Title: Buffalo City School District
1Buffalo City School District
District Share Presentation
March 31, 2008
2How is Buffalo addressing the academic and/or
social emotional needs of the middle level
3With structural changes
- New school configurations Grades 6-12 and
Grades 5-12 - Smaller new schools populations no larger than
4Math Science and Technology Preparatory School_at_
Seneca, in partnership with the College Board,
the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the
Dell Foundation
- 320 Students in grades 6, 7 , 9 and 10 are
enrolled. In 2008-2009 it is planned to expand
to grades 8 and 11, and become a full grade 6
12 school in 2009-2010.
5International Preparatory School at Grover_at_
Grover Cleveland High School in partnership with
the College Board, the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, and the Dell Foundation
- 160 Students in grades 6 and 9 are enrolled. In
2008-2009 it is planned to expand to grades 7 and
10, in 2009-2010 grades 8 and 11 will be added,
and become a full grade 6 12 school in
6Olmsted High School _at_ Kensington
- Planning is underway to expand the successful
Frederick Law Olmsted program through grade 12.
Grade 9 will be added in 2008-2009, grade 10 in
2009-2010, grade 11 in 2010-2011, and grade 12 in
2011-2012 - The school will have one campus for grades 5 -12
7Support for successful existing smaller schools
- City Honors High School Grades 5-12
- Buffalo Academy of the Visual and Performing Arts
Grades 5-12
8With additional instructional time
9- Extended Learning Opportunity for Grades PK - 6
- Four week summer program, to front load upcoming
years literacy and math content for students - The program will be available at all Buffalo
schools with grades PK through 6 in Summer 2008
10- Extended Learning Opportunity for Grades 7 and 8
- Four week summer program for support in English
Language arts and mathematics skills - For students in grades 7 and 8 not successful
during the school year in ELA and mathematics
11- Extended Learning Opportunity for Students at
Superintendent's School Improvement District
Schools - Four week full day summer program for support in
English Language arts and mathematics skills - For all students in grades K- 8
12- Extended time during the school day
- 20 district schools are implementing the New York
State approved Model B plan with students
receiving double periods of English language arts
instruction daily, and an extra period of math
instruction every other day.
13- Extended time during the school day for students
at Superintendent's School Improvement District
Schools - The school day at these 16 schools has been
extended by one hour each day through Buffalos
Contract For Excellence plan
14With new courses in schools
15Expanded Access to Advanced Placement Courses
- 45 AP Courses are being offered in 12 district
high schools. - School are developing accelerated pathways in
grades 7 and 8 to ensure that these courses are a
viable option for all students
16(No Transcript)
17Student Advisories
- New school programs include advisory periods
to address both academic and social emotional
needs. They serve to provide an expectation of
college attendance and success - Existing school programs are working to include
the same opportunity
18- High School Interventions Support for students
already behind in high school - Extended time during the school day students in
Grade 9 in need of intensive intervention are
receiving double periods of ELA instruction daily - An additional period of mathematics is available
for grade 9 students who scored below benchmark
on the NYS mathematics assessments
19With increased support
20Student Support Teams
- The district is moving toward providing each
school with a student support team. There will
be on site a psychologist, a social worker, a CSE
chair, and an educational tester - Professional development for effective
intervention team functions is being offered -
21Teacher Support Staff
- Reading coaches at each school
- Math coaches at 16 schools
- District Support Team District support teachers
in all content areas, particularly focused on
literacy and mathematics
22School Support Staff
- Additional teacher aides have been added to each
Superintendent's School Improvement District
School, under the Contract For Excellence plan - Professional development has been provided to
these paraprofessionals to enable them to support
the district literacy programs
23What is it you do for middle level learners that
you are most proud of?
24- We have a comprehensive plan to address the
needs of all our learners - To strengthen the academic skills of our students
prior to middle level through our District
Student Achievement Plan - To address academic weaknesses that remain in the
middle years through extended time and targeted
interventions - To move towards structures that will allow these
students to be seen as at the beginning of a
college success path, not in the middle of
25What are you doing to measure effectiveness?
26- Academic measures
- State Assessment results
- Local assessments
- Grades 5-8 Accuity ELA and Math tests on-line,
standards based (new measure in 07-08) - Grades 9 and 10 TOSCRF Test of Silent
Contextual Reading Fluency (new measure in 07-08) - Other measures
- Attendance
- High school choice
- Graduation rates
- College attendance
27And more to come