CHAPTER 3 Telescopes of Other Wavelengths 0. Nonoptical Telescopes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CHAPTER 3 Telescopes of Other Wavelengths 0. Nonoptical Telescopes


Adopted from 'Observational Astrophysics,' by P. Lena. Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO) ... Astrophysics,' by P. Lena. Chandra X-Ray. Observatories. XMM ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CHAPTER 3 Telescopes of Other Wavelengths 0. Nonoptical Telescopes

CHAPTER 3 Telescopes of Other Wavelengths 0.
Non-optical Telescopes
  • The Earths atmosphere limits detection of light
    from the universe. The only two clean observing
    windows are in optical and radio wavelengths.
  • Partially open windows include infrared and
  • Totally blocked (opaque) windows are the high
    energy radiation (g-ray, X-ray, and UV), and long
    wavelength radio waves.
  • We can access the partially blocked and opaque
    windows by going above the Earths atmosphere
    (airplane 15 km, balloon 30 km, orbiting

I. Infrared Observations
  • Convention 1-5 mm (near IR), 5-200 mm (far-IR)
    Infrared radiation from space absorbed by gas
    molecules (H2O, O2, CO2) in the atmosphere
    (absorption bands)
  • Ground-based infrared observations are done at
    optical telescopes, with detectors sensitive to
    IR wavelengths. The state of the art detector is
    the Mercury-Cadmium-Tellurium (HgCdTe)
    two-dimensional arrays (20482, compared with 2562
    being used in space right now!).
  • Major source of background for IR observations is
    thermal radiation from the environment, i.e.
    blackbody radiation from the telescopes and
  • Full IR wavelength range observations can be
    achieved in space. Background can be reduced by
    active cooling of the detectors by dewers.

Blackbody Radiation
  • All objects (including astronomical objects) emit
    radiation all the time which is independent of
    size, shape, and composition, and is dependent
    only of temperature, called the blackbody
  • The spectrum (intensity versus frequency
    distribution) is a function
  • where k Boltzmanns constant
  • 1.38 x 10-23 JK-1,
  • and T temperature (unit Kelvin)
  • The unit of intensity is in J s-1 m-2 Hz-1
  • (ster steradian unit of solid angle)

Adopted from Astronomy Today by Chaisson
Blackbody Radiation
  • The temperature of an object is related to the
    wavelength lmax at which it emits the most
    radiation by the Wiens law
  • e.g. (i) Surface temperature of the sun 6000 K,
  • lmax at 0.0029/6000 480 nm (yellow-green)
  • (ii) Room temperature 20oC 293 K,
  • lmax at 0.0029/293 10 mm (IR!)
  • (To be used later) Total energy emitted by a
    blackbody per unit area per second, F, (energy
  • F s T4, where s Stefan-Boltzmann constant
  • 5.67x10-8 J s-1 m-2 K-4
  • Stefans Law

Adopted from Astronomy Today by Chaisson
Infrared Telesopes
  • To improve IR observing, we need to observe from
    above the ground to be above as much of the
    atmospheric gas as possible (especially water).
    The observing window opens up as we observe at
    higher altitude.
  • The Kuiper Airoborne Observatory is a 0.9m
    telescope flied inside a C-141 transport plane.

Kuiper Airborne Observatory
  • Cruising altitude 9-13 km
  • Flight duration 7-8 hours (11 hours max)
  • Main Telescope 0.95m Cassegrain configuration
  • Detection Range 1 500 mm (very large
    background thermal radiation in the long
    wavelength limit though)
  • Operating temperature -50 -70 oC (no active

  • The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared
    Astronomy (SOFIA), to be launched in October 2004
  • Successor to KAO
  • A 2.7m f/19.6 Cassegrain (with Nasmyth focus)
    mounted on a Boeing 747 SP jet

  • Wavelength range 0.3 1,600 mm
  • Temperature of telescope 240 K
  • Operating altitude 12 14 km
  • Image stability 0.2? (rms)
  • Diffraction-limited wavelengths gt 15mm

Spitzer Space Telescope (SST)
  • Formerly known as Space Infrared Telescope
    Facility (SIRTF)
  • Launched in August 2003
  • A 0.85m f/12 Ritchey-Chrétien telescope made with
  • Operating wavelength 1-300 200 mm
  • Lifetime (limited by cryostat) 2.5 5 years

  • Earth trailing heliocentric orbit (enables lower
    temperature observations than low-earth orbits)
  • Scientific instruments are passively cooled with
    liquid helium to 5.5K to minimize the IR thermal
  • Other advantages of orbit no need to avoid earth
    and moon during observations, no need to avoid
    Earths radiation belt (van Allen belt)

SST Orbit in Space
Observing with SST
II. Ultraviolet Observations
  • Cutoffs of UV radiation 3300 Å (by O3
    absorption), 912 Å (Hydrogen Lyman continuum)
  • Convention 2000 3300 Å (near UV), 912 2000 Å
    (far UV), 100 912 Å (extreme UV)
  • UV can only be observed above the Earths
    atmosphere (need astronomical satellites)
  • Detectors SiC and LiF-coated arrays
  • Optical components of ultraviolet telescopes are
    similar to those used for the optical telescopes
  • Hubble Space Telescope (mainly an optical
    telescope) is equipped with UV detectors.

International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE)
  • Launched on Jan 1978
  • Geosynchronous orbit (revolve around the earth in
    24 hour orbit), allowing observers to make real
    time observations)
  • 0.45m f/15 Ritchey-Cretien Cassegrain
  • Wavelength 1150 3300 Å, two spectroscopic
    channels, resolution (0.1 Å and 6 Å)
  • Image quality 2?
  • Detector Reticon tube (as used in a television
  • Satellite expected lifetime 3-5 yrs
  • Actual lifetime 18.7 yrs

Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE)
  • Launched June 1999
  • FUSE operates in the far UV range 912 1150 Å
    not covered by IUE
  • Data collected from four mirrors, each 35 cm2
  • Specializes in high spectral resolution (echelle)
  • Can now operate in zero-gyro mode

III. X-Ray and g-Ray Telescopes
  • The combination of X-ray and g-Ray astronomy is
    also called High Energy Astronomy
  • Convention Separation of X-ray and g-ray at 0.5
    MeV. Therefore, annihilation of a positron and an
    electron (Rest Mass 0.511 MeV/c2) will yield
    two g-ray photons.
  • Convention Soft X-ray (0.1 1 keV), Hard X-ray
    (1 keV 0.5 MeV), g-ray (gt 0.5 MeV)
  • All X-ray and g-ray are absorbed by the Earths
    atmosphere (so that we can live safely!) Space
    observatories are needed.

Chandra X-Ray Observatories
Jul 1999
XMM- Newton
Suzaku XIS 0.4 10 keV CCD M
Japan 2005 HXD 10- 700 keV
Adopted from Observational Astrophysics, by P.
Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO)
Oct 2002
  • Adopted from Observational Astrophysics, by P.

III. X-Ray and g-Ray Telescopes
  • Theoretical diffraction limit of a X-ray
  • e.g. For a 1 keV photon, l 12 Å,
  • ? q 1.22 l/D 0.003?/D (very small!!)
  • However, two problems
  • First, the telescope surface needs to be
    manufactured to an accuracy at least 10 of the
    wavelength of the light.
  • ?Accuracy for an X-ray mirror needed 1 Å,
    which is the size of an atom!
  • Second, most X-ray photons simply penetrate
    through the surface of a material and are too
    energetic to be reflected at normal incidence.
  • Therefore, while IR and UV telescopes have
    similar optics setup as the visible telescopes,
    high energy telescopes have very different
    configurations because X-ray and g-ray cannot be
    focused by a spherical mirror.

High Resolution Imaging in X-Ray
  • At very high incidence angle (gt 88o, grazing
    incidence), X-ray light reflect off metallic
  • X-ray can be focused by reflecting off a
    paraboloid and a hyperboloid (grazing-incidence
    telescope), with no spherical aberration!
  • Several layers of mirrors are nested to increase
    the photon-collecting area.
  • Collecting area decrease with increasing X-ray
    energy (hard X-ray need incidence angle closer to

Focusing by grazing in X-ray telescopes
Chandra X-Ray Observatory as example
Chandra Science Center
X-ray Telescopes
  • This technique can be applied to X-ray of energy
    up to 100 keV
  • X-ray mirror now only need to be manufactured to
    the accuracy related to sinq, where q is the
    incidence angle (accuracy required several x 10
  • Also, because of the large incident angle,
    Grazing Incidence Telescopes are long compared to
    the entrance aperture (Question Is f/ number
    large or small?)

XMM- Newton
Adopted from Observational Astrophysics, by P.
Chandra X-Ray Observatories
X-ray Detectors
  • Historically, the main type of detectors are the
    proportional counters for soft X-ray (lt20 keV)
    and scintillation detectors for hard X-ray
  • A scintillation detector works as an incident
    X-ray photon ionizes an atom in the crystal
    lattice, producing a high-energy free electron.
    Some of these electrons are later recaptured by
    impurity atoms in the lattice and produces
    flashes of visible light. Then these photons are
    detected by a photomultiplier tube attached to
  • These days, specially coated CCD (Charge- Coupled
    Device, to be discussed in next Chapter) are used
    for imaging.
  • Reflection-grating arrays are used for

Principle of a scintillation detector
Adopted from Observational Astrophysics by Robert
C. Smith
Chandra X-Ray Observatories
  • Launched on July 1999, with a expected lifetime
    of 5 years
  • Diameter (of the largest pair of grazing mirror)
    1.2m, focal length 10m
  • Four scientific instruments providing imaging and
    spectroscopic coverage for 0.2 10 keV X-ray
  • Angular resolution 0.5? (best for X-ray)
  • Highly elliptical and time-varying orbit perigee
    16,800 km, apogee 132,000 km, with an
    orbiting period of 65.5 hours

Chandra X-Ray Observatories
  • Launched in Dec 1999
  • Detecting 0.1 12 keV
  • Aperture 0.7m, focal length 7.5m, Angular
    resolution 5?
  • Three separate mirror modules providing the
    largest effective area, good for spectroscopy

Gamma-ray Telescopes
  • The g-rays are too energetic for even grazing
    telescopes to be effective, leading to poor
    angular resolution.
  • Imaging have historically been done with
    secondary particle track analysis
  • Recent advances include developments of
    semiconductor detector arrays such as CdTe,
    (1282) and CsI (642 scintillation crystal).
  • Three methods, sometimes used in combination, for
    focusing g-ray (1) partial or total absorption
    of the g-ray's energy within a high-density
    medium, such as a large crystal of sodium iodide,
    (2) collimation using heavy absorbing material,
    to block out most of the sky and realize a small
    field of view, and (3) at sufficiently high
    energies, utilization of the conversion process
    from g-rays to electron-positron pairs in a spark
    chamber, which leaves a directional signature of
    the incoming photon.

Compton Gamma-ray Observatory (CGRO)
  • Launched by space shuttle in 1991, burnt during
    re-entry to Earth in 2000
  • Four instruments to detect hard X-ray and g-ray
    photons from 20 keV to 10 GeV

CGRO Instrument Capabilities
Burst and Transient Source Experiment
Oriented Scintillation Spectrometer Experiment
Imaging Compton Telescope
Realized upper limit 10 GeV
Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope
Fermi Large Area Space Telescope
  • Launched in 11 June 2008, joint US-Europe-Japan
  • Successor to CGRO, will be first telescope to
    survey E gt 10 GeV
  • Two instruments in one telescope
  • LAT Large Area Telescope (g-ray 20 MeV 300
  • GBM GLAST Burst Moniter (X-ray to g-ray 10 keV -
    25 MeV)
  • Angular resolution for imaging (LAT) 1?

Notice Different shape of a g-ray telescope (No
mirror or tubes)
Adopted from Observational Astrophysics, by P.
IV. Radio Telescopes
  • While radio and optical radiation are the only
    two clear windows for observations through the
    atmosphere, there are significant differences
    between optical and radio telescopes.
  • The major reason for difference lies in the big
    difference in wavelength lradio/loptical 105
    106, which also means optical photons have much
    higher energies than radio photons.
  • The large wavelength ratios has two major
    consequences the design of the instruments, and
    the format of the resulting data obtained.
  • The radio window, spanning from mm to tens of
    metres, is much wider than the optical window
    (300 1000 nm).

Language of Radio Astronomy
  • Unit of flux density (Power per unit area per
    unit frequency) 1 Jansky (Jy) 10-26 Wm-2Hz-1
  • Strongest sources 104 Jy detection limit mJy
  • At radio wavelengths (hn ltlt kT), the blackbody
    spectrum can be expressed in terms of the
    Rayleigh-Jeans approximation Bn(bb) 2kT/l2
    (Unit Wm-2Hz-1ster-1)
  • In radio astronomy, we frequently look at the
    brightness temperature TB of source defined as
    fn(source) 2kTB/l2, where fn is the specific
    flux density of the source measured.
  • Each component of the radio telescopes can
    therefore be expressed in terms of temperature
    (e.g. background radio signal detected at
    telescopes system temperature Tsys)

Radio Background
  • While radio signals are not absorbed by the
    atmosphere, observations in radio are affected by
    other background sources, both natural and
  • The extreme weakness of power from astronomical
    source means all the transmission and
    amplification of signals must be kept with low

Courtesy Undergraduate Research Educational
Design of Radio Telescopes
  • The angular resolution of a telescope of aperture
    diameter D is q 1.22 l/D.
  • To obtain the same resolution for optical
    telescope (500 nm) as radio telescope (1 cm), we
    need a diameter that is 1 cm/500 nm 20000 times
    bigger. (Exercise calculate the equivalent size
    for a 10m wave radio telescope to have the same
    diffraction-limited resolution as a 1m optical
  • Therefore, usually, radio telescopes are
    diffraction-limited, i.e. the resolution q is
    given by 1.22 l/D.
  • Radio astronomers use the technique of
    interferometry to achieve better resolution than
    optical telescopes.

Detection of Radio signals
  • Optical detectors such as CCDs detect the
    individual photons that strike the surface,
    creating a response that is proportional to the
    number of photons striking it. Counting these
    photons will result in a measure of the intensity
    of the source (coherent detection).
  • Radio photons carry energy that is too low to
    cause a reaction in such detectors.
  • Radio receivers will instead detect the wave
    nature of the radio waves rather than the photon
    nature (incoherent detection).
  • Radio waves are detected by the alternating
    electro-magnetic field generated in the detector,
    which is then detected as an AC voltage.
  • Therefore, while we cannot count radio photons,
    we can measure amplitude, phase, and polarization
    of the wave.

Structure of Radio Telescopes
  • Radio telescopes are mainly reflecting telescopes
    of either prime focus or Cassegrain types with a
    parabolic reflector (antenna)
  • Radio telescopes are usually much bigger than
    optical telescopes to achieve better resolution.
  • The biggest single dish radio telescope
    (filled-aperture telescope) is 305m diameter
    spherical dish at Arecibo (fixed) and 100m
    diameter parabolic dishes at Effelsberg, Germany
    and Greenbank, USA (fully steerable).
  • The focal ratio f/D for radio telescope is
    usually smaller than 1 ( 0.3 - 0.4) why?
  • The large research steerable radio telescopes
    usually have alt-az mounting, similar to that of
    optical telescopes.

Arecibo, Puerto Rico
  • 305m spherical dish
  • Prime focus feed

Greenbank, West Virginia, USA Prime focus
Effelsberg, Germany Cassegrain
Structure of Radio Telescopes
  • Radio telescopes are made up of two main parts
    antenna and receiver
  • The antenna collects and focus the plane waves
    from the distant astronomical source and into
    converging spherical waves and converts these
    spherical waves into an electrical AC signal.
  • The receiver amplifies the input signal (with a
    low-noise amplifier LNA), chooses the signal
    frequency and bandwidth, processes the signal and
    records it. (This is very similar to the system
    found in conventional radio and television)

  • Most research radio telescopes for millimetre and
    centimetre waves have parabolic or spherical
  • Antennas, like primary mirrors of optical
    telescopes, need to be built accurately within at
    least 10 of the wavelength.
  • Therefore, surfaces of radio antennas are simply
    metal sheets, and metal wire meshes (for longer
    radio waves)
  • For radio waves of length gt 1m, Yagi-Uda type
    antenna (similar to the TV antennas seen on
    rooftop) can be used.

76 m Lovell Telescope, Jodrell Bank
Feed/Feed Horn
A dipole placed here
  • Placed at the prime focus
  • Convert the radio waves into an electric AC
    signal to a transmission line
  • Example a half-wave dipole consists of a
    straight metal rod of length l/2, with a cable to
    the receiver attached at the centre.

Circular Waveguide
Polar power pattern of normal illuminated source
  • Power of radio waves received by a radio dish at
    various angular directions can be expressed in a
    power pattern diagram.
  • The angular resolution of a radio antenna, also
    known as the half-power beamwidth (HPBW), or
    simply beamwidth, is determined by the width of
    the main peak
  • Circular aperture q1.22 l/D
  • Main beam can be thought of as the central Airy
    disk of the diffraction pattern of a point source
    for optical telescopes.

main peak
side lobes
Adopted from Robert Smith Observational
Filled Aperture Telescope Array
  • To improve resolution for radio data, we can
    construct an array of telescopes all feeding
    their signal to a single receiver.
  • This is similar to the multi-mirror approach for
    optical telescopes.
  • The signals from different antennas are at
    different distance from the receiver. We can
    introduce electrical phase delay to the system to
    ensure that all signals arrive at the receiver

Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), 6x22m
  • The combination of the electrical signals can be
    accomplished by electrical steering.
  • Consider the three-element array above, the
    signal from zenith will arrive in phase (assuming
    the same cable length)
  • For sources at angle a, we need to introduce
    phase shifts to the signals so that they will
    arrive at receiver in phase.
  • For example, need to introduce phase shift of f,
    and 2f to signals at element 2 and 1 respectively
    to match with that at element 3, where
  • Note usually phase change due to separation of
    elements will be many cycles, i.e. f 2np f0.,
    where ngtgt1 and 0lt f0 lt2p.

Radio Interferometry
  • Resolution of an aperture-filled telescope
    actually depends only on the largest dimension of
    the antenna.
  • Therefore, we can keep the same resolution even
    when large parts of the apertures are removed!
    (unfilled-aperture telescopes)
  • We can have a series of antennas (size d)
    separated at distance D, then angular resolution
    achieved will be l/D, not l/d
  • The combination of signals from these antennas is
    called interferometry. We need precise knowledge
    of the phase of the radio waves received.

Principle of Interferometry
Aperture Synthesis
  • Signals from separate antennas combined. Phase
    shifts are introduced to signals for in-phase
  • Phase shift applied depends on (a) orientation
    and length of baseline (b) diurnal motion of
  • Correlator used to maximize combined signal from
    different antennas
  • Detailed maps resulted from Fourier Transform of
    the data from differenet baselines (helped by
    diurnal motion!)
  • To obtain wider coverage of the sky, we need to
    maximize the number of distinct baselines of

Adopted from Observational Astrophysics by P. Lena
Very Large Array
  • Socorro, New Mexico, USA
  • 27 antenna, 25m each
  • Maximum separation 36 km
  • Detection range 0.1 50 GHz
  • Antennas in Y configuration to maximize the
    number of distinct baseline orientations and

Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)
  • To further improve angular resolution of the
    resulting radio maps, we need to increase
    separation between antennas.
  • However, there is a practical limit on the
    separation of antennas linked by electrical
    cables to the receivers.
  • One solution Antennas around the world observe
    an object simultaneously, record the data on
    storage device (magnetic tape), and send the data
    to a central location for correlation and
  • Biggest challenge To calculate the correct phase
    shift applied to all data, all observing stations
    need synchronous clocks (hydrogen maser
    oscillator locked to Global Positioning System
    time) for accurate timing (phase accuracy 10-14
    over a few hours.
  • Resolution 10-3 10-4 arcsec in millimetre

USA VLBI Network
European VLBI Network
Sheshan, Shanghai 25m
Urumqi, Xinjiang 25m
Small Radio Telescope (SRT)
  • A small radio telescope developed by MIT/Haystack
    observatory for teaching purposes
  • Dish 2.3m diameter
  • Receiver 1370-1800 MHz
  • Can detect emission from hydrogen atoms (through
    spin-flip emission line at 1420 MHz)
  • Construction completed in Dec 2006, undergoing
    testing now
  • Possible projects radio emission from the sun,
    our Galaxy, pulsars,
  • Possible dish in the future for interferometry

Optical Interferometry
  • Interferometry technique can also be applied in
    optical wavelength
  • E.g. CHARA Six 1-m diameter telescopes,
    connected by vacuum pipes for light to be
  • Maximum baseline 330 m
  • Best resolution 200 mas
  • Need very accurate correlator to combine lights
    from different telescopes

V. Neutrino Telescope
  • Other than photons, we have only directly
    detected neutrinos from astronomical sources.
  • Neutrinos are low mass, spinless, chargeless
    particles that hardly interact with other matter.
    The mean free path of neutrinos through water is
    0.1 light year.
  • First neutrino telescope in 1964 is a tank of
    450m3 (100,000 gallons) of bleaching fluid
    (C2Cl4) 1.5km underground in a landmine.
    Chlorine37 capture neutrinos by reaction Cl37n
    ? Ar37 e-. Count the number of radioactive Ar37
    counted every few months when the tank is flushed
  • Result dozens of n (from Sun) detected every few
  • Neutrinos from Supernova 1987A (14 within two
    seconds of explosion in two observatories
    Kamiokande II and IMB) detected.

Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO)
2.1 km (6800 feet) underground 1000 tonnes of
heavy water (D2O) Most expensive ground telescope
VI. Gravitational Wave Telescope
  • According to General Relativity, rapid changing
    of gravitational field should emit gravitational
    waves, which are basically oscillations in
  • Indirect evidence of existence by the spiralling
    down of binary pulsars
  • We expect violent events such as the formation of
    black holes, and neutron star-black hole merger
    to be the source of gravitational waves.
  • Detect by gravitational effects of these waves,
    which is extremely small (length variation of
    order 10-22) with laser interferometer.

Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave
Observatory (LIGO)
Started operation in 11/2005
LIGO Hanford Observatory Redmond, WA, USA
LIGO Livingston Observatory Livingston, LA, USA
L shape design, 4km on a side
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