Chikungunya an update - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chikungunya an update


Chikungunya an update – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chikungunya an update

  • Dr.T.V.Rao MD

What is Chikungunya
  • Manifest with Crippling Arthritic disease of
    sudden onset.
  • Name is derived from Swahili Chikungunya
    meaning that which bends up
  • Virus isolated in 1953 from serum and Aedes
    mosquitoes and Culex spp

What is Chikungunya?
  • Chikungunya is a virus that is transmitted from
    human to human mainly by infected Aedes
    albopictus and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes (later
    referred to as Aedes mosquitoes) acting as the
    disease-carrying vector
  • Chikungunya causes sudden onset of high fever,
    severe joint pain, muscle pain and headache
  • As no vaccine or medication is currently
    available to prevent or cure the infection,
    control of Chikungunya involves vector control
    measures and encouraging people to avoid mosquito

Emerging disease
  • Change in vector distribution due to global
    warming/ changing weather patterns
  • Endemicity to epidemic

  • Isolated in Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and man in
    1952 in Tanzania
  • Appeared in India in 1963
  • Major epidemic outbreaks in Calcutta, madras and
    other areas
  • Manifested with Major epidemics till 1973

Current distribution of Chikungunya
Chikungunya risk zones
  • Outbreaks of Chikungunya virus are usually found
  • Africa
  • Southeast Asia
  • Indian subcontinent and islands in the Indian

What is important in Chikungunya?
  • Togaviridae alphavirus
  • RNA virus able to evolve rapidly and expand
  • Endemic in Africa and Asia, especially India
  • Vectored by Aedes species (albopictus, aegypti)

Chikungunya Virus
  • Family Togaviridae
  • Genus - Alpha virus
  • Chikungunya viral infection manifests with
    febrile illness

Chikungunya Virus
  • Enveloped virions spherical, 60 to 70 nm in
    diameter positive-sense, single-stranded RNA
    genome, ca. 11.7 kilobases long.

Chikungunya Virus
  • Two changes to the structure of E1 Makes the
    virus more likely to enter mosquito cells and
    replicate after the insect has fed on the blood
    of an infected person.

Epidemics of Chikungunya
  • Large epidemics were recognized in Transvaal of
    South Africa, Zambia, India and South east Asia,

Out Breaks of Chikungunya
  • Out breaks occur during rainy season with
    increasing densities of Aedes aegypti mosquito
  • Mosquitos bites infect the Humans
  • Laboratory acquired infection can also occur

Recent History
  • 2005-2007 epidemic in India 1.4 million infected
    in 2006, 56K infected 2007 Cases continuing to be
    reported every month
  • Outbreak in Italy in 2007

Natural cycle
  • Aedes mosquitoes
  • Feed in daytime
  • Breed in stagnant water
  • Small puddle
  • Reservoir
  • Primates
  • Transient viremia 3-7 days

Cycle of Infection
Other vectors
  • Both Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus have been
    implicated in large outbreaks of Chikungunya.
    Whereas Ae. aegypti is confined within the
    tropics and sub-tropics, Ae. albopictus also
    occurs in temperate and even cold temperate
    regions. In recent decades Ae. albopictus has
    spread from Asia to become established in areas
    of Africa, Europe and the Americas.
  • In Africa several other mosquito vectors have
    been implicated in disease transmission,
    including species of the A. furcifer-taylori
    group and A. luteocephalus. There is evidence
    that some animals, including non-primates, may
    act as reservoirs

Clinical features
  • Incubation 3 12 days
  • Fever may rise to 1030c to 1040c with rigors
  • Viremia lead to fever.
  • Fever leads to release of large amount of

Clinical events in Chikungunya
Clinical manifestations
  • Fever,
  • Crippling Joint pains
  • Lymphadenopathy
  • Conjunctivitis
  • A Maculopapular rash
  • May lead to hemorrhagic manifestations,
  • Fever is biphasic with remission after 1 - 6 days
    of fever.

Clinical disease
  • Significant morbidity, minimal mortality
  • Fever, rash, nausea, fatigue, arthralgia lasting
    days to weeks
  • Arthritis may be long-term sequellae

How some Indian patients presented
  • In India but not in Africa, patients presented
    with Inguinal lymphadenopathy and red swollen
    ears, and are observed as part of clinical

Diagnosis of Chikungunya ( WHO )
  • Several methods can be used for diagnosis.
    Serological tests, such as enzyme-linked
    immunosorbent assays (ELISA), may confirm the
    presence of IgM and IgG anti-Chikungunya
    antibodies. IgM antibody levels are highest three
    to five weeks after the onset of illness and
    persist for about two months. The virus may be
    isolated from the blood during the first few days
    of infection. Various reverse transcriptasepolyme
    rase chain reaction (RTPCR) methods are
    available but are of variable sensitivity. Some
    are suited to clinical diagnosis. RTPCR products
    from clinical samples may also be used for
    genotyping of the virus, allowing comparisons
    with virus samples from various geographical

  • The primary differential diagnosis of
    Chikungunya, should be made from Dengue, and
    ONyong nyong fevers
  • Chikungunya manifest with Myalgia rather than

Laboratory criteria
  • Laboratory criteria at least one of the
    following tests in the acute phase
  • Virus isolation
  • Presence of viral RNA by RT-PCR
  • Presence of virus specific IgM/IgG antibodies in
    single serum sample collected
  • Seroconversion to virus-specific antibodies in
    samples collected at least one to three weeks

Microbiological Diagnosis
  • Isolation of Virus
  • Amplification of Nucleic acid
  • Routine Diagnosis with serology
  • Detection of IgM antibody provides a
    specific and reliable means for early diagnosis
  • ELISA and Dot blotting methods are used

  • Chikungunya fever is not a life threatening
    infection. Symptomatic treatment for mitigating
    pain and fever using anti-inflammatory drugs
    along with rest usually suffices. While recovery
    from Chikungunya is the expected outcome,
    convalescence can be prolonged (up to a year or
    more), and persistent joint pain may require
    analgesic (pain medication) and long-term
    anti-inflammatory therapy

CDC guidelines for Management of Chikungunya
  • There is no vaccine or specific antiviral
    treatment currently available for Chikungunya
    fever. Treatment is symptomatic and can include
    rest, fluids, and medicines to relieve symptoms
    of fever and aching such as ibuprofen, naproxen,
    acetaminophen, or paracetamol. Aspirin should be
    avoided. Infected persons should be protected
    from further mosquito exposure (staying indoors
    in areas with screens and/or under a mosquito
    net) during the first few days of the illness so
    they can not contribute to the transmission cycle.

Vaccines for Chikungunya
  • An experimental live attenuated vaccine ( TSI
    GSD 218 ) enveloped by passage of an isolate
    from Thailand in MRC 5 cell.
  • At present used in some laboratory workers who
    can be protected,
    Vaccine produces neutralizing

Preventive measures Seeking protection from
  • When staying in affected areas
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long trousers
  • Use mosquito repellents, coils or other devices
    that will help fend off mosquitoes
  • If possible, sleep under bed nets pre-treated
    with insecticides
  • If possible, set the air-conditioning to a low
    temperature at night mosquitoes do not like
    cold temperatures
  • Pregnant women, children under 12 years old, and
    people with immune disorders or severe chronic
    illnesses should be given personalised advice

How Chikungunya can be Prevented
  • There is neither Chikungunya virus vaccine nor
    drugs are available to cure the infection. 
    Prevention, therefore, centres on avoiding
    mosquito bites.  Eliminating mosquito breeding
    sites is another key prevention measure.   To
    prevent mosquito bites, do the following
  • Use mosquito repellents on skin and clothing
  • When indoors, stay in well-screened areas.   Use
    bed nets if sleeping in areas that are not
    screened or air-conditioned.
  • When working outdoors during day times, wear
    long-sleeved shirts and long pants to avoid
    mosquito bite.

Breeding places of Aedes mosquitostry to
eliminate .
Reducing the spread of the vector
  • The vector lives in a number of different
  • The presence of water is of great importance for
    mosquitoes breeding as their eggs require water
    in order to develop into adult mosquitoes

Use of larvicides
  • (i)  Where the water cannot be removed but used
    for cattle or other purposes, Temephos can be
    used once a week at a dose of 1 ppm (parts per
  • (ii) Pyrethrum extract (0.1 ready-to-use
    emulsion) can be sprayed in rooms (not outside)
    to kill the adult mosquitoes hiding in the house.

Severity of Indian Epidemic
  • Till 10 October 2006, 151 districts of eight
    states/provinces of India have been affected by
    Chikungunya fever. The affected states are Andhra
    Pradesh, Andaman Nicobar Islands, Tamil Nadu,
    Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh,
    Kerala and Delhi.
  • More than 1.25 million cases have been reported
    from the country with 752,245 cases from
    Karnataka and 258,998 from Maharashtra provinces.
    In some areas attack rates have reached up to

Current Research on Chikungunya
  • Researchers at the Institute Pasteur have managed
    to retrace the origin and evolution of the
    Chikungunya virus in the Indian Ocean through
    complete sequencing of the genome of six viral
    strains isolated from patients from Reunion
    Island and the Seychelles, as well as through
    partial sequencing of the viral protein E1 from
    127 patients from the Indian Ocean islands
    (Reunion, Madagascar, Seychelles, Mauritius,
    Mayotte). Their study, published in PLoS
    Medicine, opens up new research paths that should
    help to explain the magnitude of the epidemic and
    the occurrence of severe forms of the disease.

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  • Created by Dr.T.V.Rao MD for e learning
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    in the Developing World
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