Tim Cantrell - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Tim Cantrell


... the first shot, he sent General Zachary Taylor to the Rio Grande, a newly ... Taylor opposed the compromise, but died in July and Fillmore signed it in September. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Tim Cantrell

Impending Crisis1840-1860
  • Tim Cantrell

Harrison-Tyler, 1841-45-1
  • I. Frustration of the Whigs- Harrison was
    elected, but after one month, he died and Tyler
    became President. 1st VP to become President
    upon the death of a President. He became a
    strong President, not an Acting President like
    Clay wanted him to be.
  • II. Events-1. Independent Treasury abolished,
    but new Bank bill vetoed by Tyler two or three
  • 2. Tariff of 1842-tariff raised 3. Tyler was
    criticized for marrying the 23 year old daughter
    of the Secretary of State (Webster resigned after
    settling the Maine boundary-Webster Ashburton

Tyler, Contd-2
  • 4. Tyler turned to foreign policy-Manifest
    Destiny-The issue was the annexation of Texas.
    Webster resigned and Calhoun was appointed to
    negotiate the treaty. This was done and the
    Senate rejected it, because it would lead to a
    war with Mexico. Clay helped defeat it in the
    Senate. This issue became the principal issue in
    the 1844 election.
  • Election of 1844-Whigs-Clay, Democrats-Polk
    Liberty Party-Birney- 5440 or fight the
    reannexation of Texas Polk won, with NY being
    the deciding state.

  • I. Polk had been House Speaker. Powerful
    President. Little Hickory James Buchanan was
    Secretary of State. Polk endorsed Manifest
    Destiny. He not only wanted Texas, but
    California too and was willing to fight for it.
  • Events-Three days before Polk took office, Tyler
    signed the Joint Resolution of Congress which
    officially annexed Texas. In hopes of provoking
    the Mexicans into firing the first shot, he sent
    General Zachary Taylor to the Rio Grande, a newly
    claimed border with Mexico. He also sent John
    Slidell to Mexico City to offer to buy CA

Polk, Contd-4
  • The Slidell mission was refused by Mexico and
    Polk wanted war for the insult. About the time
    Polk prepared his war message, word came about
    the attack on Taylors troops. This started the
    Mexican war. Use Maps for the 3 fronts 1. N.
    Mexico-Taylor 2. California-Fremont 3. Mexico
  • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, 1848-Nicholas Trist
    1. Texas 2. CA 3. Mexican Cession-U.S. paid 15
    million plus 3 ¼ million in claims against
    Mexico. Polk was unhappy as President and did
    not run again. Died in 1849.

Taylor-Fillmore, 1849-53-5
  • Election of 1848-Democrats-Cass, Whigs-Taylor,
    Free Soil-Van Buren C.F. Adams Van Buren split
    the Democrat vote and threw the election to
    Taylor. The Free Soil party supported the Wilmot
    Proviso, a bill that passed the House that
    prohibited slavery in any territory obtained in
    the Mexican War. Failed in the Senate, but was a
    rallying cry for the anti-slavery forces.
  • Taylor-Fillmore- Taylor lived only 16 months and
    his administration was dominated by the arguments
    over the slavery issue in the new territories.

  • Compromise of 1850-Clays last big compromise and
    the last meeting of the great Triumvirate-All
    three died within 2 years. Provisions-1.CA free
    state 2. Slave trade abolished in DC 3. Fugitive
    slave law 4. Popular Sovereignty in the Mexican
    Cession. Taylor opposed the compromise, but
    died in July and Fillmore signed it in September.
    Most politicians supported the compromise as the
    final word on slavery. Pierce beat Scott in 1852
    supporting the finality of the compromise. Even
    Webster came out for Pierce, the Democrat in

  • Great Migration-1630s-thousands left England and
    came to MA.
  • Government-Theocracy
  • Education-Harvard, 1636-Old Deluter Satan Law,
  • Economics, farming, fishing, rum, ship building

Expansion of NE-8
  • Rhode Island-1636-Roger Williams, 1st American
    was banished for sedition from MA. 1. Religious
    toleration 2. Separation of church and state 3.
    Treat the Indians fairly and pay them for land.
    Anne Hutchinson also exiled and came to RI.
    Williams founded the 1st First Baptist Church in
    Providence, RI in 1636. RI got a corporate
    charter in 1636.

Expansion of NE
  • New Hampshire-Founded by Fernando Georges and
    John Mason in 1629. Not as religious as MA
  • Connecticut-1635-founded by people who thought MA
    was not strict enough. Fundamental Orders of
    Connecticut, 1639 was the first written
    constitution in America. Corporate charter, 1639
  • Restoration Colonies-Carolinas, NY, NJ

Restoration Colonies
  • Carolinas-given to 8 friends of Charles II who
    helped restore him. 1st settlement, Charleston,
    1670. Not successful until private ownership of
    land was allowed. Quit Rent
  • Economics, tobacco, rice, indigo, naval stores,
    cotton, rice, pork, corn, lumber-the division
    North and South came in 1729 and both became
    Royal colonies.

  • New York-Conquered by James, Duke of York from
    the Dutch in 1664. Peter Stuyvesant, the Dutch
    governor surrendered without a fight in order to
    keep customs, land and religion. It became royal
    in 1685 when James became king.
  • New Jersey-given by James to a friend, John
    Berkley. It became royal in 1702

Quaker Colonies-12
  • Pennsylvania-Founded by Willam Penn in 1682.
    Free religion.
  • Quaker beliefs-1. Wouldnt swear or take oaths
    2. No clergy 3. Women equal 4. Thee and Thou 5.
    Pacifists 6. Treated Indians fairly
  • International Colony-people came from all over
    Europe. The most non-English colony. Freedom of
    Religion prevailed here.

Quaker Colonies-13
  • Delaware-purchased by the Penns and ruled by PA.
    Separate assembly granted to DL in 1702.
  • Georgia-founded by MP James Oglethorpe in 1732 as
    a refuge for debtors and a buffer state between
    the English and Spanish Florida. No slavery
    allowed until it became a regular royal colony in

Colonial Policy-14
  • Salutary Neglect to 1660
  • Navigation Acts-1660-96-3 principles 1. All trade
    to and from the colonies in English ships manned
    by English subjects 2. All trade must pass
    through England 3. Certain articles could be sold
    to England only All these rules were
    designed to enforce Mercantilism-define
  • Attempts at Unity of the Colonies

Colonial Policy
  • Dominion of New England- 1685-attempted by James
    II, unpopular because it abolished the
    representative assemblies. The governor, Edmund
    Andros was very unpopular. This ended in 1688
    with the Glorious Revolution.
  • Glorious Revolution brought the Bill of Rights
    and many colonies became Royal under William and

  • By 1700, the colonies on the continent had become
    very important to the economics of England. The
    colonies would mature during the 1700s and grow
    away from the mother country as they became
    different from England.
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