Introduction to Seasonal Adjustment - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Seasonal Adjustment


The activity for the month overall will be influenced by those extra days ... Examples of moving holidays include Easter and Chinese New Year where the exact ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Seasonal Adjustment

Introduction to Seasonal Adjustment
  • Based on the
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics Information
    Paper An Introductory Course on Time Series
  • Hungarian Central Statistical Office Seasonal
    Adjustment Methods and Practices
  • Bundesbank, Robert Kirchner X-12 ARIMA Seasonal
    Adjustment of Economic Data Training Course
  • Artur Andrysiak
  • Economic Statistics Section, UNECE

  • What and why
  • Basic concepts
  • Methods
  • Software
  • Recommended practices
  • Step by step
  • Issues
  • Useful references

Seasonally adjusted and original series
Industrial Production Index
IIP percentage change from November 2007 to
December 2007
Why seasonally adjust?
  • Seasonal adjustment has three main purposes
  • to aid in short term forecasting
  • to aid in relating time series to other series or
    extreme events
  • including comparison of timeseries from different
  • to allow series to be compared from month to

Seasonal adjustment
  • Seasonal adjustment is an analysis technique that
    estimates and then removes from a series
    influences that are systematic and calendar
  • A seasonally adjusted series can be formed by
    removing the systematic calendar related
    influences from the original series.
  • A trend series is then derived by removing the
    remaining irregular influences from the
    seasonally adjusted series.

Aim of seasonal adjustment
  • The aim of seasonal adjustment is to eliminate
    seasonal and working day effects. Hence there are
    no seasonal and working-day effects in a
    perfectly seasonally adjusted series
  • Source Bundesbank

Aim of seasonal adjustment
  • In other words seasonal adjustment transforms
    the world we live in into a world where no
    seasonal and working-day effects occur. In a
    seasonally adjusted world the temperature is
    exactly the same in winter as in the summer,
    there are no holidays, Christmas is abolished,
    people work every day in the week with the same
    intensity (no break over the weekend) etc.
  • Source Bundesbank

IPI - Kazakhstan
Basic concepts - timeseries
  • A time series is a collection of observations of
    well defined data items observed through time
    (measured at equally spaced intervals).
  • Examples monthly Industrial Production Index
  • Data collected irregularly or only once are not

Types of timeseries
  • Stock series are measures of activity at a point
    in time and can be thought of as stocktakes.
  • Example the Monthly Labour Force Survey it
    takes stock of whether a person was employed in
    the reference week.
  • Flow series are series which are a measure of
    activity to a date.
  • Examples of flow series include Retail, Current
    Account Deficit, Balance of Payments.

Basic concepts - seasonality
  • Seasonality can be thought of as factors that
    recur one or more times per year.
  • A seasonal effect is reasonably stable with
    respect to timing, direction and magnitude.
  • The seasonal component of a time series comprises
    three main types of systematic calendar related
  • seasonal influences
  • trading day influences
  • moving holiday influences

Seasonal influences
  • Seasonal influences represent intra-year
    fluctuations in the series level, that are
    repeated more or less regularly year after year.
  • warmth in Summer and cold in Winter BUT Weather
    conditions that are out of character for a
    particular season, such as snow in a summer
    month, would appear in irregular, not seasonal
  • reflect traditional behaviour associated with the
    calendar and the various social (Chinese New
    Year), business (quarterly provisional tax
    payments), administrative procedures (tax
    returns) and effects of Christmas and the holiday

Trading day
  • Trading day influences refer to the impact on
    the series, of the number and type of days in a
    particular month. A calendar month typically
    comprises four weeks (28 days) plus an extra one,
    two or three days. The activity for the month
    overall will be influenced by those extra days
    whenever the level of activity on the days of the
    week are different.

Moving holidays
  • Moving holiday influences refer to the impact on
    the series level of holidays that occur once a
    year but whose exact timing shifts
    systematically. Examples of moving holidays
    include Easter and Chinese New Year where the
    exact date is determined by the cycles of the

Basic concepts - trend
  • The trend component is defined as the long term
    movement in a series.
  • The trend is a reflection of the underlying level
    of the series. This is typically due to
    influences such as population growth, price
    inflation and general economic development.
  • The trend component is sometimes referred to as
    the trend cycle.

Basic concepts - irregular
  • The irregular component is the remaining
    component of the series after the seasonal and
    trend components have been removed from the
    original data.
  • For this reason, it is also sometimes referred
    to as the residual component. It attempts to
    capture the remaining short term fluctuations in
    the series which are neither systematic nor
  • The irregular component of a time series may or
    may not be random. It can contain both random
    effects (white noise) or artifacts of
    non-sampling error, which are not necessarily
  • Most time series contain some degree of
    volatility, causing original and seasonally
    adjusted values to oscillate around the general
    trend level. However, on occasions when the
    degree of irregularity is unusually large, the
    values can deviate from the trend by a large
    margin, resulting in an extreme value. Some
    examples of the causes of extreme values are
    adverse natural events and industrial disputes.

Models for decomposing a series
  • Components of timeseries
  • It irregular
  • St seasonal
  • Tt trend
  • Ot original
  • Additive Decomposition Model
  • Ot St Tt It
  • Multiplicative Decomposition Model
  • Ot St x Tt x It

Additive Decomposition Model
  • The additive decomposition model assumes that the
    components of the series behave independently of
    each other. The trend of the series fluctuates
    yet the amplitude of the adjusted series
    (magnitude of the seasonal spikes) remain
    approximately the same, implying an additive
  • Ot St Tt It

Additive model
Example of additive series - IPI for Serbia
Multiplicative Decomposition Model
  • As the trend of the series increases, the
    magnitude of the seasonal dips also increases,
    implying a multiplicative model.
  • Ot St x Tt x It

Multiplicative Model
Example of multiplicative series IPI for
Seasonal adjustment philosophies
  • Model based method
  • Filter based method.

Model based methods
  • The model based approach requires the components
    of an original time series, such as the trend,
    seasonal and irregular to be modelled separately.
    Alternatively, the original series could be
    modelled and from that model, the trend, seasonal
    and irregular component models can be derived.
  • Model based methods assume the irregular
    component is .white noise. i.e. the irregular has
    no structure, zero mean and a constant variance.

Model based methods

  • TRAMO (Time Series Regression with ARIMA Noise,
    Missing Observations and Outliers) and SEATS
    (Signal Extraction in ARIMA Time Series) are
    linked programs originally developed by Victor
    Gómez and Agustin Maravall at Bank of Spain.
  • The two programs are structured to be used
    together, both for in-depth analysis of a few
    series or for routine applications to a large
    number of them, and can be run in an entirely
    automatic manner. When used for seasonal
    adjustment, TRAMO preadjusts the series to be
    adjusted by SEATS.
  • The two programs are intensively used at present
    by data-producing and economic agencies,
    including Eurostat and the European Central Bank.
  • Programs TRAMO and SEATS provide a fully
    model-based method for forecasting and signal
    extraction in univariate time series. Due to the
    model-based features, it becomes a powerful tool
    for a detailed analysis of series.


Filter based methods
  • This method applies a set of fixed filters
    (moving averages) to decompose the time series
    into a trend, seasonal and irregular component.
    Typically, symmetric linear filters are applied
    to the middle of the series, and asymmetric
    linear filters are applied to the ends of the

Filter based methods
  • X11
  • X11-ARIMA
  • X12-ARIMA (uses regARIMA Models for forecasts,
    backcasts and preadjustments)
  • STL
  • SABL

  • X12-ARIMA was developed by US Census Bureau as an
    extended and improved version of the X11- ARIMA
    method of Statistics Canada (Dagum (1980)).
  • The program runs through the following steps.
  • First the series is modified by any user-defined
    prior adjustments.
  • Then the program fits a regARIMA model to the
    series in order to detect and adjust for outliers
    and other distorting effects for improving
    forecasts and seasonal adjustment.
  • The program then uses a series of moving averages
    to decompose a time series into three components.
    In the last step a wider range of diagnostic
    statistics are produced, describing the final
    seasonal adjustment, and giving pointers to
    possible improvements which could be made.
  • The X12-ARIMA method is best described by the
    following flowchart, as presented by David
    Findley and by Deutsche Bundesbank respectively.

The X12-ARIMA method is best described by the
following flowchart, as presented by David
Findley and by Deutsche Bundesbank respectively.
  • http//

(No Transcript)
  • http//
  • X12-ARIMA
  • http//
  • http//
  • http//

The criteria of a good seasonal adjustment
  • series which does not show the presence of
    seasonality should not be seasonally adjusted
  • it should not leave any residual seasonality and
    effects that have been corrected (trading day,
    Easter effect, ) in the seasonally adjusted data
  • there should not be over-smoothing
  • it should not lead to abnormal revisions in the
    seasonal adjustment figure with respect to the
    characteristics of the series
  • the adjustment process should prefer the
    parsimonious (simpler) ARIMA models
  • the underlying choices should be documented

Recommended practices for Seasonal Adjustment
  • Aggregation Approach
  • Preserving relationships between data - indirect
  • Series that have very similar seasonal components
    (summing up the series together will first
    reinforce the seasonal pattern while allowing the
    cancellation of some noise in the series) -
    direct adjustment
  • Revisions
  • Concurrent adjustment vs forward factors
  • Take into account the revision pattern of the
    raw data, the main use of the data, the stability
    of the seasonal component
  • Publication Policy
  • When seasonality is present and can be
    identified, series should be made available in
    seasonally adjusted form.
  • The method and software used should be explicitly
    mentioned in the metadata accompanying the
  • Calendar adjusted series and/or the trend-cycle
    estimates (in graph format) could be also
    disseminated in case of user demand.

Recommended practices for Seasonal Adjustment
  • Additional information to be published
  • The decision rules for the choice of different
    options in the program
  • The aggregation policy
  • The outlier detection and correction methods with
  • The decision rules for transformation
  • The revision policy
  • The description of the working/trading day
  • The contact address.
  • Calendar Effects
  • Proportional approach vs regression approach
  • model based methods - regression approach should
    be used
  • Outliers Detection
  • Expert information is especially important about
  • Outliers should be removed before seasonal
    adjustment is carried out

Recommended practices for Seasonal Adjustment
  • Transformation Analysis
  • Most popular software packages provide automatic
    test for log-transformation
  • Automatic choice should be confirmed by looking
    at graphs of the series
  • If the diagnostics are inconclusive - visually
    inspect the graph of the series
  • If the series has zero and negative values it
    must be additively adjusted
  • If the series has a decreasing level with
    positive values close to zero and the series do
    not have negative values - multiplicative
    adjustment has to be used
  • Time Consistency
  • Time consistency of adjusted data should be
    maintained in case of strong user interest, but
    not if the seasonality is rapidly changing

Forward Factors versus Concurrent Adjustment
  • Forward factors rely on an annual analysis of the
    latest available data to determine seasonal and
    trading day factors that will be applied in the
    forthcoming 4 quarters or 12 months (depending if
    the series is quarterly or monthly).
  • Concurrent adjustment uses the data available at
    each reference period to re-estimate seasonal and
    trading day factors. Under this method data for
    the current month are used in estimating seasonal
    and trading day factors for the current and
    previous months. This method continually fine
    tunes the estimates whenever new data becomes

Seasonal Adjustment Step by Step
  • STEP 0 Length of series
  • Series has to be at least 3 year-long (36
    observations) for monthly series and 4 year-long
    (16 observations) for quarterly series
  • For an adequate seasonal adjustment data of more
    than five years are needed.
  • For series under 10 years the instability of
    seasonally adjusted data could arise,
  • If the series is too long information regarding
    seasonality, many years ago could be irrelevant
    today, especially if changes in concepts,
    definitions and methodology occurred.
  • STEP 1 Preconditions, test for seasonality
  • Have a look at the data and graph of the original
    time series
  • Possible outlier values should be identified
  • Series with too many outliers (more than 10)
    will cause estimation problems
  • The spectral graph of the original series should
    be examined
  • If seasonality is not consistent enough for a
    seasonal adjustment series should not be
    seasonally adjusted.

Seasonal Adjustment Step by Step
  • STEP 2 Transformation type
  • Automatic test for log-transformation is
  • The results should be confirmed by looking at
    graphs of the series
  • STEP 3 Calendar effect
  • It should be determined which regression effects,
    such as trading/working day, leap year, moving
    holidays (e.g. Easter) and national holidays, are
    plausible for the series
  • If the effects are not plausible for the series
    the regressors for the effects should not be
  • STEP 4 Outlier correction
  • Series with high number of outliers relative to
    the length of the series should be identified -
    attempts can be made to re-model these series
  • STEP 5 The order of the ARIMA model
  • Automatic procedure should be used
  • Not significant high-order ARIMA model
    coefficients should be identified.

Seasonal Adjustment Step by Step
  • STEP 6 for family X Filter choices
  • It should be verified that the seasonal filters
    are generally in agreement with the global moving
    seasonality ratio.
  • STEP 7 Monitoring of the results
  • There should not be any residual seasonal and
    calendar effects in the published seasonally
    adjusted series or in the irregular component.
  • If there is residual seasonality or calendar
    effect, as indicated by the spectral peaks, the
    model and regressor options should be checked in
    order to remove seasonality.
  • STEP 8 Stability diagnostics
  • Even if no residual effects are detected, the
    adjustment will be unsatisfactory if the adjusted
    values undergo large revisions when they are
    recalculated as new data become available. In any
    case instabilities should be measured and

Forward Factors versus Concurrent Adjustment
  • Concurrent adjustment uses the data available at
    each reference period to re-estimate seasonal and
    trading day factors. Under this method data for
    the current month are used in estimating seasonal
    and trading day factors for the current and
    previous months. This method continually fine
    tunes the estimates whenever new data becomes

Issues that can complicate the seasonal
adjustment process
  • Outliers (unusual estimates)
  • The focus is on unusual estimates, not unusual
    observations as in the sampling sense. Outliers
    can cause blips in an original series, seasonally
    adjusted series and trend series unless they are
    modified or corrected during the seasonal
    adjustment process
  • Revisions
  • The seasonal adjustment process leads to
    revisions to the seasonally adjusted and trend
    series. Revisions are not desirable, either for
    the ABS or the users of the series. The analysis
    technique chosen aims to strike a balance between
    revisions and quality of the seasonally adjusted
    and trend series. This issue is commonly referred
    to as the .end point problem.
  • Aggregation and Disaggregation
  • Regular and irregular influences are often
    estimated and removed from series at fine levels
    of disaggregation, such as at the State by
    Industry level. Higher level seasonally adjusted
    series, such as at the Australia level, can be
    constructed by adding up component series to a
    higher level (to form an indirectly adjusted
    series) or by directly seasonally adjusting the
    higher level series (to form a directly adjusted
    series). The resulting series will not be
    identical. A common issue faced by time series
    analysts is explaining why the two approaches do
    not result in the same series.

  • Outliers are data which do not fit in the
    tendency of the time series observed, which fall
    outside the range expected on the basis of the
    typical pattern of the trend and seasonal
  • Additive outlier the value of only one
    observation is affected. AO may either be caused
    by random effects or due to an identifiable cause
    as a strike, bad weather or war.
  • Temporary change the value of one observation is
    extremely high or low, then the size of the
    deviation reduces gradually (exponentially) in
    the course of the subsequent observations until
    the time series returns to the initial level. For
    example in the construction sector the production
    would be higher if in a winter the weather was
    better than usually (i.e. higher temperature,
    without snow). When the weather is regular, the
    production returns to the normal level.
  • Level shift starting from a given time period,
    the level of the time series undergoes a
    permanent change. Causes could include change in
    concepts and definitions of the survey
    population, in the collection method, in the
    economic behavior, in the legislation or in the
    social traditions. For example a permanent
    increase in salaries.

Useful references
  • Eurostat. ESS Guidelines on Seasonal Adjustment
  • http//
  • Eurostat. Eurostat Seasonal Adjustment Project.
  • Hungarian Central Statistical Office (2007).
    Seasonal Adjustment Methods and Practices.
  • US Census Bureau. The X-12-ARIMA Seasonal
    Adjustment Program. http//
  • Bank of Spain. Statistics and Econometrics
    Software. http//
  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (2005).
    Information Paper, An Introduction Course on Time
    Series Analysis Electronic Delivery.
    1346.0.55.001. http//

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