Mounted Combat - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mounted Combat


This evasion is announced after the Charger has made a successful Charge Test ... If the target dodged the long spear attack then he may also dodge the mount attack. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mounted Combat

Mounted Combat Mark House Rules
1. Mounted Movement and Maneuver 1.1 A Mount
takes up two squares. The rider sits in the
middle 1.2 A Mount can only be oriented
vertically or horizontally - never
diagonally. 1.3 A Mounts base MOVE depends
on its Race, Quality and Load. 1.4
A Mount can move at three different speeds
Walk MOVEx1 Trot MOVEx2 Gallop
MOVEx4 1.5 A Mount can move in 7 different
ways - Back, Back Cross and Sideways
costs 2 move points. Can only be done at WALK. -
Every 2nd diagonal (cross) move costs double
movement. - a 90 turn costs 5 move points at
TROT and 10 move points at GALLOP. - a 180 turn
costs 10 move points at TROT and 20 move points
  • 2. Mounted Combat
  • 2.1 Melee
  • Melee from and against a rider and his steed can
    be performed in all squares (marked by x)
    surrounding the Mount. No difference is made
    between front/rear, left/right etc since the
    mount is assumed to be constantly moving.
  • 2.2 Encumbrance
  • A Riders Encumbrance is halved (rounded up) when
  • 2.3 Initiative
  • When Mounted the Riders Initiative is, for
    purpose of defining the order in which player
    move in a round, the sum of his own and his
    Mounts Initiative.
  • 2.4 Attacking while Mounted
  • - Against foot targets the Aiming Zone for Melee
    is Foot and by default High.

Note Each further 3 points of Injury and/or
Fatigue reduces MOVE by one (1) Note A mount
loaded beyond its max number of pounds () can
not Gallop and risk injury.
3. Mounted Charge 3.1 Mounted charge. This is
the action whereby riders at Gallop (x4) can
conduct one or several Melee or Mount attacks
during one movement phase rather than one attack
at the end of all movement. 3.2 Morale
Roll Mounted Charge (individual or group) or even
the threat of a Mounted Charge require the
potential target (individual or group) to perform
a Moral Roll (d100 vs Initiative). This role is
either done after the Mounted movement (if range
to possible target is lt 200 feet) or at actual
impact. Morale Roll Results CS best possible
organised defense (optimal choice of formation,
weapons used in best way, free individual
move) MS organised defense (dense formation, all
melee weapons block or counterattack apart from
weapons set at receive which always counterattack
and missile weapons which dodge, maximum walk
move towards threat) MF disorganized defense (no
formation, stationary or disperse at move speed,
only evade, dodge or block, no move towards
threat) CF routed (each individual flee at run
(x2) speed away from threat, if mount charged
they will evade first and then dodge at 10,
leader can attempt to rally (new roll) next
round, after 5 rounds, after 15 rounds and after
that only when threat is gone). Morale Roll
  • 3.3 Formation
  • Mounted Charge by more than one rider is done in
    formation. The entire formation is moved
  • together to the point of contact and all
    attack(s) at that point are then resolved. After
    this the
  • entire formation is then moved again to the next
    point of impact and this process is then
  • repeated until the full Gallop move has been
    performed (the Mounts do not have the option to
  • end their move earlier unless they have been
    stopped by a foot target). If a Mount must stop
  • prior to having moved its entire Gallop (e.g.
    because of an obstacle) then a Riding Skill Test
  • required.
  • 3.4 Attack Areas
  • Charge attacks by the Rider can either be
    conducted against the three front squares (using
  • long spear, see ls and LS in the picture
    below) or against the forward side squares (all
  • melee weapons, see m). Charge attacks by the
    Mount is conducted in the front square of the
  • Mount itself (see M), never in the rear square
    (even if Mount is moving diagonally).
  • A target can not be both melee and mount attacked
    one after the other unless the melee attack
  • is conducted by a Long Spear in the very square
    (LS) directly in front of the Mount i.e. a
  • forward cross move does not create a Mount

4. Mount Attack 4.1 The Rider can use his
Mounts attack rather than his own. This can be
done in normal mounted combat as well as in the
Mounted Charge. 4.2 The Mount will attack
assuming that the rider succeeds with the Charge
Test (see above) 4.3 Each steed has three attack
options Hoof, Bite and Frame. The AML, impact,
impact type for these attacks depend on the
steeds race and quality (see separate table).
Some of these attacks can also be initiated by
the rider. Hoof - can also be initiated by the
rider after a successful Charge Test while the
steed is either stationary or moves at walk
speed Bite - can only be performed by the horse
itself Frame - can also be initiated by the rider
after a successful Charge Test. This is the
attack form used during a charge. At walk and
trot this attack is an attempt to push a defender
out of his square but without causing any
damage. This attempt can be contested by the
defender. The contest itself is resolved through
mutual rolls of 3d6 respective STR. 4.4 A
Mount can perform one Mount attack for each
square it enters. A Mounts Charge attack does
not suffer -20 to AML but does not gain the
additional 1d6 of impact. All DTA results are
ignored. 4.5 Results from Frame Attacks A Dodge,
Block or Counterattack defense by a target on
foot against a Frame attack in Charge that does
not result in A or B impact means that the
target remains in the square (resolve only if
this is the end of the Mounts move). A Dodge,
Block or Counterattack defense by a target on
foot against a Frame attack in Charge that result
in A or B impact means the target has been
moved out of the square (roll a random square).
Stumble rolls are made at 1d6. 5. General
Riding Skill Modifiers
  • 3.6 Mounted Melee
  • - AML is reduced with 20 for Gallop.
  • No one-hand penalty (HM) is applied for spear
    and long spear (assumed under arm)
  • Attacks against the Mounted Low Aiming Zone
    results in 10 for size (horse)
  • - Attacks against the Mounted High Aiming Zone
    results in -0 for size (human)
  • - Impact damage from Melee Charge is 1d6 (not
    for Mounts Charge Attack)
  • DTA results are always ignored (both against
    foot target and against mounted target)
  • Rider in Gallop can never suffer modifications
    due to outnumbering
  • Each attack with a spear or a long-spear
    (irrespective of result) requires a WQ roll with
    3 as modifier.
  • 3.7 Evasion
  • A Target that is directly in front of the
    Charging Mount may use a free evasive move. This
    evasion is announced after the Charger has made a
    successful Charge Test but before he performs his
    Long Spear or Mount attack. This is done in a
    similar way as evasion against Foot Charge (I.e.
    5 foot directly backwards or diagonally
    backwards). Evasive moves have no effect on AML
    or DML. A foot opponent with a weapon set to
    receive may not first counterattack a riders
    Longs Spear attack and then evade the Mounts
    attack. The evasion has to be done against the
    Long Spear attack.
  • After any evasive move(s) the Charge continues.
    The same Charge that caused the evasive maneuver
    may not move forward cross to once again attempt
    a Mount Charge. However, if the evasion is done
    straight backwards then the target is still
    subject to a Mount Charge.
  • 3.8 Long Spear and Mount Attack
  • In the case of a straight forward attack against
    a receiving opponent that does not evade the long
    spear attack is first resolved. The Mount attack
    is conducted in the next movement point. If the
    target counter attacked or blocked the long spear
    attack then the mount attack is against Ignore.
    If the target dodged the long spear attack then
    he may also dodge the mount attack.
  • 3.9 Opportunity Attacks
  • This can be perfomed against Mounts as they move
    but only by opponents that employ weapons that
    can be set to receive and that are themselves not
    engaged or at risk of being engaged by the same
    Charge round.

RELATIONSHIP None/Bad -10 Normal 0 Good 1
0 Exceptional 20 SITUATION Normal
feat 0 Thunder -10 Jump without seeing
landing, walk plank etc -20 Into fire,
hand/voice command etc -40 OTHER per EPP -5
Not combat trained -20 CHARGE TEST
(only) Target is using weapon to receive -20
Target is supported by another line(s) or
obstacle(s) -10 / line Target is another
Mount -40 Target is physical obstacle Spec.
Phase 3 The Riders move their formation forward
one mp. Orc 3 rolls a MS on his morale roll and
holds his ground. Orc 5 rolls a CF and
routes. Rider B pokes his long spear at Orc 3.
He suffers a further 10 on his AML since this
is his second attack. The Orc can either block or
counterattack since he rolled an MS. He chooses
to Block The result is a nothing and the Rider
rolls again for his WQ and makes it yet another
time. Rider C makes a similar attack at Orc 4
who now cant evade any further but has to Dodge.
With a spectacular thrust the Orcs head
is Impalled with 1d6 impact from the charge and
the Orc is a goner.
Phase 1 Attacking Rohirric Riders A-D are at a
distance of more than 200 feet from the Orcs 1-7
when their movement commences. (Orcs 2 and 6
utilize spears). All the Riders are equiped with
Long Spear.

Phase 2 The Riders charge towards the orcs. The
whole formation is moved into first contact. A
Morale roll is made for each individual orc in
contact (60 for Orcs, -30 for Rohirric riders,
5 for 21odds, no leader present 35). The GM
decides to roll Morale individually. Orc 2 (with
20 for having a spear) Rolls a MS, Orc 4 rolls
a MF. Rider B rolls a Charge Test since he is
entering into a square Where Orc 2 can receive
with his spear. He rolls an MS, moves into the
hex and utilizes his Long Spear to attack Orc 2
who receives with a Counterstrike. The odds are
calculated Rider 20 for gallop, No HM minus
for spear, 1st charge attack. Orc has 10 for
Receiving (he only walked last turn). The result
is a B1. The orc Inflicts only an M1(despite the
1d6 for receiving) in the rider but the rider
rolls a fabulous G4 (with his 1d6) in the Orc
who goes down. The WQ roll is made for the
riders spear. A 14 is rolled on 3d6 which is
enough since the spear has 11 in WQ. Had the Orc
survived a similar WQ 3 roll should have been
made for his own spear. Rider C faces an orc but
is not forced to roll a Charge Test yet since Orc
4 has no receiving weapon. Orc 4 has to
avoide/dodge due to his morale roll but can only
avoide backwards since the cross backward squares
are occupied. The attack is only delayed until
the next round. The Rider thrusts his spear at
the Orc but the result is a DTA which however is
ignored due to the gallop speed.
Phase 4 Rider B now has to have his Mount atatck
Orc 3. For this he has to roll a Charge Test
(modified with 10 because of Orc 7 constituting
a 2nd line within 10 feet) which he sucessfully
makes with a MS roll. Orc 3 may now not evade
since he stood his ground and counterattacked
the rider in phase 3. The horse
therefore performs a Frame attack against
Ignore. Rider A is just waiting to get at Orc
1. Rider C can not attack Orc 5 because his LS
cant reach that square. He awaits his next
attack together with Rider B against Orc 7 (in
which they will have two attacks both without the
benefit of outnumbering). Rider D will have to
roll a Charge Test to enter into one of the three
squares that Orc 6 can receive him in with his

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