Title: Places of Interest in Spain
1Places of Interest in Spain
Th??e wh? visit Spain h?v? a wide choice ?f
places to choose fr?m. If the tourist w?nt? to
spend h?s time ?n the beach, th?r? ?re long
beaches ?f he want? t? spend time ?n the top of
a mountain, he ??n d? ??. If he wants t? visit
places of historical importance, there ?r? m?n?
?u?h places. M?st ?f the antique constructions
?re centuries ?ld ?nd th?? have a history ?f
their ?wn. Th? government of Spain h?? preserved
th??? monuments. L?t us visit s?m? of thes?
historical palaces.
Lerma Ducal Palace
Thi? palace believed t? h?ve be?n constructed in
th? year 1601 und?r th? guidance of th? famous
architect Francisco de Mora ?? located ?n the
Lerma town of Spain. Ac?ording to the documents
?v??l?bl? with th? historians, this palace ?s
believed t? h?v? be?n constructed as ??r th?
orders ?f the Durke of Lerma. Th? palace ??
located on th? bank of ? great river. It ha?
fountains, home for the prince ?nd oth?r members
?f the royal family. Th?? ?? ?n? ?f the f?w
palaces wh??h hav? seven chapels on it? premises.
Th? palace w?? in fact considered on? ?f the
master works ?f th?t era ?f ?ours? ?t continues
to b? s? even today. It ?? stunningly beautiful.
The huge d?or made of walnut h?? 520 nails made
of bronze. On the top of th? main d?or, th?
decorations of th? king are exhibited. The
interior of the palace has beautiful arches.
Norm?ll? palaces have two towers. But th? palace
?f Dukes ?? an exception it h?? four towers
indicating the authority ?f th? Duke ?v?r h??
Castril Palace
Th? city ?f Granada ha? man? things t? offer ?
tourist. It h?? renowned churches, castles and
m?n? ?ther monuments. Castril Palace ?s on? of
the masterly works wh??h a visitor will n?v?r
miss. Al?? called House ?f Castril, ?t ?? built
?n the traditional Renaissance architecture. Of
??urse n?w Granada's Archaeological Museum i?
housed in this palace. Ac??rd?ng t? historians,
th? palace was built ?n th? 16th century by ?
family called Hernando de Zafra. In fact,
Hernando w?s instrumental in conquering th? city
fr?m Muslims. H? wa? ?ls? the secretary of the
Catholic Monarchs. After ?ts construction, the
Palace h?s und?rgon? sever?l renovations and
alterations. The palace ?s ?l?? popular for ?t?
aesthetic beauty. Th? palace ?? beautifully
decorated w?th arches and ??me ?f the m?st
outstanding works of art ?nd artifacts.
Places to Visit in Spain