Title: Strategic Plan Dialogue:
1Strategic Plan Dialogue 2008-2013 Enrollment,
Resources and Master Planning
2Mission (2003-08 Plan) USF St. Petersburg offers
distinctive graduate and undergraduate programs
in the arts and sciences, business, and education
within a close knit, student-centered learning
community that welcomes individuals from the
region, state, nation, and world. We conduct
wide-ranging, collaborative research to meet
society's needs and engage in service projects
and partnerships to enhance the university and
community's social, economic and intellectual
life. As an integral and complementary part of a
multi-institutional system, USF St. Petersburg
retains a separate identity and mission while
contributing to and benefiting from the
associations, cooperation, and shared resources
of a premier national research university.
3- Vision (2003-08 Plan)
- Guided by its mission and values, USF St.
Petersburg commits itself to leadership in
education, research, and outreach on behalf of
the people and communities it serves. - USF St. Petersburg will move aggressively and
strategically to enhance existing academic
programs and anticipate and address future needs
by developing new initiatives determined by
community-based educational priorities. - Our vision includes
- Graduate and undergraduate degree programs known
for accomplishing defined learning outcomes that
strive to meet the highest of academic standards - Academic, student, and support operations that
are caring, personal, and service-oriented - Enhanced opportunities for community-based
research, service, and learning - Campus and community participation in
decision-making and planning - First-class, up-to-date learning facilities and
technology - Increased external support for scholarships,
grants, and academic initiatives
- USF St. Petersburg will pursue five strategies to
further its goal of maintaining its
Doctoral/Research Extensive status while
retaining its student-centered environment - Strategy One Promote nationally and
internationally distinctive research and academic
programs that value collaborative learning. - Strategy Two Promote the intellectual, cultural,
personal, and social development of all students
through high-quality academic and student-life
programs. - Strategy Three Shape the enrollment profile to
reflect the educational goals of an urban
research institution that provides a
student-centered learning community. - Strategy Four Enhance technology support for
students, staff, and faculty. - Strategy Five Achieve full fiscal
self-sufficiency and develop a stable economic
base for university programs and services.
- Revised ? ? ? ?
- Actual Planned Planned Planned Planned Planne
d 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/1
3 - Lower FTEs 676 679 867 955
1,041 1,122 - Upper FTEs 1,512 1,528 1,661 1,722
1,768 1,797 - Grad I FTEs 234 287 270 290
305 320 - Grad II FTEs 1 1
1 1 1 - TOTAL 2,422 2,494 2,799 2,968 3,115
3,240 - 6.6 3 7 6 5
4 - Was 2,616 (8)
6Resources Operating Funds
- Type of Funds Timing
- Tuition and Fees Recurring
- State Operating Appropriations Recurring
- (Includes Lottery)
- State Capital Appropriations Nonrecurring
- Grants and Contracts Nonrecurring
- Gifts (one time) Nonrecurring
- Gifts (Endowments) Recurring
- Investment Earnings Recurring
- Financial Aid Recurring
- Auxiliary Income Recurring/Nonrecurring
- Carry Forward (State) Nonrecurring/Time Limited
72007/08 Operating Budget
- Tuition/Fees 8,176,729 19
- State Appropriations 28,295,483 65
- Auxiliaries 3,871,707 9
- Activity Service Fee 926,693 2
- Contracts Grants 1,868,316 4
- Gifts Endowments 647,000 1
- Concessions 23,252
- Total 43,809,180
- Includes Lottery, 4 Reduction
8USFSP 2007/08 REVISED Budget Summary General
Revenue (only)
- From Revised Total Education and General Budget
2007/08 - Recurring General Revenue Appropriation 28,715,11
2 - Less Reduction Fall 2007 (4) -1,159,430
- Subtotal Fall 2007/08 27,555,682
- Less Pending Reductions -3,158,662
- Adjusted Recurring Appropriation 24,397,020
- Total Preliminary USFSP Reduction -4,318,092
- Excludes Lottery
9USFSP Master Plan
10Five Year Capital Improvement Plan and
Legislative Budget Request 2008/09 through
- Utilities/Infrastructure/Capital Renewal/Roofs
All years - College of Business Classroom/Office
Building 2009/10 - Adjoining property Northeast A Acquisition 2008/0
9 - Adjoining Property South B (FECGP)
Acquisition 2008/09 - Adjoining Property South B Remodel 2008/09
- Science Tech/General Academic Facility Phase
II 2011/12 - Adjoining Property Center D Acquisition 2012/13
- General Academic Building 2012/13
11- What should our enrollment plan look like?
- -------------------------------------------
- Strategic Plan 2003-08 Strategy Three Shape the
enrollment profile to reflect the educational
goals of an urban research institution that
provides a student-centered learning community.
12- How should we use our existing resources?
- ------------------------------------------
- Strategic Plan 2003-08 Strategy Four Enhance
technology support for students, staff, and
faculty. - Strategic Plan 2003-08 Strategy Five Achieve
full fiscal self-sufficiency and develop a stable
economic base for university programs and
13- What new resources should we develop?
- ------------------------------------------
- Strategic Plan 2003-08 Strategy Four Enhance
technology support for students, staff, and
faculty. - Strategic Plan 2003-08 Strategy Five Achieve
full fiscal self-sufficiency and develop a stable
economic base for university programs and