Title: Leadership
3Qualities of a Christian Leader
- Humility
- Mathew 2026 28
- Full of Holy spirit Wisdom
- Acts 63
- Blameless, Self Controlled, gentle, reliable
- 1 Timothy 31-13
- Titus 16-9
- Daniel and his friends
- Daniel 18
- Moses
- Hebrew 1124-27
- Esther
- 14-14
5A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what
ships are for.
6Christian Leader should be a man of Discipline
7Relationship with God
Exodus 3311
Daniel 610-11
9Understanding Word of God
10From here we go into our world our own
11Practical Tips for your life in Campus
12How to handle?
13- What are the pressures
- that you face?
14Search for the right opportunities to say
15(No Transcript)
16We are told to let our light shine, and if it
does, we won't need to tell anybody it does.
Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention
to their shining- they just shine. Dwight L.
18Strategy points Strategy points Strategy points Strategy points
Group choice Group choice Points / souls Points / souls
x y x y
all Nill 1 0
3 groups 1 group -4 4
2 groups 2 groups -2 2
1 group 3 groups 4 -4
nill all 0 1
21EU Committee
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Missions Secretary
- Prayer Secretary
- Literature Secretary
- Music Secretary etc.
- Senior Advisor
22Selection of Office Bearers
- Prayerfully
- Look for Commitment to the Lord
- Availability to do the ministry
- In taking up the responsibility in Thrissur
ICEU, I....wholeheartedly subscribe to
the aims and doctrinal basis of UESI and solemnly
affirm that I have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ
as my personal Saviour, Lord and God. - I Promise to give my wholehearted involvement
in all the activities of this ICEU and will
discharge my responsibility as per the directions
of the committee. - I also commit myself that I will not take up
other responsibilities in any other organizations
except my church as long as I serve in this
committee. - Place Yours faithfully
- Date President
24Presidents work
25Presidents work
- Spiritual Leader
- Chairs the meetings with preparation
- Tracks discipline
- Makes sure that committee meets frequently
- Ensure regular prayer meetings
- Call committee through secretary
- Sends reports to state secretary regularly
26Secretarys work
27Secretarys work
- Should be in a constant touch with the president
- Maintain minutes book
- Keeps all other records
- Calls regular committee meetings with proper
notice - Circulates agenda among the committee members
28Treasurers work
29Treasurers work
- Informs EU members regarding the financial needs
of the region, state and national - Must teach EU members to contribute
- Must maintain an account book with accurate
accounts - Can make a freewill offering box for this
30Missions Secretarys work
31Missions Secretarys work
- Must practice campus evangelism and who motivates
others - Reads and keeps oneself informed of what is
happening in missions - Plan and conduct missions retreat
- Invite missionaries to share their testimonies
and keep in touch with them - Subscribe mission bulletin,magazines
32Prayer Secretarys work
33Prayer Secretarys work
- A person of prayer and who inspires others to
pray - To keep informed regarding the prayer needs
- Build a strong prayer life within EU
- To conduct prayer vigils, chain prayers
- To circulate the prayer letter in regular
intervals among EU and EGF
34Literature Secretarys work
35Literature Secretarys work
- Should be a good reader
- Should create interest in EU members to read good
Christian literature - Can make book reviews
- Run EU magazine and bringing out in time
- Send news items to National, state magazines
- Promotes UESI publications
36MusicSecretarys work
37Music Secretarys work
- Prepare song sheets
- Can teach songs during teams
- Encourage members to hear good music
- Track new song and introduce
- Guides the singing team
38Role of Senior Advisor