Title: Little Blue Penguin
1Little Blue Penguin
By Sonia , Daniel, Reanna , and Donny.
2 The Little Blue Penguin lives in the Sub
Antartic Regions South of New Zealand. His
habitat can be in burrows or rock crevices,
shallow waters near shore.
3The Little Blue Penguin is 16-17 inches tall and
weights about 2 pounds. His feathers are the
color of indigo blue and the slate is gray.
4 The Little Blue Penguin eats fish and
5The Little Blue Penguin is afraid of sharks,
seals, killer whales, large gulls ,oil spills,
plastic, and the gill net fishing.
6Movie Time !
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9Ready For Another Movie!
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12End Movie Time !
13Our Resources
- http//www.siec.k12.in.us/west/proj/penguins/littl
e.html - http//www.penguins.cl/little-penguins.htm
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Penguin
- http//www.eliasdesigns.com/penguins/misc.htm
- http//streaming.discoveryeducation.com/search/ass
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14 The End