Title: Our image
1 Our image Our future Our Control
2Trademark overview
Trademarks are property Property owners have a
right and obligation to control Licensing is a
trademark protection process
3Delta Sigma Phis trademarks
Delta Sigma Phi is the exclusive owner of its
marks Delta Sigma Phi must control its marks to
maintain ownership Licensing is the best way to
protect Delta Sigma Phis property
Delta Sigma Phi
Delta Sig
4What If
Delta Sigma Phi were to lose rights to our
trademarks? Anyone could use the names or logos
of Delta Sigma Phi? How would Delta Sigma Phi
distinguish itself from other fraternities?
Delta Sigma Phi
Delta Sig
5Licensing why is it important?
The publics perception is our reality. Delta
Sigma Phi recruits quality members why
shouldnt we have quality products? If youre
not in control youre out of control.
6Delta Sigma Phi leading the way
Our trademarks are worth protecting
7Think globally act locally
Recruit high quality licensed vendors Stop using
vendors who refuse to get licensed Tell vendors
that Delta Sigma Phi is too important NOT to
8Where to find thousands of licensed products?
9In a nutshell
Trademarks are property Property owners have a
right and obligation to control Licensing is a
trademark protection process Delta Sigma Phi is
more protected as a result of licensing Licensin
g is the future for Greek trademarks