Title: Uterine & Ovarian Cancer
1Uterine Ovarian Cancer
- Uterine Cancer
- Atypical Hyperplasia
- From hyperplasia to endometrial cancer
- Prevalence Incidence
- Causes
- Risk factors
- Detection
- Treatment
- Ovarian Cancer
- Risk factors
- Symptoms
- Detection
- Treatment
2I. Endometrial Cancer Uterine Cancer
- Endometrial cancer usually begins in the lining
of the uterus (endometrium). It is sometimes
called uterine cancer. - Vast majority are adenocarcinomas commonly
detected during perimenopause - but there are other cells in the uterus that can
become cancerous such as muscle or myometrial
3A. Atypical Hyperplasia abnormal tissue growth
- simple hyperplasia without atypia a
proliferation of cells, but the basic structure
of the endometrium is relatively unchanged - complex hyperplasia without atypia individual
cells may be enlarged, but the internal makeup of
the cells is considered to be normal. However,
the cells have proliferated to the point where
the normal structure of the endometrium is
interfered with. - Hyperplasia with atypia precancerous,
Approximately 25-30 of hyperplasia in this
category will progress to endometrial cancer.
4B. From hyperplasia to endometrial cancer
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6C. Prevalence Incidence
- ACS predicts that 41,200 American women will
receive a diagnosis of uterine endometrial
cancer this year, making it the fourth most
common cancer found in women after breast
cancer, lung cancer and colon cancer. - Although this cancer is 40 more common in white
women, black women are nearly twice as likely to
die from it.
7D. What causes endometrial cancer?
8E. Risk Factors
- obesity -- particularly being more than 50 pounds
overweight (fat tissue can convert other hormones
in the body into estrogens) - type 2 diabetes - some data suggest that women
who have diabetes, whether they're obese or not,
are at greater risk of endometrial cancer - early menstruation (periods starting before age
12) late menopause (after age 52) - nulliparity (never having given birth) or a
history of infertility (an inability to become
pregnant) - ovarian diseases, such as polycystic ovaries,
that may cause a woman to have higher than normal
estrogen levels and lower than normal
progesterone levels - estrogen-only replacement therapy (ERT)
9Additional potential contributors
- Family history possible genetic link
- Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
(HNPCC). Inherited disease caused by an
abnormality in a gene important for DNA repair.
Women with HNPCC also have a significantly higher
risk of endometrial cancer. - Personal history of breast cancer or ovarian
cancer - Stress
10F. Symptoms of endometrial cancer
- Abnormal uterine bleeding
- Heavy bleeding during or between periods, and
bleeding after menopause. - More frequent vaginal bleeding or spotting during
the years leading up to menopause. - In some cases, the discharge associated with
endometrial cancer is pink, or white rather than
red. - Difficult or painful urination or pain during
intercourse. - In later stages of the disease, women may feel
pelvic pain and experience unexplained weight
11G. Detection
- Transvaginal ultrasound
- Hysteroscope
12Hysteroscope allows doctors to do a direct visual
examination of the endometrium. The lighted tip
of the instrument is inserted through the vagina
and cervix into the uterine cavity. There the
doctor can inspect any abnormal tissues and,
using a tiny electrified loop, can even take
samples for later lab analysis.
13Additional Diagnostic Tests
- CA-125 blood test
- Cystoscopy (to check for cancer in the bladder)
- Proctoscopy (to check for cancer in the rectum)
- Other imaging tests such as computed tomography
(CT) scanning and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI), chest x-ray, or an intravenous pyelogram
(x-rays of the pelvic region taken after the
injection of a contrasting agent)
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15H. Treatment
- Treatment of hyperplasia without atypia
16Treatment of hyperplasia with atypia
- The suggested treatment for atypical complex
hyperplasia is usually hysterectomy - In pre-menopausal women who wish to conceive,
high dose progestin treatment with close
monitoring is an accepted alternative to
hysterectomy - Cancer - Options for treatment depend chiefly on
the stage of the disease (the size of the cancer,
the depth of invasion, and whether the cancer has
spread to other parts of the body). - Radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy may be
17Stages for endometrial cancer are
- Stage I. Cancer is limited to the uterus.
- Stage II. Cancer involves the uterus and cervix.
- Stage III. Cancer has spread out of the uterus
but is restricted to the pelvic region. - Stage IV. Cancer has spread to the bladder,
bowel, or other distant locations.
18Survival rates
- 5 year survival rates for endometrial cancer by
stage are
19- Mayo Clinic Site http//www.mayoclinic.com/health/
20II. Ovarian Cancer
- For most pre-menopausal women, a growth on the
ovary is benign (90) for post-menopausal women
there is a 70 chance of it being benign - Tumor growth that begins in the egg-producing
cells (germ cell tumors) - Tumor growth that begins on the surface of the
ovary (epithelial cell tumors)
21- epithelial cell tumors
- Tumors of low malignant potential (LMP tumors) do
not appear to be clearly cancerous. - AKA borderline tumors.
- affect women at a younger age than other ovarian
cancers. - grow slowly and are much less serious than most
ovarian cancers. - Epithelial ovarian cancers Nearly 9 out of 10
ovarian cancers are of this type. - Grade 1 means the cells look more normal
- Grade 2 somewhat abnormal
- Grade 3 look highly abnormal.
22Prevalence Incidence
- An estimated 20,180 women will be diagnosed with
ovarian cancer in the US in 2006. - This year, about 15,310 women will die of the
23A. Risk Factors
- Continuous egg production (never pregnant, never
used birth control, or first birth after age 30) - Early menstruation (periods starting before age
12) or late menopause (after age 52) - Obesity
- Diet saturated fat increases risk, high fiber
lowers risk - Fertility drugs studies indicate prolonged use
clomiphene citrate, especially without achieving
pregnancy, may increase the risk for developing
LMP tumors. - Estrogen replacement therapy? - A recent study
suggested that using ERT increases the risk of
developing ovarian cancer, and that the risk
increases with continued use. - Genetics? the risk is higher among women whose
close blood relatives (mother, sister, daughter)
have (or had) this disease. - lt10 of women found to have ovarian cancer have
inherited the disease - BRCA1 and BRCA2 are implicated in ovarian cancer
too - Family history breast cancer
24B. Symptoms of ovarian cancer
- Swelling of the stomach (abdomen) from a buildup
of fluid - Unusual vaginal bleeding
- Pelvic pressure, cramps
- Unexplained changes in bowel habits, including
diarrhea or constipation - Changes in bladder habits, including a frequent
need to urinate - Loss of appetite
- Back or leg pain
- Problems such as persistent gas, bloating,
long-term stomach pain, or indigestion
25C. Detection
- Often called the silent cancer
26D. Treatment
- How much and what type of surgery depends on how
far the cancer has spread, general health, and
whether or not she still hopes to have children - For LMP tumors
- Unilateral Oophorectomy -
- Bilateral oophorectomy
- Uni/bilateral salpingectomy
- Debulking shrinking of the tumor
- Radical hysterectomy removal of omentum (fat
pad that surrounds the intestines) - Radiation and/or chemotherapy
27Stages of ovarian cancer
- Stage I The cancer is contained within the ovary
(or ovaries). - Stage II Cancer is in one or both ovaries and
has spread to other organs in the pelvis, such as
the bladder, rectum, or uterus. - Stage III The cancer is in one or both of the
ovaries and has spread to the lining of the
abdomen or to the lymph nodes. - Stage IV This is the most advanced stage. The
cancer has spread from one (or both) ovaries to
distant organs, such as the liver or lungs.
28Survival rates after 5 years
29- Medline site http//www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/o
variancancer.html - Disease risk questionnaire http//www.yourdiseaser