The Ecology of Interfaces: Riparian Zones - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Ecology of Interfaces: Riparian Zones


The Ecology of Interfaces: Riparian Zones Your Guide Today: Alisa The Riparian Zone The forested land along rivers, streams, and lakes is known as the – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Ecology of Interfaces: Riparian Zones

The Ecology of InterfacesRiparian Zones
  • Your Guide Today
  • Alisa

The Riparian Zone
  • The forested land along rivers, streams, and
    lakes is known as the "riparian zone". 
  • Riparian comes from the Latin word ripa, meaning
  • Riparian zones are areas of transition between
    aquatic and upland ecosystems.

Ecology of Interfaces
  • The Riparian Zone
  • Defining and delineating
  • Life-history strategies
  • Morphological and physiological adaptations
  • Reproductive adaptations
  • Successional and Vegetative Patterns
  • Physical controls
  • Biotic patterns

Defining Riparian Zones
  • Difficult to determine extent.
  • Encompasses stream channel between low and high
    water marks.
  • Uplands from high water line to areas that may be
    influenced by elevated water tables or flooding.
  • Availability of soils to hold water.

Landform Definition
  • Landform definitions are based on some idealized
    cross-sectional shape of a river channel.
  • The riparian zone is defined as that area between
    the low-flow level of the watercourse and the
    highest point of transition between the channel
    and its floodplain.
  • Does not include important areas such as adjacent
    wetlands or billabongs, which may influence
    streams or lakes.
  • This definition does provide an easy, helpful and
    rough guide.

Three Zone System
Welsch (1991) describes riparian forests as
ecosystems that can be depicted in three zones
adjacent to stream systems consisting of
undisturbed forest, managed forest, and runoff
Vegetation Definition
  • Based on the idea that vegetation in riparian
    zones is different to the surrounding terrestrial
  • This has not been of wide practical use, as the
    riparian zone itself contains a wide range of
    vegetation types, from mature trees to emergent
  • Vegetation change may reflect periodic events
    with a long return time, for example, fire, flood
    or severe drought.

Functional Definition
  • Defines the riparian zone in terms of its
    function and effects.
  • The riparian zone is usually defined as the part
    of the landscape, which exerts a direct influence
    on stream channels or lake margins, and on the
    water and aquatic ecosystems contained within
  • Features that can be affected directly by the
    riparian zone, include
  • channel morphology and bank stability
  • the physical and chemical
  • properties of the water
  • the aquatic ecosystem
  • water quality
  • conservation-wildlife-recreational-aesthetic

Size of Riparian Zone
  • Related to
  • Size of stream
  • Position of stream within drainage network
  • Hydrologic regime
  • Geomorphology

  • Longitudinal continuity of the vegetation
  • The existence of continuous vegetated strips
    along the channel contributes to the control of
    the flow or movement of water, nutrients,
    sediment and species
  • Lateral dimension of the channel and floodplain
  • defines the size of the area where hydrological
    and ecological processes and functions take
  • Composition and structure of the riparian
  • reflects the ecological quality of riparian

Vegetation and Water Table Depth
Small changes in depth to water make large
differences in size of vegetation.
From Verry
Function of Vegetation in Riparian Zone
Life-History Strategies
  • Riparian plants subjected to floods, erosion,
    abrasion drought, freezing and toxic
    concentrations of ammonia
  • Life-history strategies allow plants to endure,
    resist or avoid extreme conditions

Life-History Strategies
  • Classification of plants into four categories
  • Invader
  • Produces large numbers of propagules (both wind
    and water borne) that colonize alluvial
  • Endurer
  • Resprouts after breakage or burial of the stem or
    roots from floods or after being eaten
  • Resister
  • Withstands flooding for weeks during the growing
    season, moderate fires or epidemics
  • Avoiders
  • Lacks adaptations to specific disturbances
    individuals germinating in unfavorable habitats
    do not survive

  • Morphological adaptations in response to anoxia
    or unstable conditions
  • Adventitous roots
  • Grow above anaerobic zone to enable oxygen
  • Stem buttressing
  • Root and stem flexibility
  • Allows for shear stress resistance due to
  • Air spaces in roots and stems to diffuse oxygen

Reproductive Adaptations
  • Primary reproductive characteristics are
  • Trade-off between sexual and asexual reproduction
  • Seed size
  • Timing of dormancy
  • Timing of seed dispersal
  • Dispersal mechanisms
  • longevity

  • Dispersal of seeds at retreat of floodwaters
  • Ensures moist seedbeds for successful germination
  • Seed transport by flowing waters
  • Seeds float better
  • Dispersal by animals and wind.

Successional and Vegetative Patterns
  • Physical controls
  • Complex interactions between hydrology,
    geomorphology, light, temperature and fire.
  • Hydrology most important
  • Power and frequency of floods inversely
  • High-power, low frequency to Low-power,
  • High-power, low frequency affects whole
    floodplain and creates large geographic features
  • Medium power medium frequency determines patterns
    of ecosystem structure
  • Low power, high frequency occur annually and
    determine short-term patterns such as seedling

Physical Controls in Determining Vegetative
  • Ability of soils and sediments to hold water
  • Existence of tributary and groundwater flows
  • How long the substrate remains saturated
  • Soil deposition rates
  • Aggrading
  • Soil being deposited
  • Degrading
  • Soil being eroded
  • Maintaining steady-state
  • Erosion keeping up with deposition
  • Physical features constantly changing

From Tabacchi, 1998)
Phsyical Controls
  • Lateral channel migration speed
  • Sediment supply depends on
  • Land use
  • Climate
  • Tectonic activity (high in Amazon)
  • light and temperature effects
  • Understory light tends to be highest at forest
    edge and declines towards interior.
  • Seedling densities have not been correlated with
    light intensity
  • Fire effects
  • In humid regions, plants can not withstand fire
  • In arid regions, 40 of plants burned within 12

Plant Succession (from Tabacchi, 1998)
Note An autogenic succession describes a
succession where the stimulus for change is an
internal one. For example gradual soil
improvement could allow a new species to
develop. An autogenic succession can be
contrasted by an allogenic succession. This
describes a change in succession where the
stimulus for change is an external one. For
example a flood could bring about a change in
Biotic Patterns
  • Longitudinal corridors affect movement of
  • Water
  • Nutrients
  • Sediments
  • Species

Riparian Corridorsfrom Forman (Landscape Mosaics)
Ecological influences
  • Competition
  • Small due to disturbance
  • Herbivory
  • Strong influence on vegetation
  • Soils
  • Degree of saturation
  • Affects plant distribution from river uplands
  • Disease
  • Some pests spread rapidly in riparian corridors
  • Basal area is greater than uplands forest
  • Note Basal area is a measure of tree density. 
    It is determined by estimating the
    cross-sectional area of all trees at 4.5 feet
    above the ground.  Basal area is expressed as
    square feet per acre.

Primary Production
Per Area
  • Generally, higher production in riparian forests
    than in upland forests.

Spatial Zonation
  • Transverse gradient perpindicular to stream
  • Cyclical succession in floodplain due to
    disturbance, erosion and deposition
  • More stable in upper terraces
  • Mostly primary succession in riparian zones,
    although some successional patterns begin with
    plant fragments.
  • Disturbance allows for invasion

Primary succession vs. secondary succession
  • Primary succession - occurs on an area of newly
    exposed rock or sand or lava or any area that has
    not been occupied previously by a living (biotic)
  • Secondary succession - takes place where a
    community has been disturbed, e.g., in a plowed
    field or a clearcut forest or fire.

(No Transcript)
Physical Functions of Riparian Zones
  • Mass movement of materials and channel morphology
  • Wood in streams and riparian zones
  • Microclimate
  • Ecological corridors

Mass Movement
  • Material comes from
  • Erosion of stream banks (root strength and
    resilience) and uplands
  • Uplands
  • If no vegetation, banks are unstable and channels
    widen by large amounts annually
  • Bank erosion 30 times more prevalent on
    non-vegetated banks.
  • Vegetation modifies sediment transport
  • Trapping material
  • Material sticks to vegetation
  • Altering hydraulics
  • Physical structures slow water, decrease power
    and hold material in place.

Wood in Streams and Riparian Zones
  • Woody debris
  • Accumulates during floods in piles
  • Each pile has one big piece that traps other
    smaller pieces, increasing pile size
  • Can find 160 piles per km of stream
  • Piles affect streams
  • Dissipate energy
  • Trap moving materials
  • Form habitats
  • Redirect water currents to create erosional and
    depositional environments
  • Redirected currents can widen channels and
    capture eroded material

Woody debris
  • Woody debris results in longer residence times
    and storage of water
  • Experiments show that leaves and other organic
    matter added to streams with woody debris move
    much slower and not as far and streams with no
    woody debris.
  • 80 of salmon carcasses travel only 200 m from
    their release site.
  • Provides habitat for fish and macroinvertebrates.
  • Retains plant seeds and fragments and protects
    them from erosion, abrasion and herbivory.
  • Most seedling germination is associated with
    woody debris on an exposed cobble bar.
  • Offers protection for small mammals and birds
  • Diversity and abundance of small mammals is
    greater in areas with woody debris.

  • Riparian zones control microclimate of streams
  • Temperature of streams highly correlated with
    riparian soil temperature

During the day, temp is lower in stream and rises
the most to 15 m out for both During the night,
the temp after cutting is more constant and
higher in the stream than before cutting
Both day and night similar. Before cutting, temp
relatively constant After cutting, temp rises
Stream Temp vs. Soil Temp.
Stream water temperatures highly correlated with
soil temperatures
Air temperature above the streams increased
exponentially with decreasing buffer width
Relative humidity was inversely proportional to
air temperature
Tyler Ledwith, Six Rivers National Forest,
Eureka, CA , http//
  • Forests affect discharge through ET
  • Reduced streamflow causes physiological problems
    among some organisms.

Ecological Corridors
  • Corridors maintain biological connections
  • Invasions
  • Plants move up and down riparian corridors rather
    than overland routes.
  • In a study in two watersheds in WA, exotic
    species richness was approximately 33 greater in
    riparian zones than in uplands, and mean number
    and cover of exotic species were gt 50 greater
    in riparian zones than in uplands. (DeFerrari,
    C.M. Naiman, R.J., 1994)

Ecological Functions of Riparian Zones
  • First, a quick definition
  • allochthonous sources of carbon come from outside
    the aquatic system (such as plant and soil
  • Carbon sources from within the system, such as
    algae and the microbial breakdown of particulate
    organic carbon, are autochthonous.
  • In streams and small lakes, allochthonous sources
    of carbon are dominant while in large lakes and
    the ocean, autochthonous sources dominate. (Eby,

Sources of Nourishment
  • Allochthonous inputs and herbivory
  • Organic matter from riparian vegetation nourishes
    aquatic organisms in stream.
  • Organic matter is higher in small to medium
    streams and decreases as stream order increases.
  • Riparian zones also all a lot of DOM (dissolved
    organic matter) to rivers

Inputs of material in a first order (Grady) and
second order (Hugh White) stream. CBOM(coarse
benthic organic matter) gt0.04 inches and FBOM
lt0.04 inches Small wood between 0.4 and 2 inches
and large wood gt2 inches From Verry
Transfer Pathways
  • Five transfer pathways of organic material to
  • Direct litterfall
  • Blow-in from soil surface
  • Groundwater baseflow
  • Stormflow
  • Seepage from wetlands

Transfer Pathways
Terre Firme-upland forest with closed canopy,
sandy organic soils Campina-low and open forest
with sandy soil. Savanna-flat plains, shallow
watertable, often poorly drained Montane-high,
mountainous region (Andes). High erosion and
deposition rates
Litterfall contributions similar in all
terrains Groundwater contributions highest in
soils of low organic content (Campina) Wetland
contributions are lowest in Montane region due to
topography and lack of wetlands adjacent to
stream, although stormflows are highest.
From McClain and Richey, 1996
Transfer Pathways
Types of OM transported via major pathways. Dark
indicates greater proportion.
From McClain and Richey, 1996
Animal Influences
  • Insects
  • Defoliation alters water yield and nutrient
  • Beaver
  • Changing river flows and flood dynamics
  • Moose
  • Selective browsing shift plant community from
    decidous to coniferous

Beaver Impacts in Minnesota (Naiman, 1988)
Insect Defoliation
Insect defoliation in 1974-1975 shows increased
nitrogen exports from stream. From Swank et al,
Riparian Zones as Nutrient Filters
  • Physical
  • Biological
  • Variability
  • Patterns of diversity
  • Natural disturbances
  • Invasion of exotics
  • Regional diversity
  • Macroinvertebrate communities

Physical Buffers
  • Sediments and pollutants are deposited in
    riparian forests and streamside grasses (Daniels
    and Gilliam)
  • 80-90 of sediments removed in under 20 meters of
    riparian areas.
  • Coarse sediments deposited first, then fine
    sediments deposited further into the forest and
    near stream.

Biological Buffers
  • Nutrient removal by plant uptake
  • High transpiration in riparian forests
  • Short term accumulation of nutrients
  • Non-woody biomass
  • Long term accumulation of nutrients
  • Woody biomass
  • Nitrogen saturation phosphorus limiting
  • May be restricted by limited access to water.

Buffer Variability
  • High variability in buffer zone potentials for
    nutrient removal
  • Subsurface flow paths (rooted vs. non-rooted
  • Plant cover (trees vs. grass)
  • Soil characteristics (sandy vs. loamy)

Patterns of Diversity
  • Biodiversity patterns show intermediate
    disturbance hypothesis.
  • The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH)
    proposes that biodiversity is highest when
    disturbance is neither too rare nor too frequent.
  • With low disturbance, competitive exclusion by
    the dominant species arises.
  • With high disturbance, only species tolerant of
    the stress can persist.
  • Main channels generally have higher biodiversity
    than tributaries

Species Richness
  • Species richness higher in transitional zones in
    mid-river due to IDH

Natural Disturbances-Floods
  • Facilitates the coexistence of congeneric species
  • Congeneric-relative belonging to the same genus
  • Dominant species on mid-range of soils grains and
    non-dominant on extremes (gravel and silt)
  • Maintains dominant tree species by reducing
  • Causes erosion and deposition of silt and litter,
    increased organic matter accumulations
  • Increased diversity at upper edges of floodplain

Invasion by Exotics
  • In areas of moderate floods, more invasions
    possible (IDH)
  • Control through
  • Landscape characteristics (river connectivity)
  • Patch structure (availability of habitat)
  • Natural environmental features

Other Factors
  • Refuges for Regional Diversity
  • Act as safe site during droughts
  • Macroinvertebrate Communities

Sweeney, 1993
  • Nesting and perching for birds
  • Corridors for migration
  • Protection from predation
  • Breeding areas
  • Feeding areas

Environmental Alterations
  • Human Alterations
  • Management and Restoration
  • Tools for the Future

Human Alterations
  • In Europe
  • Land clearing and deforestation during Greek and
    Roman times
  • 19th century and 20th century construction and
    hydroelectric projects accelerated alterations.
  • In North America
  • Similar to Europe on a shorter time scale

Human Alterations
  • Flow variability and channel width decreased due
  • River impoundments
  • Reduce depth and duration of flooding
  • Allow invasive species to take over
  • Water management
  • Increase competition for moisture
  • Displace native species
  • Lowering water table
  • Desiccate floodplain
  • Loss of cottonwood
  • Changes in riparian vegetation very susceptible
    to minimum and maximum flows.

Human Alterations
  • Some increases in other species.
  • Poplar willow (from WC Johnson)

Dam constructed in 1935
Human Alterations
Species richness and percent vegetative cover
lower on a regulated river than on a natural river
From Nilsson, 1991
Management and Restoration
  • Role of riparian zones to control pollution
    through good BMPs
  • Use of multi-species buffer strips to protect
  • Three active zones (up-slope order)
  • Permanent forest (10 m wide)
  • Influence stream environment (temp, light,
    habitat diversity)
  • Shrubs and trees (4 meters wide)
  • Control pollutants in subsurface flow and surface
  • Maximize infiltration, deposition of sediments,
    biological and chemical transformations
  • Herbaceous vegetation (7 meters wide)
  • Spreads overland flow facilitating coarse
    sediment deposition
  • Adaptable to different stream orders
  • Managed system should act as a natural one for
    long-term sustainability

Tools for the Future
  • Riparian system functions (a review)
  • Biodiversity
  • Habitat
  • Biogeochemical cycles
  • Microclimate
  • Resistance and resilience to disturbance
  • Recreation, aesthetics

Tools for the Future
  • Management approaches
  • Restore and revegetate disturbed areas
  • Select appropriate species to maintain genetic
    integrity and biodiversity of area
  • Conduct vegetation survey in a representative
    remnant stand
  • Review historical records such as photographs and
    land descriptions
  • Analyze pollen from preserved bottom sediments to
    reconstruct pre-disturbance vegetative
  • Conduct field trials
  • Factors to consider when revegetating (from Webb
    and Erskine, 2003)
  • Flood disturbance
  • Vegetation zone along riparian corridor
  • Species succession
  • Substrate composition
  • Corridor planting width
  • Planting methods
  • Native plant regeneration
  • Large woody debris recruitment
  • Cost

Tools for the Future
  • Site specific approaches integrate
  • Research
  • Demonstration
  • Application of buffers
  • To help determine
  • Effects of vegetation type and management
    approach of long-term control of pollution
  • Response of riparian zones to stresses such as
    storms and temperature extremes
  • Processes controlling groundwater microbial

Tools for the Future
  • REMM (Riparian Ecosystem Management Model) (From
    Hubbard and Lowrance, 1994)
  • Three zoned buffer system
  • Interactive modules to track water movement,
    nutrient cycling and vegetative growth on a daily
  • Soil characterized in three layers to simulate
    vertical and horizontal movement of water and
  • Can simulate growth of upper and lower canopies
  • N and P demand is determined as a function of
  • Water depths determined based on vegetation and

Tools for the Future
  • Need to develop flexible, adaptive schemes.
  • Discontinuities may occur that change zone from
    sink to source
  • Interactions between two stresses
  • Two chronic (Nutrient loading and global warming)
  • One chronic and one acute (large storm)
  • Unforeseen issues that may develop

About the Author
  • Professor College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences,
    University of Washington
  • Education
  • B.S. 1969 California State Polytechnic University
    (Zoology) M.A. 1971 University of California,
    Los Angeles (Zoology, Ichthyology)Ph.D. 1974 Ariz
    ona State University (Zoology, Ecosystem Science)
  • Professional Appointments
  • 1988-present Professor, College of Ocean
    Fishery Sciences and College of Forest Resources,
    University of Washington
  • 1988-1996 Director, Center for Streamside
    Studies, University of Washington
  • 1985-1988 Director, Center for Water and the
    Environment, Natural Resources Research
    Institute, University of Minnesota
  • 1978-1985 Director, Matamek Research Program,
    Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  • 1977-1978 Assistant Curator, Academy of Natural
    Sciences of Philadelphia
  • 1974-1976 Postdoctoral Fellow, Fisheries Research
    Board of Canada, Pacific Biological Station
  • This article has been cited 556 times

About the Author
  • National Research Council (Canada) Postdoctoral
    FellowshipArizona State University
    FellowshipsBeta Beta Beta Biological Honor
    Society and Sigma Xi
  • Kaiser Professor - University of Wisconsin
    (1995)Associate Editor, Aquatic Conservation
    Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
  • Associate Editor, Landscape Ecology
  • Associate Editor, Ecosystems
  • Associate Editor, Frontiers in Ecology and the
  • Distinguished Professor of Ecology - Colorado
    State University (1997)
  • Aldo Leopold Leadership Program (1999)
  • Distinguished Faculty Research Award University
    of Washington (2000)
  • H.B.N. Hynes Lecturer, Canadian River Institute,
    University of New Brunswick (2004)
  • American Institute of Biological Sciences
  • Ecological Society of America
  • Biophysical processes associated with lotic and
    riparian ecosystems, watershed management, and
    the role of animals in shaping ecosystem
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