Title: Life beyond the OSCE: Assessment in the workplace
1Life beyond the OSCEAssessment in the workplace
- Teacher Development Day
- Thursday 9 March 2006
- Manchester
- Cees van der Vleuten
- University of Maastricht
2This presentation can be found on www.fdg.unimaa
3Overview of presentation
- Where are we with assessment?
- What do we know?
- Where should we be going?
4Climbing the pyramid
Shows how
Knows how
Miller GE. The assessment of clinical
skills/competence/performance. Academic Medicine
(Supplement) 1990 65 S63-S7.
5Climbing the pyramid
Shows how
Knows how
Miller GE. The assessment of clinical
skills/competence/performance. Academic Medicine
(Supplement) 1990 65 S63-S7.
6Climbing the pyramid
Paper/written/computer based technologies using
(simple) simulations that require application
of knowledge or judgment (key feature, MCQ, EMQ.)
Shows how
Knows how
Miller GE. The assessment of clinical
skills/competence/performance. Academic Medicine
(Supplement) 1990 65 S63-S7.
7Climbing the pyramid
Shows how
Knows how
Miller GE. The assessment of clinical
skills/competence/performance. Academic Medicine
(Supplement) 1990 65 S63-S7.
8From subjective to objective
- Clinical supervisor rating (does level)
- Subjective
- Unstructured
- 2nd 3rd hand information
- Holistic
- Uninformative
- OSCE (shows how level)
- Objective
- Structured
- Directly observed
- Analytical scoring
9Reliability of OSCEs1
1Studies taken from Petrusa, E. R. (2002).
Clinical performance assessments. In G. R.
Norman, C. P. M. Van der Vleuten D. I. Newble
(Eds.), International Handbook for Research in
Medical Education (pp. 673-709). Dordrecht
Kluwer Academic Publisher (Table 1).
10Reliability as a function of testing time
Case- Based Short Essay2 0.68 0.73 0.84 0.82
Practice Video Assess- ment7 0.62 0.76 0.93 0.93
Mini CEX6 0.73 0.84 0.92 0.96
In- cognito SPs8 0.61 0.76 0.82 0.86
Testing Time in Hours 1 2 4 8
MCQ1 0.62 0.76 0.93 0.93
PMP1 0.36 0.53 0.69 0.82
Oral Exam3 0.50 0.69 0.82 0.90
Long Case4 0.60 0.75 0.86 0.90
OSCE5 0.47 0.64 0.78 0.88
1Norcini et al., 1985 2Stalenhoef-Halling et al.,
1990 3Swanson, 1987
4Wass et al., 2001 5Petrusa, 2002 6Norcini et
al., 1999
7Ram et al., 1999 8Gorter, 2002
11From subjective to objective
- Clinical supervisor rating (does level)
- Subjective
- Unstructured
- 2nd 3rd hand information
- Holistic
- Uninformative
- OSCE (shows how level)
- Objective
- Structured
- Directly observed
- Analytical scoring
12Checklist/rating reliability
Van Luijk van der Vleuten, 1990
13Analytical versus holistic
- Global rating scales in OSCEs
- Correlate (very) highly
- Show slightly lower inter-rater reliabilities
- Show higher inter-case reliabilities
- (Rothman et al., 1997 Cunnington et al., 1997
Regehr et al., 1998, 1999 Hodges et al, 1999
Govaerts et al., 2002 Hodges McIlroy, 2003)
14From subjective to objective
- Clinical supervisor rating (does level)
- Subjective
- Unstructured
- 2nd 3rd hand information
- Holistic
- Uninformative
- OSCE (shows how level)
- Objective
- Structured
- Directly observed
- Analytical scoring
15Varieties of OSCEs
Written task
Clinical task
16Assessment drives learning
- Isolated skills lead to fragmentation
- Checklists lead memorization
- Leading to Chickens without a head (Van Luik et
al., 1990)
17From subjective to objective
- Clinical supervisor rating (does level)
- Subjective
- Unstructured
- 2nd 3rd hand information
- Holistic
- Uninformative
- OSCE (shows how level)
- Objective
- Structured
- Directly observed
- Analytical scoring
18Assessment drives learning
19Assessment drives learning
- Assessment may drive learning through
- Content
- Format
- Programming/scheduling
- Regulations
- ..........
20Assessment drives learning
- Summative assessments are poor feedback carriers
- Pure formative assessments are not very long
lasting - Separation of learning and assessment is asking
for trouble - Strategic use of assessment is on the agenda
- In-training assessment
- Embedded assessment (learning task assessment
task) - Combining summative and formative functions
- Reinforcing desirable learning and performance
21Climbing the pyramid
Work-based assessment
Shows how
Knows how
Miller GE. The assessment of clinical
skills/competence/performance. Academic Medicine
(Supplement) 1990 65 S63-S7.
22Lessons learned
- Wide sampling across content (and assessors) is
always required (much more an issue than
objectivity and standardization) - Holistic judgements may do just as well or better
(provided performance is concretely observed) - Strategic in-training assessment is the way
23Work-based assessment
- The venue has moved from the relatively
controlled and homogeneous settings in education
to the uncontrolled and heterogeneous world of
work - (John Norcini, 2005)
24Wise strategies for WBA
- Having a framework of competencies structuring
the work-based learning environment
25Competency categorizations
- CanMeds
- roles
- Medical expert
- Communicator
- Collaborator
- Manager
- Health advocate
- Scholar
- Professional
- competencies
- Patient care
- Medical knowledge
- Practice-based learning improvement
- Interpersonal and communication skills
- Professionalism
- Systems-based practice
- Dundee
- outcomes
- Clinical skills
- Practical procedures
- Patient investigation
- Patient management
- Health promotion and disease prevention
- Communication
- Information management skills
- Principles of social, basic clinical sciences
- Attitudes, ethics legal responsibilities
- Decision making, clinical reasoning, judgement
- Role as a professional
- Personal development
26But you need a lot more
General competencies
Curriculum structure
Sub- competencies
Professionally meaningful tasks
Professional activities
Performance level standards
Assessment sources
Assessment decisions
27Wise strategies for WBA
- Having a framework of competencies structuring
the work-based learning environment
- Having a toolbox of assessment instruments or
information resources
28WBA methods
- Indirect methods
- Chart audit
- Practice audits
- Prescription data
- Direct methods
- Patient reports
- Peer reports
- Clinical work samples
- Multisource feedback (3600)
- Mini-CEX
- Clinical (supervisor) ratings
- Undercover standardized patients
- Video assessment
29Data-gathering change
- Conditions are never standard, never similar,
never homogeneous (patient mix) - Information gathering will therefore rely more on
descriptive and qualitative judgemental
information requiring professional and expert
judgement - To interprete/judge observed clinical performance
- To interpret aggregated assessment information
across sources of (assessment) information
30Quantitative or qualitative
- Quantitative
- Scores
- Grades
- Statistical computations
- Cut-off scores
- Algorithmic
- Qualitative
- Narratives
- Professional judgements
- Combination of information
- Performance standards
- Judgemental
31Wise strategies for WBA
- Having a framework of competencies structuring
the work-based learning environment
- Having a toolbox of assessment instruments or
information resources
- Procedures and evidence that makes promotion
decisions credible or trustworthy
32Criteria in Research Approach(Crefting, 1991)
Strategies for establishing trustworthiness
Prolonged engagement Triangulation Peer
examination Member checking Structural
coherence Time sampling Stepwise
replication Dependability audit Thick
description Confirmability audit
Procedural measures and safeguards Assessor
training benchmarking Appeal procedures
Triangulation across sources, saturation
Assessor panels Intermediate feedback cycles
Decision justification .
Quantitative Qualitative Criterion approach a
pproach Truth value Internal validity Credibilit
y Applicability External validity Transferability
Consistency Reliability Dependability Neutrali
ty Objectivity Confirmability
33Threats to WBA
- Implementation (involving, convincing, committing
and training the stakeholders) - Lots of threats to validity of WBA due to the
heterogenous and uncontrolled character of WBA
(but lots of opportunity for research!)
34It will be a long journey..
35This presentation can be found on www.fdg.unimaa