Title: How to relate Web Service Interfaces to other things
1How to relate Web Service Interfaces to other
Philippe Giabbanelli CMPT 894 Spring 2008
2We will try to relate Web Service Interfaces to
the hierarchy defined by Process Rewrite Systems.
We will explain general principles for interfaces
about software components, and how to model
message passing. This will help us understanding
the characteristics of Web Service Interfaces.
Where are algebras over VPL in the hierarchy?
Where are subclasses of VPL in the hierarchy?
Principles of software contracts
Modeling communicating entities
3An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Last time, we presented Visibly Pushdown
Subset of Context Free Languages such that
checking a context-free property is decidable
(but EXPTIME-complete).
Good closure properties like regular languages.
A symbol belongs to the calls (push on the
stack), the returns (pop from the stack) or other
(do not use the stack).
A long time ago, we presented a hierarchy
defined by grammars of Process Rewrite Systems.
4An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Basic Process Algebra (BPA) is based on
context-free languages. As there is no closure
under intersection, it cannot have parallel
P a X p1 p2 p1 . p2
It is undecidable to check if two context-free
grammar generates the same language, so its
undecidable to check trace equivalence for BPA.
It is also undecidable to check if a language
is a subset of another one.
but thats decidable for Visibly Pushdown
Languages !
An algebra defined on VPL
5An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
An algebra called Communicating Visibly
pushdown Processes (CVP) has been defined. It
generalises CSP.
Alternative S or R (depends on the environment)
Parallel composition
Sequential composition
An algebra defined on VPL
6An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Formal definition of equivalence
A labelled transition system (LTS) has
A set S of states
A set A of actions
A set of transitions ? S x A x S
(given a state and an action, we go to a new
The set of actions that can take place on a
state s is denoted I(s).
An equivalence is a relation R S x S. We have
many possible types
simulation iff for each transition s ?a s in
one, there is a transition t ?a t in the other
(and we can repeat the process with s and t)
bisimulation if R R.
7An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Formal definition of equivalence
There is a whole hierarchy of equivalences (by
Van Glabbeek).
t and s supports exactly the same set of actions
8An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Complexity of Equivalences
Given an automaton and two of its initial
states, can we decide if those states are equal
given an equivalence? If so, what is the
It is decidable and EXPTIME for Visibly Pushdown
A one-counter automaton is a finite-state
automaton with a counter that can be incremented,
decremented or compared to 0. It can be seen as a
Pushdown Automata with only one symbol for the
stack ( the bottom).
A visibly one-counter automaton (v1CA) is
defined like for visibly pushdown-automaton an
action a is either a call, a return or just local.
If it is a call, then a 2
stack size 1
stack size - 1
If it is a return, then a 0
same stack
If it is local, then a 1
9An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Complexity of Equivalences
Given an automaton and two of its initial
states, can we decide if those states are equal
given an equivalence? If so, what is the
It is decidable and EXPTIME for Visibly Pushdown
It is decidable and PSPACE-complete for visibly
It is decidable and P-complete for visibly BPA.
(basic process algebra is
a pushdown automata with 1 control state)
10An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Defining Software Contracts
Software are made out of components.
Using them raises two questions
How can you trust a component?
What if you dont use a component in the right
We need a specification to know what the
component does, but we do not care how it does it.
This specification certifies what the component
does it is a contract. A contract can be more or
less accurate guarantee things at different
Let explore those contracts!
11An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Defining Software Contracts
Level 1 Contract
operations (or functions)
input/output parameters
possible exceptions
Its like an interface in Java, and it can be
checked at compile time.
12An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Defining Software Contracts
Level 2 Contract
We guess what is a deposit.
but what if it is negative?
And what if we want to withdraw over our limit?
We need to specify the behaviour.
13An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Defining Software Contracts
Level 3 Contract
Within a component, some of the services might
have interactions (think of parallelism).
A synchronization contract specifies the
behaviour as synchronizations between method
14An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Defining Software Contracts
Level 4 Contract
The quality of service that is specified in the
contract could be
average response time
result throughput for simultaneous queries
(see The design of the TAO Real-Time Object
Request Broker)
15An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
How we sign Contracts in Softwares world
To use a component, we have to establish a
A component can have different class of
contracts, more or less weak.
The person using the component will choose one
contract, specify parameters such as delays, and
submit the contract for approval by the component.
The component modifies the term of the contract
to make it duable.
If the user is not satisfied with the contract,
he can try contracts with weaker quality of
service. Here is the negociation! (see Rusken
16An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
What if a contract is violated?
For the bank, the contract specifies that we
cannot withdraw more money than we have. What if
we try?
We ignore the contract and proceed.
You know that what you are doing is bad
We reject raise an exception and propagate.
We tell you that its bad and we refuse
We wait until the contract becomes valid again.
The customer wants to take more money
than he have. We will wait until he has enough
money, i.e. a deposit. This can work in parallel
We negociate the terms of the contract again.
17An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
In basic process algebras such as the one we
saw two weeks ago (CCS), processes are
interconnected by a static topology.
What does that mean?
A follow-up to CCS allowing a dynamic
interconnection topology is the p-calculus. It
generalises conventional process algebras.
Once a link is established between two processes,
it doesnt change.
Another model is the Actor Theory. Basically,
an actor
All the links are known at the beginning.
Encapsulates datas and procedures. Its hidden
Thats not very realistic. Thus, we need a model
where dynamic interconnection topology is
Actors are units of concurrence they execute
An actor has a unique name but his behaviour
might change with the time (just like a human
fixed name but not behaviour).
Communications is asynchronous by sending
18An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Just to make it clear, two differences between
actors and p-calculus
Just to make it clear, actors vs nomadic
A name identifies an agent vs a communication
Buffered asynchronous communications vs
p-calculus has been extended by types to
overcome certain limitations, and it is possible
for actors to simulate synchronous communications
(handshake) or for p-calculus to somehow
simulate asynchronous.
Extensions and simulations are one more layer
that we have to think of in other words, it
makes it more complicate than an abstraction
which already has those things in it.
There is also something in between the Nomadic
p-calculus model.
A process identified by a name communicates
All processes are associated with a host site,
and can migrate between sites during the
19An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
Just to make it clear, actors vs nomadic
Both have names and asynchronous communications.
In the nomadic p-calculus, communication
primitives might require to know the location of
the target. It is not the case for actors which
are not associated with hosts.
Actors have been extended by adding location
informations to the names, so that names could be
unique over the World Wide Web. Thus, the
difference becomes quite thin
There are some implicit differences between
What we have in mind is the idea asynchronous,
we drop our message and we go back to our work
vs synchronous is realiable.
There is more than that
In asynchronous you do not know the state of
the other entity!
20An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
We send a message to an entity. As we do not
know its state, maybe that the entity is not able
to process the message at this time (think of a
server with a file being already accessed by
another client in WRITE).
In synchronous communication, different
messages are received on different ports and you
can disable a port if you are too busy, which
will block the communication.
The actor can buffer the message that cannot be
processed, i.e. store it into a mailbox.
In Rosette, each state of an actor tells us which
methods can be executed.
We look in the Mailbox for the first message
asking to do something duable (calling a method
of enabled set).
A similar idea is the local synchronization
constraint we will deliver the message when some
constraint is satisfied.
21An algebra on VPL Subclass of VPL
Software Contracts Entities
In the Theory of Actors, we often use the
following two tools
Computation tree (representing transitions
between configurations)
Interaction Path (sequence of computations
showing only the interactions, i.e. messages, and
hidding all internal actions)
Two configurations are equivalent if they have
the same set of actors to interact with and their
interaction paths are the same.
Want to know more on this topic? Here are some
Actors a model for reasoning about open
distributed systems (Gul Agha, Prasannaa Thati
Reza Ziaei, in Formal methods for distributed
processing a survey of object-oriented
approaches 2001)
A calculus of Mobile Processes Part I II (Robin
Milner, Joachim Parrow, David Walker, 1989
revised 1990)
22Articles used for this presentation (topics 1 to
Undecidable Equivalences for Basic Process
Algebra (Jan Groote Hans Hüttel, Report
CS-R9137 at CWI, August 1991 )
CVP A visibly pushdown process algebra (Md
Tawhid Bin Waez Stefan Bruda, Technical Report
at Bishops University, 2008)
Visibly Pushdown Automata From Language
Equivalence to Simulation and Bisimulation (Jiri
Srba, Springer 2006.)
Making Components Contract Aware (Antoine
Beugnard, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Noël Plouzeau,
Damien Watkins, Computer 1999)