Title: What is Yeeboo?
1What is Yeeboo?
2Yeeboo Digital is a boutique collective of
passionate Senior Level Digital Strategists with
a focus on evidence-based Fundraising,
Communications, Marketing and Advertising in the
Nonprofit and Small/Medium Business Sectors.
3Yeeboo Digital is more than just passionate
people. We believe that Passion and Experience -
although awesome - are no match for rigorously
tested scientific data. Weve embraced the work
around Persuasion Architecture, and Landing Page
Optimization from the research teams at Marketing
Experiments and MECLABS.
4We work with our clients to create data-driven
digital initiatives that leverage testing and
optimization to increase return on investment. In
our world, Online Marketing is Online Testing,
it's as simple as that.
5Why make decisions based on a "hunch" when you
can leverage the data your customers and
constituents are telling you? We let the numbers
speak for themselves.