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Task Track System. Muhammad Ali Khan. Background of the Problem. Employees provide daily status ... The daily inputs from employees allow mangers to know how ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Slides

Task Track System
Muhammad Ali Khan
Background of the Problem
  • Employees provide daily status report by an
  • The daily inputs from employees allow mangers to
    know how each employee is doing and what is the
    status of each project.
  • It becomes impossible to keep track of all the
    status reports of all the employees/projects at
    the end of the year, which leads to incorrect

Statement of the Problem
  • Managers face great difficulty to prepare
    specific employee/project report to share with
    upper management/executives of the firm.
  • Manual system no longer meets the needs of the
    company and firm loses a lot of money every year.
  • As Software business is competitive and its
    difficult to gain competitive advantage over
    rivals without controlling the costs, theres a
    need of custom software that can allow mangers to
    better manage the employees and the projects.

Objectives of the Project
  • Cost Reduction
  • Project Management and employee performance
  • Facilitate management in better decision making.

Objectives of the Project
  • Basic Users (Departmental Employees)
  • Admin Users (Managers/Department Head)

Basic Users
  • Can select a projects name from a list all the
    Active projects.
  • Can view/add/delete/modify their comments on a
    specific project that they selected from a list
    of Active projects.
  • Can view/modify/delete the entire history of
    their comments filtered by project name they
    selected from a list.
  • Dont need an ID/Password to access the

Admin Users
  • Can view/add /modify projects using the Add and
    Modify Projects options.
  • Can see/print the detail of all the projects i.e.
    status, cost, total hrs etc.
  • Can also track/print projects and projects
    history by selecting Run Reports option. As a
    manager they can look at the comments made by all
    the users regarding a specific project.
  • Can track/print employees performance by looking
    at different reports. This way manager can find
    out employees' contribution towards different

Development Plan
  • Development Environment/Platform
  • Windows XP Professional / Windows Server 2003.
  • Internet Information Services 6.0 with .Net
    framework 2.0.
  • Microsoft SQL server 2000.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio.NET 2005, MS Front Page

Development Plan
  • Web Hosting
  • DiscountASP.NET, famous hosting company that
    supports ASP.NET 2.0, SQL Server 2000/2005, IIS
    6.0 or higher.

UI, Controls and Database
  • Used CSS Style Sheets, Skins and DHTML to enhance
  • Used ASP.NET and HTML controls e.g. GridView,
    DetailsView, DropDown, Listbox, Calendar,
    RadioButtonList etc.
  • Used SQLDataSource and ObjectDataSource for
    database access and transactions. Developed a
    database with 4 tables and 4 database triggers.

Basic User Website
  • System displays a list of all employees in the
    department, user select his/her name to proceed.

Basic User Website
  • System displays a list of all Active projects in
    the department and the details of last comment
    user made concerning each project.

Basic User Website
  • Users can select the project and add a new
    comment to it, they can also modify the last
    comment they made concerning selected project.

Basic User Website
Basic User Website
  • Users can click on Click for detail link to look
    at their entire history of the comments regarding
    that selected project.

Basic User Website
  • Click on Click for detail link shows the entire
    history of Users comments for the Project. It
    also adds up all the hours and shows Totals at
    the bottom, this way user can see how many hours
    they spent on each project.

Basic User Website
Basic User Website
  • Each page has appropriate edits/checks to verify
    user input before submitting request to
    Web/Database server.

Basic User Website
  • On each of these data driven pages, user can sort
    data by any field/column. For example user can
    sort by Name, Comments, Hrs or Date on the
    following screens. Clicking first time on the
    column name will sort in ascending and second
    time will sort the data in descending order.

Basic User Website
Basic User Website
  • Each page has a running message, which moves from
    right to left with an Image (New) and some Text,
    clicking on Click here for detail shows some
    details/help to the basic users.

Admin User Website
  • Because administrators will have access to
    sensitive information, they would need an
    ID/Password to access the system.

Admin User Website
Admin User Website
  • The screen below shows a main menu and provides
    different tools to Manage Employees. Each page
    has a running message, clicking on Click here for
    detail shows some details/help regarding admin

Admin User Website
Admin User Website
  • Add Projects option allows admin to add new
    project in the database. The status of newly
    added project is always defaulted to P (Pending).
    Admin can modify the project status and other
    info by clicking on modify project. Again
    appropriate edits/checks are in place to confirm
    user input and to avoid incorrect entry into the

Admin User Website
Admin User Website
  • Clicking on Modify Project allows admin to modify
    project related information. Setting appropriate
    status is really important, basic users can only
    add comments to the active projects. Acceptable
    inputs for Status columns are A (active), C
    (Complete), M (Miscellaneous) and P (Pending).
    Admin can also modify the costs associated with
    the project e.g. TE (Training and Equipment), Mis
    Cost (Miscellaneous Cost), Hr Rate (average per
    hour rate of the all the developers working on
    the project), Benefit Rate (average per hour
    employee benefit rate) etc. These costs are very
    important to compute total cost of the
    project/employee when admin runs different

Admin User Website
Admin User Website
  • Manage Employees section is only created for
    testing/demo purpose. Practically payroll
    department maintains up to date employees
    information (table), other departments request
    that information on daily bases (through an
    automated database process). Daily update is
    necessary because employees get hired, fired and
    laid off every day. These types of departmental
    applications just import some information from
    employees table maintained by payroll department.
    In most companies, payroll department only allow
    other departments to just read limited number of
    column/fields, e.g. social security numbers and
    other sensitive information is normally not
    passed. Last Name, First Name, Job Title (can be
    helpful to see if the user is admin or simple
    user), and Employee ID is enough for this type of

Admin User Website
Admin User Website
  • In some situations even managers/executives work
    on developing certain projects and want to log
    their hours in the system (for tracking and
    project cost calculation), Add Comments option
    allows them to do that. Option allows admin
    entering comments/hours, just like a basic user.

Admin User Website
Admin User Website
Admin User Website
  • Run Reports in one of the most important features
    of the system. Administrator can prepare report
    by selecting Project Name or by selecting
    Employee Name. Admin can select multiple projects
    or multiple employees but cant select both
    Employee and Project name, only one criteria is
    allowed. Checking active check box will include
    all active projects, checking complete check box
    will include the completed projects and Checking
    Mis check box will include all the miscellaneous
    projects etc.

Admin User Website
  • Following screen shot shows a report of 4
    different projects with Total Cost, Total Hrs and
    other columns. Normally department heads/managers
    present this type of report to the executives of
    the company. Note that Summary column is empty.
    Summary column is different from Project
    Description or regular Comments. It can be useful
    to display the summary/status (it can answer
    different question e.g. why project is in
    pending? Why its not completed etc) of the
    project to the executive. Summary can be modified
    by clicking Modify Project option from the Main
    Menu (Manage Projects page). Printed copies
    without date and time can be confusing and
    managers wont remember when they ran each report
    they have in their file. Displaying correct time
    and date is very important for tracking, this way
    managers/executives can see when they printed the
    report last time and what the status of each
    project/employee was at that time.

Admin User Website
Admin User Website
  • By clicking on View Detail Administrators can
    look at the comments made by all the users
    regarding the selected project. Again they can
    sort the data by any column they want to,
    clicking first time on the column will sort in
    ascending and second time will sort the data in
    descending order. Administrators can ensure that
    Totals (Total hours) always match with hours
    showed in main (summary) report.

Admin User Website
  • Selecting Testing Database Queries Project and
    clicking on View Detail displays a detail
    regarding that project.

Admin User Website
  • Administrators can also track employees
    performance by selecting one or more employee
    names from a list, this way manager can find out
    employees' contribution towards different

Admin User Website
  • Clicking on View Detail displays all the
    comments/work/hours employee entered regarding
    specific project. Screen below, shows all the
    comments made by Nancy, Davolio for Testing
    Database Queries project.

Admin User Website
  • User session expires after 20 minutes of
    inactivity and system displays the following page
    if Admin tries to use the system. Application
    also displays this page, when user tries to use
    the system without logging in.

Admin User Website
  • Code handles most exceptions and errors however
    in case of any internal error or unhandled
    exceptions, this user friendly error message will
    be displayed to the user.

  • Project meets the objectives i.e. the need to
    reduce costs, increase the utilization of its
    intranet infrastructure, provide better tracking
    of its employees and facilitate management in
    better decision making.
  • Project also meets the needs of stakeholders.

  • CompuSCRIP (Steve, Williams) Retrieved February
    9, 2007 from http//
  • Xu Niaxin (Amanda) Retrieved February 9, 2007
    from http//
  • Stanley Singer. (Last communication was on 2007,
    June 14). Project Leader, Hertz Corporation U.S.A
  • Terry Mitchum. (Last communication was on 2007,
    June 25). Vice President Development, a la mode,
    Inc U.S.A
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