Title: Epigenetic connection
1Epigenetic connection between nutrients and
IFCC Advanced Summer School in Biochemistry and
Molecular Cell Biology Epigenetics Molecular
Mechanisms, Biology and Human Diseases Shanghai,
China, July 14, 2010
2La Cathédrale de Rouen, le portail et la tour
Saint-Romain Claude Monet
effet du matin
plein soleil, midi
coucher du soleil
3Epigenetics DNA isnt everything
The new science of epigenetics reveals how your
choices you make can change your genes ---and
those of your kids.
You are what your grandmother ate.
4Monozygotic twins
Identical twins, Different Work-outs
There are relatively few differences between the
twins when theyre first born begin to grow
Changes between them may come about as a result
of personal choice
5Twin study
- Monozygotic twins share a common genotype.
- Twins are epigenetically indistinguishable during
the early years of life but older monozygotic
twins exhibited remarkable different epigenetic
patterns, affecting their gene-expression
PNAS 200510210604
- Honeybees grow to be either queens or workers
depending on whether they are fed royal jelly or
beebread. - Despite they are genetically identical at the
larvae level, honeybee queens fed pure royal
jelly are markedly different from workers. - The different honeybee phenotype occurs through
epigenetic changes in DNA methylation patterns
induced by the different type of honey. - Science 20083191827
7Agouti mouse model
Maternal methyl dietary contents affect the coat
color of the rodent offspring and alter the
susceptibility of the animal to certain chronic
diseases, obesity and cancer.
Nature Genetics 199923314
8Tail kinking(AxinFu)mouse model
- Methyl donor supplementation of female mice
during gestation period increased DNA methylation
at AxinFu, silenced the expression from the
cryptic promoter, and decreased the incidence of
tail kinking in AxinFu / offspring. - Genesis 200644401-406
9A bridge that connects environmental factors to
our genes and bring the phenotype into being.
- The word epigenetics refers to genome
information that is super-imposed on the DNA
sequence. - In the early 1940s Waddington described
epigenetics as the interactions of genes with
their environment, which bring the phenotype into
being. - Inheritable biological phenomena that modify DNA
or chromatin structures, thereby affecting gene
expression without altering base pairs. - Epigenetic phenomena are critical for the
embryonic development, aging, and the process of
many diseases including cancers. - Epigenetic phenomena are reversible and can be
modulated by nutrients.
- The epigenome is a catalog of the epigenetic
modifications that occur in the genome. - An epigenome can be described as the epigenomic
profile of a specific cell or tissue type which
reflects its biological condition or state and
defines its transcriptional potential.
- Epigenomics is the study of epigenetic
modification at a level much larger than a single
Human Molecular Genetics 200615(Review Issue
12What is nutritional epigenetics?
What your grandma didnt tell you about nutrition
13What is Cancer?
Abnormal accumulation of abnormal cells with a
loss of control to grow and spread
Cell Proliferation
Cell Death
Regulation of Cell Cycle Cell Cycle Check points
Control of Apoptosis
Cell Proliferation
Cell Death
16Oncogene and tumor suppressor gene
- Oncogenes, altered forms of normal cellular genes
called proto-oncogenes, increase the rate of
transformation from a normal to a cancerous cell
by affecting the cell growth and differentiation
(e.g. c-myc, k-ras). - Tumor suppressor genes are present in normal
cells and suppress cancer development, either by
controlling cell proliferation and apoptosis or
by controlling DNA repair and genomic stability
(e.g. p53, BRCA1, and RB1).
Tumor suppressor gene
Cell Proliferation
Oncogene gene
Cell Death
Tumor suppressor gene
18Molecular mechanisms to activate oncogenes and
inactivate tumor suppressor genes
- Loss of heterozygosity the loss of one of the
two alleles at one or more loci due to chromosome
loss, deletion, or mitotic crossing-over. - Mutation changes in nucleotide sequence
- Epigenetic silencing epigenetic repression of
tumor suppressor or loss of imprinting
- Epigenetics and Nutrients
- DNA methylation
- Histone modifications
- Chromatin remodeling
- Nutrients, epigenetics and cancer
- Inflammation and histone modifications
- Folate, epigenetics and cancer
- Rodent hepatocellular carcinoma model of chronic
dietary methyl deficiency - Alcohol, epigeneticsand cancer
- Summary and future perspectives
20 21DNA methylation
- DNA methylation is a unique modification of DNA
and the most common epigenetic phenomenon in
eukaryotic cells. - DNA methyltransferases catalyze the transfer of
methyl group from S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet)
to the carbon-5 position of cytosine in CpG
22DNA methylation
- 3-5 of cytosine residues in genomic DNA are
modified to 5-methylcytosine in CpG
dinucleotides. - 70 of CpG dinucleotide sequences, which usually
occur in CpG islands, contain 5-methylcytosine. - DNA methylation is associated with gene
expression and integrity. - Aberrations in DNA methylation play a mechanistic
role in carcinogenesis. - (Cancer Res 2006668462)
23 Promoter DNA methylation
Wong, J J L et al. Gut 200756140-148
24Progressive changes in promoter methylation at
CpG sites during cancer initiation and
Nephew ,Huang, Cancer Lett. 2003190125
25The possible role of DNA methylation in
Feinberg, Nat Rev 2006721
26One-carbon metabolism and DNA methylation
Methylation of DNA/histone/ protein/RNA/ lipids/sm
all molecules
AdoMet S-adenosylmethionine AdoHcy
S-adenosylhomoscysteine MTs methyltransferases CB
Scystathionine beta synthase MATmethionine
adenosyltransferase SAHH S-adenosylhomocysteine
THF tetrahydrofolate MTHFR methylenetetrahydrofo
late reductase MS methionine synthase SHMT
serine hydroxymethyltransferase
27DNA methyltransferases
- Dnmt1 is considered to be the major maintenance
methyltransferase in mammalian cells and to be
responsible for restoring the fully methylated
status of CpG sites on the newly synthesized
daughter strand following replication. - The in vivo function of Dnmt2 is not yet clear.
- The Dnmt3 family consists of two active de novo
Dnmts, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b. Both Dnmt3a and 3b are
highly expressed in embryonic stem cells but
their expression decreases as the cells
differentiate. Dnmt3L is a regulatory factor for
de novo DNA methylation and connects unmethylated
lysine 4 of histone H3 to de novo DNA methylation.
28Nutrients that may affect DNA methylation
BHMT betaine homocysteine methyltransferase,
CBS cystathionine ß-synthase, GNMT glycine
N-methyltransferase, MAT methionine
adenosyltransferase, MS methionine synthase,
MTHFR methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, SHMT
serine hydroxymethyltransferase
29 30Chromatin Structure
31Histone tail modification
Lysine acetylation Arginine methylation Lysine
methylation Phosphorylation Ubiquitination
15 to 38 amino acids from each histone N
terminus for the histone tails, providing a
plat form for posttranslational modifications
32Histone acetylation
- Histone acetylation is a reversible
post-translational process. - Generally, acetylation of histone is pretty much
linked to transcriptional activation whereas
hypoacetylated histones are found in
transcriptionally inactive regions.
(Georgopouos K, Nature Rev Immunol 2, 162, 2002)
33Histone acetyltransferase (HAT) and histone
deacetylase (HDAC)
- Levels of acetylation of the core histones result
from the steady balance between HAT and HDAC.
34Histone acetylation
- Since 1964 when discovered and proposed to
regulate gene expression, the most extensively
studied histone modification is histone
acetylation that occurs at lysine residues
located in tail domains. - (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 197451786)
- In general, increased histone acetylation such as
histone H4-K5 or H4-K8 is found in euchromatin
regions, whereas acetylation of H4-K12 is
increased in heterochromatin regions. -
- Acetylation of H4-K16 is found along the
transcriptionally hyperactive male X chromosome
and loss of acetylation at this residue is a
common hallmark of human cancer. - (Fraga, Nature Genetics 200537391)
35HDAC, a new target for cancer prevention
- Until now most of epigenetic studies have focused
on DNA methylation and DNA methyltransferase
inhibitors (5-aza dC) have been considered as
effective chemopreventive agents. - However, tumor cells harbor abnormalities not
only in DNA but also in the histone modification,
suggesting their implication for a target of
cancer chemotherapy. - A whole new class of anticancer drugs called
histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors is poised
to be used clinically.
(Garcia-Manero, Cancer Invest 200523635)
36HDAC inhibiting nutrients
- Dietary HDAC inhibitors such as butyrate, diallyl
disulfide (DADS) and sulforaphane modulate
histone acetylation. - In general, these dietary agents are weak ligands
and inhibit HDAC activity at higher
concentrations than pharmacological HDAC
inhibitor such as trichostatin A. - A pertinent question concerns the concentrations
needed for inhibition of HDAC activity by dietary
compounds, and the likelihood that these levels
might be achieved under normal physiological
condition - (Dashwood, Carcinogenesis 200627344)
37Examples of dietary compounds able to modulate
HAT or HDAC activities
38Calorie restriction and histone acetylation
- Calorie restriction increases the life span of
many organisms from yeast to mammals and reduces
the risk of cancer. - In yeast, calorie restriction induced extension
of life span requires Sir2 gene (equivalent to
Sirt1 in mammals). This gene has deacetylase
activity that is dependent on NAD, an oxidized
coenzyme that is important for catabolic process.
- Calorie restriction spares NAD due to less
catabolism and enhances deacetylating activity of
Sir2 gene, resulting in repression of down-steam
genes related to aging.
39A model for dietary calorie, histone acetylation,
and longevity
(Hasty, Mech Ageing Develop 20011221651)
40Histone methylation
- Methylation occurs on lysine and arginine on
histones N-terminal by histone methyltransferases
(HMTs). - Histone methylation can result in either
transcriptional activation or repression,
depending on the modified residue and the pattern
of other modifications.
41Histone lysine methylation
- Methylation of lysine in the histone tails of H3
and H4 appears to be mono-, di- or tri-methylated
and is found at the K4, K9, K27, K36, and K79 of
histone H3 and K20 of histone H4.
(Zhang, Genes Development 2001152343)
42Histone lysine methylation and tumor suppressor
gene silencing in colon cancer
- Deacetylation and methylation of H3-K9 are
related with promoter DNA methylation-associated
hMLH1 silencing in colon cancer cells
(Fahrner, Cancer Res 2002627213) - Reduced H3-K4 methylation and increased H3-K9
methylation play a critical role in the
maintenance of promoter DNA methylation-associated
gene silencing (p16, MLH1, and MGMT) in colon
cancer cells. (Kondo, Mol Cell Biol
43Histone methyltransferases (HMTs)
- HMTs transfer the methyl group from AdoMet to the
arginine or lysine residues in histone. - HMTs can be divided into three classes, protein
arginine methyltransferases, SET domain
containing lysine methyltransferases, and Dot1
class lysine methyltransferase. - SET domain-containing histone methyltransferases
is a family of protein that contain the
evolutionary conserved SET domain and play a
fundamental role in epigenetic regulation of gene
activation and silencing in all eukaryotes. They
also interact with DNMT3A and DNMT3B. - Dot1-mediated H3K79 methylation is associated
with telomere silencing, meiotic checkpoint
control, and DNA damage response.
(Nature Reviews 20022469, Nature Reviews
Genetics 200910295)
44Histone demethylase
- PADI4 (Petidylarginine deiminase 4) is the first
to be identified. - LSD1 (lysine-specific demethylase 1) is the
second class of enzyme that directly reverse
histone H3K4 or H3K9 modifications by an
oxidative demethylation reaction. - The third class of demethylase enzymes contain
JmjC domain and catalyze lysine demethylation
through an oxidative reaction. - (Tan H et al. Mol Biol Rep 200835551)
45 46ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes
47(No Transcript)
48Dietary modulation of polycomb repressive
- The polycomb repressive complex 1 (PcG complex
1), which contains the protein Bmi-1, binds to
the K27me3 in histone H3 and catalyzes the
ubiquitinylation of Histone H2A. - Bmi-1 is overexpressed in some human cancers,
including colorectal cancer, and human non-small
cell lung cancer and epidermal squamous cell
carcinoma cells. - EGCG (40 µM) was found to suppress Bmi-1 levels
and reduce Bmi-1 phosphorylation, resulting in
displacement of the Bmi-1 polycomb protein
complex from chromatin and reducing survival of
transformed cells. - The importance of the polycomb repressive
complexes in the development of cancer is
currently an active research area. - Br J Cancer 2001841372 Nutrition Rev, in
49Dietary modulation of polycomb repressive
- Retinoic acid (RA) is known to be involved in
differentiation of ES cells as well as
differentiation of various cancer cells in
culture. - Global levels of the enzyme which mediates the
K27me3 (histone K27 methyltransferase EZH2) also
decreased with RA treatment. - A loss of EZH2 binding and K27me3 was observed
locally on PcG complex 2 target genes induced
after 3 days of RA. - In contrast, direct RA-responsive genes that are
rapidly induced, such as Hoxa1, showed a loss of
EZH2 binding and K27me3 after only a few hours of
RA treatment. - Stem Cells 2007252191
50Inflammation and histone modifications
51Chronic inflammation and cancer
- Inflammation appears to be a risk factor for a
great number of cancers. - Some conditions, such as infection by the
bacteria Helicobacter pylori or ulcerative
colitis, illustrate the role of inflammation in
the occurrence of digestive cancers. -
- J Clin Gastroenterol, 2008
52Anti-inflammatory agents and histone acetylation
- Glucocorticoids are highly efficient at
inhibiting inflammation in a number of chronic
inflammatory disorders, such as asthma,
rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel
diseases. Histone deacetylation is required for
glucocorticoid mediated-transcriptional
suppression. - A natural compound extracted from tea leaves
(Camellia sinensis), theophylline (also called
dimethylxanthine), was first recognized as a
phosphodiesterase inhibitor and has long been
used in the treatment of respiratory diseases
like asthma. Recently, theophylline has been
reported to enhance HDAC activity. Theophylline
was able to potentiate the glucocorticoid-induced
increase in HDAC activity. - Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2004170141, PNAS
53Figure 1. Regulation of chromatin structure
influences the expression of pro-inflammatory
genes. The recruitment of co-factors with HAT
activity, stimulated by pro-oxidants, increases
NF?B transcriptional activity and
pro-inflammatory gene expression. In contrast,
glucocorticoids and natural chromatin-modifying
agents trigger HDAC recruitment and HAT
inhibition, which results in NF?B inactivation,
histone deacetylation and blockade of the
inflammatory process.
54Resveratrol and inflammation
- Resveratrol, found in the skin of red grapes and
in red wine (vitis vinifera), is an antioxidant
with potential anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory,
and anti-aging properties. - The therapeutic interest in resveratrol has been
mainly attributed to its ability to control
oxidative stress and to activate the
NAD-dependent sirtuins. - A recent study revealed that SIRT1 and SIRT2 were
dramatically decreased in monocyte-macrophage
cells in vitro and rat lungs exposed to cigarette
smoke. A similar reduction of SIRT1 was reported
in lungs of smokers and COPD patients. -
- Nature 2003425191, Am J Physiol Lung
Cell Mol Physiol 2007292L567
55Curcumin and inflammation
- Curcumin (diferuloymethane) is a polyphenolic
plant compound, found in the rhizome of the
Indian curry spice, turmeric (Curcuma longa L.). - Curcumin was shown to interfere with NFkB
activation and activity in a significant number
of inflammatory diseases and may potentially
increase the efficacy of glucocorticoids.
Curcumin could impair NFkB translocation to the
nucleus through inhibition of IKKa
phosphorylation and IkBa degradation. - Curcumin specifically inhibits HAT p300 enzymatic
activity. - Med Chem 20062169, J Biol Chem 20032782758 ,
J Clin Immunol 2007 2719, Carcinogenesis
56Dietary HDAC inhibitors and inflammation
- Other dietary approaches with chromatin modifying
agents, such as the isothiocyanate sulforaphane
(Brassica family members, such as broccoli) or
organosulfur compounds diallyl disulfide and its
derivative allyl mercaptan from garlic (Allium
sativum L.), may also alter NFkB function and
markedly attenuate aberrant activation of
inflammatory processes. - Nutr Neurosci 20058101
- HDAC inhibitors differentially impact
inflammatory pathways depending on the nature of
the compound used, which may affect other
biological targets (e.g., oxidants and regulators
of cell cycle). - Br J Pharmacol 2004141874
- In addition, although dietary HAT and HDAC
modulators can affect NFkB proinflammatory
function in several inflammatory diseases, the
mechanisms of action still need to be more
carefully examined. - J Clin Immunol 20072719
57Folate and cancer
58Epidemiologic evidence
- More than 30 epidemiologic studies indicate that
diminished folate status, measured by dietary
folate or blood concentrations, leads to an
increased risk of cancer. - Evidence suggests the association of folate with
cancers of the colon, pancreas, esophagus,
stomach, lung, liver, blood, cervix, breast and
59Evidence from animal studies
- Chemical Carcinogen Model
- Cravo et al. reported that folate depletion
increases the development of colonic tumor in
dimethylhydrazine-treated rats. (Cancer Res
1992525002) - Genetically Engineered Mouse Model
- Kim et al. also reported that folate depletion
also increases the development of intestinal
neoplasia in genetically engineered mice (min). - (Cancer Res 2000605434)
60Evidence from animal studies-1
- Animal models that develop tumors with diet
alone - Methyl deficient diet
- Diets that are deficient in methionine, choline,
folate and B-12 lead to spontaneous development
of liver cancer with hepatic DNA hypomethyation.
- (Cancer Res 1989494094)
- Western-style diet
- Western-style diet containing low levels of
calcium, vitamin D, fiber, folate, methionine,
and choline as well as increased fat content has
been shown to induce colonic neoplasms in normal
mice over a period of 18 months. - (Carcinogenesis. 2001221871)
- Folate deficient diet
- Mthfr/ and Mthfr/- mice developed intestinal
tumors after 1 year of low dietary folate. - (Knock, Cancer Res 20066610349)
61Folate for DNA methylation
- Folate is also essential for the synthesis of
S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet, SAdoMet, SAM,
SAMe), the universal donor for biological
methylation reactions. - Folate depletion diminishes the cellular pool of
S-adenosylmethionine, but the more consistent
consequence of depletion is the rise in
S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy, SAdoHcy, SAH), an
inhibitor of DNA methylation reactions. -
- (J Biol Chem 200027529318)
62one-carbon metabolism
Purine Synthesis
10-formyl THF
Dimethyl glycine
Thymidylate Synthesis
5,10- methenyl THF
Methylation of DNA/histone
B2, B3
5-methyl THF
5,10-methylene THF
Methylation pathway
Nucleotide synthesis pathway
one-carbon donor nutrients
J Nutr 2000130129
63Major changes in the study regarding the
association between folate and colon cancer
- Low folate status increases the risk of colon
cancer and supplementation of folate may decrease
the risk.
- Low folate status may increase the risk of colon
cancer but it is not important anymore because
folate deficiency is quite rare in the US after
the folate fortification era. On the other hand,
folate fortification or supplementation,
especially with folic acid, may increase the risk
of colon cancer.
64Colorectal cancer age-adjusted incidence in the
United States and Canada
Age-adjusted CRC incidence from 1986 to 2002 in
the United States (A) and Canada (B) based on
nationally representative databases.
Mason J B et al. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
65- Animal Study
- Aim
- To determine the effect of aging and dietary
folate on DNA methylation status in the colon - Methods
- Young (4 month old, n32) and 18 month old
(n34) male C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided
into three different diets with different folate
levels - 1) 0 mg folate/kg folate-deplete state
- 2) 2 mg /kg basal requirement of folate
- 3) 8 mg /kg folate-supplemented state
- Mice were killed at 20 wk.
- Genomic DNA methylation was measured by LC/MS
method and the 16 promoter methylation was
measured by methylation specific PCR
(J Nutr 2007 1371713)
66Genomic DNA methylation in the young and old mice
colon at 20 weeks
p for trend0.023
Genomic DNA methylation ()
Dietary folate groups
old vs young plt0.001, p0.032
67p16 promoter methylation in the young and old
mice colon at 20 weeks
p for trend0.009
p16 promoter methylation ()
Dietary folate groups
old vs young plt0.001
68Discussion for folate and aging study
- Aging decreases genomic DNA methylation and
increase p16 promoter methylation. - Dietary folate further modifies these
age-associated changes in DNA methylation. - The altered methylation pattern observed in the
old mouse colon recapitulates the pattern
observed in cancer, suggesting that aging
provides an epigenetic milieu that is conducive
to cancer development.
69Rodent hepatocellular carcinoma model of chronic
dietary methyl deficiency
70Prolonged intake of diets deficient in sources of
methyl groups leads to development of hepatomas
in rats and promotes chemical carcinogenesis in
both rats and certain strains of mice.
71Rodent hepatocellular carcinoma model of chronic
dietary methyl deficiency
- Diets that are deficient in methionine, choline,
folate and B-12 lead to spontaneous development
of liver cancer with hepatic DNA hypomethylation.
- Cancer Res 1989494094
- During the first 36 weeks of methyl deficient
diet a progressive loss of methyl groups at most
CpG sites was demonstrated. However, after 54
weeks of deficiency, the majority of CpG sites in
the DNA of tumor were remethylated. Both p53
gene-specific and genomic DNA methylation were
also increased. - In the preneoplastic lesions, the level of p53
mRNA was increased in association with
hypomethylation in the gene. On the other hand,
in tumor tissues, p53 mRNA was decreased along
with relative hypermethylation in the gene. -
- Cancer Lett 199711531
72- Feeding animals with the methyl-deficient diet
led to progressive loss of histone H4 lysine 20
trimethylation (H4K20me3), H3 lysine 9
tirmethylation (H3K9me3), and histone H3 lysine
(H3K9ac) and histone H4 lysine 16 (H4K16ac)
73Figure 1 Western blot analysis of histone H3 and
H4 modifications in liver of control rats and
rats fed methyl-deficient diet
Pogribny, I. P. et al. J. Nutr. 2007137216S-222S
Acid extracts of total histones were separated by
SDS-PAGE and subjected to immunoblotting using
primary antibodies against H3K9me3, H3K9me2,
H3K9me1, H3K9 ac, and H3S10ph (A) and H4k20me3,
H4K20me2, H4K20me1, and H4K16 ac (B),
respectively. Results are presented as change
relative to age-matched control rats.
Significantly different from control at the same
(n 5, means SEM).
74Figure 2 Expression of Suv39h1, Suv4-20h2, and
PRDM/Riz1 HMTs and HAT1 in liver of control rats
and rats fed a methyl-deficient diet
Pogribny, I. P. et al. J. Nutr. 2007137216S-222S
Immunoblotting using primary antibodies against
Suv420h2, Suv39h1, PRDM/Riz1, and HAT1. The
lower part of the figure shows a quantitative
evaluation of the Suv420h2, Suv39h1, PRDM/Riz1,
and HAT1 expression in liver of methyl-deficient
rats relative to those of control rats.
Significantly different from control at the same
time (n5, meansSEM).
75- Altered expression of microRNAs (miRNAs) has been
reported in diverse human cancers. - In the rat model of liver carcinogenesis induced
by a methyl-deficient diet, the development of
hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is characterized
by prominent early changes in expression of miRNA
genes, specifically by inhibition of expression
of microRNAs miR-34a, miR-127, miR-200b, and
miR-16a involved in the regulation of apoptosis,
cell proliferation, cell-to-cell connection, and
epithelial-mesenchymal transition. -
Molecular Carcinogenesis 200848479
76qRT-PCR of differentially expressed miRNA genes
in the livers of control rats and rats fed
methyl-deficient diet.
Expression changes of miR-34a, miR-127, miR-200b,
miR-16a, miR-17-5p, and miR-19b, in the livers
during rat hepatocarcinogenesis induced by methyl
deficiency. The miRNA expression data presented
as average fold change of each miRNA normalized
to that of 5S RNA in liver of methyl-deficient
rats compared to control rats.
77MicroRNAs, small noncoding RNAs with regulatory
functions, in cancer
- MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a new class of
non-protein-coding, endogenous, small RNAs that
regulate gene expression by translational
repression, mRNA cleavage, and mRNA decay
initiated by miRNA-guided rapid deadenylation. - Some miRNAs regulate cell proliferation and
apoptosis processes by playing roles as oncogenes
or tumor suppressor genes. - miRNAs can play important roles in controlling
DNA methylation and histone modifications. - Small RNA mediated transcriptional gene silencing
is associated with changes in chromatin
structure at the targeted promoter. - The expression of miRNAs is different in normal
and tumor tissues. - Developmental Biology 20073021, Cell Cycle
20087602, Mol Carcinog 200948479
78(a) miRNAs are transcribed by RNA polymerase II
(pol II) into long primary miRNA transcripts of
variable size (pri-miRNA), which are recognized
and cleaved in the nucleus by the RNase III
enzyme Drosha, resulting in a hairpin precursor
form called pre-miRNA. (b) Pre-miRNA is exported
from the nucleus to the cytoplasm by exportin 5
and is further processed by another RNase enzyme
called Dicer (c), which produces a transient
1924-nt duplex. Only one strand of the miRNA
duplex (mature miRNA) is incorporated into a
large protein complex called RISC (RNA-induced
silencing complex). (d) The mature miRNA leads
RISC to cleave the mRNA or induce translational
repression, depending on the degree of
complementarity between the miRNA and its target.
MicroRNA biogenesis
79Alcohol, epigenetics and cancer
80Many facets of alcohol
- In chemistry, alcohol is any organic compound in
which a hydroxyl group is bound to a carbon atom
of an alkyl or substituted alkyl group. - In pharmacology, alcohol is a weak drug which has
an enormous variety of effects on biochemical
systems throughout the body, not only in the
brain and liver. - Alcohol has been used medicinally throughout
recorded history. There was evidence that
moderate consumption of alcohol was associated
with a decrease in the risk of heart attack. - Alcohol is the dirtiest drug we have. It
permeates and damages all tissue. No other drug
can cause the same degree of harm that it does.
(National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Alcoholism) - In nutrition, alcohol is a nutrient and alcoholic
beverages are foods (with great potential for
81Effects of alcohol on one-carbon metabolism
- Alcohol impairs folate absorption across
intestinal brush border membrane and decreases
the hepatic uptake and renal conservation of
circulating folate and diminishes methionine
synthase (MS) activity in the liver, increasing
the proportion of methylated THF (methyl folate
trap). - In chronic alcoholics PLP serum levels are lower
than in non-alcoholics. Acetaldehyde impairs the
net formation of PLP from pyridoxal, pyridoxine,
and pyridoxine phosphate. - Vitamin B-12 deficiency, assessed as low
circulating concentrations, is less common in
chronic alcoholics. Nonetheless, tissue
deficiencies of this vitamin may still occur,
suggesting that chronic alcohol consumption may
impair the availability of B-12 in tissues.
(FEBS journal 20072746317, Hepatology
199318984, Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2005292188,
Biochem Pharmacol 1994 471561, Nutrition
200016296, JCI 197453693, Alcohol 199815305)
82Effect of alcohol on one-carbon metabolism-1
- Alcohol stimulates catabolism of methionine to
generate cysteine and replenish glutathione
(transsulfuration pathway). - At the same time, the cell attempts to
conserve methionine through the choline oxidation
pathway which remethylates homocysteine using
betaine homocysteine methyltransferase - This results in a drastic waste of betaine as
well as increased AdoHcy and homocysteine. - Hepatology 199318984
83Effect of total folate intake and alcohol on the
relative risk of breast cancer in the Nurses'
Health Study
Bailey, L. B. J. Nutr. 20031333748S-3753S
84Relative risk of colon cancer in participants in
the Physician's Health Study
Bailey, L. B. J. Nutr. 20031333748S-3753S
85Alcohol and one-carbon metabolism
Thymidylate and purine synthesis
Dimethyl glycine
Methylation of DNA/protein (histone)/RNA/ lipids
5-methyl THF
5,10-methylene THF
Methylation pathway
Nucleotide synthesis pathway
(J Nutr 2000130129, Biochem Pharm 1994471561)
Alcohol disturbs methyl transfer in one-carbon
Aberrations in DNA methylation and histone
Alters carcinogenesis
87Chronic alcohol consumption induces genomic DNA
hypomethylation in the rat colon.
Animal Study To determine the effect of chronic
alcohol consumption on DNA methylation in the
colon Twenty male Sprague Dawley rats were fed
either Lieber-DeCarli diet with alcohol (36 of
total calorie) or control diet. Colonic mucosal
DNA was extracted and the extent of genomic DNA
methylation was assessed. J Nutr
1999 1291945
88Effect of chronic alcohol consumption on
one-carbon metabolism in rats
All values are mean SD, n10, Significantly
different from control rats, plt0.05
Alcohol Clin Res Exp, 200024259
89Genomic DNA methylation in the colonic DNA from
alcohol-fed rats
Methyl acceptance (kBq/2 ug DNA)
Figure Genomic DNA methylation was significantly
decreased in the colonic DNA from alcohol-fed
rats compared with the control group (plt0.05).
J Nutr 19991291945
90Mice study
- Young and old C57B6 mice (n10 per group) were
fed with Lieber-DeCarli control diet,
Lieber-DeCarli alcohol diet (18 of total
calorie, 3.1 v/v) or Lieber-DeCarli alcohol diet
with reduced folic acid (0.25mg/L). During the 3
weeks of liquid diet adaptation period, alcohol
concentrations were gradually increased. - Animals were harvested after 5 and 10 week of
diet. - Genomic DNA methylation and p16 promoter
methylation were analyzed by LC/MS and
methylation-specific PCR from the colon
91Genomic DNA methylation of colonic mucosa (
methylation) in old and young mice fed control
diet, 18 EtOH-containing diet and 18 EtOHlow
folate level for 5 and 10 weeks.
DNA methylation is significantly lower in overall
old mice compared to the all young mice
(4.430.04 vs 4.580.04, plt0.02).
Significantly different from corresponding young
mice (plt0.02) Different tendency from
corresponding young mice (p0.08) Different
tendency from young control mice (p0.08) All
values are means SEM ().
Sauer, Br J Nutr in press
92p16 promoter methylation
Promoter methylation of p16 in the colon of old
(18 mo) and young (4 mo) mice fed control, 18
EtOH or 18 EtOHlow folate for 5 and 10 weeks.
Values are meansSEM (p old vs. young
93Effect of alcohol on histone acetylation
Figure 2. H3-K9 acetylation in the rat liver
after binge drinking (Alcohol Alcohol
Figure 1. Alcohol dose-dependent and
time-dependent acetylation of histone H3 lysine 9
(H3-K9) acetylation in rat hepatic stellate cells
(Alcohol Alcohol
2005 40367)
Alcohol modulates H3K9 acetylation via increasing
HAT activity. (Alcohol Clin Exp Res
94Distinct methylation patterns in histone H3-K4
and H3-K9 correlate with up- down-regulation of
genes by ethanol in rat hepatocytes
Figure 3. Treatment of hepatocytes with alcohol
reduces H3-K9 dimethylation with subsequent
increase of H3-K4 dimethylation in the
upregulatory genes (adh and GST-Yc2), whereas in
down regulatory genes (lsdh and CYP2C11) the
dimethyl H3-K9 accumulated at the promoter.
(Life Sci. 200781979)
95Reduced methyl availability and inhibition of
one-carbon metabolism by alcohol
- NCM460, Human colonic epithelial cell line
- DMEM 10 fetal bovine serum
- Added 100mmol/L Ethanol
- Cultured cells for 0, 24, 48, 72h
96Time-dependent trimethylation of histone H3 at
Lys4 (H3K4me3) by ethanol
97Time-dependent acetylation of histone H3 at Lys9
(H3K9ac) by ethanol
98Summary for epigenetics
- Epigenetics is a (heritable) phenomenon that
affects gene expression without base pair
changes. Epigenetic phenomena include DNA
methylation, histone modifications, and chromatin
remodeling. - Chromatin is much more than neutral system for
packaging and condensing genomic DNA.
Modifications to chromatin can give rise to a
variety of epigenetic effects. It is a critical
player in controlling the accessibility of DNA
for transcription and other reactions. - During our whole life nutrients can modify our
physiologic and pathologic processes through
epigenetic phenomena that are critical for gene
expression and integrity. Modulation of those
processes through diet or specific nutrients may
prevent diseases and maintain our health.
99Future perspectives in nutritional epigenetics
- We knew that nutrients and bioactive food
components can modulate epigenetic phenomena but
only a few of them were tested. Since those
interact with genes and other lifestyle factors,
it is very hard to find out the precise effects
of nutrients or bioactive food components on each
epigenetic phenomenon and their associations with
physiologic and pathologic processes in our body.
- However, it is still worth while to test more
nutrients or functional compounds to find better
ones for our health. That will be helpful to find
the better way to protect our health with
nutritional modulation that is more physiologic
than using other pharmacological agents. - Exploring this area of research may open up a
greater understanding of the role of diet in
altering epigenetic patterns and guide research
to develop new strategies for disease prevention. - Epigenomic approaches will characterize
genome-wide epigenetic marks that are targets for
dietary regulation.
100Cheeeeeeeeers !!!!!
101(No Transcript)
102(No Transcript)
103(No Transcript)
104Methods for epigenetic study
105ChIP assay
- Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is a
powerful tool for identifying proteins, including
histone proteins and non-histone proteins,
associated with specific regions of the genome by
using specific antibodies that recognize a
specific protein or a specific modification of a
protein. - The technique involves crosslinking of proteins
with DNA, fragmentation and preparation of
soluble chromatin followed by immunoprecipitation
with an antibody recognizing the protein of
interest. The segment of the genome associated
with the protein is then identified by PCR
amplification of the DNA in the
106How do we measure distribution of histone
modifications at specific loci? Chromatin
immunoprecipitations (ChIPs)
107Schematic of ChIP
PCR of genomic fragments
108Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
- Grow cells and formaldehyde treat This treatment
crosslinks the proteins to the DNA ensuring
co-precipitation of the DNA with the protein of
interest. - Lysis and sonication of the cells Cells are
broken open and sonication is performed to shear
the chromatin to a manageable size (200-1000bp). - Immunoselection Immunoprecipitation by using a
primary antibody of choice followed by Protein
A/G-conjugated agarose beads as the secondary
reagent. This enriches for the protein of
interest and the DNA that it is specifically
complexed with. - Purification of the DNA Protein-DNA crosslinks
are reversed during incubation at 65C and DNA is
purified to remove the chromatin proteins and to
prepare the DNA for the detection step. - Detection PCR.
109p16 gene specific histone modifications (an
example for ChiP assay)
No Ab control
Input DNA
100uM Adox for 24hr
100uM Adox for 48hr
100uM Adox for 72hr
5uM ADC for 72hr
110 Figure 10. Changes in H3-K4 and H3-K9
trimethylation in p16 gene after incubating NCM
460 cells with 100 µM Adox. The ChiP assay
demonstrates a decreased pattern in
trimethylation at both H3-K4 and H3-K9 residues
in the p16 promoter region.
111Histone H3 lysine ChiP assay
H3K9 acetylation of p16 promoter
H3K4 methylation of p16 promoter
(Kondo, Mol Cell Biol 200323206)
112Global histone modificaitons
- Feeding animals with the methyl-deficient diet
led to progressive loss of histone H4 lysine 20
trimethylation (H4K20me3), H3 lysine 9
tirmethylation (H3K9me3), and histone H3 lysine
(H3K9ac) and histone H4 lysine 16 (H4K16ac)
acetylation. - After extracting histone, western blot is
performed using Anti-trimethyl-histone H3-Lys 9
and anti-trimethyl-histone H4-Lys 20 primary
113Histone extraction
- The acid cell extracts were prepared from frozen
liver tissues using lysis buffer containing 10 mM
HEPES, pH 7.9, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 10 mM KCl, 0.5 mM
DTT, 1.5 mM PMSF, followed by the addition of HCl
to a final concentration of 200 mM. - Cell lysates were centrifuged at 14,000 xg for 10
min at 4C, and the acid-insoluble pellets were
discarded. The supernatant fractions, which
contain the acid-soluble proteins, were purified
by sequential dialysis against 100 mM acetic acid
and H20.
114Western blot analysis of methylation status of
histone H3-Lys9 and histone H4-Lys20
Pogribny, Carcinogenesis 2006271180
115(No Transcript)
116A method to assess genomic DNA methylation using
LC/MS interface
(Friso, Analyt Chem 2002744526)
117Four ion peaks
118Genomic DNA methylation in the young and old mice
colon at 20 weeks
p for trend0.04
plt0.05 old vs young
Keyes et al. J Nutr in press
Genomic DNA methylation (mCyt ng /µg DNA)
Friso et al. Br J Nutr 200797617
m/z 112.1
Abundance (x103)
m/z 114.9
Abundance (x103)
m/z 126.1
m/z 130.1
Time (min)
m/z 126.1
m/z 112.1
Choi et al. Mol Biochem Parasitology
121no peak at 126
122Gene-specific DNA methylation
123Principle of bisulfite modification
Unmethylated DNA
ggg gcg gac cgc
bisulfite modification
ggg gug gau ugu
Methylated DNA
ggg gcmg gacm cmgcm
bisulfite modification
ggg gcmg gacm cmgcm
124Methylation specific PCR
- Methylation Specific PCR (MSP) of the p16 gene in
two invasive carcinomas, a squamous
intraepithelial lesion (SIL), and an
adenocarcinoma of the cervix. Each numbered set
are paired MSP reactions specific for both the
unmethylated (U) and methylated (M) alleles of
the p16 CpG island.
125p16 promoter methylation in mice colon
p16 promoter methylation in old mice colon after
20 weeks of folate deplete diet partially
p16 promoter methylation in young mice colon
after 20 weeks of folate deplete diet
126p16 promoter methylation in the young and old
mice colon at 20 weeks
p for trend0.04
plt0.05 old vs young
127New Promoter methylation assay
- Genomic DNA is digested with MseI, and the
resulting DNA fragments are incubated with the
methylation binding protein MeCP2. - The methylated DNA fragments are isolated with a
spin column and the amplified with promoter
specific primers. - Agarose gel electrophoresis is used to visualize
the PCR products. - The presence of a band on the gel indicates that
a specific promoter is methylated in your genomic
DNA sample.
(Panomics, Methylation Promoter PCR Kit)
128p16 gene specific histone modifications (an
example for ChiP assay)
No Ab control
Input DNA
100uM Adox for 24hr
100uM Adox for 48hr
100uM Adox for 72hr
5uM ADC for 72hr
129ChIP-chip Protocol 1. Sample cross-linking and
fragmentation 2. Immunoprecipitation 3.
Enrichment 4. Amplification 5. Labeling 6.
Hybridization 7. Data Analysis
130DNA methylation microarray 1. Sample
fragmentation 2. DNA denaturation 3.
Immunoprecipitation 4. Enrichment 5.
Amplification 6. Labeling 7. Hybridization