15-5 What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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15-5 What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy?


15-5 What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy? Concept 15-5 Nuclear power has a low environmental impact and a very low accident risk, but high ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 15-5 What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy?

15-5 What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of
Nuclear Energy?
  • Concept 15-5 Nuclear power has a low
    environmental impact and a very low accident
    risk, but high costs, a low net energy yield,
    long-lived radioactive wastes, vulnerability to
    sabotage, and the potential for spreading nuclear
    weapons technology have limited its use.

How Does a Nuclear Fission Reactor Work? (1)
  • Controlled nuclear fission reaction in a reactor
  • Light-water reactors
  • Fueled by uranium ore and packed as pellets in
    fuel rods and fuel assemblies
  • Control rods absorb neutrons

How Does a Nuclear Fission Reactor Work? (2)
  • Water is the usual coolant
  • Containment shell around the core for protection
  • Water-filled pools or dry casks for storage of
    radioactive spent fuel rod assemblies

Light water reactors
  • 85 of worlds nuclear generated electricity
    (100 in US)
  • High inefficient in terms of energy conversion
    (up to 83 lost as waste heat)

Nuclear fuel
  • Made from uranium ore
  • Enriched to 3 of radioactive isotope U-235
  • Made into pellets, size of pencil, energy
    equivalent to 1 ton of coal
  • Pellets are packed into large pipes-fuel rods
  • Rods are grouped together into fuel assemblies,
    these assemblies are placed into reactor core

Controlling the reaction
  • Control rods placed between rods
  • Control rods moved in and out of the assemblies,
    absorbing neutrons which trigger the chain
  • Water circulates through the assemblies, removing
    the heat, keeping the rods from melting

What happens if there is no water?
How nuclear reactors generate electricity
  • Superheated water turns into steam
  • Steam passed through turbine
  • Physical motion of the turbine is converted into
    electrical energy

Steam from Nuclear power plants
  • Superheated water after used in the turbines goes
    into a condenser
  • Condenser requires cold water source which is why
    most plants are located next to water
  • Pipes with the hot water are circulated through a
    container filled with cold water , heat is
  • Hot water is either discharged into river, ocean
    or vented into the atmosphere as steam

(No Transcript)
Light-Water-Moderated and -Cooled Nuclear Power
Plant with Water Reactor
Small amounts of radioactive gases
Control rods
Containment shell
Heat exchanger
Waste heat
Uranium fuel input (reactor core)
Hot coolant
Useful electrical energy 2530
Hot water output
Waste heat
Cool water input
Pressure vessel
Coolant passage
Water source (river, lake, ocean)
Periodic removal and storage of radioactive
wastes and spent fuel assemblies
Periodic removal and storage of radioactive
liquid wastes
Fig. 15-17, p. 387
Reactor in Japan
(No Transcript)
After 3 or 4 Years in a Reactor, Spent Fuel Rods
Are Removed and Stored in Water
Spent Fuel rods
  • After about 3-4 years of use, the Fuel rods
    become spent-level of fission drops beneath a
    certain level
  • Rods are taken out of reactor stored nearby in
    water filled pools or dry casks
  • Stored until they cool down enough to be shipped
    for permanent storage or to be recycled
  • These storage facilities are next to the reactor
    plants, vulnerable to terrorist attack or

Spent fuel reprocessing
  • The spent fuel rods are sent to a facility which
    separates plutonium from spent fuel for further
    use as a new generation of fuel or as material
    used to make atomic weapons.
  • First the fuel is chopped up, by remote control,
    behind heavy lead shielding.
  • These chopped-up pieces are then dissolved in
    boiling nitric acid, releasing radioactive gases
    in the process.
  • The plutonium is separated from the acid solution
    by chemical means, leaving large quantities of
    high-level radioactive liquid waste and sludge
  • After it has cooled down for several years, this
    liquid waste will have to be solidified for
    ultimate disposal, while the separated plutonium
    is fabricated into nuclear fuel or nuclear

Japan and the Soviet Nuclear program connection
  • As a result of a successful program between the
    Soviet Union and USA, many nuclear weapons have
    been destroyed.
  • The fuel from a number of Soviet weapons was sold
    to Japan to be used for fuel in their reactors
  • So plutonium is used in at least one of the
    damaged reactors in Japan

What Is the Nuclear Fuel Cycle?
  • Mine the uranium
  • Process the uranium to make the fuel
  • Use it in the reactor
  • Safely store the radioactive waste
  • Decommission the reactor

Decommissioning of reactor
Fuel assemblies
Enrichment of UF6
Fuel fabrication
(conversion of enriched UF6 to UO to UO2 and
fabrication of fuel assemblies)
Temporary storage of spent fuel assemblies
underwater or in dry casks
Conversion of U3O8 to UF6
Uranium-235 as UF6 Plutonium-239 as PuO2
Spent fuel reprocessing
Low-level radiation with long half-life
Geologic disposal of moderate- and high-level
radioactive wastes
Open fuel cycle today Recycling of nuclear fuel
Fig. 15-19, p. 389
What Happened to Nuclear Power?
  • Slowest-growing energy source and expected to
    decline more
  • Why?
  • Economics
  • Poor management
  • Low net yield of energy of the nuclear fuel cycle
  • Safety concerns
  • Need for greater government subsidies
  • Concerns of transporting uranium

Case Study Worst Commercial Nuclear Power Plant
Accident in the U.S.
  • Three Mile Island
  • March 29, 1979
  • Near Harrisburg, PA, U.S.
  • Nuclear reactor lost its coolant
  • Led to a partial uncovering and melting of the
    radioactive core
  • Unknown amounts of radioactivity escaped
  • People fled the area
  • Increased public concerns for safety
  • Led to improved safety regulations in the U.S.

Case Study Worst Nuclear Power Plant Accident in
the World
  • Chernobyl
  • April 26, 1986
  • In Chernobyl, Ukraine
  • Series of explosions caused the roof of a reactor
    building to blow off
  • Partial meltdown and fire for 10 days
  • Huge radioactive cloud spread over many countries
    and eventually the world
  • 350,000 people left their homes
  • Effects on human health, water supply, and

Oak Ridge Reactor
Remains of a Nuclear Reactor at the Chernobyl
Nuclear Power Plant
Level of contamination
Human casualties of Chernobyl
  • 56 people lost their lives as a direct result of
    radiation poisoning or fire
  • Thyroid cancer
  • From drinking
  • Milk killed
  • 10-12 thousand

Nuclear Power Has Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages

Conventional Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Large fuel supply
Cannot compete economically without huge
government subsidies
Low environmental impact (without accidents)
Low net energy yield
High environmental impact (with major accidents)
Emits 1/6 as much CO2 as coal
Environmental costs not included in market price
Moderate land disruption and water pollution
(without accidents)
Risk of catastrophic accidents
Moderate land use
No widely acceptable solution for long-term
storage of radioactive wastes
Low risk of accidents because of multiple safety
systems (except for Chernobyl-type reactors)
Subject to terrorist attacks
Spreads knowledge and technology for building
nuclear weapons
Fig. 15-21, p. 391
Coal vs. Nuclear
Ample supply
Ample supply of uranium
High net energy yield
Low net energy yield
Very high air pollution
Low air pollution
Low CO2 emissions
High CO2 emissions
Much lower land disruption from surface mining
High land disruption from surface mining
Moderate land use
High land use
Low cost (with huge subsidies)
High cost (even with huge subsidies)
Fig. 15-22, p. 392
Nuclear Power Plants Are Vulnerable to Terrorists
  • Explosions or meltdowns possible at the power
  • Storage pools and casks are more vulnerable to
  • 60 countries have or have the ability to build
    nuclear weapons

Dealing with Radioactive Wastes Produced by
Nuclear Power Is a Difficult Problem
  • High-level radioactive wastes
  • Must be stored safely for 10,000240,000 years
  • Where to store it
  • Deep burial safest and cheapest option
  • Transportation concerns
  • Would any method of burial last long enough?
  • There is still no facility NIMBY scenario
  • Can the harmful isotopes be changed into harmless
    isotopes? (working on it, )

Case Study Experts Disagree about What to Do
with Radioactive Wastes in the U.S.
  • 1985 plans in the U.S. to build a repository for
    high-level radioactive wastes in the Yucca
    Mountain desert region (Nevada)
  • Problems
  • Cost 58100 billion
  • Large number of shipments to the site protection
    from attack?
  • Rock fractures
  • Earthquake zone
  • Decrease national security

What Do We Do with Worn-Out Nuclear Power Plants?
  • Decommission or retire the power plant
  • At least ½ of US plants are scheduled to close by
    next year
  • Some options
  • Dismantle the plant and safely store the
    radioactive materials
  • Enclose the plant behind a physical barrier with
    full-time security until a storage facility has
    been built
  • Enclose the plant in a tomb
  • Monitor this for thousands of years

Can Nuclear Power Lessen Dependence on Imported
Oil, Reduce Global Warming?
  • Nuclear power plants no CO2 emission
  • Complete Nuclear fuel cycle emits CO2 (not like
    Fossil fuels)
  • Opposing views on nuclear power and global
  • Nuclear power advocates
  • 2003 study by MIT researchers low grade ore
  • 2007 Oxford Research Group reactor a week for
    70 years still only produce 20

Will Nuclear Fusion Save Us?
  • Nuclear fusion is the power of the future and
    always will be
  • Still in the laboratory phase after 50 years of
    research and 34 billion dollars energy
  • 2006 U.S., China, Russia, Japan, South Korea,
    and European Union
  • Will build a large-scale experimental nuclear
    fusion reactor by 2040

Experts Disagree about the Future of Nuclear Power
  • Proponents of nuclear power
  • Fund more research and development
  • Pilot-plant testing of potentially cheaper and
    safer reactors
  • Test breeder fission and nuclear fusion
  • Opponents of nuclear power
  • Fund rapid development of energy efficient and
    renewable energy resources

Science Focus Are New and Safer Nuclear Reactors
the Answer? (1)
  • Advanced light-water reactors (ALWR)
  • Built-in passive safety features
  • High-temperature-gas-cooled reactors (HTGC)
  • Avoids problems with present water based systems,
    but still not 100 reliable

  • Pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR)
  • Pros no need to shut down for refueling
  • Cons graphite protective coatings, vulnerable
  • China, South Africa
  • Breeder nuclear fission reactors
  • Creates plutonium from uranium
  • France built one then shut it down 2 years later

Pebble Bed Reactors
Breeder reactors
Science Focus Are New and Safer Nuclear Reactors
the Answer? (2)
  • New Generation nuclear reactors must satisfy
    these five criteria
  • Safe-runaway chain reaction is impossible
  • Fuel can not be used for nuclear weapons
  • Easily disposed of fuel
  • Nuclear fuel cycle must generate a higher net
    energy yield than other alternative fuels,
    without huge government subsidies
  • Emit fewer greenhouse gases than other fuels

Exit questions for 15.5
  • Describe the nuclear fuel cycle
  • How do we deal with the highly reactive
    radioactive wastes produced by nuclear power
    plants? How should we?
  • What is the difference between nuclear fusion and
    fission? What is fusions potential as a energy
  • Summarize arguments for and against nuclear power
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