The Urinary System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Urinary System


The Urinary System Chapter 23 Introduction Kidneys - maintain purity and chemical constancy of blood and other extracellular body fluids - filters liters of fluid ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Urinary System

The Urinary System
  • Chapter 23

  • Kidneys - maintain purity and chemical constancy
    of blood and other extracellular body fluids
  • - filters liters of fluid sending toxins,
    metabolic wastes, excess water, and excess ions
    out in urine
  • - while returning needed substances from the
    filtrate to the blood
  • Main waste products are 3 nitrogenous compounds
  • 1) urea derived from breakdown of amino acids
  • 2) uric acid results from the turnover of
    nucleic acids
  • 3) creatinine formed by the breakdown of
    creatine phosphate, molecule in muscle that
    stores energy for manufacture of ATP

  • Kidneys also regulate the volume and chemical
    makeup of the blood
  • - maintains the proper balance of water and
    salts and of acids and bases
  • Other organs of the urinary system include
  • - the paired ureters (pertaining to urine),
    tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the
  • - urinary bladder, temporary storage sac for
  • - urethra, a tube that carries urine from the
    bladder to the body exterior

Organs of the Urinary System
  • Kidneys
  • Ureters
  • Urinary bladder
  • Urethra

Fig 23.1a
Location and External Anatomy of Kidneys
  • Bean-shaped kidneys lie retroperitoneal - lateral
    to T11,12 - L3 vertebrae
  • - right kidney crowded by the liver lies
    slightly inferior to the left kidney
  • - on superior part of each kidney is the
    suprarenal gland
  • Average kidney 12cm tall, 6cm wide, 3cm thick
  • - lateral surface, is convex medial surface is
  • - with a vertical cleft, the renal hilum where
    vessels, ureters, and nerves enter and leave the

  • Several layers of supportive tissue surround each
  • Fibrous (renal) capsule surrounds the kidney
  • - maintains its shape and forms a barrier that
    can inhibit the spread of infection from
    surrounding regions
  • Perirenal and pararenal fat layers - cushion and
    help hold the kidneys in place
  • - perirenal fat capsule lies external to the
    renal capsule
  • - external to that is an envelope of renal
  • - pararenal fat lies external and mostly
    posterior to the renal fascia

Relationship of the Kidneys to Vertebra and Ribs
Figure 23.1b
Kidneys within the Posterior Abdominal Wall
Figure 23.2a
Internal Gross Anatomy
  • Frontal section through the kidney reveals 2
    distinct regions
  • - superficial renal cortex, lighter in color
    with a granular appearance
  • - deeper renal medulla, darker color consists of
    cone-shaped masses called renal pyramids
  • - renal pyramids contain parallel bundles of
    tiny urine-collecting tubules
  • - pyramids apex or papilla points internally
  • - renal columns, inward extensions of the renal
    cortex, separate adjacent pyramids

Internal Anatomy of the Kidneys
Figure 23.3b
  • Kidney lobes a single renal pyramid the
    cortical tissue that surrounds that pyramid
  • - 5 to 11 lobes and pyramids in each kidney
  • Renal sinus large space within the medial part
    opening to the exterior through the renal hilum
  • - filled space, contains the renal vessels and
    nerves, some fat, and the urine-carrying tubes
  • Renal pelvis flat, funnel-shaped tube
  • - expanded superior part of the ureter
  • - branching extensions form 2 or 3 major calices
    (sing. calyx cup), each divide to form several
    minor calices
  • - calices collect urine draining from the
    papillae, empty it into the renal pelvis ?urine
    flows into the ureter ?bladder

Gross Vasculature Nerve Supply
  • About 1/4 of the hearts systemic output reaches
    the kidneys via the large renal arteries
  • - divide into 5 segmental arteries that enter
    the hilum
  • - within the renal sinus, each segmental artery
    divides into interlobar arteries
  • - at the medulla-cortex junction, interlobar
    arteries branch into arcuate (shaped like a
    bow) arteries
  • - radiating outward from arcuate arteries are
    the small cortical radiate arteries (supply the
    cortical tissue)
  • - give rise to the glomerular arterioles, which
    feed into the peritubular capillaries

  • Veins trace the pathway of the arteries in
  • except there are no segmental veins
  • Nerve supply renal plexus (offshoot of the
    celiac plexus)
  • - a network of autonomic fibers and autonomic
    ganglia on the renal arteries
  • - supplied by sympathetic fibers from the
    inferior thoracic splanchic and 1st lumbar
    splanchnic nerves, and other sources
  • - fibers control the diameters of the renal
    arteries and influence the urine-forming
    functions of the uriniferous (urine-carrying)

Summary of Blood Vessels Supplying the Kidney
Figure 23.3c
Mechanisms of Urine Production
  • Uriniferous tubule - main structural and
    functional unit of the kidney
  • - more than a million within each kidney
  • 3 interacting mechanisms filtration, resorption,
  • - in filtration, a filtrate (similar to blood
    plasma) leaves the kidney capillaries, it is
    processed into urine by resorption and secretion
  • - during resorptionm nutrients, water, and
    essential ions are recovered and returned to the
    blood via tissue capillaries, remaining waste
    contribute to urine
  • - secretion, removes additional undesirable
    molecules into the tubule

Uriniferous Tubules
  • 2 major parts
  • 1) urine-forming nephron, where filtration,
    resorption, and secretion occur, and
  • 2) a collecting duct, concentrates urine by
    removing water
  • Uriniferous tubule is lined by simple epithelium,
    one cell thick, adapted for urine production

Figure 23.4
  • Composed of the renal corpuscle and a tubular
  • - proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle,
    distal convoluted tubule
  • Renal corpuscle (1st part of the nephron)
    located in the cortex, where filtration occurs
  • - consist of a tuft of capillaries called the
    glomerulus (ball of yarn) surrounded by the
    glomerular capsule (Bowmans capsule)
  • - glumerulus is supplied by an afferent
    arteriole and drained by an efferent arteriole

  • - endothelim is fenestrated, allowing large
    quantities of fluid and small molecules to pass
    from the capillary blood into the capsular space
  • - about 20 of the fluid leaves the glomerulus
    and enters the capsular space 80 remains in the
    blood within the capillary
  • - parietal layer of the capsule contributes only
    to the structure
  • - visceral layer consists of branching
    epithelial cells called podocytes (foot cells),
    end in pedicels, foot processes that
  • - filtrate passes into the capsular space
    through thin clefts between the podocytes called
    filtration slits or slit pores

Uriniferous Tubule
Figure 23.5a
Filtration Membrane
  • Filtration barrier - lies between the blood in
    the glomerulus and the capsular space
  • Consists of 3 layers
  • 1) fenestrated endothelium of the capillary
  • 2) filtration slits between the pedicels
  • - each covered by a thin slit diaphragm
  • 3) intervening basement membrane
  • - consists of the fused basal laminae of the
    endothelium and the podocyte epithelium
  • - capillary fenestration restrict passage of the
    largest molecules (blood cells)
  • - basement membrane slit diaphragm allow small
    proteins and molecules (water, ions, glucose,
    amino acids, urea)

Renal Corpuscle and the Filtration Membrane
Fig 23.6a
Renal Corpuscle and the Filtration Membrane
Fig 23.6c
Tubular Section of the Nephron
  • After formation in the renal capsule the filtrate
  • proceeds into the long tubular section
  • Proximal convoluted tubule (renal cortex), is
    most active in resorption and secretion
  • - walls are cuboidal epithelial cells with long
    microvilli on the exposed luminal surface
  • - contain many mitochondria and a highly
    infolded basolateral membrane with
  • - many ion-pumping enzymes responsible for
    resorbing molecules from the filtrate

  • U-shaped loop of Henle (the nephron) consists
    of a descending limb and ascending limb
  • Descending limb, continuous with the proximal
    tubule (has a similar structure)
  • - rest of the descending limb, the thin segment,
    is the narrowest part of the nephron with walls
    of permeable simple squamous epithelium,
    continues into the
  • - ascending limb, joining the thick segment or
    thick ascending limb, cell structure resembles
    the distal convoluted tubule

  • Distal convoluted tubule (in the renal cortex)
    selective secretion and resorption of ions
  • - walls of simple cuboidal epithelium
  • - less active in resportion, cells do not have
    abundant microvilli
  • - but do have many mitochondria and infoldings
    of the basolateral membrane (typical of all
    ion-pumping cells in the body)

(No Transcript)
  • 2 classed of nephrons
  • 1) Cortical nephrons (85) almost entirely
    within the cortex
  • - loops of Henle dip only a short distance into
    the medulla
  • 2)Juxtamedullary (near the medulla) nephrons
    (15) renal corpuscles lie near the
    cortex-medulla junction
  • - loops of Henle deeply invade the medulla
  • - thin segments are much longer
  • - long loops of Henle, with nearby collecting
    ducts, contribute to production of concentrated

Fig 23.8
  • Collecting tubules - receive urine from distal
    convoluted tubules

Collecting Ducts
  • Receive urine from several nephrons runs
    straight through the cortex into the deep medulla
  • - adjacent collecting ducts join to form larger
    papillary ducts that empty into the minor calices
  • - most important role to conserve body fluids is
    shared with the distal tubules
  • - pituitary gland secretes ADH, increases
    permeability of the collecting ducts and distal
    tubules to water
  • - water is resorbed from the filtrate into the
    surrounding BVs, decreasing the total volume of
    urine produced
  • Note Alcohol inhibits the release of ADH,
    reduced water
  • resorption from the renal tubules results in
    copious amounts
  • of dilute urine

Microscopic Blood Vessels
  • Nephrons are associated with 2 types of capillary
    beds (a portal system) glomerulus and the
    peritubular capillaries
  • Juxtamedullary nephrons also associate with the
    capillary-like vasa recta

Micrograph through the Renal Medulla
Figure 23.7
  • Capillaries produce the filtrate that moves
    through the uriniferous tubule to become urine
  • Both fed and drained by an afferent arteriole and
    an efferent arteriole (respectively)
  • - high-resistance vessels, the efferent
    arteriole is narrower than the afferent arteriole
  • BP is high for a capillary bed and easily
    forces the filtrate out of the blood and into the
    glomerular capsule
  • Kidneys generate 1 L of filtrate every 8 minutes
    only 1 ends up as urine
  • - 99 resorbed by the uriniferous tubule, and
    returned to the blood in the peritubular
    capillary beds

Peritubular Capillaries
  • Or intertubular capillaries - arise from the
    efferent arterioles draining the cortical
  • - lie in the interstitial CT of the renal
    cortex, areolar CT surrounds the uriniferous
  • - capillaries cling closely to the convoluted
    tubules and empty into nearby venules of the
    renal venous system
  • - are adapted for absorption low-pressure
    porous capillaries readily absorb solutes and
  • - all molecules secreted by the nephrons into
    the urine are from the blood of peritubular

Vasa Recta (straight vessels)
  • Located in the deepest part of the renal cortex
  • efferent arterioles from the juxtamedullary
    glomeruli continue into these thin-walled looping
  • - part of the kidneys urine-concentrating

Classes of Nephron
Fig 23.9a
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
  • Near the glomerulus functions in the
    regulation of blood pressure
  • - area of specialized contact between the
    terminal end of the ascending limb and the
    afferent arteriole
  • - within the apparatus, structures of both the
    tubule and the arteriole are modified
  • - granular cells (juxtaglomerular cells),
    modified smooth muscle cells (mechanoreceptors)
    secrete renin in response to falling blood
    pressure in the afferent arteriole

  • Macula densa (dense spot) the terminal
    portion of the loop of Henle
  • - tall, closely packed epithelial cells, act as
    chemo-receptors, monitor solute concentrations in
    the filtrate
  • - level of solute concentration drops, cells
    signal the granular cells to secrete renin
  • - renin initiates the renin-angiotensin
    mechanism that results in secretion of
    aldosterone from the adrenal cortex
  • - aldosterone increases Na resorption, water
    follows along the osmotic gradient, causing blood
    volume and BP to rise
  • - extraglomerular mesangial cells interact with
    cells of the macula densa and granular cells to
    regulate blood pressure

Figure 23.10
  • Slender tubes 25cm (10in) long carry urine
    from the kidneys to the urinary bladder
  • - begins superiorly at L2 as a continuation of
    the renal pelvis
  • - descends retroperitoneal through the abdomen,
    enters the true pelvis into the posterolateral
    corner of the bladder
  • - runs medially within the posterior bladder
    wall before opening into the bladders interior
  • - oblique entry into the bladder prevents
    backflow of urine
  • Innervated by both sympathetic and
    parasympathetic nerve fibers
  • - although neural control of peristalsis is
    insignificant compared to local stretch response
    of smooth muscle

  • Histology of ureter 3 basic layers
  • Mucosa lining of transitional epithelium that
    stretches when the ureters fill with urine
  • - and a lamina propria composed of fibroelastic
    CT with patches of lymphoid tissue
  • Muscularis consists of 2 layers
  • - inner longitudinal layer
  • - outer circular layer
  • Adventitia in the inferior 1/3 of the ureter is
    an external longitudinal layer of muscularis
  • - typical CT

Microscopic Structure of the Ureter
Figure 23.12
Urinary Bladder
  • Collapsible muscular sac
  • - stores and expels urine
  • Full bladder
  • spherical
  • - expands into the abdominal cavity
  • Empty bladder
  • lies entirely within the pelvis

Figure 23.13
Urinary Bladder
  • Urachus closed remnant of the allantois
  • Prostate gland - in males
  • - lies directly inferior to the bladder
  • - surrounds the urethra

Figure 23.14
  • Bladder wall has 3 layers
  • Mucosa distensible transitional epithelium and
    a lamina propria
  • Thick muscular layer, the detrusor (to thrust
    out) muscle intermingled smooth muscle fibers
  • - arranged in inner and outer longitudinal
    layers and a middle circular layer
  • - contraction squeezes urine from the bladder
  • Fibrous adventitia (except on the superior
    surface which is covered by parietal peritoneum)
  • Basic pyramidal shape contains little urine
  • - walls are thick and mucosa thrown into folds,
    or rugae

Histology of the Urinary Bladder
Fig 23.15a, b
Urinary Bladder and Urethra
  • Trigone (triangle) openings for both the
    ureters and urethra
  • - defines a triangular region on the posterior
  • Urethra thin-walled tube
  • - drains urine from the bladder, conveys it out
    of the body
  • Internal urethral sphincter involuntary smooth
    muscle at the bladder-urethra junction
  • External urethral sphincter surrounds the
  • - lies within the urogenital diaphragm muscle
  • - voluntary skeletal muscle inhibits urination
    until the proper time, relaxes when one urinates

Male Urinary Bladder and Urethra
  • Long urethra of the male
  • has 3 regions
  • Prostatic passes through the prostate gland
  • Membranous through the urogenital diaphram
  • Spongy (penile) passes through the length of
    the penis

Fig 23.16a
Male Urinary Bladder and Urethra
  • In females length of 3-4 cm

Fig 23.16b
  • Transitional epithelium at the proximal end (near
    the bladder)
  • Stratified and pseudostratified columnar mid
    urethra (in males)
  • Stratified squamous epithelium at the distal
    end (near the urethral opening)

Figure 23.17
Disorders of the Urinary System
  • UTI urinary tract infections, more common in
  • - burning sensation during micturition
  • Renal calculi kidney stones
  • Bladder cancer 3 of cancers, more common in
  • Kidney cancer
  • - arises fro epithelial cells of uriniferous

Urinary System Throughout Life
  • Embryo develops 3 pairs of kidneys pronephros,
    mesonephros, metanephros
  • - only metanephros persists to become the adult
  • - metanephric kidney produces urine by fetal
    month 3
  • - contributes to the volume of amniotic fluid

Development of the Urinary Organs
Figure 23.18a,b
Figure 23.18c, d
Urinary System Throughout Life
  • Kidney and bladder function declines with
  • advancing age
  • Nephrons decrease in size and number
  • Tubules less efficient at secretion and
  • Filtration declines
  • Recognition of desire to urinate is delayed
  • Loss of muscle tone in the bladder
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