Title: Sociology 001
1Sociology 001
- Week 1 1st Half
- Introduction
2Course Section
- Sociology 001
- M, W 0200PM - 0320PM, South Annex, Room 15
- T, Th 0800AM - 0920AM, W. Annex, Room 1
- T, Th 1230PM - 0150PM, EVC, Room 7
- Luís Villanueva
- Mr. Vee
- who hung out together based on region, that is,
where they lived congregated together on school
activities, such as jocks and nerds came
together in a group centered on social class,
whether middle-class, working-class, or recent
migrant or del rancho - you will learn about the intellectual tools that
seem simple in seeking understanding of group
differences and human behaviors, yet require for
you to broaden your perspective and connect the
4Sociological Mindfulness
- Sociology makes us think deeply about the divide
between ourselves and those of different races,
classes, and ethnicities and I would include
gender and sexualities. It forces us to
recognize the effects of power, technological
advances, and that increasingly rapid process of
social change on our own lives. Sociology
mattersto you, me, and everyone with a stake in
the society we live in (Scaheffer 2008vii).
5Intellect, Life, History
- Rather than display the contents of our shining
intellectual toolbox, I try to put the tools to
use. Michael Schwalbe - An unexamined life is not worth living.
Socrates - "He who does not remember the past is condemned
to repeat it. Santayana
6Sociological Analysis
- If people made social conditions, then people can
change them either to be mutually beneficial or
not. - how and why is one group of people privileged and
another is not? - we will learn how to take things sociologically
- Name
- Major
- Age
- Gender
- Ethnicity
- Optional (religion, area, sexuality, etc.)
- Why taking SOC 001?
- What do you expect to learn from this class?
- Each of the first three exams will have 50
multiple questions and is worth 20 of your
course grade. - The final exam will have 40 multiple questions
and 4 short essay questions.
- on each assignment, write your name, SOC 001,
section , assignment , and date - write or type papers clearly, and staple papers
or assignmentlest you lose points - save your graded assignments at least until the
end of the semester
10Is Sociology just common sense?
- we often use common sense to help us make sense
of facts or what we have observed in our daily
lives - Birds of a flock
- Opposites attract
- Jump in a chance
- Out of sight, out of mind
- Look before you leap
- Sociologists utilize science rather than rely on
superstition to explain social phenomena
11What is the difference between a scientific
theory and a superstitious belief?
- theory is a set of statements that seeks to
explain problems, actions, or behavior (p7) - scientific theories should be consistent,
parsimonious, correctable, empirically
testable/verifiable, useful, and progressive - The validity of superstitions is based on belief
in the power of magic or things one cannot simply
explain due to ones limited knowledge
12Sociological Findings versus Common Sense
- More US students are shot to death at school now
than ten or fifteen years ago. - According to the National School Safety Center,
more students were shot to death at US schools in
the early 1990s than now.
13Adapting to Life Conditions
- the human species uses its faculties of
consciousness, conceptual thought and symbolic
language to continue to advance by means of
social (rather than genetic) evolution - the three parts of the brain
- with the reptilian inner core the most primitive
(appetite, fear, lust, aggression, instincts), - next the limbic brain (emotions, empathy),
- lastly the cortex (higher reason, cognitive)
14Societies and Their Transformations
- How do mental developments and social
transformations come about? - How did our minds evolve or our society develop?
- A society is a fairly large number of people who
live in the same territory, are relatively
independent of people outside it, and participate
in a common culture (Schaeffer 38).
15Social Change and Sociology
- Three significant changes transformed society
- a factory-based economy,
- the explosive growth of cities,
- and new ideas about democracy and political
16Comtes Law of Three Stages
- theological stage, people took a religious view
that society expressed Gods will - metaphysical stage in which people saw society as
a natural rather than supernatural phenomenonthe
mind supposesabstract forces capable of
producing all phenomena - positive stage, explanations are based on
scientific laws discovered through - Experimentation
- Observation
- Logic
17Social Revolutions that Transformed Societies
- Societies transformed based on their level of
technology, communication, and economy - 1) hunters and gatherers,
- 2) horticulture,
- 3) agrarian,
- 4) industrial
- 5) postindustrial
18Hunting, Gathering Societies
- depend on hunting and gathering for their survival
19Pastoral, Horticultural Societies
- are based on the cultivation of plants by the use
of hand tools
20Agrarian, Agricultural Societies
- many more people were able to engage in
activities other than farmingto develop the
things properly known as culture,
21Industrial Societies
- machinery giving you a form of production in the
industrial society which was far more efficient
and brought even greater surplus - What was the key to the industrial revolution?
- urban migrants face many social problems,
- pollution,
- crime,
- homelessness,
- inequality
22Political Change
- a shift from a focus on peoples moral duties to
God and king to the pursuit of self interests - each citizen has
- certain inalienable rights,
- life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
- Early sociologists were deeply troubled by the
striking inequality of the new industrial society
23Legitimizing Sociology
- thinking or philosophizing about society is as
old as when people began to make records of their
activities - the classical sociological theorists observed and
criticized the industrial revolution and its
impact on societies - legitimizing sociology as a social science
24Food for Thought
- what social changes have you seen occurring?
- Are the social conditions of the average American
improving or getting worse? - How are you personally connected to somebody in
your neighborhood, in another state, or in
another country?