Title: Advanced XML and Web Services
1Advanced XML and Web Services
- October 30, 2006
- Robert Richards
- rrichards_at_php.net
- http//www.cdatazone.org/files/workshop.zip
- Introduction to Terms and Concepts
- Libxml
- SimpleXML
- SAX (ext/xml)
- XMLReader
- XMLWriter
- SOAP (ext/soap)
3XML Namespaces
- An XML Namespace is a collection of names
identified by a URI. - They are applicable to elements and attributes.
- Namespaces may or may not be associated with a
prefix. - xmlnsrob"urnrob"
- xmlnshttp//www.example.com/rob
- Attributes never reside within a default
namespace. - It is illegal to have two attributes with the
same localname and same namespace on the same
4XML Namespace Example
ltorder num"1001"gt ltshippinggt ltname
type"care_of"gtJohn Smithlt/namegt
ltaddressgt123 Herelt/addressgt lt/shippinggt
ltbillinggt ltname type"legal"gtJane
Doelt/namegt ltaddressgt456 Somewhere
elselt/addressgt lt/billinggt lt/ordergt
5XML Namespace Example
ltorder num"1001" xmlns"urnorder"
xmlnsbill"urnbilling"gt ltshipshippinggt
ltshipname type"care_of"gtJohn
Smithlt/shipnamegt ltshipaddressgt123
Herelt/shipaddressgt lt/shipshippinggt
ltbillbillinggt ltbillname type"legal"gtJane
Doelt/billnamegt ltbilladdressgt456 Somewhere
elselt/billaddressgt lt/billbillinggt lt/ordergt
6Illegal Namespace Usage
- ltorder num"1001" xmlns"urnorder"
xmlnsorder"urnorder" -
xmlnsship"urnorder"gt - ltshipping shiptype"fed_ex" type"fed_ex"gt
- ltname shiptype"care_of"
- ordertype"legal"gtJohn
Smithlt/shipnamegt - lt/shipshippinggt
- lt/ordergt
7Illegal Namespace Usage
- ltorder num"1001" xmlns"urnorder"
xmlnsorder"urnorder" -
xmlnsship"urnorder"gt - ltshipping shiptype"fed_ex" type"fed_ex"gt
- ltname shiptype"care_of"
- ordertype"legal"gtJohn
Smithlt/shipnamegt - lt/shipshippinggt
- lt/ordergt
- lt!-- attributes on shipping element are valid !
8Reserved Namespaces and Prefixes
- The prefix xml is bound to http//www.w3.org/XML/1
998/namespace. - The prefix xmlns is bound to http//www.w3.org/200
0/xmlns/. - Prefixes should also not begin with the
characters xml.
9Schemas and Validation
- Validation insures an XML document conforms to a
set of defined rules. - Multiple mechanisms exist to write document rule
sets - Document Type Definition (DTD)
- XML Schema
- RelaxNG
10Document Type Definition (DTD)validation/courses-
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt lt!DOCTYPE
courses lt!ELEMENT courses (course)gt
lt!ELEMENT course (title, description, credits,
lastmodified)gt lt!ATTLIST course cid ID
lt!ELEMENT description (PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT
credits (PCDATA)gt lt!ELEMENT lastmodified
(PCDATA)gt gt ltcoursesgt ltcourse cid"c1"gt
lttitlegtBasic Languageslt/titlegt
ltdescriptiongtIntroduction to Languageslt/descriptio
ngt ltcreditsgt1.5lt/creditsgt
lt/coursegt ltcourse cid"c2"gt .
. . lt/coursegt lt/coursesgt
11DTD and IDsvalidation/course-id.xml
lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt lt!DOCTYPE
courses lt!ATTLIST course cid ID
REQUIREDgt gt ltcoursesgt ltcourse cid"c1"gt
lttitle xmlid"t1"gtBasic
Languageslt/titlegt ltdescriptiongtIntroduct
ion to Languageslt/descriptiongt lt/coursegt
ltcourse cid"c2"gt lttitle
xmlid"t3"gtFrench Ilt/titlegt
ltdescriptiongtIntroduction to Frenchlt/descriptiongt
lt/coursegt ltcourse cid"c3"gt
lttitle xmlid"t3"gtFrench IIlt/titlegt
ltdescriptiongtIntermediate Frenchlt/descriptiongt
lt/coursegt lt/coursesgt
12XML Schemavalidation/course.xsd
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt ltxsdschema
ltxsdelement name"courses"gt
ltxsdcomplexTypegt ltxsdsequencegt
ltxsdelement name"course" minOccurs"1"
ltxsdsequencegt ltxsdelement
name"title" type"xsdstring"/gt
ltxsdelement name"description"
ltxsdelement name"credits" type"xsddecimal"/gt
name"lastmodified" type"xsddateTime"/gt
ltxsdattribute name"cid" type"xsdID"/gt
lt/xsdelementgt lt/xsdsequencegt
lt/xsdcomplexTypegt lt/xsdelementgt lt/xsdschemagt
ltgrammar xmlns"http//relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.
0" datatypeLibrary"http//www.w3.org/200
1/XMLSchema-datatypes"gt ltstartgt
ltelement name"courses"gt ltzeroOrMoregt
ltelement name"course"gt
ltattribute name"cid"gtltdata type"ID"/gtlt/attribute
gt ltelement name"title"gtlttext/gtlt/el
ementgt ltelement name"description"gt
lttext/gtlt/elementgt ltelement
name"credits"gtltdata type"decimal"/gtlt/elementgt
ltelement name"lastmodified"gtltdata
lt/elementgt lt/zeroOrMoregt
lt/elementgt lt/startgt lt/grammargt
- Language to locate and retrieve information from
an XML document - A foundation for XSLT
- An XML document is a tree containing nodes
- The XML document is the root node
- Locations are addressable similar to the syntax
for a filesystem
15XPath Reference Documentxpath/courses.xml
ltcourses xmlnst"http//www.example.com/title"gt
ltcourse xmlid"c1"gt ltttitlegtBasic
Languageslt/ttitlegt ltdescriptiongtIntrodu
ction to Languageslt/descriptiongt lt/coursegt
ltcourse xmlid"c2"gt ltttitlegtFrench
Ilt/ttitlegt ltdescriptiongtIntroduction
to Frenchlt/descriptiongt lt/coursegt
ltcourse xmlid"c3"gt ltttitlegtFrench
IIlt/ttitlegt ltdescriptiongtIntermediate
Frenchlt/descriptiongt ltpre-requisite
cref"c2" /gt lt?phpx A PI Node ?gt
ltdefns xmlns"urndefault"gtcontentlt/defnsgt
lt/coursegt lt/coursesgt
16XPath Location Examplexpath/location.php
/courses/course/description //description /courses
//description //descriptionancestorcourse
Resulting Nodset
ltdescriptiongtIntroduction to Languageslt/descriptio
ngt ltdescriptiongtIntroduction to
Frenchlt/descriptiongt ltdescriptiongtIntermediate
17XPath Function Examplexpath/function.php
- string(/courses/course/pre-requisite_at_cref"c2"/.
.) - French II
- Intermediate French
- content
18XPath and Namespacesxpath/namespaces.php
//title Empty NodeSet //ttitle ltttitlegtBasic
Languageslt/ttitlegt ltttitlegtFrench
Ilt/ttitlegt ltttitlegtFrench IIlt/ttitlegt //defns
Empty NodeSet //local-name()"defns" ltdefns
19PHP and XML
- PHP 5 introduced numerous interfaces for working
with XML - The libxml2 library (http//www.xmlsoft.org/) was
chosen to provide XML support - The sister library libxslt provides XSLT support
- I/O is handled via PHP streams
20XML Entensions for PHP 5
- ext/libxml
- ext/xml (SAX push parser)
- ext/dom
- ext/simplexml
- ext/xmlreader (pull parser)
- ext/xmlwriter
- ext/xsl
- ext/wddx
- ext/soap
- Contains common functionality shared across
extensions. - Defines constants to modify parse time behavior.
- Provides access to streams context.
- Allows modification of error handling behavior
for XML based extensions.
22Libxml Parser Options
23Libxml Error Handling
- bool libxml_use_internal_errors (bool
use_errors) - void libxml_clear_errors ( void )
- LibXMLError libxml_get_last_error ( void )
- array libxml_get_errors ( void )
24Libxml LibXMLError
Class LibXMLError Properties (Read-Only) (int
) level (int) code (int) column (string)
message (string) file (int)
line LibXMLErrorcode Values LIBXML_ERR_NONE
25LibXMLError Examplelibxml/error.php
lt?php / Regular Error Handling / dom new
DOMDocument() dom-gtloadXML('ltrootgt') / New
Error Handling / libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE)
if (! dom-gtloadXML('root')) arrError
libxml_get_errors() foreach (arrError AS
xmlError) var_dump(xmlError)
else print "Document Loaded" ?gt
26LibXMLError Result
- PHP Warning DOMDocumentloadXML() Premature
end of data in tag root line 1 in Entity, line 1
in /home/rrichards/workshop/libxml/error.php on
line 4 - Warning DOMDocumentloadXML() Premature end of
data in tag root line 1 in Entity, line 1 in
/home/rrichards/workshop/libxml/error.php on line
4 - New Error Handling
- object(LibXMLError)2 (6)
- "level"gt int(3)
- "code"gt int(4)
- "column"gt int(1)
- "message"gt string(34) "Start tag expected,
'lt' not found" - "file"gt string(0) ""
- "line"gt int(1)
27Libxml Stream Context
- opts array(
- 'http' gt array(
- 'user_agent' gt 'PHP libxml2 agent',
- 'proxy' gt 'tcp//localhost8082',
- 'request_fulluri' gt TRUE
- )
- )
- context stream_context_create(opts)
- libxml_set_streams_context(context)
- doc DOMDocumentload('http//www.example.org/f
- Tree based parser
- Allows for creation and editing of XML documents
- W3C Specification with DOM Level 2/3 compliancy
- Provides XPath support
- Provides XInclude Support
- Ability to work with HTML documents
- Zero copy interoperability with SimpleXML
- Replacement for ext/domxml from PHP 4
29DOMNode Classes
- DOMDocument
- DOMElement
- DOMAttr
- DOMComment
- DOMDocumentType
- DOMNotation
- DOMEntity
- DOMEntityReference
- DOMProcessingInstruction
- DOMNameSpaceNode
- DOMDocumentFragment
- DOMCharacterData
- DOMText
- DOMCdataSection
30Additional DOM Classes
- DOMException
- DOMImplementation
- DOMNodeList
- DOMNamedNodeMap
- DOMXPath
31DOM Sample Document
- ltcoursesgt
- ltcourse cid"c1"gt
- lttitlegtBasic Languageslt/titlegt
- ltdescriptiongtIntroduction to
Languageslt/descriptiongt - ltcreditsgt1.5lt/creditsgt
- ltlastmodifiedgt2004-09-01T111301lt/lastm
odifiedgt - lt/coursegt
- ltcourse cid"c2"gt
- lttitlegtFrench Ilt/titlegt
- ltdescriptiongtIntroduction to
Frenchlt/descriptiongt - ltcreditsgt3.0lt/creditsgt
- ltlastmodifiedgt2005-06-01T142137lt/lastm
odifiedgt - lt/coursegt
- ltcourse cid"c3"gt
- lttitlegtFrench IIlt/titlegt
- ltdescriptiongtIntermediate
Frenchlt/descriptiongt - ltcreditsgt3.0lt/creditsgt
- ltlastmodifiedgt2005-03-12T154544lt/lastm
odifiedgt - lt/coursegt
32DOM Document Navigationdom/navigate.php
- / Find first description element in subtrees /
- function locateDescription(nodeset)
- foreach (nodeset AS node)
- if (node-gtnodeType XML_ELEMENT_NODE
node-gtnodeName 'description') - GLOBALS'arNodeSet' node
- return
- if (node-gthasChildNodes())
locateDescription(node-gtchildNodes) -
- dom new DOMDocument()
- dom-gtload('course.xml')
- root dom-gtdocumentElement
- arNodeSet array()
- if (root-gthasChildNodes())
33DOM Document Navigation Results
- 0 Introduction to Languages
- 1 Introduction to French
- 2 Intermediate French
34DOMDocument Navigation 2dom/navigate-2.php
lt?php dom new DOMDocument() dom-gtload('course
.xml') nodelist dom-gtgetElementsByTagName('d
escription') foreach (nodelist AS keygtnode)
print "key ".node-gtnodeValue."\n" ?gt
Results 0 Introduction to Languages 1
Introduction to French 2 Intermediate French
35DOM Navigation Optimizeddom/navigate-optimized.p
- function locateDescription(node)
- while(node)
- if (node-gtnodeType XML_ELEMENT_NODE
node-gtnodeName 'description') - GLOBALS'arNodeSet' node
- return
- locateDescription(node-gtfirstChild)
- node node-gtnextSibling
- dom new DOMDocument()
- dom-gtload('course.xml')
- root dom-gtdocumentElement
- arNodeSet array()
- locateDescription(root-gtfirstChild)
- foreach (arNodeSet AS keygtnode)
36DOM Creating a Simple Treedom/create_simple_tree
- doc new DOMDocument()
- root doc-gtcreateElement("tree")
- doc-gtappendChild(root)
- root-gtsetAttribute("att1", "att1 value")
- attr2 doc-gtcreateAttribute("att2")
- attr2-gtappendChild(doc-gtcreateTextNode("att2
value")) - root-gtsetAttributeNode(attr2)
- child root-gtappendChild(doc-gtcreateElement("c
hild")) - comment doc-gtcreateComment("My first
Document") - doc-gtinsertBefore(comment, root)
- pi doc-gtcreateProcessingInstruction("php",
'echo "Hello World!"') - root-gtappendChild(pi)
37DOM Simple Tree Output
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt lt!--My first
Document--gt lttree att1"att1 value" att2"att2
value"gt ltchildgtlt!CDATAspecial chars lt gt
'gtlt/childgt lt?php echo "Hello World!"?gt lt/treegt
38DOM Creating an Atom Feeddom/atom_feed_creation.
- define('ATOMNS', 'http//www.w3.org/2005/Atom')
- feed_title "Example Atom Feed"
- alt_url "http//www.example.org/"
- feed "http//www.example.org/atom/"
- doc new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8")
- function create_append_Atom_elements(doc, name,
valueNULL, parentNULL) - if (value)
- newelem doc-gtcreateElementNS(ATOMNS,
name, value) - else
- newelem doc-gtcreateElementNS(ATOMNS,
name) - if (parent) return parent-gtappendChild(
newelem) -
- feed create_append_Atom_elements(doc, 'feed',
NULL, doc) - create_append_Atom_elements(doc, 'title',
feed_title, feed) - create_append_Atom_elements(doc, 'subtitle',
feed_title, feed) - create_append_Atom_elements(doc, 'id', alt_url,
39DOM Creating an Atom Feed Result (initial
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltfeed xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2005/Atom"gt
- lttitlegtExample Atom Feedlt/titlegt
- ltsubtitlegtExample Atom Feedlt/subtitlegt
- ltidgthttp//www.example.org/lt/idgt
- ltupdatedgt2006-03-23T013940-0500lt/updatedgt
- lt/feedgt
40DOM Creating an Atom Feeddom/atom_feed_creation.
- entry create_append_Atom_elements(doc,
'entry', NULL, feed) - title create_append_Atom_elements(doc,
'title', 'My first entry', entry) - title-gtsetAttribute('type', 'text')
- link create_append_Atom_elements(doc,
'link', NULL, entry) - link-gtsetAttribute('type', 'text/html')
- link-gtsetAttribute('rel', 'alternate')
- link-gtsetAttribute('href', 'http//www.example
.org/entry-url') - link-gtsetAttribute('title', 'My first
entry') - author create_append_Atom_elements(doc,
'author', NULL, entry) - create_append_Atom_elements(doc, 'name',
'Rob', author) - create_append_Atom_elements(doc, 'id',
'http//www.example.org/entry-guid', entry) - create_append_Atom_elements(doc, 'updated',
date('c'), entry) - create_append_Atom_elements(doc, 'published',
date('c'), entry) - content create_append_Atom_elements(doc,
'content', NULL, entry)
41DOM Creating an Atom FeedResultdom/atomoutput.x
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltfeed xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2005/Atom"gt
- lttitlegtExample Atom Feedlt/titlegt
- ltsubtitlegtExample Atom Feedlt/subtitlegt
- ltidgthttp//www.example.org/lt/idgt
- ltupdatedgt2006-03-23T015359-0500lt/updatedgt
- ltentrygt
- lttitle type"text"gtMy first entrylt/titlegt
- ltlink type"text/html" rel"alternate"
- href"http//www.example.org/entry-ur
l" title"My first entry"/gt - ltauthorgt
- ltnamegtRoblt/namegt
- lt/authorgt
- ltidgthttp//www.example.org/entry-guidlt/idgt
- ltupdatedgt2006-03-23T015359-0500lt/updatedgt
- ltpublishedgt2006-03-23T015359-0500lt/publishe
dgt - ltcontentgtlt!CDATAThis is my first Atom
entry!ltbr /gtMore to followgtlt/contentgt - lt/entrygt
- lt/feedgt
42DOM Document Editingdom/editing.php
- dom-gtload('atomoutput.xml')
- child dom-gtdocumentElement-gtfirstChild
- while(child child-gtnodeName ! "entry")
child child-gtnextSibling - if (child (child child-gtfirstChild))
- while(child child-gtnodeName ! "title")
child child-gtnextSibling - if (child)
- child-gtsetAttribute('type', 'html')
- text child-gtfirstChild
- text-gtnodeValue "ltemgtMy first
entrylt/emgt" - while(child)
- if (child-gtnodeName "updated")
- text child-gtfirstChild
- text-gtnodeValue date('c')
- break
- child child-gtnextSibling
43DOM Editingdom/new_atomoutput.xml
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"UTF-8"?gt
- ltfeed xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2005/Atom"gt
- lttitlegtExample Atom Feedlt/titlegt
- ltsubtitlegtExample Atom Feedlt/subtitlegt
- ltidgthttp//www.example.org/lt/idgt
- ltupdatedgt2006-03-23T015359-0500lt/updatedgt
- ltentrygt
- lttitle type"html"gtltemgtMy first
entrylt/emgtlt/titlegt - ltlink type"text/html" rel"alternate"
- href"http//www.example.org/entry-ur
l" title"My first entry"/gt - ltauthorgt
- ltnamegtRoblt/namegt
- lt/authorgt
- ltidgthttp//www.example.org/entry-guidlt/idgt
- ltupdatedgt2006-03-23T022922-0500lt/updatedgt
- ltpublishedgt2006-03-23T015359-0500lt/publishe
dgt - ltcontentgtlt!CDATAThis is my first Atom
entry!ltbr /gtMore to followgtlt/contentgt - lt/entrygt
- lt/feedgt
44DOM Document Modificationdom/modify.php
- / Assume entry refers to the first entry
element within the Atom document / - while (entry-gthasChildNodes())
- entry-gtremoveChild(entry-gtfirstChild)
- OR
- node entry-gtlastChild
- while(node)
- prev node-gtpreviousSibling
- entry-gtremoveChild(node)
- node prev
- / This Will Not Work! /
- foreach(entry-gtchildNodes AS node)
- entry-gtremoveChild(node)
/ These will work / children
entry-gtchildNodes length children-gtlength -
1 for (xlength x gt0 x--)
entry-gtremoveChild(children-gtitem(x)) OR
elem entry-gtcloneNode(FALSE) entry-gtparentNod
45DOM and Namespaces
- ltxsdcomplexType
- xmlnsxsd"http//www.w3.org/2001/XM
LSchema" - xmlnswsdl"http//schemas.xmlsoap.o
rg/wsdl/" - name"ArrayOfint"gt
- ltxsdcomplexContentgt
- ltxsdrestriction base"soapencArray"gt
- ltxsdattribute ref"soapencarrayType"
wsdlarrayType"xsdint "/gt - lt/xsdrestrictiongt
- lt/xsdcomplexContentgt
- lt/xsdcomplexTypegt
46Dom and Namepsacesdom/namespace.php
- define("SCHEMA_NS", "http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSch
ema") - define("WSDL_NS", "http//schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl
/") - dom new DOMDocument()
- root dom-gtcreateElementNS(SCHEMA_NS,
"xsdcomplexType") - dom-gtappendChild(root)
- root-gtsetAttributeNS("http//www.w3.org/2000/xmln
s/", "xmlnswsdl", WSDL_NS) - root-gtsetAttribute("name", "ArrayOfint")
- content root-gtappendChild(new
DOMElement("xsdcomplexContent", NULL,
SCHEMA_NS)) - restriction content-gtappendChild(new
DOMElement("xsdrestriction", NULL, SCHEMA_NS)) - restriction-gtsetAttribute("base",
"soapencArray") - attribute restriction-gtappendChild(new
DOMElement("xsdattribute", NULL, SCHEMA_NS)) - attribute-gtsetAttribute("ref",
"soapencarrayType") - attribute-gtsetAttributeNS(WSDL_NS,
"wsdlarrayType", "xsdint")
47DOM and Xpathdom/xpath/dom-xpath.xml
- ltstoregt
- ltbooksgt
- ltraregt
- ltbook qty"4"gt
- ltnamegtCannery Rowlt/namegt
- ltpricegt400.00lt/pricegt
- lteditiongt1lt/editiongt
- lt/bookgt
- lt/raregt
- ltclassicsgt
- ltbook qty"25"gt
- ltnamegtGrapes of Wrathlt/namegt
- ltpricegt12.99lt/pricegt
- lt/bookgt
- ltbook qty"25"gt
- ltnamegtOf Mice and Menlt/namegt
- ltpricegt9.99lt/pricegt
- lt/bookgt
- lt/classicsgt
48DOM and Xpathdom/xpath/dom-xpath.php
- doc new DOMDocument()
- doc-gtload('dom-xpath.xml')
- xpath new DOMXPath(doc)
- nodelist xpath-gtquery("//name")
- print "Last Book Title ".nodelist-gtitem(nodelis
t-gtlength - 1)-gttextContent."\n" - nodelist xpath-gtquery("//nameancestorrare"
) - print "Last Rare Book Title ".nodelist-gtitem(no
delist-gtlength - 1)-gtnodeValue."\n" - inventory xpath-gtevaluate("sum(//book/_at_qty)")
- print "Total Books ".inventory."\n"
- inventory xpath-gtevaluate("sum(//classics/book
/_at_qty)") - print "Total Classic Books ".inventory."\n"
- inventory xpath-gtevaluate("count(//bookparent
classics)") - print "Distinct Classic Book Titles
49DOM and Xpath Results
- / nodelist xpath-gtquery("//name")
- nodelist-gtitem(nodelist-gtlength -
1)-gttextContent / - Last Book Title Of Mice and Men
- / xpath-gtquery("//nameancestorrare")
- nodelist-gtitem(nodelist-gtlength - 1)-gtnodeValue
/ - Last Rare Book Title Cannery Row
- / xpath-gtevaluate("sum(//book/_at_qty)") /
- Total Books 54
- / xpath-gtevaluate("sum(//classics/book/_at_qty)")
/ - Total Classic Books 50
- / xpath-gtevaluate("count(//bookparentclassics
)") / - Distinct Classic Book Titles 2
50DOM and Xpath w/Namespaces dom/xpath/dom-xpathns.
- ltstore xmlns"http//www.example.com/store"
xmlnsbk"http//www.example.com/book"gt - ltbooksgt
- ltraregt
- ltbkbook qty"4"gt
- ltbknamegtCannery Rowlt/bknamegt
- ltbkpricegt400.00lt/bkpricegt
- ltbkeditiongt1lt/bkeditiongt
- lt/bkbookgt
- lt/raregt
- ltclassicsgt
- ltbkbook qty"25"gt
- ltbknamegtGrapes of Wrathlt/bknamegt
- ltbkpricegt12.99lt/bkpricegt
- lt/bkbookgt
- ltbkbook qty"25" xmlnsbk"http//www.ex
ample.com/classicbook"gt - ltbknamegtOf Mice and Menlt/bknamegt
- ltbkpricegt9.99lt/bkpricegt
- lt/bkbookgt
- lt/classicsgt
51DOM and Xpath w/Namespacesdom/xpath/dom-xpathns.p
- nodelist xpath-gtquery("//name")
- print "Last Book Title ".nodelist-gtitem(nodelis
t-gtlength - 1)-gttextContent."\n" - // Last Book Title / Why empty? /
- nodelist xpath-gtquery("//bkname")
- print "Last Book Title ".nodelist-gtitem(nodelis
t-gtlength - 1)-gttextContent."\n" - // Last Book Title Grapes of Wrath / Why not
"Of Mice and Men" / - nodelist xpath-gtquery("//bknameancestorrar
e") - print "Last Rare Book Title ".nodelist-gtitem(no
delist-gtlength - 1)-gtnodeValue."\n" - // Last Rare Book Title / Why empty? /
- xpath-gtregisterNamespace("rt",
"http//www.example.com/store") - nodelist xpath-gtquery("//bknameancestorrt
rare") - print "Last Rare Book Title ".nodelist-gtitem(no
delist-gtlength - 1)-gtnodeValue."\n" - // Last Rare Book Title Cannery Row
- xpath-gtregisterNamespace("ext",
"http//www.example.com/ExteralClassics") - nodelist xpath-gtquery("(//bkname)
52DOM and Xpath w/Namespacesdom/xpath/dom-xpathns.p
- xpath-gtregisterNamespace("bk2",
"http//www.example.com/classicbook") - nodelist xpath-gtquery("//bk2name")
- print "Last Book Title (bk2) "
- print nodelist-gtitem(nodelist-gtlength -
1)-gttextContent."\n" - // Last Book Title (bk2) Of Mice and Men
- Complete Results
- Last Book Title
- Last Book Title Grapes of Wrath
- Last Rare Book Title
- Last Rare Book Title Cannery Row
- Last Book Title To Kill a Mockingbird
- Last Book Title (bk2) Of Mice and Men
53Performing Validationdom/validation/validate.php
- doc new DOMDocument()
- print "DTD Validation\n"
- doc-gtload('courses-dtd.xml', LIBXML_DTDVALID)
- / No errors means document is valid /
- if (doc-gtvalidate()) print " Document Is
Valid\n" - print "DTD Validation FAILURE\n"
- doc-gtload('course-id.xml')
- if (doc-gtvalidate()) print " Document Is
Valid\n" - doc-gtload('course.xml')
- print "\nXML Schema Validation\n"
- if (doc-gtschemaValidate('course.xsd'))
print " Document is valid\n" - doc-gtload('course.xml')
- print "\nRelaxNG Validation\n"
- if (doc-gtrelaxNGValidate('course.rng'))
print " Document is valid\n"
54Performing Validation Results
- DTD Validation
- Document Is Valid
- DTD Validation FAILURE
- Warning DOMDocumentvalidate() No declaration
for element courses in /home/rrichards/workshop/do
m/validation/validate.php on line 11 - Warning DOMDocumentvalidate() No declaration
for element course in /home/rrichards/workshop/dom
/validation/validate.php on line 11 - Warning DOMDocumentvalidate() No declaration
for element title in /home/rrichards/workshop/dom/
validation/validate.php on line 11 - . . .
- XML Schema Validation
- Document is valid
- RelaxNG Validation
- Document is valid
55Extending DOM Classes
- Overriding the constructor requires the parent
constructor to be called. - Properties built into the DOM classes cannot be
overridden. - Methods built into the DOM classes may can be
overridden. - The lifespan of an extended object is that of the
object itself.
56Extending DOM Classes dom/extending/extending.php
- class customElement extends DOMElement
- class customDoc extends DOMDocument
- public nodeName "customDoc"
- function __construct(rootName)
- parent__construct()
- if (! empty(rootName))
- element this-gtappendChild(new
DOMElement(rootName)) -
- function createElement(name, value,
parentNULL) - custom new customElement(name, value)
- if (parent (parent instanceof
DOMElement)) - parent-gtappendChild(custom)
- return custom
57DOM Object Scopedom/extending/object_scope.php
- class customElement extends DOMElement
- function changeit(doc)
- myelement new customElement("custom",
"element2") - doc-gtreplaceChild(myelement,
doc-gtdocumentElement) - print "Within changeit function
".get_class(doc-gtdocumentElement)."\n" -
- doc new DOMDocument()
- myelement doc-gtappendChild(new
customElement("custom", "element")) - print "After Append ".get_class(myelement)."\n"
- unset(myelement)
- print "After unset ".get_class(doc-gtdocumentElem
ent)."\n" - changeit(doc)
- print "Outside changeit() ".get_class(doc-gtdocum
58DOM registerNodeClass dom/extending/register_nod
- class customElement extends DOMElement
- function changeit(doc)
- myelement new DOMElement("custom",
"element2") - doc-gtreplaceChild(myelement,
doc-gtdocumentElement) - print "Within changeit function
".get_class(doc-gtdocumentElement)."\n" -
- doc new DOMDocument()
- doc-gtregisterNodeClass('DOMElement',
'customElement') - myelement doc-gtappendChild(doc-gtcreateElement
("custom", "element")) - print "After Append ".get_class(myelement)."\n"
- unset(myelement)
- print "After unset ".get_class(doc-gtdocumentElem
ent)."\n" - changeit(doc)
- print "Outside changeit() ".get_class(doc-gtdocum
59DOMCommon Issues
- DOM Objects and Sessions
- Removing Nodes while iterating a Nodeset skips
nodes - XML Tree contains garbled characters
- Extended class is not returned from property or
method - Elements not being returned by ID
- Entity errors are issues when loading a document
- New DTD is not recognized by document
- Provides simple access to XML documents
- Operates only on elements and attributes
- Contains XPath support
- Allows for modifications to the XML
- Zero copy interoperability with DOM
- New in PHP 5.1.3
- Elements and attributes can be added using
addChild() and addAttribute() methods. - Node names can be retrieved by calling getName().
61SimpleXML Consuming Yahoo WebSearch
- ltResultSet xmlnsxsi"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSc
hema-instance" - xmlns"urnyahoosrch"
- xsischemaLocation"urnyahoosrc
h - http//api.search.yahoo.com/WebSearchService/V1/W
ebSearchResponse.xsd" - totalResultsAvailable"374000"
totalResultsReturned"5" firstResultPosition"1"gt - ltResultgt
- ltTitlegtZend Technologies - PHP 5 In Depth -
XML in PHP 5 - What's New?lt/Titlegt - ltSummarygtXML in PHP 5 - What's New? By
Christian Stocker. March . . . lt/Summarygt - ltUrlgthttp//www.zend.com/php5/articles/php5-
xmlphp.phplt/Urlgt - ltClickUrlgthttp//uk.wrs.yahoo.com/_ylt. .
.lt/ClickUrlgt - ltModificationDategt1143014400lt/ModificationDa
tegt - ltMimeTypegttext/htmllt/MimeTypegt
- ltCachegt
- ltUrlgthttp//uk.wrs.yahoo.com/...lt/Urlgt
- ltSizegt112625lt/Sizegt
- lt/Cachegt
- lt/Resultgt
- . . .
- lt/Resultsgt
62SimpleXML Consuming Yahoo WebSearch
- / URL to Web Search service /
- url 'http//api.search.yahoo.com/WebSearchServi
ce/V1/webSearch' - / The query is separate here as the terms must
be encoded. / - url . '?query'.rawurlencode('php5 xml')
- / Complete the URL adding App ID, limit to 5
results and only English results / - url . "appidzzzresults5languageen"
- sxe simplexml_load_file(url)
- / Check for number of results returned /
- if ((int)sxe'totalResultsReturned' gt 0)
- / Loop through each result and output title,
url and modification date / - foreach (sxe-gtResult AS result)
- print 'Title '.result-gtTitle."\n"
- print 'Url '.result-gtUrl."\n"
- print 'Mod Date '.date ('M d Y',
(int)result-gtModificationDate)."\n\n" -
63SimpleXML Consuming Yahoo WebSearch RESULTS
- Title Zend Technologies - PHP 5 In Depth - XML
in PHP 5 - What's New? - Url http//www.zend.com/php5/articles/php5-xmlphp
.php - Mod Date Sep 06 2006
- Title FreshPorts -- textproc/php5-xml
- Url http//www.freshports.org/textproc/php5-xml
- Mod Date Aug 31 2006
- Title PHP5 XML support? - Dev Shed
- Url http//forums.devshed.com/php-development-5/p
hp5-xml-support-69898.html - Mod Date Aug 21 2006
- Title ONLamp.com -- Using PHP 5's SimpleXML
- Url http//www.onlamp.com/pub/a/php/2004/01/15/si
mplexml.html - Mod Date Sep 06 2006
- Title PHP5 XML/XSL - Rendering strings? - PHP
- Url http//www.thescripts.com/forum/thread5141.ht
ml - Mod Date Sep 01 2006
64- ltstore xmlns"http//www.example.com/store"
xmlnsbk"http//www.example.com/book"gt - ltbooksgt
- ltraregt
- ltbkbook qty"4"gt
- ltbknamegtCannery Rowlt/bknamegt
- ltbkpricegt400.00lt/bkpricegtltbkedition
gt1lt/bkeditiongt - lt/bkbookgt
- lt/raregt
- ltclassicsgt
- ltbkbook qty"25"gt
- ltbknamegtGrapes of Wrathlt/bknamegt
- ltbkpricegt12.99lt/bkpricegt
- lt/bkbookgt
- ltbkbook qty"25" xmlnsbk"http//www.ex
ample.com/classicbook"gt - ltbknamegtOf Mice and Menlt/bknamegt
- ltbkpricegt9.99lt/bkpricegt
- lt/bkbookgt
- lt/classicsgt
- ltclassics xmlns"http//www.example.com/Exte
65SimpleXML Namespacessimplexml/simplexml-namespac
- store simplexml_load_file('simplexml-xpathns.xm
l') - books store-gtbooks
- foreach (books-gtclassics AS classic)
- if (classic-gtbook)
- print classic-gtbook-gtname."\n\n"
- / Why only one result? To Kill a Mockingbird /
- x 0
- foreach (books-gtclassics AS classics)
- if (x 0)
- children classics-gtchildren("http//
www.example.com/classicbook") - / Print name for the books where book
element resides in a prefixed namespace / - print classics-gtchildren("http//www.ex
ample.com/book")-gtbook-gtname."\n" - print children-gtbook-gtname."\n"
- else
- print classic-gtbook-gtname."\n"
66SimpleXML Namespaces Results
- To Kill a Mockingbird
- Grapes of Wrath
- Of Mice and Men
- To Kill a Mockingbird
67SimpleXML Xpathsimplexml/simplexml-xpathns.php
- sxe simplexml_load_file('simplexml-xpathns.xml'
) - nodelist sxe-gtxpath("//bkname")
- print "Last Book Title ".nodelistcount(nodelis
t) - 1."\n" - sxe-gtregisterXPathNamespace("rt",
"http//www.example.com/store") - nodelist sxe-gtxpath("//bknameancestorrtra
re") - print "Last Rare Book Title ".nodelistcount(no
delist) - 1."\n" - sxe-gtregisterXPathNamespace("ext",
"http//www.example.com/ExteralClassics") - nodelist sxe-gtxpath("(//bkname)
(//extname)") - print "Last Book Title ".nodelistcount(nodelis
t) - 1."\n" - sxe-gtregisterXPathNamespace("bk2",
"http//www.example.com/classicbook") - nodelist sxe-gtxpath("//bk2name")
- print "Last Book Title (bk2) ".nodelistcount(n
odelist) - 1."\n"
68SimpleXML XPath Results
- Last Book Title Grapes of Wrath
- Last Rare Book Title Cannery Row
- Last Book Title To Kill a Mockingbird
- Last Book Title (bk2) Of Mice and Men
69SimpleXML Advanced Editingsimplexml/editing.php
- data array(array('title'gt'Result 1',
'descript'gt'Res1 description'), - array('title'gt'Result 2',
'descript'gt'description of Res2'), - array('title'gt'Result 3',
'descript'gt'This is result 3')) - class webservice extends simpleXMLElement
- public function appendElement(name,
valueNULL) - node dom_import_simplexml(this)
- newnode value ? new DOMElement(name,
value) new DOMElement(name) - node-gtappendChild(newnode)
- return simplexml_import_dom(newnode,
'webservice') -
- rest simplexml_load_string('ltresults num"0"
/gt', 'webservice') - rest'num' count(data)
- foreach (data AS result_item)
- result rest-gtappendElement('result')
- result-gtappendElement('title',
result_item'title') - result-gtappendElement('description')
70SimpleXML Advanced Editing Results
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- ltresults num"3"gt
- ltresultgt
- lttitlegtResult 1lt/titlegt
- ltdescriptiongtRes1 descriptionlt/descripti
ongt - lt/resultgt
- ltresultgt
- lttitlegtResult 2lt/titlegt
- ltdescriptiongtdescription of
Res2lt/descriptiongt - lt/resultgt
- ltresultgt
- lttitlegtResult 3lt/titlegt
- ltdescriptiongtThis is result
3lt/descriptiongt - lt/resultgt
- lt/resultsgt
71SimpleXML Advanced Editing PHP
- data array(array('title'gt'Result 1',
'descript'gt'Res1 description'), - array('title'gt'Result 2',
'descript'gt'description of Res2'), - array('title'gt'Result 3',
'descript'gt'This is result 3')) - rest simplexml_load_string('ltresults num"0"
/gt') - rest'num' count(data)
- foreach (data AS result_item)
- result rest-gtaddChild('result')
- result-gtaddChild('title', result_item'title'
) - result-gtaddChild('description')
- result-gtdescription result_item'descript'
- rest-gtasXML('editing_php513.xml')
72SimpleXML Removing data remove_data.php
- lt?php
- results simplexml_load_file('editing_php513.xml
') - / Delete title from first result element /
- unset(results-gtresult-gttitle)
- / Delete the 2nd result element - ONLY WORKS in
PHP 5.1.3 / - unset(results-gtresult1)
- print results-gtasXML()
- ?gt
73SimpleXML Removing data RESULTS
- lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- ltresults num"3"gt
- ltresultgt
- ltdescriptiongtRes1 descriptionlt/descriptiongt
- lt/resultgt
- ltresultgt
- lttitlegtResult 3lt/titlegt
- ltdescriptiongtThis is result 3lt/descriptiongt
- lt/resultgt
- lt/resultsgt
74Simple API for XML (SAX)
- Event based push parser
- Low memory usage
- Works using function callbacks
- Almost completely compatible with ext/xml from
PHP 4 - Default encoding is UTF-8 rather than
ISO-8859-1 as it was in PHP 4
75SAX Source Document xml/xml_simple.xml
- lt?xml version'1.0'?gt
- ltchapter xmlnsa"http//www.example.com/namespace
-a" - xmlns"http//www.example.com/defau
lt"gt - ltatitlegtext/xmllt/atitlegt
- ltparagt
- First Paragraph
- lt/paragt
- ltasection aid"about"gt
- lttitlegtAbout this Documentlt/titlegt
- ltparagt
- lt!-- this is a comment --gt
- lt?php echo 'Hi! This is PHP version ' .
phpversion() ?gt - lt/paragt
- lt/asectiongt
- lt/chaptergt
76SAX Simple Example xml/xml_simple.php
- lt?php
- function startElement(parser, elementname,
attributes) - print " Start Element elementname \n"
- foreach (attributes as attname gt attvalue)
- print " attname gt attvalue \n"
- function endElement(parser, elementname)
- print " End Element elementname\n"
- function charDataHandler(parser,data)
- if (trim(data) ! "") print data."\n"
- function PIhandler (parser, target, data)
- print "PI target -gt data\n"
77SAX Simple Example xml/xml_simple.php
- parser xml_parser_create()
- / Disable as case is significant in XML /
- xml_parser_set_option(parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOL
DING, false) - xml_set_element_handler(parser,"startElement","en
dElement") - xml_set_character_data_handler(parser,
"charDataHandler") - xml_set_processing_instruction_handler (parser,
"PIhandler") - xml_set_default_handler (parser,
"DefaultHandler") - if ((fp fopen("xml_simple.xml", "r")))
- while (data fread(fp, 4096))
- xml_parse(parser, data, feof(fp))
- ?gt
78SAX Simple Example RESULTS
- Start Element chapter
- xmlnsa gt http//www.example.com/namespace-a
- xmlns gt http//www.example.com/default
- Start Element atitle
- ext/xml
- End Element atitle
- Start Element para
- First Paragraph
- End Element para
- Start Element asection
- aid gt about
- Start Element title
- About this Document
- End Element title
- Start Element para
- Default lt!-- this is a comment --gt
- PI php -gt echo 'Hi! This is PHP version ' .
phpversion() - End Element para
79SAX Error Handling xml/xml_error.php
- lt?php
- / Malformed document /
- data "ltrootgt"
- parser xml_parser_create()
- if(! xml_parse(parser, data, TRUE))
- / Normally die is or some other escape
mechanism is also called/ - printf("XML error s in line d, column
d\n\n", - xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code(par
ser)), - xml_get_current_line_number(parser),
- xml_get_current_column_number(parser))
- / Magically you can also get a structured error
/ - xmlError libxml_get_last_error()
- var_dump(xmlError)
- ?gt
80SAX Error Handling RESULTS
- XML error Invalid document end in line 1, column
7 - object(LibXMLError)1 (6)
- "level"gt
- int(3)
- "code"gt
- int(5)
- "column"gt
- int(7)
- "message"gt
- string(41) "Extra content at the end of the
document - "
- "file"gt
- string(0) ""
- "line"gt
- int(1)
81SAX Advanced Example xml/xml_advanced.php
- class cSax
- function startElement(parser, elementname,
attributes) - list(namespaceURI,localName)
split("_at_",elementname) - if (! localName)
- localName namespaceURI
- namespaceURI ""
- print " Start Element localName".
- (namespaceURI ? " in
namespaceURI" "")."\n" - foreach (attributes as attname gt
attvalue) - print " attname gt attvalue \n"
- function endElement(parser, elementname)
- list(namespaceURI,localName)
split("_at_",elementname) - if (! localName)
- localName namespaceURI
- namespaceURI ""
82SAX Advanced Example xml/xml_advanced.php
- objcSax new cSax()
- parser xml_parser_create_ns("ISO-8859-1","_at_")
- / Disable as case is significant in XML /
- xml_parser_set_option(parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOL
DING, - false)
- xml_set_object(parser, objcSax)
- xml_set_element_handler(parser,"startElement","en
dElement") - if ((fp fopen("xml_simple.xml", "r")))
- while (data fread(fp, 4096))
- if (! xml_parse(parser, data,
feof(fp))) - xmlError libxml_get_last_error()
- var_dump(xmlError)
- exit
83SAX Advanced Example RESULTS
- Start Element chapter in http//www.example.com
/default - Start Element title in http//www.example.com/n
amespace-a - End Element title in http//www.example.com/nam
espace-a - Start Element para in http//www.example.com/de
fault - End Element para in http//www.example.com/defa
ult - Start Element section in http//www.example.com
/namespace-a - http//www.example.com/namespace-a_at_id gt about
- Start Element title in http//www.example.com/d
efault - End Element title in http//www.example.com/def
ault - Start Element para in http//www.example.com/de
fault - End Element para in http//www.example.com/defa
ult - End Element section in http//www.example.com/n
amespace-a - End Element chapter in http//www.example.com/d
- Forward moving stream based parser
- It is a Pull parser
- Based on the C XmlTextReader API
- Advantages
- Low memory footprint
- Namespace support
- Simple API
- Validation support
- Advanced Feature Set
- Faster Processing
85XMLReader Simple Examplexmlreader/reader_simple.
- lt?xml version'1.0'?gt
- ltchapter xmlnsa"http//www.example.com/namespace
-a" - xmlns"http//www.example.com/defau
lt"gt - ltatitlegtXMLReaderlt/atitlegt
- ltparagt
- First Paragraph
- lt/paragt
- ltasection aid"about"gt
- lttitlegtAbout this Documentlt/titlegt
- ltparagt
- lt!-- this is a comment --gt
- lt?php echo 'Hi! This is PHP version ' .
phpversion() ?gt - lt/paragt
- lt/asectiongt
- lt/chaptergt
86XMLReader Simple Examplexmlreader/reader_simple.
- reader new XMLReader()
- reader-gtopen('reader_simple.xml')
- reader-gtread()
- print "xmlns Attribute value ".reader-gtgetAttrib
uteNo(0)."\n\n" - while (reader-gtread() reader-gtname !
"atitle") - print "Local Name for Element ".reader-gtlocalNam
e."\n" - print "Namespace URI for Element
".reader-gtnamespaceURI."\n" - while(reader-gtread())
- switch (reader-gtnodeType)
- case XMLReaderELEMENT
- print "Element ".reader-gtname."\n"
- if (reader-gthasAttributes
reader-gtmoveToFirstAttribute()) - do
- print " ".reader-gtname."".
reader-gtvalue."\n" - while(reader-gtmoveToNextAttribut
e()) -
- break
87XMLReader Simple ExampleRESULTS
- Local Name for Element title
- Namespace URI for Element http//www.example.co
m/namespace-a - Element para
- Element asection
- aidabout
- Element title
- Element para
- PI Target php
- PI Data echo 'Hi! This is PHP version ' .
88XMLReader Consuming Yahoo Shopping
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1"?gt
- ltResultSet xmlnsxsi"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSc
hema-instance" xmlns"urnyahooprods" - xsischemaLocation"urnyahooprods
roductsearch.xsd" - totalResultsAvailable"8850"
firstResultPosition"2" totalResultsReturned"2"gt - ltResultgt
- ltCatalog ID"1991433722"gt
- ltUrlgtlt!CDATAhttp//shopping.yahoo.com/pLi
nksys. . .2gtlt/Urlgt - ltProductNamegtlt!CDATALinksys WRT5. . .r
Broadband Routergtlt/ProductNamegt - ltPriceFromgt59.99lt/PriceFromgt
- ltPriceTogt100.00lt/PriceTogt
- ltThumbnail /gtlt!-- child elements Url
(CDATA), Height, Width --gt - ltDescriptiongtlt!CDATAThe Wireless-G . .
.ces.gtlt/Descriptiongt - ltSummarygtlt!CDATAIEEE 802.3,
...gtlt/Summarygt - ltUserRating /gtlt!-- Rating sub elements --gt
- ltSpecificationList /gtlt!-- 0 Specification
child elements --gt - lt/SpecificationListgt
- lt/Cataloggt
- lt/Resultgt
- lt/ResultSetgt
89XMLReader Consuming Yahoo Shoppingxmlreader/rest
- function getTextValue(reader) ...
- function processCatalog(reader) ...
- function processResult(reader) ...
- / URL to Product Search service /
- url 'http//api.shopping.yahoo.com/ShoppingServ
ice/V1/productSearch' - / The query is separate here as the terms must
be encoded. / - url . '?query'.rawurlencode('linksys')
- / Complete the URL with App ID, limit to 1
result and start at second record / - url . "appidzzzresults2start2"
- reader new XMLReader()
- if (! reader-gtopen(url)) print "Cannot access
Webservice\n" exit - while(reader-gtname ! "Result")
reader-gtread() - do
90XMLReader Consuming Yahoo Shoppingxmlreader/rest
- function getTextValue(reader)
- if (reader-gtnodeType ! XMLReaderELEMENT
reader-gtisEmptyElement - (reader-gtread()
reader-gtnodeType XMLReaderEND_ELEMENT)) - return
- retVal reader-gtvalue
- reader-gtread()
- return retVal
- function processResult(reader)
- depth reader-gtdepth
- if (reader-gtisEmptyElement
(reader-gtread() - reader-gtnodeType
XMLReaderEND_ELEMENT)) - return
- while(depth lt reader-gtdepth
reader-gtname ! "Catalog") reader-gtread() - processCatalog(reader)
- / Read until lt/Resultgt is encountered /
- while(depth lt reader-gtdepth)
91XMLReader Consuming Yahoo Shoppingxmlreader/rest
- function processCatalog(reader)
- depth reader-gtdepth
- print "Catalog ID".reader-gtgetAttribute('ID')
."\n" - if (reader-gtisEmptyElement
(reader-gtread() - reader-gtnodeType
XMLReaderEND_ELEMENT)) - return
- while(depth lt reader-gtdepth)
- switch (reader-gtname)
- case "ProductName"
- case "PriceFrom"
- case "PriceTo"
- case "Description"
- case "Url"
- print reader-gtname."
".getTextValue(reader)."\n" -
- reader-gtnext()
92XMLReader Consuming Yahoo ShoppingRESULTS
- Catalog ID1990338714
- Url http//shopping.yahoo.com/pLinksys20Instant
90338714 - ProductName Linksys Instant Broadband EtherFast
Cable/DSL Router - PriceFrom 39.99
- PriceTo 72.71
- Description ltPgtLinksys, a provider of networking
hardware for the small/medium business (SMB),
small office/home office (SOHO), and enterprise
markets and broadband networking hardware for the
home, has announced the new EtherFast Cable/DSL
Router. The first in the new Instant Broadband
series, this Linksys broadband router will enable
home or office users to connect their computers
to a cable or DSL modem and securely share
Internet access and perform networking tasks such
as file and printer sharing. The built-in
hardware firewall gives users the security of
sharing files without fear of intruders hacking
into the network. lt/Pgt
93XMLReader DTD Validationxmlreader/validation/rea
- lt!DOCTYPE chapter
- lt!ELEMENT chapter (title, para, section)gt
- lt!ELEMENT title (PCDATA)gt
- lt!ELEMENT para ANYgt
- lt!ATTLIST para name CDATA "default"gt
- lt!ELEMENT section (PCDATA)gt
- lt!ATTLIST section id ID REQUIREDgt
- gt
- ltchaptergt
- lttitlegtXMLReaderlt/titlegt
- ltparagt
- First Paragraph
- lt/paragt
- ltsection id"about"gt
- lttitlegtAbout this Documentlt/titlegt
- ltparagtcontentlt/paragt
- lt/sectiongt
- lt/chaptergt
94XMLReader DTD Validationxmlreader/validation/rea
- objReader XMLReaderopen('reader.xml')
- objReader-gtsetParserProperty(XMLReaderVALIDATE,
TRUE) - / As of PHP 5.2 LIBXML Parser Options may be
passed / - // objReader XMLReaderopen('reader.xml',
NULL, LIBXML_DTDVALID) - libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE)
- while (objReader-gtread())
- if (! objReader-gtisValid())
- print "NOT VALID\n"
- break
- arErrors libxml_get_errors()
- foreach (arErrors AS xmlError)
- print xmlError-gtmessage
95XMLReader DTD ValidationRESULTS
- Element section was declared PCDATA but contains
non text nodes
96XMLReader Relax NG Validationxmlreader/validatio
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"utf-8" ?gt
- ltelement name"chapter"
- xmlns"http//relaxng.org/ns/struc
ture/1.0"gt - ltelement name"title"gt
- lttext/gt
- lt/elementgt
- ltelement name"para"gt
- lttext/gt
- lt/elementgt
- ltelement name"section"gt
- ltattribute name"id" /gt
- lttext/gt
- lt/elementgt
- lt/elementgt
97XMLReader Relax NG Validationxmlreader/validatio
- objReader XMLReaderopen('reader.xml')
- objReader-gtsetRelaxNGSchema('reader.rng')
- libxml_use_internal_errors(TRUE)
- while (objReader-gtread())
- if (! objReader-gtisValid())