Title: Tips on how to find cheap airline tickets
1- Tips to Get Low Fare Air Tickets
2- How to get low fare tickets???
Be one of those who save a large bunch of money
every time they fly!!!!!
3- Follow the trend of Supply and Demand
Monitor the flight cost variation with airfare
4- 2. Be flexible. Try to travel in the middle of
the week and during low season.
5- 3. Book your flight in advance, its almost
always cheaper!!!
6- 4. Fly at time where nobody wants to fly!!!!
- Like between 10 pm and 6 am
7- 5. Try to arrive and leave from smaller nearby
airports. - You can often get fantastic discounts!!!
8- 6. Monitor the airfare price after the booking.
If the price drops, call the airline to get them
adjust the flight price!!!!
9- There is plenty of other tricks to help you save
on your airfares
10- Visit our website for more free tips to get the
cheapest flights