Title: Department of Physics
1Model Spectra of Neutron Star Surface Thermal
Emission---Diffusion Approximation
- Department of Physics
- National Tsing Hua University
- G.T. Chen
- 2005/11/3
- Assumptions
- Radiation Transfer Equation
- ------Diffusion Approximation
- Improved Feautrier Method
- Temperature Correction
- Results
- Future work
- Plane-parallel atmosphere( local model).
- Radiative equilibrium( energy transported solely
by radiation ) . - Hydrostatics. All physical quantities are
independent of time - The composition of the atmosphere is fully
ionized ideal hydrogen gas. - No magnetic field
5P(t) ?(t) T(t)
Improved Feautrier Method
Flux const
Radiation transfer equation
Diffusion Approximation
Flux ?const
Unsold Lucy process
Temperature correction
6The structure of neutron star atmosphere
- Gray atmosphere (Trail temperature profile)
- Equation of state
- Oppenheimer-Volkoff
The Rosseland mean depth
7The structure of neutron star atmosphere
The Rosseland mean opacity
If given an effective temperature( Te ) and
effective gravity ( g ) , we can get
(The structure of NS atmosphere)
8Parameters In this Case
- First ,we consider the effective temperature is
106 K and effective gravity is 1014 cm/s2
9Flux const
Diffusion Approximation
Flux ?const
Unsold Lucy process
Temperature correction
10Radiation Transfer Equation
11Diffusion Approximation
tgtgt1 ,
(1) Integrate all solid angle and divide by 4p
(2) Times µ ,then integrate all solid angle and
divide by 4p
12Diffusion Approximation
We assume the form of the specific intensity is
always the same in all optical depth
13Radiation Transfer Equation
14Radiation Transfer Equation
(1) Integrate all solid angle and divide by 4p
(2) Times µ ,then integrate all solid angle and
divide by 4p
Note J? ?I ? dO/4p H? ?I ?µdO/4p
K? ?I ? µ2dO/4p
15Radiation Transfer Equation
From (2) ,
And according to D.A.
16Radiation Transfer Equation
substitute into (1) ,
17RTE---Boundary Conditions
t1,t2,t3, . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .,tD
18RTE---Boundary Conditions
at t0
19RTE---Boundary Condition
at t8
? dO
20RTE---Boundary Condition
at t8
21Improved Feautrier Method
To solve the RTE of u , we use the outer boundary
condition ,and define some discrete parameters,
then we get the recurrence relation of u
22Improved Feautrier Method
Initial conditions
23Improved Feautrier Method
- Put the inner boundary condition into the
relation , we can get the uu (t) - ? F F (t)
- Choose the delta-logtau0.01
- from tau10-7 1000
- Choose the delta-lognu0.1
- from freq.1015 1019
Note first, we put BC1 in the relation
25Unsold-Lucy Process
? dO
Note J? ?I ? dO/4p H? ?I ?µdO/4p
K? ?I ? µ2dO/4p
26Unsold-Lucy Process
define B ?B? d? , J ?J? d?, H ?H? d?, K ?K?
define Planck mean ?p ??ff B? d? /B
intensity mean ?J ? ?ff J? d?/J
flux mean ?H ?(?ff?sc )H? d?/H
27Unsold-Lucy Process
Eddington approximation J(t)3K(t) and
Use Eddington approximation and combine above two
30Effective temperature 106 K
31Te106 K
32Te106 K
33Te106 K
34Te106 K
35Te106 K
36(No Transcript)
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38Te106 K frequency1017 Hz
39Te106 K
40BC1 vs BC2
41BC1 vs BC2
Te106 K
42BC1 vs BC2
Te106 K
43- The results of using BC1 and BC2 are almost the
same - BC1 has more physical meanings, so we take the
results of using BC1 to compare with
Non-diffusion approximation solutions calculated
by Soccer
44Diffusion Approximationvs Non-Diffusion
This part had been calculated by Soccer
45Te106 K
46Te106 K
47Te106 K frequency1016 Hz
48Te106 K frequency1017 Hz
49Te106 K frequency1018 Hz
50Te106 K
51Te5105 K
52Te5105 K
53Te5105 K
54Te5106 K
55Te5106 K
56Te5106 K
57- The results with higher effective temperature are
more closed to Non-DA solutions than with lower
effective temperature - When ? is large , the difference between two
methods is large - The computing time for this method is faster
than another - The results comparing with Non-DA are not good
58Future Work
- Including magnetic field effects in R.T.E, and
solve the eq. by diffusion approximation - Compare with Non-D.A. results
- Another subject
- One and two-photon process calculation
59To Be Continued.
60(No Transcript)
61Te106 K intensity of gray temperature
?1017 Hz
62Te106 K Total flux of gray temperature