Title: Libertarianism
A Libertarian, such as Taylor Accepts
Incompatabilism i.e. accepts that if an action
is determined, then the action is not
free. Denies Determinism i.e. denies that all
actions are determined. Accepts Freedom
i.e. there are free actions. Pertinent Dr. Lee
Overhead DLO
2Overview of what Taylor does in the reading
- The chief tenets of soft determinism theories.
- Soft determinism doesnt work, and why.
- Examples to illustrate the shadowy quality of
soft determinism - Soft determinism doesnt work, so should we
simply deny determinism? No, indeterminism
doesnt work either. - Step back and examine whether the two theories of
determinism and indeterminism are able to handle
two very basic pieces of data they cannot. - Taylors positive libertarian account theory of
3Soft Determinism
- Attempts to reconcile determinism with freedom,
and thus with moral responsibility. - The three claims of soft determinism
- All behavior arises from antecedent conditions,
given which no other behavior is possible, i.e.
all human behavior is caused and determined.
(Accepts determinism. DLO) - Behavior can nonetheless be free if it is
voluntary and not externally constrained or
impeded. (Accepts Compatabilism. Accepts Freedom.
P did A freely P did A and Ps doing A was not
compelled by external factors. DLO) - The causes of such free, voluntary, unimpeded
behavior are states, events and/or conditions
within the agent. (P did A freely P's doing A
had as its immediate cause a psychological state
in the agent, not something external to the
agent. DLO)
4Soft Determinism doesnt work.
- no great acumen is needed to discover that far
from solving any problem, soft determinism only
camouflages it. - Taylor questions the Compatabilist Internal
Cause Account of Freedom (DLO) Butwhence
arise those inner states that determine what my
body shall do? Are they within my control or
not? And this leads to a questioning of the
Compatabilist Conditional Account of Freedom
(DLO) Having made my choice or decision and
acted upon it, could I have chosen otherwise or
not? - Taylor essentially says (in attacking the
Internal Cause Account) So what if my actions
are caused by my inner states, conditions, etc.?!
If determinism is true, those inner states,
conditions, etc., are a particular way because
they themselves are caused to be so, and thus any
actions that my inner states caused are
determined, i.e. could not have been otherwise.
DLO - In attacking the Conditional Account, Taylor
points out that one could have chosen otherwise
(than what one actually did) only if something
else (a set of antecedent conditions) had been
different, but then we are forced to say that
this set of antecedent conditions could not have
been different because a further set of
antecedent conditions would have had to be
different for our first set to be different, ad
infinitum. Perhaps the next slide will help make
this clear.
5Could I have chosen otherwise or not?
- Suppose Action A has a set of antecedent
conditions B(which cause A) - B ? A
- It seems to be that for A to have been different,
B would have had to be different. But, B could
not have been different unless a further set of
antecedent conditions C had been different - C ? B ? A
- But, then, C could not have been different unless
a further set of antecedent conditions D had been
different - and so on ad infinitum D ? C ? B ? A
- We are, at each step, permitted to say could
have been otherwise only in a provisional
senseprovided, that is, something else had been
differentbut must then retract it and replace it
with could not have been otherwise as soon as
we discover, as we must at each step, that
whatever would have to have been different could
not have been different
- The easiest way to see the shadowy quality of
soft determinismis by means of examples. - The Ingenious Physiologist Example. DLO
- To render a man your puppet, it is not necessary
forcibly to constrain the motions of his limbs,
after the fashion that real puppets are moved. A
subtler but no less effective means of making a
man your puppet would be to gain complete control
of his inner states, and ensuring, as the theory
of soft determinism does ensure, that his body
will move in accordance with them.
7Simple Indeterminism doesnt work either.
- Remember, an Indeterminist denies that all
actions are determined, i.e. denies determinism.
DLO - The aim of this strategy of denying determinism
(what the indeterminist has in mind) is to see a
free action as one that did not have to be done
or as one that could have been done differently
If the free action was uncaused, then, even
given the conditions under which it occurred and
all that preceded, some other act was nonetheless
possible, and the doer did not have to do what
he did. - The indeterminist thinks that the same strategy
is applicable even if one thinks that actions are
the inevitable consequences of inner states the
inner states could have been otherwise. - But does this simple denial of determinism work
in giving us an account of free action? - No. Behavior that is mine must be behavior that
is within my control, but motions that occur from
no causes are without the control of anyone. DLO
8Two items of data
- Ok, lets step back for a second we seem to have
shown that soft determinism and simple
indeterminism produce troubling, perhaps absurd,
results. - Remember that theories such as soft determinism
and simple indeterminism attempt to give an
account of free action. Taylor, however, thinks
that for a theory to succeed in coming up with an
account of free action, the theory must
preserve/not make impossible/be reconcilable with
the following two data - 1. My behavior is sometimes the outcome of my
deliberation. - 2. In these and other cases it is sometimes up
to me what I do. - Taylor thinks that determinism and indeterminism
cannot be reconciled with this data.
9Taylor Determinism, Indeterminism rule out
- I can deliberate only about my own future
actions, and then only if I do not already know
what I am going to do. - But if determinism is truethen I can for
everything I do know what I am going to do and
cannot then deliberate about it. (Because I
deliberate in order to decide what to do, not to
discover what it is that I am going to do.) - i.e. Taylor thinks that determinism rules out
deliberation i.e. the theory of determinism
cannot be reconciled with our first datum. - Dr. Lee makes explicit Taylor's deliberation
argument. - Taylors second premise seems mistaken/problematic
. - It does seem more reasonable, however, to think
that indeterminism rules out deliberation. (I
cant deliberate about random, uncaused
10Taylor Determinism is irreconcilable with our
second datum.
- Taylor tries to show how his second datum (that
it is sometimes up to me what I do) is
irreconcilable with determinism. - Taylor says that for some action to be up to
me, it has to be the case that there is a
legitimate choice open to me as to whether or not
to do the action each alternative course of
action must be such that I can do it. - But this is never so, if determinism is true,
for on the very formulation of that theory
whatever happens at any time is the only thing
that can then happen, given all that precedes it.
It is simply a logical consequence of this that
whatever I do at any time is the only thing I can
then do, given the conditions that precede my
doing it. That is, determinism seems to say that
what I do is never up to me.
11Taylor Indeterminism is obviously irreconcilable
with our second datum.
- Whatever is not caused by anything is not caused
by me, and nothing could be more plainly
inconsistent with saying that it is nevertheless
up to me what it shall be.
12Theory of Agency
- The only conception of action which accords with
our data is one according to which men are
sometimes self-determining beings that is,
beings which are sometimes the causes of their
own behavior. - Two strange metaphysical notions
- 1. The notion of a self or person for example,
a man not as merely a collection of things or
events, but as a self-moving being for on this
view it is a man himself, and not merely some
part of him or anything within him, that is the
cause of his own activity. - 2. A conception of causation according to which
an agent, while not himself/herself an event,
can nevertheless be the cause of an event. - Taylor thinks that this account allows for
deliberation and for my actions being up to me.
13Possible problems with the Theory of Agency
- Seems strange, weird for the conception of men
and their powers which is involved in it is
strange indeed, if not positively mysterious. - The data might simply be illusions It might
in fact be that no man ever deliberates, but only
imagines that he does, that from pure conceit he
supposes himself to be the master of his behavior
and the author of his acts.