Title: Kimono: History and Significance
1Kimono History and Significance
- Significance, history, types, and symbolism of
kimonos in Japanese culture
2What can the kimono reveal about Japanese
- What do you think of when you think of
Japanese people and the way they dress? - What can the kimono reveal about this culture,
both past and present?
3Lesson 1objectives tswidentify key design
elements specific occasions for
- Kimono
- Hakana
- Kamishimo
- Straight line cut
4Click on picture
5Lesson 1 Begin research on the traditions and
styles of the kimono
- Go to http//web.mit.edu/jpnet/kimono/
- virtual culture and take notes on the styles of
kimono from Heian, Muramachi, Edo and Meiji
periods of Japanese history. What does kimono
mean? Do note- taking on the straight-line-cut
style of kimono, and the reasoning of layers,
types of colors, cut, fabrics used, and multiple
pieces. Why did the kimono become popular?
6Read all about history, fabrics, design, and
fabric dyes. Click below for link
7Lesson 2 Types, Designs of Kimonos
- Vocabulary
- Obi sash
- yukata
- Tabi socks
- Zori sandals
- Go to link to continue to lesson 2
- kimono
8Occasions for Kimono WearBe able to answer these
- When do women and men wear special kimonos as
they are growing up? How are they similar to
special clothes for Western children as they
become older? - What are the colors for special occasions?
- How are brides kimonos similar to Western
wedding clothes?
9Timeline of Kimono Styles
- Assessment Assignment Create a timeline from the
previous notes on the major eras in Japanese
history. Give dates and provide an explanation of
styles, changes, fabrics used, colors and dye
techniques, and occasions for wear. This will be
worth 2 class work grades and may be computer
10End this lesson by designing your own virtual
kimonos for different occasions
- Begin designing here
- Final assignment
- Complete the worksheet Kimono or Black Tie?
Comparing Formal Wear in Your Culture.