Title: AIRS and OMI Ozone
1AIRS and OMI Ozone
Mike Newchurch/UAH Bill Irion/JPL Sunmi Na/Pusan
U Mike Gunson/JPL
AURA Validation Meeting 22 September, 2005 GSFC
2AIRS scanning geometry
Spectra from the nine AIRS footprints (upper
right) are used to produce cloud-cleared spectra
within the AMSU footprint (45 km) over which T,
H2O, and Ozone are retreived.
3Comparison of TOMS, OMI and AIRS column ozone
- Level 2 AIRS V4 compared to gridded TOMS (V8) and
OMI data. - Daytime columns compared if center of AIRS/AMSU
footprint falls within TOMS/OMI gridbox (so more
than one AIRS measurement is often compared.) - AIRS uses 9.6 ?m ozone radiances.
- Column data for AIRS can be quantitatively
unreliable poleward of 50 N or S, and over ice
and desert regions.
4AIRS daytime ozone
6/23/2005 (AIRS - OMI) / OMI
12/23/2004 (AIRS - OMI) / OMI
5AIRS - OMI relative difference vs cloud-top
pressure 6/23/05
1st cloud
2nd cloud
6AIRS - OMI -TOMS latitudinal comparisonDaytime,
Land Ocean
12/23/04 - 90S - 65N
6/23/05 - 65S - 90N
7Latitudinal difference vs OMI and TOMS Daytime,
Ocean Only
6/23/05 50S - 50N
12/23/04 50S - 50N
8AIRS and TOMS Polar Night1/7/2003
9AIRS vs. sondes
10ECMWF ozone (AIRS a priori) vs. sondes
11AIRS profile biases leaking in from ECMWF?
- AIRS used ECMWF ozone profiles to train
regression. - Biases in ECMWF profiles have been noted,
although the total column looks good Dethof and
Hólm, 2004. - ECMWF biases leaking into AIRS L2 where AIRS
lacks sensitivity (e.g. lower troposphere.)? - Not enough good matchups of ozonesondes with AIRS
to retrain regression. - Try using TES profiles to retrain regression
- 3-4 independent pieces in TES, 1-2 in
troposphere. - A-train makes matchups easy to find and numerous.
Dethof, A. and E. V. Hólm, Ozone assimilation in
the ERA-40 reanalysis project, Q. J. R. Meteorol.
Soc., 130, 2851-2872, 2004.
12Summary results
- Initial comparisons of total ozone column between
AIRS and OMI as good as or better than that AIRS
and TOMS. - Biases in the AIRS profile compared to
ozonesondes morphologically similar to biases of
ECMWF. - Will try re-training regression with TES ozone
profile and AIRS L2 radiances.