Title: The Interstellar Medium
1The Interstellar Medium and Star Formation
2interior to suns orbit.
4suns vicinity
5500 pc view of the local ISM
Tim Glover The Guide to the
6On a smaller scale, the sun and local fluff
are near the center of a bubble of relatively
low density.
red, yellow high density
Locally the density is about 0.5 cm-3, but the
bubble has a density more like 0.01 cm-3 and a
temperature 105 106 K. The sun is moving to
the left in this diagram (towards Vega) at about
20 km s-1.
7The sun is in a local region of somewhat higher
density called the local fluff. The density
there is 0.1 atom cm-3. The sun is moving
towards Vega.
Blue OB Yellow AFG Red KM
8Mass 35 40 20 lt5
. basically hydrogen in various forms
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14very rough a large range is observed
also studied in 21 cm
(sometimes up to 1000 cm-3)
.01 0.1 cm-3
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17Mass 35 40 20 lt5
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19Coronal Gas
- Small fraction of the ISM mass
- Large fraction of the volume (50)
- Emission lines in the ultraviolet, e.g., O VI
- Found in vicinity of supernova remnants and
above disk. Heated by supernova shocks? Cosmic
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21H II Regions
- About 700 in our Galaxy
- Ionized by intense uv-flux from stars within,
especially O stars - Detected in radio from high n transitions in
hydrogen. Also optical emission in Balmer and
Lyman series. Oxygen forbidden lines make them
appear greenish.T 104 K - Most abundant between 4 to 8 kpc and in spiral
arms of the Milky Way. Trace regions of
recent star formation. - Brightest is less than a million years old.
- Often are embedded in have molecular clouds
- Colorful, but not a major part of the Galaxys
mass or volume
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23The Great Nebula in Orion. An illuminated portion
of a nearby (1300 ly) giant molecular cloud. The
field of view here is 32 arc min. Each arc min at
this distance is about 0.4 ly.
24The Great Nebula in Orion. A larger field of
view. 46 arc min. The inner regions are glowing
in the lines of excited hydrogen which together
with some green from oxygen emission give the
inner nebula a yellowish color. The entire nebula
is 29 x 26 light years.
25The Trapezium cluster of stars illuminates the
Orion Nebula. These are the brightest members of
a substantial cluster many of whose members
lie hidden behind gas and dust. 8 arc min wide
field of view. Distance 1300 light years.
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27Lagoon Nebula in Sagitarius 5000 ly away
spans 90 x 40 arc min and 130 by 60 light years.
Another H II region on the boundary of a
molecular cloud (like Orion)
28 29Molecular Hydrogen
- Traced by the radio emission of CO which is found
in the same (cold, dense) conditions with a
near constant proportionality to molecular
hydrogen. H2 itself is not observable in the
radio. - Mostly concentrated in a ring around the center
of the Galaxy - interior to the suns orbit at 4 to 6 kpc
- Mostly clumped into clouds ranging in mass from
several solar masses to 106 solar masses and
sizes from a few ly to 600 ly - Molecular clouds contain dust that shields the
molecules from destruction by starlight. - Some evidence that about 90 of the molecular
hydrogen is contained in 5000 giant cloud
complexes with typical masses 105 that of the
sun and sizes gt65 ly.
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36123 different molecules have now been detected in
space. Most are organic. HC11N is the heaviest.
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42These infrared line features are
characteristic of ices and silicates.
430.2 m
1 m 10-6 m 10-4cm
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51Star Formation Scenario - varies
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