Title: IFA Promotion Postal Research Survey
1IFA PromotionPostal Research Survey
Presentation by Georgina Clarke (Ref 5067)
- Background and Methodology
- Sample Structure
- Main Results
- General Use and Purchasing
- Use of Find an IFA Service
- Advertising, Awareness and Image
3Background and Methodology
- IFA Promotion aims to assess the use, awareness,
image and value of its products and services
amongst IFAs, particularly - IFA Promotion membership blue roundel
- IFA Promotion merchandise/posters
- Sales leads from IFA Promotion hotline and
website - Being part of IFA Promotion Media Services
Directory and Press Club - Find an IFA marketing package
- TaxAction and Get Saving! marketing packs
- In 2001 IFA Promotion commissioned Consensus
Research to carry out a basic benchmark
quantitative study involving 100 structured
telephone interviews - In 2002 and 2003 a similar study was carried out
by IFA Promotion using a postal methodology,
which was repeated again in 2004 - The questionnaire was mailed to all IFAP members
- This presentation compares results from all three
surveys, which achieved the following responses - 2002 2140
- 2003 1765
- 2004 1422
4Sample Structure
5Sample Structure (1)
Geographic Distribution
Age of Company
6Sample Structure (2)
IFA Organisation
IFA Experience
7Sample Structure (3)
Number of Years Company Has Belonged to IFA
8Main Results General Use and Purchasing
9As in previous years, two thirds of IFAs say use
of IFA Promotion roundel/logo is main benefit of
Q5 What would you say are the main benefits you
have received from your membership of IFA
- National IFAs and Independent Multiple IFAs more
likely to say sales leads from website are main
benefit - Free marketing guides main benefit for more
Independent Multiple IFAs - Less experienced IFAs more likely to say sales
leads via website is main benefit, while
experienced IFAs say leads via hotline
Added in 2004
10Less experienced IFAs more likely to say sales
leads via website is main benefit, while
experienced IFAs say leads via hotline
Q5 What would you say are the main benefits you
have received from your membership of IFA
Added in 2004
11Blue roundel logos are merchandise bought by most
IFAs, although less than previous years
Q6 Have you bought any of the following
merchandise from IFA Promotion?
- Experienced IFAs more likely to buy blue roundel
logos and brochures/ factsheets than newcomers - Independent Multiple IFAs more likely to buy
merchandise, particularly blue roundel logos
Added in 2003
12Independent Multiple IFAs more likely to buy
merchandise, particularly blue roundel logos
Q6 Have you bought any of the following
merchandise from IFA Promotion?
Added in 2003
13Slight decline in overall use of blue roundel
logo, but still used more on letterheads and
business cards
Q7 Thinking about the blue roundel IFA logo, do
you have it incorporated in your
- Independent IFAs and Network Members make more
versatile use of logo than National IFAs - Logo placed on letterheads and business cards by
more Network Members - Logo placed on office windows, website and
brochures by more Independent Multiple IFAs - Proportion of National IFAs who do not use logo
continues to increase (now 40 from 27 in 2002)
14Large range of reasons for not using blue roundel
Q8 If you do not use the IFA Promotion Roundel,
please tell us why
- National IFAs have more restrictions - not added
to stationary and not part corporate identity - More Network Members and Independent Single IFAs
do not see the need / value of using the logo - Lowest awareness of being able to use logo among
Independent Multiple IFAs
Base IFAs not using the roundel (222)
15Majority agree blue roundel is seen as the symbol
for IFAs and a third say being unable to use logo
would affect business
Q9 It has been said that the roundel is useful
to IFAs because consumers and businesses see it
as the symbol for IFAs. Do you agree or disagree
with this?
16The vast majority agree that the blue roundel is
seen by consumers and businesses as the symbol
for IFAs
Q9 It has been said that the roundel is useful
to IFAs because consumers and businesses see it
as the symbol for IFAs. Do you agree or disagree
with this?
17Around a third of all IFAs say being unable to
use roundel logo would affect business
Q10 If you ceased to belong to IFA Promotion and
were unable to use the roundel, would this have
any effect on your business?
18Being unable to use roundel slightly more likely
to affect IFAs based in London/South East and
those with long IFAP experience
Q10 If you ceased to belong to IFA Promotion and
were unable to use the roundel, would this have
any effect on your business?
19Being unable to use roundel would affect IFAs as
its easily recognised, helps with identification
and suggests independence
Q11 Please could you provide further information
on your above answer?
It would affect business because
Logo has become an easily recognised symbol
Logo is valuable for identification purposes
Logo is a mark of independence
Base All IFAs saying would affect (438)
20Main Results Use of Find an IFA Service
21Slight increase in number of referrals received
via IFA Promotion
Q12 You are probably aware of the IFA Promotion
Find an IFA Hotline and web service. About how
many of these enquiries do you think you have
received in the last year?
22The majority of referrals received through Find
and IFA Hotline and web service continue to be
consumer leads
Q13 How many of these enquiries were from
businesses and how many were from consumers?
- 76 of consumer referrals resulted in actual
business (declining over time - 82 in 2003, 86
in 2002)
Base All IFAs who have received referrals (1013)
Base All IFAs who have received consumer
referrals (881)
23The majority of referrals received through Find
and IFA Hotline and web service continue to be
consumer leads
Q13 How many of these enquiries were from
businesses and how many were from consumers?
- 76 of consumer referrals resulted in actual
business (declining over time - 82 in 2003, 86
in 2002)
Question wording improved causing decline in Dks
Base All IFAs who have received referrals (1013)
24The majority of IFAs think positively towards the
quality of consumer referrals from IFA Promotion
Q15 In general which of these phrases best
describes your opinion of the quality of the
enquiries you receive, in respect of generating
new business?
Note Base sizes too small to analyse business
Base All IFAs who have received consumer
referrals (881)
25Majority agree that marketing package would be
useful, but few feel 249 is good value
Q16 In July IFAP launched an online marketing
package designed to help you attract more
customers to your IFAP database entry. How useful
do you think this could be to your business?
26Client referrals continue to be main source of
new business, but business via IFAP website is
increasing over time
Q18 Which of these sources would you say is
responsible for generating most of your new
(Corporate Scheme)
27Main Results Advertising, Awareness and Image
28Over a quarter take part in corporate advertising
scheme, highest among Independent Multiples and
IFAs with long IFAP experience
Q19 Does your firm take part in the Yellow
Pages/Thomsons corporate advertising scheme
negotiated by IFAP on behalf of its members?
- Likelihood to take part in corporate advertising
scheme is higher for older companies and more
experienced IFAs
29Awareness of IFA Promotion media advertising, on
behalf of the industry, gradually declining over
time, lower among National IFAs
Q20 As you are probably aware, IFA Promotion
places advertising in the media on behalf of the
industry? Can you remember seeing any of this
advertising recently?
- Awareness particularly low (27) among IFAs new
30IFA Promotion media advertising mainly seen in
national newspapers, but more has been noticed in
local newspapers
Q21 If yes, can you remember where you saw this
Base All IFAs who remember seeing any recent
advertising (556)
31Overall awareness of Media Services Directory and
Hotline remains static, higher among National IFAs
Q22 IFA Promotion operates online and published
versions of its Media Services Directory and
Media Services Hotline (formally known an Press
Services). Have you heard of these?
- A quarter of IFAs who are aware of Media
Services Directory and Hotline are included in
it, this remains static
32A quarter of IFAs who are aware of Media Services
Directory and Hotline are included in it, this
remains static
Q23 Are you actually in the Media Services
Base All IFAs who heard of the Media Services
Directory and Hotline (397)
33The majority like the principle of Media Services
Directory and Hotline, Independent Multiple IFAs
are slightly more positive
Q24 The Media Services Directory and Hotline are
services offered to journalist. Which of these
statements best describes how you feel about this
- Just over a third would be interested in giving
comment to the media, highest among National IFAs
34Just over a third would be interested in giving
comment to the media, highest among National IFAs
Q25 Would you personally be interested in giving
comment to the media and providing them with case
35Over half find the TaxAction pack useful, highest
among National IFAs
Q26 Around March, IFA Promotion sends out
TaxAction marketing packs to all its members
prior to launching the annual TaxAction campaign.
Would you say you find the pack?
36Opinion regarding usefulness of Get Saving!
Campaign pack is polarised, most useful for
Nationals (as for TaxAction pack)
Q27 A similar pack is sent out in October via
email to support the Get Saving! Campaign. Would
you say you find this pack?
37Around two fifths of IFAs have heard of the
regional Press Club, a similar proportion would
be interested in being part of it
Q28 There is a service, similar to the Media
Services Directory, but operated on a local basis
through IFA Promotions Regional Press Officer.
This is called the Press Club. Have you heard of
this service?
- Independent Single (46) and IFAs based in
Scotland/NI have highest awareness (53) - Nationals and Independent Multiple IFAs have the
lowest (both 34)
38Just under three quarters receive Update, and
there is a slight decline in usefulness over time
Q30 Do you get Update, IFA Promotions
bi-monthly newsletter in your office?
- Nationals (32) and IFAs new to IFAP (36) least
likely to get Update
Base All IFAs (1422)
39National Press and Trade Press are main places
where editorial mentions of IFA Promotion have
been seen
Q32 Can you remember seeing any editorial
mentions of IFA Promotion in the following places?
- Independent Multiples (22) and IFAs new to IFAP
(21) more likely to have seen mentions online
Added in 2004
40Majority of IFAs are positive towards IFA
Q30 Here are a few statements other IFAs have
made about IFA Promotion. For each one, please
tick the corresponding box to indicate whether
you agree or disagree with it?
On the whole IFA Promotion does a good job for
The IFAP roundel is a sign of quality recognised
by consumers
IFA Promotion is the single body of most value to
The IFAP is mainly of use to the smaller IFA
I feel I get very poor value from my IFAP
41Majority of IFAs agree IFA Promotion do a good
job and that the IFAP roundel is a sign of
quality for consumers
Q30 Here are a few statements other IFAs have
made about IFA Promotion. For each one, please
tick the corresponding box to indicate whether
you agree or disagree with it?
On the whole IFA Promotion does a good job for
The IFAP roundel is a sign of quality recognised
by consumers
42Two thirds agree IFA Promotion is single body of
most value, but opinion is split regarding main
use being to smaller groups
Q30 Here are a few statements other IFAs have
made about IFA Promotion. For each one, please
tick the corresponding box to indicate whether
you agree or disagree with it?
IFA Promotion is the single body of most value to
The IFAP is mainly of use to the smaller IFA
43Two thirds of IFAs are positive about the value
they get from their IFAP membership
Q30 Here are a few statements other IFAs have
made about IFA Promotion. For each one, please
tick the corresponding box to indicate whether
you agree or disagree with it?
I feel I get very poor value from my IFAP
45Summary (1)
- General Use and Purchasing
- IFA Promotion members continue to say use of
roundel/logo is main benefit of membership (63) - Proportion who say there are no benefits remains
low (11) - Blue roundel logos purchased by 44 of IFAs
although 50 did not respond to this question - Slight decline in overall use of logo used most
on letterheads (59) and business cards (56) - Proportion who use logo on website remains static
(20) - Majority (84) of IFAP members agree that blue
roundel logo is useful as consumers and
businesses see it as the symbol for IFAs (52
agree a lot, 32 agree a little) - Almost a third (31) say being unable to use
roundel logo would affect their business
46Summary (2)
- Use of Find an IFA Service
- Average number of referrals received in last year
has increased slightly from 3.7 to 4.0 - 17 have received 6 or more (12 in 2003)
- As previously, the majority of referrals were
consumer (87) including 4 which were both
consumer and business leads - Fewer consumer leads resulted in actual business
than last year (76 from 82) - Majority felt consumer leads were very good (14)
or reasonable (62) quality - Online marketing package, launched in July,
receives a positive response - 24 said it could be very useful, 36 said a
little useful - However, few (14) rate it good value for money
if priced at 249 VAT for a year
47Summary (3)
- Advertising, Awareness and Image
- Over a quarter (28) take part in the Yellow
Pages/Thomsons corporate advertising scheme - Awareness of IFA Promotions media advertising,
on behalf of the industry, in slight decline over
time (now 39 say they have seen advertising
recently) - Awareness of Media Services Directory and Hotline
remains consistent (28) - Among those who are aware, 25 are included in
the directory (also static since last year) - Reaction to these services remains positive (52
like the idea) and 36 would personally be
interested in providing comment or case studies - Reaction to marketing packs continues to be
positive - 54 find the TaxAction pack useful (15 very
useful) - 45 find Get Saving! pack useful (9 very useful)
48Summary (4)
- 40 are aware of local Press Club service and 38
would be interested in participation - The proportion of IFAP members who acknowledge
receiving Update newsletter remains equal to last
year (72) - 82 find it useful (8 say very useful)
- Awareness of editorial mentions of IFAP remains
static, with National Press (39) and Trade Press
(38) being main places where mentions have been
seen - Overall view of IFA Promotion continues to be
positive - 90 agree they do a good job for IFAs (43 agree
strongly) - 83 agree the roundel is a sign of quality
recognised by consumers (43 agree strongly) - 65 agree IFAP is single body of most value to
IFAs (19 agree strongly) - 45 agree IFAP is mainly of use to smaller IFA
groups (7 agree strongly, 49 disagree) - 30 believe they get very poor value from their
IFAP membership (64 disagree)