Embedding Skills for Life in the workplace - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Embedding Skills for Life in the workplace


Embedding Skills for Life in the workplace Colin Butler, UK HR and CSR Manager, DHL Hubs and Gateways Introduction DHL is the global market leader in international ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Embedding Skills for Life in the workplace

Embedding Skills for Life in the workplace
  • Colin Butler, UK HR and CSR Manager, DHL Hubs and

  • Introduction
  • Who are DHL Hubs and Gateways
  • The Skills for Life Introduction
  • The DHL Hubs and Gateways Model
  • The Story so far .....
  • Targets and measures
  • Questions

  • DHL is the global market leader in international
    express, overland transport and air freight. It
    is also the world's number 1 in ocean freight and
    contract logistics.
  • DHL offers a full range of customised solutions -
    from express document shipping to supply chain
  • Divisions
  • DHL Express
  • DHL Freight
  • DHL Global Forwarding
  • DHL Global Mail
  • DHL Exel Supply Chain

  • DHL Hubs and Gateways are part of DHL Express
  • Global Facts and Figures
  • Operations in 220 countries and territories
  • More than 130,000 employees
  • More than 4,700 facilities worldwide
  • 420 aircraft operating on behalf of DHL
  • Around 72,000 vehicles
  • No. 1 in European express and ground transport
  • Road, rail and combined transportation of

Who are DHL Hubs and Gateways
  • Total UK employees 800
  • Based at two main airport locations Nottingham
    East Midlands Airport and London Heathrow
  • Satellite operations at Belfast, Edinburgh,
    Luton, Dublin, Shannon and Cork
  • Responsible for the import, export and
    transhipments of consignments that have been
    generated both in the UK and overseas
  • Predominantly a manual workforce
  • Mainly work night time

DHL Corporate Values
  • To deliver excellent quality
  • To make our customers successful
  • To foster openness
  • IV. To act according to clear priorities
  • V. To act in an entrepreneurial way
  • VI. To act with integrity internally and
  • VII. To accept social responsibilities

DHL Corporate Values
Value VI To act with integrity internally and
Integrity determines the way we work within the
Group as well as our conduct towards our business
partners, shareholders and the general public.
Each employee has the opportunity for personal
development independent of gender, religion or
culture. We do not tolerate discrimination. Each
executive respects each employees personal
dignity and personality within his staff and is
responsible for creating an atmosphere of mutual
trust within the team. Executives delegate tasks
effectively, however, they remain responsible for
the results.
We stick together!
  • This means...
  • We do not tolerate discrimination
  • We support new colleagues
  • We create an atmosphere of mutual trust We all
    have the opportunity for personal development

DHL Corporate Values
Value VII To accept social responsibilities
We are committed to goals that generate benefits
for the communities where we work. We respect the
traditions, structures and values of the
countries where we operate. The protection of our
environment is part of our corporate strategy. We
promote our employees social commitment.
We live our responsibility!
  • This means
  • We commit ourselves to corporate citizenship
    (e.g. donations for catastrophes)
  • We protect our environment
  • We promote our employees social commitmentWe
    generate benefits to the communities where we

The Business Case our concerns
  • Productivity- with better skills the roles could
    be carried out more effectively
  • Absence- would offering learning opportunities
    result in employees being less inclined to be
  • Turnover- there are a significant number of
    employees who leave in the early months of
    employment, is this because they cannot
    understand the information they are being
    provided with? Do all employees understand the
    information they are being provided with?
  • Temp to perm workers- Some temp workers cannot
    become permanent as they cannot pass the test yet
    they are able to carry out the role
  • Promotion and progression- In a changing
    organisation, the requirement for reports and
    analysis is increasing. How do we know that our
    people have the skills?
  • Morale- how many people struggle with their
    child's homework?

The potential solution
  • Looking at the concerns, is there a solution that
    could address them and deliver the benefits?
  • The answer could be Skills for Life!
  • Case study evidence (First Bus, Serco, Royal
    Mail) shows that there are benefits.
  • Meeting with BITC, discussed various options of
    involvement with the community and various
    initiatives, including Skills for life
  • Then explored in a meeting with BITC (Tracey
    Theo) and KPMG (Craig Robinson and Nick Taylor)
    January 2006 and decided that Skills for life
    could be of benefit to the organisation
  • Put together a project team UK HR Manager, HR
    Services Manager, Training and Development
    Advisor and HR Advisor
  • Team briefed with determining benefits and
    whether the business wanted it
  • Met with Operational Managers and Employee
    Consultative group to sound out initial
  • All positive!!

The Story so far
  • The OptionsThree options for literacy and
    numeracy in the workplace
  • Adopt a programme and publish generally
  • Run a coordinated programme for development
  • Holistic approach re-define the recruitment and
    training model to incorporate literacy and
    numeracy as a key requirement.
  • We decided that the best approach for the
    business would be to take a holistic viewpoint
    and fully integrate key skills into the workplace
  • It is not the easiest route but will deliver the
    greatest benefits.

The DHL model
  • Is there a need?
  • Assess need?
  • Raise awareness
  • Implement and integrate solutions- Profile the
    roles- Map to adult curricula- Incorporate into
    role profiles- Select assessment tool- Select
    training provider- Select SMOG levels- Review
    documentation- Train relevant employees-
    Communicate and rollout!
  • Evaluate and review
  • Sustainability

The basis!
Role Profiling
  • Focus Groups
  • Questionnaire
  • National Curriculum

Focus Groups
  • Meeting with groups of employees to discuss
    requirements of their roles
  • KPMG facilitated the initial groups to ensure
  • Structured questions asked, for example
  • 1. Do you ever have to count the total number of
    something without the use of a calculator?
  • 2.What range and type of numbers?
    negative/fractions/decimals- 10,100,1000 ? Do
    you have to write this detail down?
  • 3. Carry out calculations with numbers of any
    size using efficient methods? What methods?
  • 4.Do you have to combine sets of numbers together
    without the use of a calculator?
  • The results of these are then cross matched
    against the relevant curriculum to determine the

Role profiles
  • All job descriptions now contain a section to
    cover the key literacy and numeracy standards

Role profiling
  • Outcome from focus groups will look like

Role profiling
  • A profile analysis has been carried out for all
    roles (114 of them)
  • This gives a clear progression for literacy and
    numeracy skills
  • Ensures transparency
  • Enables self development

Assessment tool
  • We chose Target Skills
  • Gives screen and diagnostic in one tool
  • Gives spiky profile - not all roles have the same
    requirement for each of the areas
  • Better profile matching- Setting one level for
    each of literacy and numeracy could put
    requirements on areas that are too high which
    could mask development areas
  • Targeted development

CTAD skills example
Recruitment standards
  • Following assessment
  • If all levels are at the minimum requirement then
  • If 1 or 2 measures are one step below (i.e. Entry
    2 when Entry 3 required) then offer can be made,
    subject to reaching the required levels within
    probationary period, either internal promotion or
    external appointment.
  • More than 2 measures are below the requirement or
    one measure is more than 2 steps below then the
    following- If all other measures are OK then
    the individual will be referred to
    college/learndirect and given a provisional offer
    pending improvement within 6 months.- If
    problems in other areas then declined with
    reasons including English and Maths levels and
    advised of external colleges.

SMOG levels
  • Calculating the SMOG level of a text
  • 1. Select a page of a book
  • 2. Count 10 sentences
  • 3. Count the number of words which have three or
    more syllables
  • 4. Multiply this by 3
  • 5. Circle the number closest to your answer1 4
    9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169
  • 6. Find the square root of the number you circled
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  • 7. Add 8 Readability level
  • Most people will understand a readability level
    under about 10.
  • Source The National Literacy Trust 2006/Skills
    for Life Employer toolkit page 8

SMOG levels
  • Mapping SMOG scores to reading levels
  • As a rough indication, SMOG 9-10 Entry 3, 11-12
    Level 1 and 13-14 Level 2
  • Internally the following levels have been chosen
  • General Communications - lt12 and ideally
    10Management Communications lt 14Senior
    Management Communications no limit but ideally
  • What does this mean?
  • All communications/core documents now have a SMOG
  • Employee handbook/offer letters/interview
    questions/training materials have been/are being
  • The manual method is labour intensive,
    alternative method is online at

College selection
  • Sourced training- Local college to deliver
    literacy and numeracy- Met with colleges-
    Chose Stephenson College, Coalville-
    Business/professional focus on meeting with
    them- Flexible all learning is delivered in
    the evening/whenever we want it- Experienced in
    delivery of Skills for Life

Training to rollout
  • Train HR Teams- to understand skills whilst
    interviewing (not covered through Target
    Skills)- speak to communicate- engage in
  • Workplace Learning Champions- appointed amongst
    junior employees peer group- predominantly
    trainers or coaches access to all individuals-
    Internal marketing amongst peers
  • Managers and Supervisors briefing- Verbal and
    written communication of Skills for Life- QA to
    assist with questions from staff- Will complete

Internal Communication
Launch and marketing
  • Launch roadshow at main sites with training
    providers (Sept 06)
  • Marketed as English and Maths as opposed to
    Literacy and Numeracy
  • Training is in employees own time but 50 paid by
  • Can complete assessment and attend training for
    any reason- Self development- Career
    progression- Help children with homework
  • All Supervisors and above are being assessed as
    part of role
  • All new job applicants (internal and external)
    complete assessment

Targets and measures
  • All employees to reach minimum Level 1
  • Increase productivity (3 for 2007)
  • Reduce Turnover
  • Reduce Absenteeism
  • Increase skills of workforce
  • Decrease accidents
  • Increase workforce morale
  • Initial assessment available to all
  • Number of employees attending a session
  • Number of employees progressing by one step or
  • Total steps progressed/average per employee

  • The resources required
  • No additional resources have been required!
  • As programme is integrated, is part of day to day
  • Initial effort to profile the roles

First results
  • To date
  • Employees are asking to be assessed!
  • Regular assessment sessions scheduled
  • Over 450 assessments have been carried out
  • The accident rate amongst learners in 50 lower
    than the Company average
  • The absenteeism rate amongst the learners in
    0.86, the Company average is 5.3, representing
    an annual saving of 120,000
  • Employee turnover has fallen significantly since
    the launch of the programme, producing savings of
    250,000 2 of the Company salary bill
  • Employees are more satisfied with working for DHL
  • Supervisors are championing employee development
  • First national tests taken and passed
  • Productivity since the launch has increased by
  • Learners have commented about - giving me a
    second chance in life and I know how to
    progress in DHL.

Leitch and the next steps
  • Community Initiatives- Reading clubs in
    schools- Volunteering- Young enterprise scheme
  • Embed literacy and numeracy in broader
  • Take the pledge!
  • Vision is an employability generic
    qualification covering literacy, numeracy, ICT,
    Communication, Team Building skills.
  • Transferable between departments (and employers)
  • Add on technical elements from a department to
    give a qualification

And finally
  • I would like your help!
  • I am researching approaches to Skills for Life
    and their associated benefits and would welcome
    the opportunity to interview people on their
    experiences/knowledge later in the year.
  • The research has the support of the DfES.
  • Thank you and any questions?

  • Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy
    it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
    wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the
    frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The
    rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed
    it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not
    raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a
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