Topic 1 Introduction To Derivatives - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Topic 1 Introduction To Derivatives


Let's say that you entered into a call option on IBM stock: ... Thus your payoff to the option is $0 if the IBM stock is less than $80 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Topic 1 Introduction To Derivatives

Topic 1 Introduction To Derivatives
  • This first lecture has four main goals
  • Introduce you to the notion of risk and the role
    of derivatives in managing risk.
  • Discuss some of the general terms such as
    short/long positions, bid-ask spread from
    finance that we need.
  • Introduce you to three major classes of
    derivative securities.
  • Forwards
  • Futures
  • Options
  • Introduce you to the basic viewpoint needed to
    analyze these securities.
  • Introduce you to the major traders of these

  • Finance is the study of risk.
  • How to measure it
  • How to reduce it
  • How to allocate it
  • All finance problems ultimately boil down to
    three main questions
  • What are the cash flows, and when do they occur?
  • Who gets the cash flows?
  • What is the appropriate discount rate for those
    cash flows?
  • The difficulty, of course, is that normally none
    of those questions have an easy answer.

  • As you know from other classes, we can generally
    classify risk as being diversifiable or
  • Diversifiable risk that is specific to a
    specific investment i.e. the risk that a single
    companys stock may go down (i.e. Enron). This is
    frequently called idiosyncratic risk.
  • Non-diversifiable risk that is common to all
    investing in general and that cannot be reduced
    i.e. the risk that the entire stock market (or
    bond market, or real estate market) will crash.
    This is frequently called systematic risk.
  • The market pays you for bearing
    non-diversifiable risk only not for bearing
    diversifiable risk.
  • In general the more non-diversifiable risk that
    you bear, the greater the expected return to your
  • Many investors fail to properly diversify, and as
    a result bear more risk than they have to in
    order to earn a given level of expected return.

  • In this sense, we can view the field of finance
    as being about two issues
  • The elimination of diversifiable risk in
  • The allocation of systematic (non-diversifiable)
    risk to those members of society that are most
    willing to bear it.
  • Indeed, it is really this second function the
    allocation of systematic risk that drives rates
    of return.
  • The expected rate of return is the price that
    the market pays investors for bearing systematic

  • A derivative (or derivative security) is a
    financial instrument whose value depends upon the
    value of other, more basic, underlying variables.
  • Some common examples include things such as stock
    options, futures, and forwards.
  • It can also extend to something like a
    reimbursement program for college credit.
    Consider that if your firm reimburses 100 of
    costs for an A, 75 of costs for a B, 50 for
    a C and 0 for anything less.

  • Your right to claim this reimbursement, then is
    tied to the grade you earn. The value of that
    reimbursement plan, therefore, is derived from
    the grade you earn.
  • We also say that the value is contingent upon the
    grade you earn. Thus, your claim for
    reimbursement is a contingent claim.
  • The terms contingent claims and derivatives are
    used interchangeably.

  • So why do we have derivatives and derivatives
  • Because they somehow allow investors to better
    control the level of risk that they bear.
  • They can help eliminate idiosyncratic risk.
  • They can decrease or increase the level of
    systematic risk.

A First Example
  • There is a neat example from the bond-world of a
    derivative that is used to move non-diversifiable
    risk from one set of investors to another set
    that are, presumably, more willing to bear that
  • Disney wanted to open a theme park in Tokyo, but
    did not want to have the shareholders bear the
    risk of an earthquake destroying the park.
  • They financed the park through the issuance of
    earthquake bonds.
  • If an earthquake of at least 7.5 hit within 10 km
    of the park, the bonds did not have to be repaid,
    and there was a sliding scale for smaller quakes
    and for larger ones that were located further
    away from the park.

A First Example
  • Normally this could have been handled in the
    insurance (and re-insurance) markets, but there
    would have been transaction costs involved. By
    placing the risk directly upon the bondholders
    Disney was able to avoid those transactions
  • Presumably the bondholders of the Disney bonds
    are basically the same investors that would have
    been holding the stock or bonds of the
    insurance/reinsurance companies.
  • Although the risk of earthquake is not
    diversifiable to the park, it could be to Disney
    shareholders, so this does beg the question of
    why buy the insurance at all.
  • This was not a free insurance. Disney paid
    LIBOR310 on the bond. If the earthquake
    provision was not it there, they would have paid
    a lower rate.

A First Example
  • This example illustrates an interesting notion
    that insurance contracts (for property insurance)
    are really derivatives!
  • They allow the owner of the asset to sell the
    insured asset to the insurer in the event of a
  • They are like put options (more on this later.)

  • Positions In general if you are buying an asset
    be it a physical stock or bond, or the right to
    determine whether or not you will acquire the
    asset in the future (such as through an option or
    futures contract) you are said to be LONG the
  • If you are giving up the asset, or giving up the
    right to determine whether or not you will own
    the asset in the future, you are said to be
    SHORT the instrument.
  • In the stock and bond markets, if you short an
    asset, it means that you borrow it, sell the
    asset, and then later buy it back.
  • In derivatives markets you generally do not have
    to borrow the instrument you can simply take a
    position (such as writing an option) that will
    require you to give up the asset or determination
    of ownership of the asset.
  • Usually in derivatives markets the short is
    just the negative of the long position

  • Commissions Virtually all transactions in the
    financial markets requires some form of
    commission payment.
  • The size of the commission depends upon the
    relative position of the trader retail traders
    pay the most, institutional traders pay less,
    market makers pay the least (but still pay to the
  • The larger the trade, the smaller the commission
    is in percentage terms.
  • Bid-Ask spread Depending upon whether you are
    buying or selling an instrument, you will get
    different prices. If you wish to sell, you will
    get a BID quote, and if you wish to buy you
    will get an ASK quote.

  • The difference between the bid and the ask can
    vary depending upon whether you are a retail,
    institutional, or broker trader it can also vary
    if you are placing very large trades.
  • In general, however, the bid-ask spread is
    relatively constant for a given
  • The spread is roughly a constant percentage of
    the transaction, regardless of the scale unlike
    the commission.
  • Especially in options trading, the bid-ask spread
    is a much bigger transaction cost than the

  • Here are some example stock bid-ask spreads from
  • IBM Bid 78.77 Ask 78.79 0.025
  • ATT Bid 30.59 Ask 30.60 0.033
  • Microsoft Bid 25.73 Ask 25.74 0.039
  • Here are some example option bid-ask spreads (All
    with good volume)
  • IBM Oct 85 Call Bid 2.05 Ask 2.20 7.3171
  • ATT Oct 15 Call Bid 0.50 Ask 0.55 10.000
  • MSFT Oct 27.5 Bid 0.70 Ask 0.80. 14.285

  • The point of the preceding slide is to
    demonstrate that the bid-ask spread can be a huge
    factor in determining the profitability of a
  • Many of those option positions require at least a
    10 price movement before the trade is
  • Many trading strategies that you see people
    propose (and that are frequently demonstrated
    using real data) are based upon using the
    average of the bid-ask spread. They usually lose
    their effectiveness when the bid-ask spread is

  • Market Efficiency We normally talk about
    financial markets as being efficient information
  • Markets efficiently incorporate all publicly
    available information into financial asset
  • The mechanism through which this is done is by
    investors buying/selling based upon their
    discovery and analysis of new information.
  • The limiting factor in this is the transaction
    costs associated with the market.
  • For this reason, it is better to say that
    financial markets are efficient to within
    transactions costs. Some financial economists say
    that financial markets are efficient to within
    the bid-ask spread.
  • Now, to a large degree for this class we can
    ignore the bid-ask spread, but there are some
    points where it will be particularly relevant,
    and we will consider it then.

  • Before we begin to examine specific contracts, we
    need to consider two additional risks in the
  • Credit risk the risk that your trading partner
    might not honor their obligations.
  • Familiar risk to anybody that has traded on ebay!
  • Generally exchanges serve to mitigate this risk.
  • Can also be mitigated by escrow accounts.
  • Margin requirements are a form of escrow account.
  • Liquidity risk the risk that when you need to
    buy or sell an instrument you may not be able to
    find a counterparty.
  • Can be very common for outsiders in commodities

  • So now we are going to begin examining the basic
    instruments of derivatives. In particular we will
    look at (tonight)
  • Forwards
  • Futures
  • Options
  • The purpose of our discussion tonight is to
    simply provide a basic understanding of the
    structure of the instruments and the basic
    reasons they might exist.
  • We will have a more in-detail examination of
    their properties, and their pricing, in the weeks
    to come.

Forward Contracts
  • A forward contract is an agreement between two
    parties to buy or sell an asset at a certain
    future time for a certain future price.
  • Forward contracts are normally not exchange
  • The party that agrees to buy the asset in the
    future is said to have the long position.
  • The party that agrees to sell the asset in the
    future is said to have the short position.
  • The specified future date for the exchange is
    known as the delivery (maturity) date.

Forward Contracts
  • The specified price for the sale is known as the
    delivery price, we will denote this as K.
  • Note that K is set such that at initiation of the
    contract the value of the forward contract is 0.
    Thus, by design, no cash changes hands at time 0.
    The mechanics of how to do this we cover in
    later lectures.
  • As time progresses the delivery price doesnt
    change, but the current spot (market) rate does.
    Thus, the contract gains (or loses) value over
  • Consider the situation at the maturity date of
    the contract. If the spot price is higher than
    the delivery price, the long party can buy at K
    and immediately sell at the spot price ST, making
    a profit of (ST-K), whereas the short position
    could have sold the asset for ST, but is
    obligated to sell for K, earning a profit
    (negative) of (K-ST).

Forward Contracts
  • Example
  • Lets say that you entered into a forward
    contract to buy wheat at 4.00/bushel, with
    delivery in December (thus K3.64.)
  • Lets say that the delivery date was December 14
    and that on December 14th the market price of
    wheat is unlikely to be exactly 4.00/bushel, but
    that is the price at which you have agreed (via
    the forward contract) to buy your wheat.
  • If the market price is greater than 4.00/bushel,
    you are pleased, because you are able to buy an
    asset for less than its market price.
  • If, however, the market price is less than
    4.00/bushel, you are not pleased because you are
    paying more than the market price for the wheat.
  • Indeed, we can determine your net payoff to the
    trade by applying the formula payoff ST K,
    since you gain an asset worth ST, but you have to
    pay K for it.
  • We can graph the payoff function

Forward Contracts
Forward Contracts
  • Example
  • In this example you were the long party, but what
    about the short party?
  • They have agreed to sell wheat to you for
    4.00/bushel on December 14.
  • Their payoff is positive if the market price of
    wheat is less than 4.00/bushel they force you
    to pay more for the wheat than they could sell it
    for on the open market.
  • Indeed, you could assume that what they do is buy
    it on the open market and then immediately
    deliver it to you in the forward contract.
  • Their payoff is negative, however, if the market
    price of wheat is greater than 4.00/bushel.
  • They could have sold the wheat for more than
    4.00/bushel had they not agreed to sell it to
  • So their payoff function is the mirror image of
    your payoff function

Forward Contracts
Forward Contracts
  • Clearly the short position is just the mirror
    image of the long position, and, taken together
    the two positions cancel each other out

Forward Contracts
Short Position
Long Position
Net Position
Futures Contracts
  • A futures contract is similar to a forward
    contract in that it is an agreement between two
    parties to buy or sell an asset at a certain time
    for a certain price. Futures, however, are
    usually exchange traded and, to facilitate
    trading, are usually standardized contracts.
    This results in more institutional detail than is
    the case with forwards.
  • The long and short party usually do not deal with
    each other directly or even know each other for
    that matter. The exchange acts as a
    clearinghouse. As far as the two sides are
    concerned they are entering into contracts with
    the exchange. In fact, the exchange guarantees
    performance of the contract regardless of whether
    the other party fails.

Futures Contracts
  • The largest futures exchanges are the Chicago
    Board of Trade (CBOT) and the Chicago Mercantile
    Exchange (CME).
  • Futures are traded on a wide range of commodities
    and financial assets.
  • Usually an exact delivery date is not specified,
    but rather a delivery range is specified. The
    short position has the option to choose when
    delivery is made. This is done to accommodate
    physical delivery issues.
  • Harvest dates vary from year to year,
    transportation schedules change, etc.

Futures Contracts
  • The exchange will usually place restrictions and
    conditions on futures. These include
  • Daily price (change) limits.
  • For commodities, grade requirements.
  • Delivery method and place.
  • How the contract is quoted.
  • Note however, that the basic payoffs are the same
    as for a forward contract.

Options Contracts
  • Options on stocks were first traded in 1973.
    That was the year the famous Black-Scholes
    formula was published, along with Mertons paper
    - a set of academic papers that literally started
    an industry.
  • Options exist on virtually anything. Tonight we
    are going to focus on general options terminology
    for stocks. We will get into other types of
    options later in the class.
  • There are two basic types of options
  • A Call option is the right, but not the
    obligation, to buy the underlying asset by a
    certain date for a certain price.
  • A Put option is the right, but not the
    obligation, to sell the underlying asset by a
    certain date for a certain price.
  • Note that unlike a forward or futures contract,
    the holder of the options contract does not have
    to do anything - they have the option to do it or

Options Contracts
  • The date when the option expires is known as the
    exercise date, the expiration date, or the
    maturity date.
  • The price at which the asset can be purchased or
    sold is known as the strike price.
  • If an option is said to be European, it means
    that the holder of the option can buy or sell
    (depending on if it is a call or a put) only on
    the maturity date. If the option is said to be
    an American style option, the holder can exercise
    on any date up to and including the exercise
  • An options contract is always costly to enter as
    the long party. The short party always is always
    paid to enter into the contract
  • Looking at the payoff diagrams you can see why

Options Contracts
  • Lets say that you entered into a call option on
    IBM stock
  • Today IBM is selling for roughly 78.80/share, so
    lets say you entered into a call option that
    would let you buy IBM stock in December at a
    price of 80/share.
  • If in December the market price of IBM were
    greater than 80, you would exercise your option,
    and purchase the IBM share for 80.
  • If, in December IBM stock were selling for less
    than 80/share, you could buy the stock for less
    by buying it in the open market, so you would not
    exercise your option.
  • Thus your payoff to the option is 0 if the IBM
    stock is less than 80
  • It is (ST-K) if IBM stock is worth more than 80
  • Thus, your payoff diagram is

Options Contracts
Options Contracts
  • What if you had the short position?
  • Well, after you enter into the contract, you have
    granted the option to the long-party.
  • If they want to exercise the option, you have to
    do so.
  • Of course, they will only exercise the option
    when it is in there best interest to do so that
    is, when the strike price is lower than the
    market price of the stock.
  • So if the stock price is less than the strike
    price (STltK), then the long party will just buy
    the stock in the market, and so the option will
    expire, and you will receive 0 at maturity.
  • If the stock price is more than the strike price
    (STgtK), however, then the long party will
    exercise their option and you will have to sell
    them an asset that is worth ST for K.
  • We can thus write your payoff as
  • payoff min(0,ST-K),
  • which has a graph that looks like

Options Contracts
Options Contracts
  • This is obviously the mirror image of the long
  • Notice, however, that at maturity, the short
    option position can NEVER have a positive payout
    the best that can happen is that they get 0.
  • This is why the short option party always demands
    an up-front payment its the only payment they
    are going to receive. This payment is called the
    option premium or price.
  • Once again, the two positions net out to zero

Options Contracts
Long Call
Net Position
Short Call
Options Contracts
  • Recall that a put option grants the long party
    the right to sell the underlying at price K.
  • Returning to our IBM example, if K80, the long
    party will only elect to exercise the option if
    the price of the stock in the market is less than
    80, otherwise they would just sell it in the
  • The payoff to the holder of the long put
    position, therefore is simply
  • payoff max(0, K-ST)

Options Contracts
Options Contracts
  • The short position again has granted the option
    to the long position. The short has to buy the
    stock at price K, when the long party wants them
    to do so. Of course the long party will only do
    this when the stock price is less than the strike
  • Thus, the payoff function for the short put
    position is
  • payoff min(0, ST-K)
  • And the payoff diagram looks like

Options Contracts
Options Contracts
  • Since the short put party can never receive a
    positive payout at maturity, they demand a
    payment up-front from the long party that is,
    they demand that the long party pay a premium to
    induce them to enter into the contract.
  • Once again, the short and long positions net out
    to zero when one party wins, the other loses.

Options Contracts
Long Position
Net Position
Short Position
Options Contracts
  • The standard options contract is for 100 units of
    the underlying. Thus if the option is selling
    for 5, you would have to enter into a contract
    for 100 of the underlying stock, and thus the
    cost of entering would be 500.
  • For a European call, the payoff to the option is
  • Max(0,ST-K)
  • For a European put it is
  • Max(0,K-ST)
  • The short positions are just the negative of
  • Short call -Max(0,ST-K) Min(0,K-ST)
  • Short put -Max(0,K-ST) Min(0,ST-K)

Options Contracts
  • Traders frequently refer to an option as being
    in the money, out of the money or at the
  • An in the money option means one where the
    price of the underlying is such that if the
    option were exercised immediately, the option
    holder would receive a payout.
  • For a call option this means that StgtK
  • For a put option this means that StltK
  • An at the money option means one where the
    strike and exercise prices are the same.
  • An out of the money option means one where the
    price of the underlying is such that if the
    option were exercised immediately, the option
    holder would NOT receive a payout.
  • For a call option this means that StltK
  • For a put option this means that StgtK.

Options Contracts
At the money
Out of the money
In the money
Options Contracts
  • One interesting notion is to look at the payoff
    from just owning the stock its value is simply
    the value of the stock

Options Contracts
Options Contracts
  • What is interesting is if we compare the payout
    from a portfolio containing a short put and a
    long call with the payout from just owning the

Options Contracts
Options Contracts
  • Notice how the payoff to the options portfolio
    has the same shape and slope as the stock
    position just offset by some amount?
  • This is hinting at one of the most important
    relationships in options theory Put-Call
  • It may be easier to see this if we examine the
    aggregate position of the options portfolio

Options Contracts
Options Contracts
  • We will come back to put-call parity in a few
    weeks, but it is well worth keeping this diagram
    in mind.
  • So who trades options contracts? Generally there
    are three types of options traders
  • Hedgers - these are firms that face a business
    risk. They wish to get rid of this uncertainty
    using a derivative. For example, an airline
    might use a derivatives contract to hedge the
    risk that jet fuel prices might change. 
  • Speculators - They want to take a bet (position)
    in the market and simply want to be in place to
    capture expected up or down movements.
  • Arbitrageurs - They are looking for imperfections
    in the capital market.

Financial Engineering
  • When we start examining the actual pricing of
    derivatives (next week), one of the fundamental
    ideas that we will use is the law of one price.
  • Basically this says that if two portfolios offer
    the same cash flows in all potential states of
    the world, then the two portfolios must sell for
    the same price in the market regardless of the
    instruments contained in the portfolios.
  • This is only true to within transactions costs,
    i.e. the bid-ask spread on each individual
  • Sometimes one portfolio will have such lower
    transactions costs that the law will only
    approximately hold.

Financial Engineering
  • Financial engineering is the notion that you can
    use a combination of assets and financial
    derivatives to construct cash flow streams that
    would otherwise be difficult or impossible to
  • Financial engineering can be used to break
    apart a set of cash flows into component pieces
    that each have different risks and that can be
    sold to different investors.
  • Collateralized Bond Obligations do this for
    junk bonds.
  • Collateralized Mortgage Obligations do this for
    residential mortgages.
  • Financial engineering can also be used to create
    cash flows streams that would otherwise be
    difficult to obtain.

Financial Engineering
  • The Schwab/First Union equity-linked CD is a good
    example of financial engineering.
  • When it was issued (in 1999), the stock market
    was (and had been) incredibly hot for several
  • Many investors wanted to be in the market, but
    did not want to risk the market going down in
  • The equity-linked CD was designed to meet this
  • As we will demonstrate, an investor could roll
    their own version of this, but in doing so would
    have incurred significant transaction costs.
  • Plus, many small investors (to whom this was
    targeted) probably could not get approval to
    trade options.

Financial Engineering
  • The Contract
  • An investor buys the CD (Certificate of Deposit)
    today, and then earns 70 of the simple rate of
    return on SP 500 index over the next 5.5 years.
  • If the SP index ended up below the initial index
    level (so that the appreciation was negative),
    then the investor received their full initial
    investment back, but nothing else.
  • Thus, the payoff to the CD was simply
  • So lets say that you invested 10,000, and that
    in June of 1999 the index was 1300 (so that you
    were, in essence, buying 10,000/1,300 or 7.69
    units of the index).

Financial Engineering
  • In 5.5 years your payoff will be based upon the
    index level. Potential index levels and payoffs
  • Index Simple Rate of Return Cash Received
  • 1000 - 23.07 10,000
  • 1200 - 7.69 10,000
  • 1300 0.00 10,000
  • 1400 7.69 10,538
  • 1500 15.38 11,076
  • 2000 53.85 13,769
  • (Note that on 12/30/2004 the SP 500 was at
  • The following chart demonstrates the payouts.

Financial Engineering
Financial Engineering
  • Now, the first thing about that chart that you
    should notice is that it looks an awful lot like
    the shape of a call option, although the slope of
    the upward-sloping part is not as steep.
  • This is our first indication that we may be able
    to decompose this into two simpler securities.
  • Indeed, one way of decomposing this security
    would be to assume that we bought a bond that
    paid 10,000 at time 5.5, and that we bought 5.38
    call options with a strike of 1300 (70 of
  • The next graph demonstrates this positions

Financial Engineering
Financial Engineering
  • This position is ALSO identical to a position
    consisting of
  • 10,000/1300 7.692 units of the index.
  • 10,000/1300 7.692 put options on the index
  • (-(1-.7)10,000/1300 -2.30769) CALL options on
    the index.
  • The reason for the short call options is because
    the CD only gives us 70 of the return on the
    index, so we have to sell back some of that
    return via the call option (note that we will
    earn a premium for this.)
  • The following chart shows this

Financial Engineering
Financial Engineering
  • Now, all three of these should sell for the same
    price but there will be some differences
    because of transactions costs.
  • Really, this is why the Schwab equity-linked CD
    can work investors (retail investors) are
    willing to turn to the prepackaged asset to
    avoid transaction costs (and to avoid timing
    difficulties with unwinding their position.)
  • Lets just think of this as a bond and .7 long
    call options for a moment.
  • Clearly the call cannot be free, since the
    investor holds this option they must pay
    something for it. How much do they pay?
  • The interest that they could have earned on this
    money had they invested in a traditional CD.
  • At that time 5.5 year CDs were yielding 6, so
    the investor gives up 3,777 dollars in year
    5.5 dollars.

Financial Engineering
  • The equity-linked CD is just one example of
    financial engineering the notion that investors
    are really just purchasing potential future cash
    flows and that any two sets of identical
    potential future cash flows must sell for the
    same price.
  • This has led to a real revolution in finance, and
    we will discuss this idea throughout the
  • We will return to options pricing later in the
    semester. Next, we turn our attention to the
    futures/forwards markets and pricing.
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