Title: Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done Manifesto
1Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Procrastination a familiar term...everyone
recognizes it - putting off things that need to
be done. I used to explain how I worked better
under pressure, saying I couldnt do my best work
until the very last minute. The explanation
seemed to be a honorable excuse for staying up
all hours of the night to complete a paper, a
project, etc.
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
2Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
The truth is I was a procrastinator . . .
avoiding the responsibility and tasks required,
but trying to dress it up nicely by calling it
working under pressure. It was procrastination,
plain and simple, not a noble creative spurt that
only came at the wee hours of the morning.
3Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
Procrastination is wiped away when you take
action and move forward to complete something,
even if its not absolutely perfect or right.
Ask any writer, musician, or artist if they are
satisfied with their finished piece and they will
tell you they always see something else they want
to change in the work.
4Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
Procrastination is the result of over-analyzing
and over-thinking.
5Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
When I read the Cult of Done Manifesto, created
by Bre Pettis and Kio Stark, I realized how my
procrastination was the result of being paralyzed
by trying to get everything perfect before
declaring it final.
6Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
This is for all the procrastinators who have
unfinished projects and dreams that never get
done. May the Cult of Done Manifesto help you
banish procrastination and finish one thing in
order to move on to the next.
7Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
The Cult of Done Manifesto 1. There are three
states of being. Not knowing,
action and completion. 2. Accept that
everything is a draft. It helps to get it
done. 3. There is no editing stage.
8Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
4. Pretending you know what youre doing is
almost the same as knowing what you are doing, so
just accept that you know what youre doing even
if you dont and do it. 5. Banish
procrastination. If you wait more than a week to
get an idea done, abandon it.
9Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
6. The point of being done is not to finish but
to get other things done. 7. Once youre done
you can throw it away. 8. Laugh at perfection.
Its boring and keeps you from being done.
10Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
9. People without dirty hands are wrong. Doing
something makes you right. 10. Failure counts as
done. So do mistakes. 11. Destruction is a
variant of done.
11Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
12. If you have an idea and publish it on the
internet, that counts as a ghost of done. 13.
Done is the engine of more.
12Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
Now, get up and get something DONE today.
13Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!
You can banish procrastination by finishing one
thing, and then the next and the next . . .
without waiting for it to be perfect.
14Banish Procrastination...the Cult of Done
Life is Too Short To Wait For Someday!