Title: 13' The interstellar medium: dust
113. The interstellar medium dust 13.5
Interstellar polarization 14. Galactic cosmic
rays 15. The galactic magnetic field
The Crab nebula, M1, a supernova remnant in Taurus
2- Interstellar polarization
- Polarized light has electric field confined to
one plane - transverse to propagation
- Stars emit light which is unpolarized
- Partial polarization is possible after starlight
has - passed through a dust cloud of aligned
elongated - dust grains
- Degree of polarization can be expressed in
magnitudes - using a polarizing filter on a polarimeter
3- The observations
- Polarization is limited to stars near galactic
plane, b ? 5º - Mostly the observed polarizations are small
?mp?0.03, - but occasionally as high as 0.15 mag.
- All highly polarized stars are also highly
reddened by IS - dust
- But, some reddened stars are not polarized at
all - Ratio of polarization to extinction is
4- The explanation
- Polarization requires alignment of rotating dust
grains - in the weak galactic magnetic field (actually
it is the - rotation axes which are aligned)
- Polarization requires the grains to be elongated,
not - spherical
- Polarization is strong when we see distant stars
through - a transverse magnetic field (l 140º and
320º), but - weak when we look along the field lines (l
30º - and 260º)
- Direction of the field is approximately along
spiral arms
5Observations of interstellar polarization as
function of galactic coordinates. The plane and
amount of polarization is shown by the short
lines for each star
6- Galactic cosmic rays
- Cosmic rays are high energy particles, mainly
protons - (90 by number) or a-particles (4He nuclei)
(9 ). - Remainder are nuclei of heavier elements,
especially - 12C, 16O, 14N, 20Ne, 24Mg, 28Si and 56Fe.
- Cosmic ray energies are in the range 109 to 1020
eV - lt109 eV, CR merge with solar wind and
deflected by - Earths mag. field at 1020 eV very few or
no CR - exist. Far fewer high energy CR than low flux
? E-2.7
7The energy spectrum of galactic cosmic rays. Note
the smooth and featureless spectrum. Note also
the very low flux of high energy particles.
8- CR travel in the Galaxy at speeds gt0.99 c
- CR fill the whole galactic disk and arrive on
Earth - travelling in all directions
- CR are confined to the Galaxy by a weak
galactic - magnetic field
- Bgal 3 10-6 G
- CR particles bent into curved path of radius r
E/ceB - by a mag. field.
- At E 1010 eV, r 0.7 AU CR tightly confined
- E 1020 eV, r 36 kpc - size of Galaxy, no
9- Composition of cosmic rays
- Composition of CR shows some similarities with
that - of Sun
- But CR have much higher abundance of light
elements - lithium, beryllium and boron (Li, Be and B)
than in Sun - (e.g. Li/H 1011 in Sun 4 106 in CR)
- Compared with stars, CR have higher abundance of
- elements heavier than O, and they are
deficient in - elements H, He.
10Abundances of elements in CR show Li, Be and B
much enhanced
11- Interaction of cosmic rays with the ISM
- Heavier cosmic ray particles (e.g. C, N, O
nuclei) crash - into IS gas clouds, mainly HI, and the high
energy - collisions cause fragments of these nuclei to
be broken - off. Some of these fragments are nuclei of the
elements - Li, Be and B.
- Such nuclear reactions are known as spallation
reactions - Spallation causes the abundance of Li, Be, B to
slowly - build up in CR over their lifetime.
- Composition of CR thus slowly but continuously
- changing with time over millions of years
12EGRET (1991) satellite all-sky gamma-ray survey
showing the Galaxy in gamma-rays. The gamma rays
are emitted when cosmic rays interact with the
interstellar medium.
13- Age of cosmic rays
- The typical path length of CR particles through
ISM - can be determined from the observed amount of
- Li, Be and B in CR, based on there being 106
H - atoms m-3 in ISM
- Path length through ISM found is 2 106 light
years - Velocity of CR is V c
- Hence mean age of CR particles is 2 106
years - Size of Galaxy is 105 light years, so CR must
travel - in curved paths (this is indirect evidence for
a mag. field) - Oldest CR are age 4 106 years (twice mean
14Motion of a charged particle in a magnetic
field. The path is a helix oriented along the
field lines.
15- Original composition of cosmic rays
- The original (t 0) composition of CR can be
predicted - by extrapolating their slowly changing
composition - backwards through 4 106 years
- This t 0 composition is dominated by 12C, 16O
with a - little 14N, 20Ne, 24Mg, 28Si, 56Fe. This is
the composition - of CR at their source
16CR abundances at their source (supernovae?) are
predicted to be rich in alpha particles and also
C and O nuclei. The arriving cosmic rays contain
small amounts of Li, Be and B.
17- Source of cosmic rays
- Presumed source of CR is supernova explosions
- There are probably 2 or 3 supernovae/century in
a - typical spiral galaxy, including the Milky Way
- CR lose their energy by colliding with ISM in a
few - million years. Hence supply of new CR must be
- continuous
- Energy density of CR in Galaxy 106 eV/m3
- Total energy of all CR in whole galactic disk
1048 J - Energy replacement rate 1034 J/s
18The Crab nebula The Crab Nebula is the remnant
of a star that exploded in 1054 AD. It
was observed by Chinese astronomers
19The Vela super- nova remnant The Vela
supernova remnant, 10,000 years after the
20Thye origin of cosmic rays may be from the
acceleration of atoms in the ISM by shock waves
from nearby supernova explosions
21- Energy released in supernova explosions
- Each supernova releases energy of about 1044 J
- This energy is initially in form of kinetic
energy of - ejected material, photons and neutrinos
- Mean energy released by 3 supernovae/century
- (3 1044/3 109) J/s 1035 J/s
- (as 1 century 3 109 s)
- The energy released by supernovae is about 10
greater - than that required to account for the energy
of CR - CR may be accelerated to high energy in shock
fronts in - ISM near the supernova site
22- The galactic magnetic field
- Evidence for a galactic magnetic field
- Faraday rotation of plane of polarization of
radio - waves
- IS dust grain alignment causing polarization of
some - stars reddened by IS dust
- Zeeman splitting of 21-cm line of HI
- Cosmic ray confinement in Galaxy
23- All methods give consistent estimates of the
field at - B 3 106 gauss
- (cf. B? 0.3 G)
- Magnetic field appears to be oriented along the
- Galaxys spiral arms
24End of lecture 11