Title: Workshop Title
1Building Procurement Fitness
Building Procurement Fitness
Reverse Auctions in eVA
Jacky Suiter, eCommerce Analyst, eVA Project
Team, DPS Judith Wallace, Sr. Statewide Contract
Officer, DPS
2Buyers - Auction Preparation and Posting
- n Create the Solicitation document
- Use Document Code RA (Reverse Auction)
- Header page
- Open to all Vendors or
- Use vendor restricted list (after pre-bid
conference) - Commodity Line
- Set Starting Bid Price Optional
- Publishing Page
- Enter a Let Date (publish date)
- Enter Starting Date/Time
- Enter Closing Date/Time
- Mandatory Pre-Bid conference
- Create Automatic extensions
- n Publish/post the auction for public viewing
- Upon clicking Submit
- eVA executes email push to vendors
- Posted on VBO
Building Procurement Fitness
3Creating the Solicitation
- To enable a quicker search, include the phrase
Reverse Auction in the description. To allow
all vendors to have an opportunity to participate
in the auction, do not check Vendor List
Restricted Responses
Building Procurement Fitness
4Amending the Solicitation
- n As a result of a mandatory pre-bid conference,
modify the solicitation to check Vendor List
Restricted Responses to allow those vendors that
attended the conference to participate in the
auction. -
Building Procurement Fitness
5Restricted Vendor List
- Used after mandatory pre-bid conference.
Amendment is issued indicating the vendors who
will be allowed to participate in the auction
Building Procurement Fitness
6Commodity Line Setup
- n Enter commodity code, line type, quantity,
unit of measure and unit price. Set Starting
Bid Price is optional-allows vendors to see
where bidding will begin. However, do not check
Set Starting Bid Price unless you know the
current commodity market.
Building Procurement Fitness
7Publishing the Auction
- Enter information in all date/time fields.
Determine if you will use extensions and plan
them carefully. -
Building Procurement Fitness
8Publishing the Amended Auction
- Takes place once the pre-bid conference has been
Building Procurement Fitness
Extension in Minutes increased from 5 to 10
9Canceling an Auction
Click Action Menu, Edit-Discard. Click Validate
and Submit to Finalize
Building Procurement Fitness
10Vendors- finding the Reverse Auction
- Go to http//www.eva.virginia.gov and login with
your username and password -
Building Procurement Fitness
11Navigating to the Auction
- Enter a name or description in
Building Procurement Fitness
12Navigating to the Auction
- Search for the auction by entering the word
auction into the keyword search field, then
select Open at Search by Status
Building Procurement Fitness
13Joining the Auction
Note bolded buttons All are important, however,
Pre-qualified vendors, Auction bids and Create
Response are crucial
Building Procurement Fitness
14Monitoring the Auction after clicking Auction
Displays lowest bid for each commodity line
Building Procurement Fitness
Critical Click Refresh often to update time left
on Auction
15Creating a Response after clicking Create
Click Step 2 Item Lines
Building Procurement Fitness
16Creating Response Item Lines
1. Select the line number for each bid you want
to respond to
2. Enter Price and Delivery Days
Building Procurement Fitness
3. After all lines have been entered click Step
6 Submit Response
17After submitting response this screen will appear
Building Procurement Fitness
Displays the lowest bid at the time of your
submission. If your bid is not the lowest, it
will not be displayed
Dont forget to click Refresh to check for bid
price changes and time left
18After Auction is Over
- according to award terms conditions of the
Building Procurement Fitness
19Auction Results Vendor View
- Once auction is complete, vendors can view bid
reading and award notices -
Building Procurement Fitness
20Auction Results Public Bid Reading
Building Procurement Fitness
21Auction Results Notice of Award
Building Procurement Fitness
22Auction Time Chart
Building Procurement Fitness
- Allow plenty of time for planning.
- Choose a commodity fit for this type of
solicitation. - Include teleconferencing as part of the
pre-bid conference. - Give vendors a practice auction to test with
at least one week prior to the auction. - As with a traditional solicitation, you retain
the right to cancel or reject all bids. - As with a traditional solicitation, the award
will go to the lowest responsible/responsive
Building Procurement Fitness
- Know your eVA login username and password.
- If a test auction is available, use it. It
will help prepare you for the real auction. - Do your homework. Know what products you are
going to bid and state it clearly in the comments
of your response. Unless instructed, do not bid
alternate products or services. - Have a backup plan for the auction. Have
another PC available for use. Also have at least
one other person available to participate in case
you are not available or have problems. Make
sure they can login as you or themselves. - Keep track and log what you are bidding during
the auction. The system will only accept a bid
lower than the previous one, so it is critical to
know what you are bidding. - Keep errors to a minimum. Once a bid is
submitted, it cannot be rescinded.
Building Procurement Fitness
- Click Refresh to see the current lowest bid.
- If your session is idle for 60 minutes, it will
time out and you will be required to login back
in. - To activate an extension, you must submit a bid
before the auction time expires. If there is no
submission prior to the close time, the
extensions will not apply. The auction is over. - Add all attachments and comments regarding the
products or services to your first submitted bid. - After you have entered all of your data, click
Building Procurement Fitness
Building Procurement Fitness