Title: Provided for : NL Introduction for Europa
1Founded in 1997, located in Santa Paula,
Complete Solutions Provider For your LEADS and
Capturing Qualification Management
Provided for NL Introduction for Europa 13.
25. Mai 2002 From Karl Becker , NewLeads Inc.
001.805.933.1922 May 7th, 2002
Why do you go to trade shows?
To receive LEADS!
3Typical cost for a trade show
LEADS Systems
lt 1
Shipping, storage,
Booth Space
Travel, Hotel, Meals
Booth Costs
Booth Installation
4What are you paying for a LEAD?
Assumptions Show cost 500.000 , 250 Leads
total, Hot Leads 12 30!
Price per each LEAD 500,000 / 250 Leads 2000
per each LEAD
Preis per each hot LEAD 500,000 / 30 Leads
16,667 per each hot LEAD
You are investing between 2,000 to 16,667 for
a Business Card LEAD !
Will help you to capture the real LEADS at your
trade shows and exhibitions!
5Do you really have the time and the money to
chase your sales team after each LEAD?
Only 10 -15 of all leads are real LEADS!
The remaining 85 -90 only want to receive a
company gift!
Will provide you the solution to qualify the
real LEADS at your trade shows and exhibitions!
Do not waste any more time and costs to go after
leads, which was never a LEAD in the beginning!
6Customers are
and many, many more.
7Systems Systems
1.) SurveyBuilder Capturing, Qualification and
Management of LEADS!
2.) RegPartner Printing of Badges, either in
Magnetstripe and/or Bar Cods!
3.) WebPartner Save your LEADS/Contacts on a
Web Server!
Complete Solutions Provider for all your
8Survey Builder
- Eliminates the paper leads nightmare!
- Receive quality leads, not just names!
- Use the SAME leads system at every show!
- Email your leads back from the show!
9Survey Builder
1. step electronically Capturing of the LEAD
2. step electronically Qualification of the LEAD
3. step electronically Management of the LEAD
No more Paper, Business Cards or Customer Request
1. Schritt Capture the LEAD
Business Cards
Bar Codes
Manual Input
Magnetic Stipe
1. Step LEAD contact info is captured
122. Step Qualification of the LEAD
- Questions required to ask
- Determine Product(s) Interest?
- Time frame of purchase?
- Size of opportunity or budget?
- Generate your own Survey, Questions Answers, in
any language for different booth partners
Up to 10 Questions, we recomment between 3-7
2. Step Qualification of the LEADS
Insert important notes and information in the
Insert your own brochure and flyer page, to be
selected by the LEAD!
3. Schritt Management of the LEAD
- Send your LEADS online back to your
- Company
- Sales Department
- Representative Network
- Distributor Network
- Online On Time
- after each Lead is captured
- at the end of each day
- at the end of the show
- ONE System for all your Trade Shows, worldwide!
Export the LEADS
3. Schritt Manage the LEADS
Sorted by your requirements
Generate your own exhibition report
3. Schritt Sort LEADS based on your requirements