Title: A Days Work
1A Days Work
ByEve Bunting Genre Realistic Fiction Authors
Purpose Skill Character
2- Words to Know
- excitement
- gardener
- motioned
- sadness
- shivered
- shocked
- slammed
3More Words to Know
4excitementa condition of having strong, lively
feelings about something that you like
5gardener someone employed to take care of a
garden or lawn
6motionedmade a movement, as of the hand or head,
to get someone to do something
7sadnessunhappiness sorrow
8shiveredshook with cold, fear, or excitement
9shockedcaused to feel surprise, horror, or
10slammedthrew or hit something with great force
11Tom could see the excitement on Lindas face when
she opened the gift.
12Tom could see the excitement on Lindas face when
she opened the gift.
13He slammed the hammer down onto the nail.
14He slammed the hammer down onto the nail.
15The wet kitten shivered out in the cool night air.
16The wet kitten shivered out in the cool night
17The police officer motioned for me to pass him.
18The police officer motioned for me to pass him.
19Miss Barr was shocked to find a robber in her
20Miss Barr was shocked to find a robber in her
21Chris and Kristen showed great sadness when their
goldfish died.
22Chris and Kristen showed great sadness when
their goldfish died.
23It is good to wear sunscreen if you are a
24 It is good to wear sunscreen if you are a
25Lets review our words. Watch carefully because
they will flash on the screen for just a moment.
We will clap as we spell the word.
33Spelling Words
34Review Questionsp. 180-185
- What were the men doing in the parking lot?
- Why did Francisco need to be with his
grandfather? - What job do Francisco and Abuelo get to do?
- What was Abuelos old job?
- What job did Ben give Francisco and Abuelo?
35Review Questionsp. 186-191
- What did Francisco think his mother would say
about the money? - What mistake did the boy and his grandfather
make? - Why was Abuelo upset with his grandson?
- What two events did Francisco not want to miss on
Sunday? - How might their mistake turned out to be
something good for Abuelo?