0.9 megabytes (MB) of
storage - At 29 fps, each second 26.1 MB of storage
- 30 minute film 53 gigabytes (GB) of storage
- OBJECT Make file smaller retain as much
information as possible
18Encoding Formats
- These formats use some kind of compression
similar encoding methodsmany CODECSsome
lossy, others lossless - AVI audio-video interleave or interactive
- QuickTime
- MPEG family MPEG-1, 2, 4
- H261 for video conferencing
- New H264 JPEG 2000
- Compressor/Decompressor, or Coder/Decoder
- Produce and work with encoding formats.
- Central to compression and encoding perform
signal and image processing tasks - Examples Cinepak, Indeo, Windows Media Video.
- MPEG-4 DivX, Xvid, 3ivX implementations of
certain compression recommendations of MPEG-4.
20How Do CODECS Work?
- Movement creates temporal aliasing human
eye/brain fills in the gaps - Blurring produced by camera shutter softens edges
- Modeled by CODECS and algorithms
- Goal acceptable facsimile of moving scene
21Configuring CODECS for analysis
Psychovisual enhancements
Maximum Keyframe Interval
22What looks best to you?
Segmentation method B
Segmentation method A
Original image
Jermyn, I. Psychovisual Evaluation of Image
Database Retrieval and Image Segmentation
23Encoding Methods predictive
- Sampling value of function _at_ regular intervals
(example brightness of pixels) - Quantization frequency of sampling (1 in 10 vs.
1 in 100 frames) - Discrete cosine transforms (DCT) an array of data
(not just one pixel) is transformed into another
set of values. - Inter-frame vs. Intra-frame encoding
24Video Structure
25Using Encoding Methods to Discover Structure
26Shot Boundary Detection
- Algorithms that compare the similarities between
nearby frames. When the similarities fall below a
pre-determined level, the limit of a shot is
automatically defined - Edge detection
- Compare color histograms
- Compare motion vectors
27Revealing Video Structure with Non-linear
- Clips are basis for video editing
- Non-linear editors (like iMovie, Windows Movie
Maker) can create clips based on keyframes and
shot boundary detection - NLEs can also isolate frames
- Video logging software works the same way
(Virage, Scenalyzer Live)
28Clip Creation with NLEs
29Spatial Temporal Segmentation
- 1. Use shot boundary detection and keyframes to
define shots choose representative frames - 2. Use CBIR (Content-based Image Retrieval)
techniques to reveal features in representative
frames - (shapes, colors, textures)
30CBIR Techniques
- Images (frames) have no inherent semantic
meaning only arrays of pixel intensities - Color Retrieval compare histograms
- Texture Retrieval relative brightness of pixel
pairs - Shape Retrieval Humans recognize objects
primarily by their shape - Retrieval by position within the image
31MPEG-4Content-based Encoding
- Encodes objects that can be tracked from frame to
frame. - Video frames are layers of video object planes
(VOP). - Each VOP is segmented coded separately
throughout the shot - Background encoded only once.
- Objects are not defined as to what they
represent, only their motion, shapes, colors and
textures, allowing them to be tracked through
time. - Objects and their backgrounds are brought
together again by the decoder.
32MPEG-4 Content-based encoding
Video object plane (VOP)
Video object plane (VOP)
Background encoded only once
Ghanbari, M. (1999) Video Coding An Introduction
to Standard Codecs
33AMOS Tracking Objects Beyond the Frame
34Are We Doing Multimedia?Multimodal Indexing
- Ramesh Jain To solve multimedia problems, we
should use as much context as we can. - Visual (frames, shots, scenes)
- Audio (soundtrack speech recognition)
- Text (closed captions, subtitles)
- Contexthyperlinks, etc.
- IEEE Multimedia. Oct-Nov. 2003
35Multimodal Indexing
Settings, Objects, People
Modalities Video, audio, text
Snoek, C., Worring, M. Multimodal Indexing A
Review of the State-of-the-art. Multimedia Tools
Applications. January 2005
36Building Video Indexes
- Same as any indexing processdecide
- What to index granularity
- How to index modalities (images, audio, etc.)
- Which features?
- Discover spatial and temporal structure
deconstructing the authoring process - Construct data models for access
37Building Video IndexesStructured modeling
- Predict relationship between shots
- Pattern recognition
- Hidden Markov Models
- SVM (support vector machines)
- Neural networks
- Relevance feedback via machine learning
38Data Models for Video IR
- Based on text (DBMS, MARC)
- Semi-structured (video XML or hypertext)
MPEG-7, SMIL - Based on context Yahoo Video, Blinkx, Truveo
- Multimodal Marvel, Virage
39Virage VideoLoggerTM
Mark annotate clips
SMPTE timecode
Text or audio extracted automatically
40Annotation Metadata Schemes
41IBM MPEG-7 Annotation Tool
42MPEG-7 Output from IBM Annotation Tool
Duration of shot in frames
- ltMediaTimegt ltMediaTimePointgtT00002720830F30
000lt/MediaTimePointgt ltMediaIncrDuration
ongt lt/MediaTimegt - ltTemporalDecompositiongt -
ltVideoSegmentgt - ltMediaTimegt ltMediaTimePointgtT00
lt/MediaTimegt - ltSpatioTemporalDecompositiongt -
ltStillRegiongt - ltTextAnnotationgt
lt/TextAnnotationgt - ltSpatialLocatorgt ltBox
mpeg7dim"2 2"gt14 15 351 238lt/Boxgt
lt/SpatialLocatorgt lt/StillRegiongt
Location and dimension of spatial locator in
43Browse Video Surrogates
44SMIL Hypertext Hypermedia
ltwindow type"generic" duration"13000"
height"480" width"320 underline_hyperlinks"tru
e" /gt ltfont face"arial" size"2"gt ltolgt ltligtlta
href"commandseek(00)" target"_player"gtIntrolt/a
gtlt/ligt ltbr/gt ltligt lta href"commandseek(210)"
target"_player"gtQ1 to Kerrylt/agt, lta
href"commandseek(426)" target"_player"gtBush
rebuttallt/agt lt/ligt
45Scholarly Primitives
- Low-level methods for higher-level research
- Discovering
- Annotating
- Comparing
- Referring
- Sampling
- Illustrating
- Representing
Unsworth, John. (2000) Scholarly Primitives
what methods do humanities researchers have in
common, and how might our tools reflect this?
46User Interfaces for Video IR
- Discovering
- Annotating
- Comparing
- Referring
- Sampling
- Illustrating
- Representing
- Browse, query text
- Browse surrogates
- Interactive filtering dynamic query based on
visual aspects - Interactive zooming
- Interactive distortion
- Compare results for feedback
- Annotate results
47(No Transcript)
48IBM Research MARVel
- MPEG-7 video search engine
- Manual annotations are used for machine learning
- Automatic multimodal indexing
- Image processing
- Automatic speech recognition
- Structured modeling clustering by comparing
49MARVEL demo
50Video Search on the Web Yahoo
- Uses existing (text) metadata
- Does not analyze content of media stream
- Horowitz Web pages are self-describing
- Analyze the web page around the link
- Analyze the metadata included in video file
- Media RSS publishers can add links to multimedia
within feed
51(No Transcript)
52Video Search on the Web Google
- Using metadata in the video stream
- Almost all broadcast news video is closed
captioned - Google ingests video with closed captioning
- Transcripts are created linked to time-code
- Transcripts are indexed
- Thumbnails grabbed at time intervals
- Still text-based thumbnails provide visual
53Results of Google Video Search social security
54Results of Google Search screen 2
55(No Transcript)
56Opportunities for Research
- User needs
- User interfaces
- Classification and description
- Metadata whither standards?