Title: Usage Statistics Oxford Journals Collection Online.
1Usage Statistics Oxford Journals Collection
2Usage Statistics 2003
- Available for the entire Oxford Journals Online
collection - Developed via consultation with the library
community - Available across consortia and for individual
organisations - Accessible by library administrator username and
3Data available
- Downloads by journal by month
- Downloads by month, journal and page type
- Details of top articles accessed
- Summary of access by type (search, abstract, full
text etc.) - Total access by year
- Available in HTML and csv format
4Statistics for Organisations
- Available to Library Administrator
- Accessible by username and password
- Usage statistics across site or sites
- View subscription information and site information
5View access per journal
List titles by usage
Download access by journal as a csv file
View totals by year
6Access by Journal -The HTML files can be saved as
.htm or/html pages and imported into a
Scroll down for top accessed authors.
7View details of top 15 abstracts, full text HTML
and PDF accessed
8View usage by journal
..and page type
9View total usage for the year as a tabular
summary - also available as a csv file.
HTML version also includes details of top
articles accessed over the year
10Consortia Statistics
- Available to Consortia Administrator
- Total usage by journal across consortia
- Total usage by member, by type
- Subscription information by consortia member
- Each member will have own Institutional account
11Top screen of Consortia account with
Administrator contact details..
View access by month, by member
View access by month, by journal
View summary of access for all members over the
12See summary statistics for each member
organisation, by type
13Check usage by member organisation, including top
15 abstracts and top 15 full text articles viewed
14Check contact and subscription information for
that member
15View total accesses for the year, by type
and by journal, per month
16Future developments..
- Identification of subscribed and non-subscribed
titles - We will become COUNTER compliant in 2003
17How to access..
- Usage statistics are available at
www.oupjournals.org/statistics - Login to access your own usage statistics, or
view our demonstration accounts by clicking on
the links at the foot of the above web page
18OUP Customer Services
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- Journals Subscription DepartmentOxford
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