Title: The story of Winnie the Pooh
1The story of Winnie the Pooh
Created by Josse and Dora
2Winnie the Pooh is a honey bear!
3Winnie the Pooh is a honey bear!
He is made from.
5One day, Winnie the pooh played with his friends
in a park.
6What are we going to play?
They talked about what they were going to play.
7Fire shooting
Winnie the pooh wanted to play fire shooting or
go swimming.
8No water
No fire
OoopsHe couldn't play in the water and with
10He was afraid of.
11melting into honey.
12Honey.. Yummy.. Yummy!!
13So.. He stood aside to watch his friends playing.
14But finally
15He was still melting Away.
17Because the sun melted him.
19The End