Title: DSAIs Enlightenment and Public Relations Campaigns
1DSAIs Enlightenment and Public Relations
- Introduction
- Activities
- General Media Relations
- Political Lobbying
- Events
- Outlook 2009
- Contact point for persons affected by the
disease - DSAI is managed by its chairwoman
- Gabriele Gründl.
- Besides the organizations headquarter in
Schnaitsee Regional groups were established in
Berlin, Dusseldorf, Kaiserslautern, Freiburg,
Frankfurt, Hamburg/Hanover, Leipzig, Nuremberg,
Stuttgart, Kassel and in the Lahn/Sieg region. - DSAI was founded 17 years ago with the objective
to enable persons concerned by - PID and their family members to exchange
experiences outside of - the regular medical care. Meanwhile the
objectives have long surpassed the purely - mental support.
- Experts believe that about 100,000 people in
Germany are affected. Just two years ago, only a
little under 700 patients had been diagnosed. - With enlightenment campaigns, supported by
hospitals, doctors, organizations, companies and
also people affected by the disease, DSAI has
since managed to double the rate of diagnosis. - Meanwhile about 1,400 people are treated for
PIDs - in Germany
6General Media Relations
- Media relation activities are addressed to the
consumer media as well as the trade media. - Tasks
- Developing topics for the trade and regional
media - Handling of media inquiries as well as
acquisition of writers - Mailing of image material and press releases to
the media - Use of the Internet as a communication tool
- Observation of the trade and consumer media
- Organization of events
- Intensive media acquisition patients talk about
their PID
7Circulation in the Millions for Enlightenment
- More than 350 million newspaper readers in 2006
and 2007 - More than 60 million TV viewers and radio
listeners over the past two years
8Reporting in different magazines
- Mach mal Pause
- Freizeit Woche
10Political Lobbying
11Cooperation with ACHSE
- Visit to the Immunodeficiency Policlinic Dresden
with ACHSE patron Eva-Luise Köhler, the wife of
the President of Germany, and DSAI patron André
12Berliner Signal
13Berliner Signal
- Motto Rare diseases not all that rare. An
early diagnose saves lives and cuts treatment
expenses - Objective Improvement of treatment options and
increase of detection rate - 1. Success Change of 116 b
- 2. Success Documents on newborn screening were
submitted at the Joint National Committee of
doctors and health insurances (Gemeinsamer
14Creation of flyer, poster and website
15Berliner Signal - impressions
16Scientific Symposium in Berlin
17Scientific Symposium, 9 May 2007, in Berlin
- DSAI and the German Society of Immunology
organized a scientific symposium in Berlin on
covering the topic of PIDs. - Objective of the event informing the public, the
media and politicians that an early diagnosis and
appropriate therapy significantly improves living
conditions of patients with PID and of all
people with rare diseases and reduces health
care costs in the long run by avoiding costly
false therapies. - Guests from politics, health care, charity
organisations and the media - Location dbb forum berlin (government district
of the Federal Republic of Germany)
18Scientific Symposium
19Results and Opportunities
- A big success for the DSAI was the change of
116b of Social Security Code (SGB) V - Now the existing PID policlinics can continue to
exist because of the secure financing. New
outpatient centres can be established at
hospitals to ensure care for PID patients all
over the country - A further success is the increasing detection
rate. - Conclusion
- Significant successes have been attained. Living
conditions of PID patients can be enhanced
further if the commitment of all parties involved
continues (doctors, politicians, patients,
health insurances). Lives can be saved.
20Reporting on the symposium
- DSAI reached over
- 25 million contacts
- TV stations
- Print media
- Online media
21Multimedia Awareness Campaign
22Multimedia Awareness Campaign
- The 1 Week Awareness
- Campaign on the topic of 116b
- Mailing of a multimedia press release with
interviews with DSAI supporters as well as
doctors and patients - Interviews with Prof. Karl Lauterbach, Gabriele
Gründl, Steffen Ball - Mailing via dpa to daily media as well as trade
publications - Contacts reached
- 165,276,187
23Further Activities
24Political Lobbying
- Further Activities
- Compilation of a guideline for hospitals
- Its this easy to become a 116b clinic
- Further discussions with decision makers from
politics and health care as well as hospitals - Discussions with the patient representative Helga
Kühn-Mengel on the topic of nationwide patient
care and recognition of PID as a practice
exception (Praxisbesonderheit) as well as
precautionary care for babies - Personal letter to hospital decision makers with
an appeal to submit the application for 116b
25DSAI Events
26Gala Night of the Stars at the Trocadero
SarrasaniTheater Dresden
27Gala Night of the Stars with patron André
- Charity event at the Trocadero Sarrasani
- Theater Dresden in February 2008
- Objectives
- Awareness for PID
- Collecting money for DSAI
28Gala Night of the Stars at Sarrasani
29Plasma Donation Conferencein Offenbach,
Bielefeld and Nuremberg
30Germany lacks plasma
- Donor cafés in Bielefeld, Nuremberg and Offenbach
- Motto donors meet affected persons
- Nationwide media activities, Support by
celebrities - Big media echo
31Media Echo
321. Global Immunology Day 2007
- Events in cooperation with
- Medical University of Hanover (MHH)
- Information event for students, patients and
anybody else interested in the topic of PID - German Society of Immunology (DGfI)
- Events on the topic of the immune system in
- Jena
- Erlangen
- Rostock
- Munich
- Berlin
331. Global Immunology Day 2007
- Events in cooperation with
- Symphonic Orchestra Dusseldorf
- DSAI charity concert Spanish Sounds
- Bone marrow typing activities
- Immunodeficiency clinics nation-wide
- Information events and info booths on the topic
of PID - in Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Freiburg, Berlin,
Hamburg - Some more events in
- Marburg, Hanover and Munich
34Medal of Honour for Enlightenment Activities
35Medal of Honour of the German Society of
Immunology for Gabriele Gründl
- Awarded on 5 September 2007 by the German Society
of Immunology (DGfI) - In recognition of the selfless and efficient work
she does as the chairwoman of DSAI - Conclusion by Gabriele Gründl was
- I am very honoured and glad to receive this
medal. We have been committed to enlightenment
about PIDs since 17 years. - The early diagnosis and an appropriate therapy
are the basis for an everyday life that is worth
living. - But we are still far from reaching our final
goal, there is still a lot that needs to be done.
36Medal of Honour for Gabriele Gründl
- Reporting among other in Rhein-Neckar Zeitung
37Open Day
38Open Day
- On 16 June 2007, DSAI president Gabriele Gründl
extended an invitation for an open day at the new
DSAI headquarter in Schnaitsee. The new office
was built above a former grain depot. - Many interested personsfollowed the invitation
and obtained informationon the clinical picture
39Further Education for Doctors
- DSAI is the only self-help group which
organizes nationwide further education for
doctors. Together with the respective hospitals
DSAI draws up a concept that guarantees that the
events run smoothly. From the design of the
invitations to printing the posters and
brochures, to the catering DSAI takes care of
the whole organization of the training events. - The motto in 2008
- Just a lasting cold or an error in the
system? - This trainings have been hold in Regensburg,
Munich, Hamburg - and Stuttgart. The last one for this year
will be in November in Leipzig.
- Together with the immunodeficiency policlinics
the DSAI - organizes regular school events on the topic
- The Immune System
- 31.10.2008 and 14.11.2008 in Munich
- 05.12.2008 in Berlin
- More than 1000 pupils will join this events.
- Always a big help to announce how
- the immune system works
- is the DSAI cartoon IMMUN IM CARTOON .
- The pupils get the cartoon at the events.
- Afterward the teachers use the cartoon in
41Patient Meetings in
- Heidelberg 31.05.2008
- Schnaitsee 05.07.2008
- Frankfurt 06.09.2008
- Krefeld 20.09.2008
- Siegen 20.09.2008
- Hanover 20.09.2008
- Stuttgart 11.10.2008
- Berlin 25.10.2008
- Leipzig 15.11.2008
42Children's Press Conference in Dusseldorf
43DSAI Childrens Press Conference on 6 May 2008
in Düsseldorf
- Topic PIDs Dramatic Health Care Lack in NRW
- Affected children from Dusseldorf and the
surrounding region as well as immunology experts
and politicians from the region provided
information on PIDs, current therapy options and
the dramatic lack of health care for patients. - 287,613,338
- contacts reached
44DSAI Audio Play
45DSAI Audio Play
- With the help of the DSAI Audio Play we want to
- sensitize children, teenagers and parents as well
- as those potentially affected for the PID
topic. - The objective is to enlighten students about
- the Immune system and the clinical picture
- in a slightly different way.
- Activities
- The audio play is offered schools all over the
country for classes - Presentation of the audio play at information
events at schools, patient meetings all over the
country and student - information events at university hospitals
- Presentation of the audio play at Sarrasani
circus shows - The PID policlinics will get the audio play for
the affected children -
46 DSAI Mascot
47A defence soldier for pathogens
- The DSAI mascot is meant to sensitize
- students at school in particular for the
- PID topic.
- They can touch and feel the mascot
- It appeals to the senses of the children and
- spark their interest for this clinical
- picture. Furthermore, we want
- the DSAI mascot to be a comfort to
- the affected children.
48Outlook 2009
49Outlook 2009
- Formulation of generally accepted standards for
immunodeficiency clinics - Further meetings with politicians, medical
fraternity and health insurance companies - Including Immunodeficiency Signals in the
statutory preventive medical check-up for small
children - Gala Night of the Stars 2009
- Immunology Day 2009
- Production of a documentation on PID for schools
and special events - Presenting an advertising spot in more than 50
cinemas - A further political event
- Extension of the further education events for
doctors nationwide - Acquisition of further patrons and further
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