History of Seismology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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History of Seismology


History of Seismology Early science seismology before computers 1880-1960 Seismology since computers 1960-present Earthquake mythology ancient beliefs India: The ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: History of Seismology

History of Seismology
  • Early science
  • seismology before computers
  • 1880-1960
  • Seismology since computers
  • 1960-present

Earthquake mythology ancient beliefs
  • India The earth is held up by 4 elephants that
    stand on the back of a turtle. The turtle is
    balanced on top of a cobra. When the animals
    move, the earth trembles and shakes
  • Siberia The Earth rests on a sled driven by the
    god named Tuli. The dogs have fleas, When they
    stop to scratch, the Earth shakes
  • Japan A great catfish, or namazu, lies curled up
    under the sea, with the islands of Japan resting
    on its back. A demigod, or daimyojin, holds a
    heavy stone over his head to keep him from
    moving. Once in a while, though, the daimyojin is
    distracted, the namzu moves and the earth
  • New Zealand Mother Earth has a child in its
    womb, the young god Ru. When he stretches and
    kicks as babies do, he causes earthquakes.
  • From www.fema.gov

Native tales and the Cascadia megathrust
  • Stories from the Hoh and Quillette tribes of the
    Olympic Peninsula of north west Washington
    describe an epic battle between the supernatural
    beings Thunderbird and Whale.
  • The great Thunderbird finally carried the
    weighty animal to its nest in the lofty mountains
    and there was a final and terrible contest
    fought. There was shaking, jumping up and down
    and trembling of the earth beneath, and the
    rolling up of the great waters.
  • A reference to the Cascadia Megathrust
    earthquake of 1705?
  • From The Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network

Beginning of the scientific method
  • The Buddha
  • (563-483 century BC)
  • Believe nothing merely because you have been
    told it, or because it is tradition, or because
    you yourself have imagined it.
  • Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely
    out of respect for him.
  • But whatever, after due examination and analysis,
    you find to be conducive to the good, the
    benefit, the welfare of all beings, believe and
    cling to that doctrine, and take it as your

Greek contributubtion - Nature
  • Thales (6th Century BC)
  • The crucial contribution of Thales to scientific
    thought was the discovery of nature. By this, we
    mean the idea that the natural phenomena we see
    around us are explicable in terms of matter
    interacting by natural laws, and are not the
    results of arbitrary acts by gods.
  • Thales' theory of earthquakes,
  • The (presumed flat) earth is actually floating on
    a vast ocean, and disturbances in that ocean
    occasionally cause the earth to shake or even
    crack, just as they would a large boat.

Greek contributubtion - geometry
  • One of the most important contributions of the
    Greeks was their development of Geometry,
    culminating in Euclid's Elements, a giant
    textbook containing all the known geometric
    theorems at that time (about 300 BC), presented
    in an elegant logical fashion.
  • E.g. The Pythagorean Theorem (the most famous
  • The square on the hypotenuse of a right angle
    triangle the sum of the squares on the other 2
  • Led to the discovery of irrational numbers such
    as SQRT(2.0)

Greek contribution - Archimedes
  • Archimedes (287-212 BC)
  • One of the greatest Greek mathematicians and
  • Discovered Archimedes Principle ---laws of
    Buoyancy density etc
  • Discovered law of lever, centre of gravity
  • Almost invented logarithms and calculus

Greek contribution - Ptolemy
  • Ptolemy (87-150AD)
  • Astronomer, mathematician and geographer.
  • He believed the planets and sun orbit the Earth
    in the order Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter,
    Saturn . This system became known as the
    Ptolemaic system.
  • The Ptolemaic view of the universe was the
    considered by western scientists and religious
    leaders to be the true picture of the universe
    for 1400 years

The first seismic instrument
  • The Chinese Seismoscope Invented 132 AD
  • The instrument is reported to have detected a
    four-hundred-mile distant earthquake which was
    not felt at the location of the seismoscope.

Arabic contribution
  • Al-Hazen, as Europeans referred to Ibn Al-Haytham
    (d. 1040) was universally acknowledged to have
    gone beyond the Greeks in optics.
  • European mathematics continued to build on Arab
  • Hindu-Arabic Science
  • The modern system of numerals, which was
    replacing the old, cumbersome system of "Roman
    numerals" in the fifteenth and sixteenth
    centuries, was brought to Europe from India by
    Arabic traders.
  • By streamlining calculations, "Hindu-Arabic
    numerals immeasurably expanded the ease of doing

The European Scientific Revolution
  • The Scientific Revolution (1543- )
  • 1543 - the year that Capernicus published his
    famous work on The Revolution of the Heavenly
  • Put sun at centre of universe with planets
    circling the sun.
  • Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) --- Invented telescope
  • Frances Bacon (1561-1626) --- Pioneered the
    scientific method using inductive reasoning.
  • Kepler (1571-1630) ---- showed orbits of
    planets are ellipses
  • William Gilbert (1540-1603) --- argued that the
    Earth was a magnet

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
  • Newton is ranked as the most influential figure
    in the history of Western science (Simmons,1996)
  • Best known for his 3 laws of motion.
  • (i) The law of inertia
  • A body in motion moves with constant velocity
    unless acted upon by some force.
  • A body at rest remains at rest unless acted upon
    by some force.
  • (ii) An object's acceleration is directly
    proportional to the object's mass (Fma)
  • (iii) To every action there is an equal and
    opposite reaction
  • Law of Gravity
  • The gravitational force between 2 bodies is
  • proportional to the product of their masses
  • inversely proportional to the square of the
  • between them
  • Invented Calculus

Robert Hooke (1635 - 1703)
  • Natural philosopher, inventor
  • Robert Hooke is one of the most neglected natural
    philosophers of all time. The inventor of
  • the iris diaphragm in cameras,
  • the universal joint used in motor vehicles,
  • the balance wheel in a watch
  • the originator of the word 'cell' in biology
  • Best known for Hooke's Law
  • stress is proportional to strain

Christian Huygens (1629-1695)
  • Improved telescope and resolved numerous
    astronomical questions
  • Invented pendulum clock and balance clocks to
    improve the measurement of time
  • worked on wave theory of light
  • discovered polarized light
  • deduced laws of reflection and refraction
  • Huygen's Principal Every point on a wave
    front can be regarded as a new source of waves

The first scientifically studied earthquake
  • The Lisbon Earthquake (Nov 1, 1755)
  • Probably magnitude 9 with a 3 large tsunamis,
    thousands killed
  • epicentre 200 km off SW corner of Portugal
  • destroyed the city of Lisbon, Portugal
  • tsunami's struck England and were detected across
    the Atlantic Ocean in North America
  • Its widespread physical effects aroused a wave
    of scientific interest and research into

(From geology.about.com/library/
The Lisbon Earthquake
  • J. Mitchel (1761) and J. Drijhout (1765)
  • Noted the separation of the earthquake source
    from the effects that it produced
  • proposed that the distant motion was caused by a
    wave propagating from a specific location.
  • Mitchel suggested that the vibrations close to
    the source were related to wave propagating
    through the elasticity of the rocks
  • Suggested the cause of the earthquake itself was
    caused by water vaporized by sudden contact with
    underground fires.

Earthquake Studies before 1880
  • first systematic catalogue of shocks - Van Hoff
    and A Perry
  • First intensity scale - P. Eagen (1828)
  • followed by M De Rossi, F. Forel and G. Mercalli
    intensity scales
  • first isoseismal map - J. Noggerath (1847)
  • C. Lyell - showed earthquakes could cause
    vertical motions over large areas
  • Studied the 1819 Rann and Cutch earthquake in
  • 1822 and 1835 Chulian earthquakes
  • 1855 Wairrarapa earthquake in New Zealand
  • R. Mallet (1810-1881 ) Irish geologist and
  • Constructed one of the most complete earthquake
    catalogues to date
  • Made an attempt to measure seismic velocities
    using explosive sources
  • believed earthquakes were caused by the sudden
    expansion of steam as water met hot rock

Earthquake Locations - Mallet, 1868.
Earthquake Studies before 1880
  • Early seismic instruments
  • 1856 L. Palmiero built a seismoscope that also
    recorded time
  • 1873 Verbeck first pendulum observations
  • 1875 Cecchi, Italy built first seismometer
  • 1880 Wegner constructed a common-pendulum
    seismometer which did not write records.
  • Wegner detected 27 earthquakes.
  • None of above instruments worked very well
  • J. Milne, J. Ewing and T. Gray developed first
    successful working seismographs in 1880-1885

Earthquake studies after 1880
  • Ewing used a horizontal pendulum seismometer to
    detect earthquakes
  • Circular smoked paper record obtained by Ewing's
    seismograph of a local earthquake in Japan on
    March 8, 1881.

  • Milne and Gray (1881) conducted experiments on
    the propagation of elastic waves
  • artificial sources such as dynamite blasts.
  • obtained an apparent velocity of 500 feet /sec.
  • The farthest station was 400 feet from the

First recording of a distant earthquake
  • April 18, 1889
  • In Potsdam, Germany, E. von-Rebeur-Pashwitz had
    built a sensitive horizontal pendulum seismograph
    for measuring tidal tilts, his interest was
    primarily astronomical.
  • The figure below is an engraving of the recording
    he made of the 1989 earthquake in Japan

Seismology milestones (1880-)
  • Waves
  • Lord Rayleigh (1842-1919) - Predicted Rayleigh
    waves (1885)
  • Richard Oldham (1900) - identified P waves, S
    waves and Rayleigh waves from records of the
    1897 Assam earthquake
  • A E. H. Love (1863-1940) - predicted existence
    of Love waves (1911)
  • Earth structure
  • Oldham (1906) - confirmed the existence of the
    Earth's core
  • A. Mohorovicic (1909) - Discovered the Moho from
    analysis of data at relatively short distance
    from earthquake (the Kulpa Valley earthquake in
  • I. Lehman (1936) showed that the core has a solid
    inner core.

Earth structure
  • H. Jeffereys (1891-1989) and K. Bullen
  • Used large volumes of data and improved analysis
    of epicentre locations and derived new standard
    earth model
  • The Jeffreys-Bullen Seismological Tables (1940)
  • Showed earth nearly spherical symmetrical with
    only a few discontinuities.
  • Showed core-mantle boundary separated a solid
    mantle from a liquid core.

Jeffreys-Bullen Earth Model
Earthquake mechanism (1911-1950)
  • 1911 Reid's strain rebound theory -
    earthquakes related to faults
  • 1917 T. Shida first to show that the first
    motions could be divided into quadrants separated
    by nodal lines
  • 1923 Nekano provided the first theoretical
    treatment of the fault source mechanism
  • 1935 Richter developed the Richter magnitude
  • Other pioneers in this area
  • Byerly, S. Nakamura, S. Kunitomi, H.Honda, M.
    Ishimoto and Keilis Borok
  • Arguments both for single couple and
    double-couple sources were presented.
  • J. Hodgson attempted to use S waves to
    distinguish between the double-and single couple

Seismic Vault in 1950s
Data is stored on photographic paper and sent to
others using microfilm
The computer and seismology
  • The practical computer (1960 onwards)
  • The tape recorder--- analogue, then digital---
    reel to reel, cassettes, Exabyte etc
  • Punch cards and paper tape replaced with
    interactive terminal - 1980
  • Personal computers 1985 -
  • GPS and satellite communication -
  • The internet 1995-
  • Memory-- diskettes, CD , DVD, flash sticks, 300
    gigabyte drives
  • The memory of 1 DVD approximately that of 4000
  • The slide-rule was replaced with the pocket
    calculator in 1972

Price 395 US in 1972
New tools for seismologists
  • Finite difference analysis
  • Synthetic Seismograms
  • Ray tracing
  • Numerous Inversion techniques
  • Digital filtering numerous filters --- band-pass,
    wave shaping, stacking , velocity etc
  • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) --- Cooley Tukey
    1967 ---
  • reduce the number of computations from N N to
  • Example-- get the spectrum of a seismic trace 60
    seconds long sampled at 100 samples/sec
  • N 6000 - NN 36,000,000
  • - NlogN 22,669
  • The FFT is 1,588 times faster in this example

The Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
  • 1963 The limited test-ban treaty signed
  • Funding resulted in improved instrumentation
    around the world
  • This was particularly for the World Wide
    Standardized Seismic Network (WWSSN)
  • 120 standardized recording stations located
  • Numerous seismic arrays were also set up around
    the world
  • e.g. WRA Australia, YKA Canada, GBA India,
    ESK Scotland, NORSAR Norway
  • ESSN seismic network of 100 stations in Soviet
    Union and eastern block
  • Late 1970s --- Analogue to digital conversion

WRA, GBA, YKA Seismic Arrays Constructed in
Upper mantle (400 and 650 km) discontinuities
detected in the 1960s from analysis of array data
Further milestones in seismology
  • 1966 Keiiti Aki defines seismic moment
  • A physical measure of the magnitude of an
  • Mo Area slip rigidity
  • 1969-72 Apollo astronauts place a seismometer
    on he Moon, and the first "moonquakes" are
  • 1977 Hiroo Kanamori establishes the moment
    magnitude scale
  • A measure of earthquake magnitude based on
    seismic moment.

Plate tectonic theory
1984 The US National Science Foundation and US
Geological Survey provide funding for a new,
digital seismic network, the GSN. to replace the
aging WWSSN. 1996 The International Data Center
is established in Vienna and seismic monitoring
is done through the International Monitoring
System (IMS). The IMS makes use of many stations
of the GSN.
New developments Passive experiments
Passive experiments
  • EarthScope
  • 400 portable 3 component broadband instruments on
    a regular grid
  • 400 portable 3 component short-period and
    broadband seismographs and 2000 single channel
    high-frequency recorders
  • Permanent array of broadband 3 component stations
    across the country as part of the USGS Advanced
    National Seismic System

  • Message From the SSA - April 14, 2006
  • The complete archive of BSSA from 1911-2006 is
    now available online
  • In conjunction with our 100th anniversary, SSA
    is pleased to announce that all issues of the
    Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
    (BSSA) back from Volume 1 Number 1 (March 1911)
    are now available (and searchable) on the World
    Wide Web through Geoscience World.
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