Title: Top Twenty Suffixes
1Top Twenty Suffixes
- Word Endings
- You Can Really Use
2What are the suffixes?
- Suffixes are last syllables like ed and ly
that have their own meaning. - Word endings combine with word roots to create
new meanings. - Turn ed turned (in the past)
- Quick ly quickly (how it turned)
Which word means the same as speedy?
3Why do we learn suffixes?
- Word endings add meaning to many thousands of
words. - If you learn a few common suffixes, you open up
the meaning of many thousands of words. - The four most frequent suffixes represent 97 of
all words with suffixes!
Do students often think that they know more
English than they really do?
4Do you know the common suffixes?
- Which four endings are the most used?
- -ed
- -er
- -ing
- -tion
- -ment
- -ly
- -ful
- -s
To really understand English, do you need to use
the most common word endings?
5Here are the most used ones.
- The four top word endings are
- -ed - past
- -er
- -ing - continuing
- -tion
- -ment
- -ly - having
- -ful
- -s - plural
Does Betty actually comprehend the meaning of
the word natural?
6Lets view the top suffixes.
- -able, ible can be done doable
- -al, ial has property of personal
- -ed past verb turned
- -en made of golden
- -er comparative higher
- -er one who doer, actor
- -est superlative best, biggest
7Can you use the top suffixes?
- Your current vocabulary is question__.
- My car is mine it is my own __ property.
- Yesterday Abdul park__ his Honda there.
- The chairs is those rooms are wood__.
- Gas costs now are high__ than yesterday.
- An act__ in the movie Star Wars is Luke.
- Advanced Writing is the high__ ESL course.
8Lets study the top suffixes.
- 8. ful full of careful, joyful
- 9. ic having property of linguistic
- 10. ing present participle running
- 11. (t)ion act, process action
- 12. (i)ty state of infinity, sanity
- 13. (t)ive adjective motive, votive
- 14. less without fearless, careless
9Can you use the top suffixes?
- Are you care__ when you write papers?
- ESL is the most fantast__ course of all.
- Are you learn__ the top 20 suffixes?
- Wheres he going? Whats his destina__?
- If we overlearn, do we keep our sani__?
- What is Chens mot__ for taking math?
- Dont be too care__ when you write the paragraphs
for our course.
10Lets learn the top suffixes.
- 15. ly having quickly, quietly
- 16. ment action, process enjoyment
- 17. ness state of kindness
- 18. ous having joyous, religious
- 19. s more than one books
- 20. y having happy, windy
- Use these suffixes correctly, and
- you look and sound pretty smart.
11Which suffix fits in the best?
- Tina took the car since she want__ it.
- Now the car is run__ down the road.
- Tina is in a hurry shes driving quick__.
- Do you think that she has any ticket__?
- Is learning the most used suffixes do__?
- Is your own private property person__?
- Are you smart__ now than last year?
- Are you the smart__ student in class?
12Learn these academic words.
- Use feature, item, economic, distinction, and
reliance. - What is your financial or __ situation?
- Is there much __ between me and him?
- What __ do you have on your car?
- Which __ of computers do you like?
- What __ do you bring to school daily?
Have you learned these words yet?