Title: Guido Bertucci
1Guido Bertucci - Executive Director of Governance
Solutions International (G.S.I.)
2Guido Bertucci - Executive Director of Governance
Solutions International (G.S.I.) Made
Recommendations on Leadership Development
- Guido Bertucci, the Executive Director of
Governance Solutions International (G.S.I.)
presented a series of recommendations for a
Leadership Development Strategy in the public
sector formulated by his organization. Governance
Solutions International (G.S.I.) is an
organization committed to identifying and
disseminating best practices in governance and
public administration. In this analysis, Guido
Bertucci stated that leadership development
should be an essential part of an overall effort
to reform as well as modernize public
administrations, so as to make it more flexible,
nimble, efficient and open.
3Guido Bertucci - Currently Serving as the
Executive Director of Governance Solutions
- Guido Bertucci, is the founder and the Executive
Director of Governance Solutions International,
an organization devoted to the identification and
dissemination of innovative practices in
governance and public administration. In his
capacity he lectures and provides advice to
governments on modernizing public administration
systems and on developing public sector
leadership. He holds a degree in Political
Science and a Post-graduate Diploma in
Administrative Sciences from the Catholic
University of Milan.
4Guido Bertucci Promotes Innovation In Governance
And Public Administration
- From 1993 until 2008, Guido Bertucci directed
the United Nations Programme on Public
Administration, Finance and Development. The aim
of this programme is to promote sound public
policy, good governance and efficient and
competent public administration in the world. He
has also been responsible for several advocacy
activities in governance and public
administration, at the global level. Bertucci has
also played a significant role in the promotion
of high-level intergovernmental discussions and
consensus on public policy and governance for
sustainable development.
5Guido Bertucci - Member of the American Society
For Public Administration (ASPA)
- Guido Bertucci was the Director of the United
Nations Programme on Public Administration,
Finance and Development from 1993 until 2008.
This programme focused on the promotion of sound
public policy, proper governance and efficient
and competent public administration around the
world. He is actively associated with reputed
professional associations and editorial boards.
He is a member of the Council on the Future of
Government of the World Economic Forum, of the
American Society for Public Administration
(ASPA), of the Advisory Board of the review
Gestao Publica e Desenvolvimento IBAP, Brazil,
and of the Editorial Board of the Biannual
Journal African Administrative Studies.
6Guido Bertucci Participated in the meeting of the
Global Agenda Council on the Future of
Government of the World Economic Forum.
- Responsible for advocacy activities in governance
and public administration at the global level,
Guido Bertucci is currently serving as the
Executive Director of Governance Solutions
International. In October 2011 in Abu Dhabi he
participated, as a member of the Council on the
Future of Government, in the Summit of the
Global Agenda organized by the World Economic
Forum. The Summit convenes the top experts and
practitioners in the world in numerous
disciplines to define ideas and proposals on how
to address global challenges and mitigate global
7Guido Bertucci Headed The United Nations
Programme On Public Administration, Finance and
- Currently serving as the Executive Director of
Governance Solutions International, Guido
Bertucci was in charge of the United Nations
Programme on Public Administration, Finance and
Development from 1993 until 2008. The United
Nations Programme on Public Administration,
Finance and Development focuses on the worldwide
promotion of sound public policy, good governance
and efficient and competent public
administration. Furthermore, he has been
responsible for advocacy activities in governance
and public administration at the global level. He
has also played a significant role in the
development and management of networks in
governance and public administration.
8Guido Bertucci Was Responsible For Launching The
World Public Sector Report, a Flagship
Publication Of The United Nations
- One of Guido Bertuccis most recognized
achievements has been the launching of the
flagship publication of the United Nations World
Public Sector Report. This publication analyzes
and makes policy recommendations on emerging
issues in governance and public administration.
Some of the subjects covered by the Reports are
Globalization and the State Unlocking the
Human Potential for Public Sector Performance
and Civic Engagement in Public Governance. The
reports have been a very useful tool for policy
makers around the world and are being utilized as
textbooks at many universities.
9Thank You