Title: By Lori Yu
1The Bus Monitor's Worst Day
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8Pam is out sick today and will be back tomorrow
Wheres Pam?!!
Oh... OK
9Wheres my brother?!
One of us is missingI dont know what to do!
How will I ever explain how this happened?!
Man! I wish I never became bus monitor!
Im sure he knows where hes going
Lola, Im scared! Why arent we home yet?
10Honestly, I dont know where we are
I tried taking some shortcuts, but were in an
area Ive never been before
But dont you worry, Im going to radio in and
find out how to get you kids home!
Ummm Excuse me Where are we?
Ummm OK Thank you
11Oh no! My brother! He isnt with us!
Look!!! Were home!!!
Umm Well be home soon
What did he say?!
12Your brother was counting busstops and got off at
the wrong one
Phil, quick we need to get going
Luckily he got off at a friends stop and his mom
We need to go pick him up
Im sorry I wont let this happen again
Mom! I dont know what ha
13I hope everyday isnt as eventful as today