Islam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Islam The calling of Christ Origin of Allah Moon worship has been practiced in Arabia since 2000 BC. The crescent moon is the most common symbol of this pagan moon ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Islam

  • The calling of Christ

Origin of Allah
  • Moon worship has been practiced in Arabia since
    2000 BC. The crescent moon is the most common
    symbol of this pagan moon worship as far back as
    2000 BC.
  • In Mecca, there was a god named Hubal who was
    Lord of the Kabah.
  • This Hubal was a moon god.
  • One Muslim apologist confessed that the idol of
    moon god Hubal was placed upon the roof of the
    Kaba about 400 years before Muhammad. This may in
    fact be the origin of why the crescent moon is on
    top of every minaret at the Kaba today and the
    central symbol of Islam atop of every mosque
    throughout the world About four hundred years
    before the birth of Muhammad one Amr bin Lahyo
    ... a descendant of Qahtan and king of Hijaz, had
    put an idol called Hubal on the roof of the Kaba.
    This was one of the chief deities of the Quraish
    before Islam. (Muhammad The Holy Prophet, Hafiz
    Ghulam Sarwar (Pakistan), p 18-19, Muslim)
  • The moon god was also referred to as "al-ilah".
    This is not a proper name of a single specific
    god, but a generic reference meaning "the god".
    Each local pagan Arab tribe would refer to their
    own local tribal pagan god as "al-ilah".
  • "al-ilah" was later shortened to Allah before
    Muhammad began promoting his new religion in 610

The voice of threat
  • Christians Jewish martyrs say "I will die for
    what I believe". 
  •  A Muslim martyr says "you will die for what I

The Muslim Qur'an and Muslim Hadith are unique
among all the sacred writings in the entire world
-- because they alone counsel its followers to
make war on unbelievers.
  • Both Muslim holy books (Qur'an/Koran and Hadith)
    contain commands for Muslims to subjugate the
    world, militarily.  Muhammad commanded Muslims to
    spread Islam through Offensive Jihad or conquest
    of non-Muslim lands.  Muslims are also commanded
    Muslims to take back any land that was formerly
    Muslim, such as Israel.
  • Radical Muslims believe that they are Mujahideen,
    or "holy warriors of Allah".  Their goal, like
    Islam's goal is to establish the entire world as
    a pure Islamic state (a Khalifah), which conforms
    to Islamic laws.

The Qur'an itself calls the Gospel of Jesus
"Guidance and Light"
  • The biggest threat to Islam is without a doubt
    the teachings of the true "Prophet of Peace"
    Jesus Christ.  Islamic leaders go to
    extraordinary means to hide the Gospel of Jesus
    from Muslims. 
  • The fact that Muslims do not read and study the
    New Testament/the Gospel of Jesus is yet another
    contradiction in Islam.  Question the "dark
    side"  - the Islamic Fear of Christianity.  Just
    as Satan wails at a crucifix at an exorcism - the
    Islamic cult member normally wails at the sight
    of the Christian Bible.  A false prophet can
    always be recognized, because he attacks the true
    prophet. A false Bible can be recognized, because
    it contradicts the true Bible.

The Bible not accepted
  • Islam goes one step further.  First Islam tries
    to gain acceptance by attesting to the truth and
    validity of both the Christian and Jewish holy
    books.  But, it then clearly steps out of the
    light, exposing itself to its diabolical agenda,
    by contradicting and falsifying the facts and
    teachings in both these books.

Truth is Truth
  • Islam claims that Allah is the same God who was
    revealed in the Bible. . . .  then if the Bible
    and the Qur'an have differing views of God, then
    Islam's claim is false.  Don't forget that
    Muhammad claimed in Suras 287, 2946, 3223,
    544, 6154, 6155 that Allah confirmed the Torah
    (Taurat) and Christian Gospel (Injeel) (Sura
    287, 546, 568, 2946 and 4363).  So, if the
    Torah and Gospel are correct, all the errors in
    the Qur'an shown below make the Qur'an false. 

  • A tenet of Islam is that both Mohammed and Jesus
    of Nazareth were both Muslims.  Islam says both
    were prophets sent by Allah.  If this were true,
    then it is mandatory that these two great
    prophets must coincide exactly in all points and
    never contradict each other. Did not the same
    Allah send both of them?  Then, aren't even the
    smallest of contradictions between the two, very
    big red flags?  And there are a great many, which
    you will see below.

  • Sura 568 - Say "O People of the Book! ye have
    no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by
    the Law (Torah), the Gospel (Injeel), and all the
    revelation that has come to you from your Lord.
  • Sura 2946 Muslims are told by Allah, not to
    question the authority of the scriptures of the
    Christians, saying, "And dispute ye not with the
    People of the Book, but say, "We believe in the
    revelation which has come down to us and in that
    which came down to you Our Allah and your Allah
    is one

  • Islam says that Jesus did not die.  So, again
    --Islam has proven to be false because Muhammad
    claimed the Gospel is true, and all 4 Gospels
    (Injeel) testify that Jesus died and rose from
    the dead.  God does have a begotten Son (not
    made, but one with the Father), which Islam
    denies.  The Jewish Torah/Taurat clearly
    indicated this over 1000 years before Muhammad
    and Islam.

The Fear of Holy Scriptures
  • Even Satan says that Jesus died on the cross. 
    Like Muhammad, Satan also cringes in fear at the
    sight of the cross.  Read this true Exorcism here
  • Proverbs 304 (700 B.C.) "Who hath ascended up
    into heaven or descended? Who hath gathered the
    wind in His fists? Who hath bound the waters in a
    garment? Who hath established all the ends of the
    Earth? What is His name, and what is His son's
    name, if thou canst tell?"(Psalm 211-12) Serve
    the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.
    Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish
    from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a
    little. Blessed are all they that put their trust
    in him.

Even after Allah confirmed the Torah and Gospel,
Islamic Mullahs and Imams have tried to sell the
lie that the Christian Gospels and Jewish Torah
have been corrupted. 
The unchanged Bible
  • "They" could not have changed the Christian
    Gospels after Muhammad, since there are around
    5,300 manuscripts of the whole or part of the
    Greek text of the New Testament (Injeel)
    pre-dating Muhammad still in existence.
    Worldwide, there are 24,800 copies of these
    original manuscripts. These include the Codex
    Vaticanus (325-350 AD) located in the Vatican
    library and the Codex Siniaticus (350 AD) located
    in the British Museum. There are also 80,000
    quotations in the works of early Christian
    writers which are so extensive that the New
    Testament could virtually be reconstructed from
    them without the actual New Testament documents.
    Then there is the obvious fact that the Christian
    Gospels were so widely distributed both before
    and after Muhammad, that any attempt to change
    (add/subtract) something in the Christian Gospels
    would have resulted in immediate discovery and

  • The Christian Bible predates Muhammad and Islam
    by 500 years. The Jewish Torah predates Muhammad
    and Islam by 1,000 - 3,000 years.  Muhammad said
    for Muslims to read the Bible for "Guidance and
    Light." For Islam to say they are corrupted, then
    is to call Muhammad a liar for recommending it.

The preserved Bible Texts predating Mohammad and
  • The same Bible Muhammad would have seen (if he
    ever did) is in both (1) The Vatican (Codex
    Vaticanus) and (2) British Museum (Codex
    Sinaticus). It is all there, including Jesus
    dying on the cross as atonement for our sins.
    And, His resurrection, and ascension into heaven
    - in front of many witnesses.  The New Testament
    is preserved in almost perfect condition in these
    two Greek texts which both predate Muhammad and

Witness of Archaeology
  • Consider the Babylonian cylinder inscription of
    Nabonidus (thought to be the last king of
    Babylon) which commemorates the reconstruction of
    a ziggurat at Ur by Nabonidus and records a
    prayer to Belshazzar (Daniel 5) his son 'the
    firstborn son, the offspring of my heart'. Not
    only does this prove that Belshazzar was indeed a
    member of the Babylonian royal family, which had
    long been disputed, but it also explains why
    Daniel is told he could be the third ruler (with
    Nabonidus and Belshazzar more or less acting as

  • Islam doesn't even have an original Qur'an. It
    was made up supposedly from "memory" and a few
    scraps found under a bed.  This was about 150 -
    200 years after Muhammad died at his wife Ayish's
    home in Medina, and he was lowered into a hole in
    the ground, where he remains. 

Death of the earliest witnesses
  • Zaid b. Thabit said  The Prophet died and the
    Quran had not been assembled into a single
    place. (p. 118, Ahmad b. Ali b. Muhammad al
    Asqalani, ibn Hajar, "Fath al Bari", 13 vols,
    Cairo, 1939/1348, volume 9, page 9)
  • Zuhri reports, 'We have heard that many Qur'an
    passages were revealed but that those who had
    memorized them fell in the Yemama fighting. Those
    passages had not been written down, and following
    the deaths of those who knew them, were no longer
    known nor had Abu Bakr, nor Umar nor Uthman as
    yet collected the texts of the Qur'an.During
    the battle of Yamama, 450 reciters of the Quran
    were killed. (The True Guidance, An Introduction
    To Quranic Studies, part 4 Light of Life - P.O.
    BOX 13, A-9503 Villach, Austria, p. 47- citing
    Ibn Kathirs Al-Bidaya wa al-Nibaya, chapter on
    Battle of Yamama)

Lost of the first script
  • Muhammad's child wife said this after Muhammad
    died "The verse of the stoning and of suckling
    an adult ten times were revealed, and they were
    (written) on a paper and kept under my bed.  When
    the messenger of Allah expired and we were
    preoccupied with his death, a goat entered and
    ate away the paper."  
  • References Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal. vol. 6. page
    269 Sunan Ibn Majah, page 626 Ibn Qutbah, Tawil
    Mukhtalafi 'l-Hadith (Cairo Maktaba al-Kulliyat
    al-Azhariyya. 1966) page 310 As-Suyuti, ad-Durru
    'l-Manthur, vol. 2. page 13

Scribal accuracy of the Torah
  • As to the Taurat (Torah), Jewish scribes
    painstakingly copied it via a system of checking,
    double checking and adding each letter on each
    line. Any attempt to change something in the
    Torah would have resulted in immediate discovery
    and condemnation.  And copies of the Torah from
    around the world agree exactly.

Poor preservation of Quran
  • This same quality of transmission cannot be said
    of the Islamic Qur'an.  The Islamic Qur'an was
    written down from 3rd and 4th hand accounts and
    from a few thoughts written on scrap papers --and
    compiled over 150 years after Muhammad died in
    632 A.D.  The oldest Qur'an dates from around 790
    A.D. (after Jesus), and it is in the British
    Library. That's 158 years after Muhammads death.

Make-belief Claim against Archaeological evidence
  • Muslims often claim that the manuscript of the
    Qur'an housed in the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul,
    Turkey is one of the oldest sources.  Muslims say
    it dates from around 650 A.D. There is an
    insurmountable problem with this.  This document
    is written in Kufic (also known as al-Khatt
    al-Kufi) script. Coins in the British Museum show
    that the first coins using the Kufic script date
    from the mid to end of the 8th century (750-800
    A.D.).  The only script used during and after
    Muhammad's days was the Jazm script.

Only part of the oldest Koran survived
  • The Samarkand (aka Othman Koran) manuscript in
    the Soviet Library in Tashkent, Uzbekistan also
    uses the Kufic script, indicating late 8th
    century.  Many believe it is the oldest in
    existence.  Only About one-third of the original

  • This Samarkand codice manuscript is considerably
    incomplete. It only begins in the middle of verse
    7 of Suratul-Baqarah (the second Surah) and from
    there on numerous pages are missing. The next
    oldest Muslim manuscripts are also from the
    8th-century.  One is written in al-ma'il script
    and the other in Kufic.  Neither of these
    correspond precisely to today's Qur'an.  Also,
    scraps found in Yemen differ and contradict
    today's Qur'an so badly, that Muslims try to hide
    this. These Yemeni Qur'an scraps are actually the
    oldest found, and it is Hijazi.  Hijazi (Makkan
    or Madinan) script, is the script in which the
    earliest masahif of the Qur'an were written.

  • The Qur'an contradicts earlier revelation, the
    evidence for the origin of which is given in
    Qur'an/Koran Suras below.
  • Many Muslims Imams and Mullahs falsely point to
    Sura 2140 to try and prove that Jews and
    Christians had corrupted their Scriptures.
    Referring to the Jews, this sura says "...who is
    more unjust than those who conceal the testimony
    they have from Allah?...?"  Yet, nowhere does
    this Sura state that the Jews and Christians
    corrupted their scriptures.  Muslim clerics need
    to point to something because they know that the
    Jewish Torah and Christian Gospels badly
    contradict the Islamic Qur'an.  The fact that
    Muhammad and Allah told Muslims to believe in the
    Torah and Christian Gospels is a very bad dilemma
    for these professionals who wish to continue
    making a good living in Islam. 

Sovereign God protects His Words
  • Suras 634, 6115, 1064 and 5028,29 clearly
    says to Muslims, "No change can there be in the
    words of Allah" and that Allah cannot alter (or
    abrogate) his words."  So the Torah and Christian
    Gospels are correct, because Allah did verify
    this fact -- this clearly makes the Muslim Qur'an
    false because it contradicts Allah.

  • Muhammad commanded the reading of the Holy Injeel
    (Gospel of Jesus) and the Torah (Taurat) as part
    of Islam. 

  • As a Good Muslim - Have you read the Gospel of

  • - Sura 287 -  And most certainly We gave Musa
    the Book and We sent apostles after him one after
    another and We gave Isa, the son of Marium,
    clear arguments and strengthened him with the
    holy spirit,
  • - Sura 348 - And He (Isa/Jesus) will teach him
    the Book and the wisdom and the Tavrat (Torah)
    and the Injeel (Christian Gospel).
  • - Sura 350 - And a verifier of that which is
    before me of the Taurat (Torah) and that I may
    allow you part of that which has been forbidden t
    you, and I have come to you with a sign from your
    Lord therefore be careful of (your duty to) Allah
    and obey me.
  • - Sura 544 - "Surely We revealed the Taurat
    (Torah/Bible Old Testament) in which was guidance
    and light", with it the prophets who submitted
  • - Sura 546 - And We sent after them in their
    footsteps Isa, son of Marium, verifying what was
    before him of the Taurat (Jewish Torah) and We
    gave him the Injeel (Christian Gospels) in which
    was guidance and light, and verifying what was
    before it of Taurat and a guidance and an
    admonition for those who guard (against evil).

  • - Sura 5.68 - Say O followers of the Book! you
    follow no good till you keep up the Taurat and
    the Injeel and that which is revealed to you from
    your Lord
  • - Sura 6.154    Again, We gave the Book (Torah)
    to Musa to complete (Our blessings) on him who
    would do good (to others), and making plain all
    things and a guidance and a mercy, so that they
    should believe in the meeting of their Lord.
  • - Sura 6.155    And this (Torah) is a Book We
    have revealed, blessed therefore follow it and
    guard (against evil) that mercy may be shown to
  • - Sura 2946  "And dispute ye not with the People
    of the Book, but say, "We believe in the
    revelation which has come down to us and in that
    which came down to you Our Allah and your Allah
    is one

  • - Sura 3223 - And certainly We gave the Book to
    Musa, so be not in doubt concerning the receiving
    of it, and We made it a guide for the children of
    Israel.- Sura 4363 - When Jesus came with
    Clear Signs, he said "Now have I come to you
    with Wisdom, and in order to make clear to you
    some of the (points) on which ye dispute
    therefore fear Allah and obey me.
  • - Sura 4612 we are told.... "And before it the
    Book of Musa (Moses) (Torah) was a guide and a
    mercy and this is a Book verifying (it) in the
    Arabic language that it may warn those who are
    unjust and as good news for the doers of

The Great Muslim dilemma
  • The Christian Bible Says Jesus is God, and one
    with the Father
  • Muslims have no choice but to believe in the
    Christian Bible and the Apostles who wrote it. 
    The Qur'an forbids anyone, on pain of shameful
    punishment, from making distinctions between the
    authority of the apostles and prophets of God, or
    from choosing between God's words. No one is
    permitted to believe in part and reject a part.
    Those who presume to do so, it says, are infidels
    in reality (Suras 4150-152 289 4213-15
    2946-47).  See Christian Bible references to who
    Jesus really is. . .

the "peace sounding words" in the Qur'an/Koran?
  • In Islam, theologians divide the Qur'an into the
    Meccan and Medinan suras.  You will note that the
    peaceful sounding verses come while Muhammad was
    living in Mecca toward the beginning of his
    career as a terrorist, when he was busy calling
    Meccans to his service.  The later suras came
    after Muhammad left Mecca and went to Medina.  It
    was during this later period when he went wild
    with rape, plunder, and cold-hearted murders.
  • So in Islam --the later warring and killing of
    infidel type verses (suras) like the "Verse of
    the Sword"  (95) take precedence over the
    earlier peaceful-sounding versus.  Islamic
    theologians say that the more than 124 peaceful
    sounding verses are abrogated by the Verse of the
    Sword.  This all ties in to the Muslim idea of
    abrogation.  A respected Islamic commentator
    popularly know as Ibn Kathir who lived from
    1301-1372 AD says that sura 95 "abrogated every
    agreement of peace the Prophet and any idolator,
    every treaty, and every term"

  • There are more than 100 verses in the Qur'an
    (Koran) advocating the use of violence to spread
    Islam.  There are exactly 123 verses in the
    Qur'an about killing and fighting.  Qur'an 95,
    known as "the verse of the sword," declares,
    "Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find
    them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in
    wait for them in every stratagem."

  • In the Qur'an, Allah commands Muslims, "Take not
    the Jews and Christians as friends....Slay the
    idolaters non-Muslims wherever ye find them....
    Fight against believe not in Allah..."
    (Sura 551 95,29,41, etc..).

  • A Muslim phrase often quoted in the middle east
    region is On Saturday we kill the Jews and on
    Sunday we kill the Christians!
  • "The punishment of those who wage war against God
    and His Messenger, and strive with might and main
    for mischief through the land is execution, or
    crucifixion, or cutting off of hands and feet
    from opposite sides, or exile from the land that
    is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy
    punishment is theirs in the Hereafter" (Sura Al
    Ma idah 533).

Killing is Welcome in Islam - even of brother
  • "Allah's Apostle said, "Allah welcomes two men
    with a smile one of whom kills the other and
    both of them enter Paradise. One fights in
    Allah's Cause and gets killed. Later on Allah
    forgives the 'killer who also get martyred (In
    Allah's Cause)."...  Hadith, Volume 4, Book 52,
    Number 80i, Narrated Abu Huraira
  • This is a very important matter. We often wonder
    how Muslims kill each other and both parties
    scream "Jihad" as they kill each other. Muhammad
    says that Allah is happy to see them BOTH killing
    each other. The cause is not the point-- just
    kill, kill, kill."

Satan wishes only to enslave Muslims to help him
enslave the entire world
  • By turning them away from the truth that
    salvation is already available through believing
    in Christ Jesus The Son of God.
  • By intimidation and fear that any convert to
    Christ risks getting killed.
  • By branding of Islamic status through birth.
  • By brain-washing that believers are immersed in
    Islam daily and nightly mechanically praying 5
    times everyday

  • Satan, Muhammad and al-Zawahiri all "rail"
    against the cross!
  • CAIRO, Egypt, Dec. 11, 2005  In a taped message
    Ayman al-Zawahiri, urged all Muslims to take up
    arms and said their refusal to join the fight
    against "the Cross and Zionism" was a "malignant
    illness" that would only lead to the defeat of
    militant Islam.

  • Hearing the Truth as revealed in the Christian
    Bible (The Word of God) would weaken this false
    path to God (Islam).

Salvation is available through Yeshua
  • The New Testament repeatedly declares that Jesus
    Christ(Yeshua) is the Son of God, that He was
    crucified and resurrected to both pay for our
    sins and to make possible our salvation.
  • The Qur'an expressly denies all these things. 
    The Qur'an says Jesus was not crucified. (Sura

Muslims are warned
  • If you accept Islam, you forever reject
    Jesus(Yeshua who is not Isa) and His
    substitutional suffering and death for your sins
    on the cross.  It is a decision that will effect
    where you spend eternity.

  • Jesus Christ warned us that if you deny Him, He
    will deny you before the Father(Yhwh God).
  • Muslims falsely believe they have "this base"
    covered because they show reverence to Jesus as
    Isa and as a "great Prophet" only.  

You "deny" Jesus/Yeshua
  • You "deny" Jesus when you do not follow His
    teachings, such as He is the only way to the
    Father and salvation.
  • You deny Jesus when you do not make Him the
    center of your life.
  • You deny Jesus when you do not worship Christ as
    Lord, sovereign God, and Savior.

Comparison between Muhammad and Jesus /Yeshua
  • Jesus is God (John 1, Col. 1) and here
  • Raised Himself from the dead (Matthew 286).
  • Birth, Life, Death, Resurrection foretold by
  • Lived a sinless life (2 Corinthians 521).
  • Did numerous miracles to prove His divinity  (All
    Gospel writers and Josephus)
  • Cared for His enemies (Matthew 543-44)
  • Held a high view of marriage and hated divorce -
    as God the Father does (Matt 197-8).
  • Accurately prophesied many verifiable events that
    took place after His time (Matthew 24).
  • Muhammad is only a man (Sura 18110)
  • Remains dead
  • Nothing predicted about Muhammad.  The
    "Comforter" was the Holy Spirit Jesus promised
    the apostles.
  • Allah himself refers to Muhammad as sinful (Sura
    4055, 481-2).
  • On two occasions in the Qur'an Muhammad admitted
    he could do no miracles (Sura 1790-95 3183)
  • Killed his enemies and anyone who disagreed with
    him (Sura 95)
  • Commanded his adopted son to divorce his wife so
    that she would become his (Sura 3336-38)
  • Delivered only one -questionable- prophecy about
    the Romans winning a future battle.  No date or
    place given. (Sura 301-4)

  • Islam is a religion that says that Jesus did not
    die on the cross.  Islam denies this historical
    fact about Jesus which therefore negates the
    salvation given us by the Son of God's painful
    death and miraculous resurrection from the dead. 
    Even the Jewish Sanhedrin (High Religious Court)
    in Jerusalem admits Jesus died there.   In
    addition to the writers of the 4-Gospels and
    Josephus, the Jewish 1st century historian (See
    Antiquities 18-63) -- the Jewish Babylonian
    Talmud (Sanhedrin 43a) from the Tannaitic Period
    recorded "On the eve of Passover Yeshu was

Know Jesus Christ/Yeshua
  • To be saved - you only have to know One name and
    it is NOT Allah. The name of Allah is found
    nowhere in "the book" (Torah or Gospels of
  • The Name of God is Yhwh(I am, Yehovah)
  • Jesus/Yeshua means Yehovah Saves.

Jesus died for you
  • Please do not avoid salvation
  • Please do not avoid Jesus/Yeshua

  • The Trinity has nothing to do with how many gods
    there are. It only has to do with God's nature
  • and the three persons/natures that make up the
    one God.
  • Christians know there is only one God, but this
    God has 3 persons (Father, Son, Holy Spirit). 
    This is a mystery. 

God the Son in the Old Covenant
  • (Psalm 211-12) Serve the LORD with fear, and
    rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be
    angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath
    is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they
    that put their trust in him.

Believe in the Son Jesus/Yeshua
  • "For God so loved the world that He gave His only
    begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should
    not perish but have everlasting life." John 316 
  • There is no sexual intercourse.
  • Believers do not worship Mary.God being Almighty
    is not restricted by sex.

Muslims make Allah mightier than Yhwh Almighty God
  • Sura 347 -    She (Mary) said My Lord! when
    shall there be a son (born) to I me, and man has
    not touched me? He said Even so, Allah creates
    what He pleases when He has decreed a matter, He
    only says to it, Be, and it is.
  • No sexual intercourse needed.

Muslims deny Jesus
  • 1 John 2 22-23 Who is a liar but he who denies
    that Jesus is the Christ?  He is antichrist, who
    denies the Father and the Son. Whosoever denies
    the Son, the same does not have the Father (but)
    he who acknowledges the Son have the Father
    also.1 John 512 He who has the Son has life
    and he who does not have the Son of God has no

Choose Life !
  • Choose Jesus!

You need not place your eternal salvation
entirely on the whimsical sayings of only one
single man - the imperfect man Muhammad. 
  • According to Al Waqidi, Muhammad would break
    everything brought into the house with a shape of
    the cross on it.   Additionally, Ahmad ibn Hanbal
    (A.D. 855) said that Muhammad would foam at the
    mouth during prayer. 
  • Christians should immediately remember the
    Apostle Mark's telling of Jesus casting a demon
    out of a boy who was possessed. This
    demon-possessed boy also showed this symptom of
    "foaming at the mouth".

Love Christ love Christians
  • - Sura 95 - But when the forbidden months are
    past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye
    find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and
    lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of
    war)- Surah's 839 95 929 474 in the
    Muslim Qur'an are 'divine' commandments to
    persecute Jews and Christians, to defeat them in
    battle and then to consign them either to slavery
    or to death.

If you confess with your mouth Jesus as
Lord(Master), and believe in your heart that God
raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.
-Romans 10 v9.
  • A sample of YOUR PRAYER in response
  • Dear Jesus, being convinced that I am a sinner,
    and knowing that you, Jesus Christ, died for me,
    the ungodly I now accept you as my personal
    Saviour. Please come into me and help me to live
    a good life pleasing to You (God, Jehovah, Jesus
    Christ) and to confess You before mankind.

  • You are now a new clean (free of sin in the sight
    of God) Christian, if you have honestly confessed
    to Christ. Congratulations. Alleluia!
  • Do share with others your important
    decision(Accepting Christ Yeshua).
  • Please study the Holy Bible for principles,
    direction, edification, guidance and instruction
    in life.
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