Title: Chapter 12 Character Arrays
1Chapter 12 Character Arrays
2Character Arrays
- Fundamental form of storing text
- Store C strings (initially developed in C)
- Store a single character in each element
- Pointer variables important
- Declaration of character array char
array_name size - Max number of characters is one less than size
- Last element holds null (\0) character
Lesson 12.1
3Initializing Strings
- Can initialize character by character
char_array_name value 'x' - x is any character
- character enclosed in single quotes
- value is subscript referencing an element
- Last element of character array initialize to
null zero array_name last '\0'
Lesson 12.1
- Function copies string into an array
- Declaration is in header cstring
- Must be included to use strcpy
char cc 8 strcpy (cc, " Hello!")
Lesson 12.1
5Array Memory
Declare a character array
char array_name 8
t e c h n i q u e s \0
Now initialize strcpy (array_name,
Note C does not check array boundaries!
- Arranged during compilation
- Order of arrays and variables set
- Size of block of memory set
- Reserved during execution
- Reserved when function is called
- Stays reserved until function completed then
memory released
Lesson 12.1
7Copying Character Arrays
- Can copy all characters in one array to another
using strcpy strcpy (array_name1,
array_name2) - Declared size of first array must be large enough
to hold second array
Remember array name without brackets
represents address of beginning of array
Lesson 12.1
8strlen Function
- Used to determine number of characters actually
stored in character array - Uses address of first element to begin search for
null character - Counts number of memory cells strlen
(address) - Address is name of character array
Lesson 12.2
9sizeof Operator
- Computes number of bytes reserved for storage
- General form (parenthesis is optional)
sizeof (name) - name can be variable name or type
- If type, returns number of bytes used by system
for that type - If array variable name then represents array not
address of array
Lesson 12.2
10isupper Function
- Works with single character
- Determines whether or not character used is
uppercase - If not uppercase then returns 0
- If uppercase then returns nonzero integer
isupper (text0)
Lesson 12.2
11tolower Function
- Works with single character
- Returns lowercase version of letter argument
- Does not modify the argument
tolower (text0)
12isdigit Function
- Used to analyze whether particular character in
string is one of 0-9 digits - Helpful for checking input data
- Returns nonzero integer if 0-9 digit, otherwise
returns 0
isdigit (character)
Lesson 12.2
13Character and String Functions
- Many others available
- Declarations in ctype header
- Character functions listed in text, Table 12.1
- String functions listed in text, Table 12.2
142-D Character Arrays
char name num_rows num_cols
- name can be any valid identifier
- num_rows and num_cols must be positive integers
- Example char bb 3 15
- 45 character-size memory cells
Lesson 12.3
15Initializing 2-D Arrays
- Can use strcpy
- Pass to strcpy address of beginning of each row
- Example char bb 3 15 strcpy
(bb0, "The answer ") strcpy (bb1,
"in the array.")
T h e a n s w e r \0 i n
t h e a r r a y . \0
Lesson 12.3
16Printing 2-D Arrays
- Can use cout to print strings stored in 2-D
arrays - In essence, print each row
for (I 0 I lt 3 I) cout ltlt bbj ltlt endl
Lesson 12.3
17Using sizeof with 2-D Arrays
- Operand determines declared size
- Entire array sizeof (bb)
- Single row sizeof (bb0)
- Single elements sizeof (bb0 4)
Lesson 12.3
18strlen with 2-D Arrays
- Need to pass to strlen the address of beginning
of each string (row)
strlen (bb0)
Passes address of beginning of first row of bb
and returns number of characters in that
row(excluding terminating null character)
Lesson 12.3
19Reading Single Word
- Use cin with the setw manipulator cin gtgt
setw (sizeof (aa) ) gtgt aa - Reads characters until whitespace
- Limited to numerical value of array size
- setw manipulator value
- Size of array used with cin should be at minimum,
two greater than greatest input - Hold whitespace and null character
Lesson 12.4
20Reading Multiple Lines
- Use the member function getline
- Whitespace typed by user included in string
cin.getline (name, num_char, 'terminator')
Lesson 12.4
21Reading an Input File
- Can use getline to read entire file
for (j 0 j lt num_lines j)
infile.getline (row_address, num_char)
Remember to include space for two extra
charactersper line end of line and null
Lesson 12.4
22Extraneous Input Characters
- More words left behind in buffer after cin
- ignore member function can be called after cin
cin.ignore (num_char, 'terminator')
Lesson 12.4
23Types of Declarations for C Strings
- One-dimensional character arrays
- Two-dimensional character arrays
- Pointers to char
- Arrays of pointers to char
To allow function to work with any of these
above put address in function call.
Lesson 12.5
24Passing Strings to Functions
char aa "One-dimensional array." char bb
LENGTH "Two-", "dimensional ",
"array." char cc "Pointer to string
literal." char dd "Array ", "of pointers
", "to string ", "literals."
function1(aa, bb, cc, dd, num_rows_bb,
num_elems_dd) void function1 (char ee , char
ff LENGTH, char gg,
char hh , int num_rows_ff, int num_elems_hh)
Transferring four addresses to function1
Lesson 12.5
Learned how to
- Manipulate text information using C strings
- Read text information from a file and keyboard
- Use Text in arrays and functions