Homeless Education in Nampa School District: What every district employee needs to know - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Homeless Education in Nampa School District: What every district employee needs to know


Homeless Education in Nampa School District: What every district employee needs to know To a homeless child, life is seen as uncertain and blurred. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Homeless Education in Nampa School District: What every district employee needs to know

Homeless Education in Nampa School
DistrictWhat every district employee needs to
Homelessness Its a Problem With Many Faces
Homeless Students Reflect the Total Student
  • Some are gifted and talented
  • Some have learning needs
  • Some are athletic, musical, artistic
  • Some have natural leadership skills
  • Some are behaviorally challenging
  • Most are survivors, struggling to beat the odds
    of their circumstances and
  • ALL are valuable individually and as a part of
    our school community.

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During the 2009-10 school term, Nampa School
District had 757 documented homeless students.
This was up from 195 in 2008-09.
Why the huge increase?There are probably many
reasons, but here are some
  • Economic down turn in our area
  • New system for registering homeless youth in
  • Increased awareness by school personnel
  • Grant funding that allowed for improved services,
    including part time personnel
  • Media coverage

Many of our homeless families are first time
  • Until recently, they had stable jobs, a roof over
    their heads, and food on the table.
  • Until recently, they could buy food for their
    families, school supplies, and clothing.

The newly homeless
  • Do not know where to turn for help
  • Feel embarrassed about their situation
  • Feel guilty for having to ask for help
  • Are not experienced in working with social
    service agencies to address their needs and
  • Some would much prefer to do without rather
    than let anyone know of their plight.

If you became homeless, how would you keep your
family together?
The McKinney-Vento ActAuthorized Through The
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
  • Requires School Districts to
  • Designate a Homeless Liaison to oversee
    homeless education
  • Identify, Engage, and Serve Homeless and
    Unaccompanied Children in School

The McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act . . .
  • Maintains educational continuity during a time of
    transition for the student
  • Requires schools to identify and enroll students
    who meet the definition of homeless and
  • Specifies provisions that must be made by each
    school for each homeless student.

Homelessness Has Many Definitions in the
McKinney-Vento Act
  • Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss
    of housing, economic hardship, or other similar
  • Living in a car, park, campground, public space,
    abandoned building, substandard housing or
  • Living in emergency or transitional shelters

Definitions (cont.)
  • Living temporarily in a motel or hotel due to
    loss of housing, economic hardship or similar
  • Moving from place to place due to loss of housing
    or economic hardship
  • Having a primary night time residence that is a
    public or private place not designed for or
    ordinarily used as a sleeping accommodation for
    human beings
  • Living in a house or vehicle of any kind
    (including camper) without running water,
    electricity, or heat

Definitions (Cont)
  • Migratory children who qualify as homeless
    because they are living in circumstances
    described above
  • A homeless Unaccompanied Youth is someone who is
    not in the physical custody of a parent or
    guardian, and who lacks a fixed, regular, and
    adequate night time residence.

Many of our students live in doubled up
situations with many people in a house.
Schools must inform the Community about the
provisions for homeless students in Nampa School
District in two ways
These posters must be placed in an obvious
location in EVERY school building and throughout
the community
A Student Questionnaire Form, found on the
Administrators Support Center, MUST be placed in
the registration packet of every student every
Nampa School District Student Questionnaire
Form In order to better serve your children, The
Nampa School district is helping the state of
Idaho identify students who may qualify to
receive additional educational services. The
information provided below will be kept
confidential. Please answer the following
questions and return this form to your childs
school. This questionnaire is intended to
address the McKinney-Vento Act 42 U.S.C.
11435. 1. Student is with an adult that is not a
parent or legal guardian, or alone without an
adult. ? Yes, I am an unaccompanied Youth
Not in the physical custody of a parent or
guardian 2. Presently, are you and/or your family
in any of the following situations? Check one
box. ? Yes, sharing the home of others due to
loss of housing, economic hardship, similar
reason doubled-up. ? Yes, living in a car,
park, campground, public space, abandoned
building, substandard housing or similar. ?
Yes, temporarily living in a motel or hotel due
to loss of housing, economic hardship or similar
reason. ? Yes, moving from place to place due
to loss of housing or economic hardship. ?
Yes, living in a house or vehicle of any kind
(including camper) without running water,
electricity, or heat. Students Name
________________Date _____________
First, Middle I Students
School __________________________________________
_______________ Birth date _________________ Grad
e ____________ Name of Parent(s)/Legal
______________________________Contact Address
____________________________________ Zip
__________Phone___________________________ Other
children in the family ________________________
_ school_____________________________
_________________________ school_______________
______________ Signature of Parent/Legal
Guardian ________________________________________
_____Date_________________ (Signature of student
if unaccompanied youth) Presenting a false
record or falsifying records is an offense under
Section 37.10, Penal code, and enrollment of the
child under false documents subjects the person
to liability for tuition or other costs. TEC
Sec. 25.002 (3)(d)
REMEMBERHomelessness is a temporary situation
in most cases it is not a permanent description
of a child or family
Sometimes we have clues that a child might be
A child that displays any of the following might
be homeless or in need of additional support
  • Early arrival or departure from school
  • Lack of clarity about address, phone or contact
  • Tardy, unusual absences or change in routine
  • Lack of appropriate clothing for the season
  • Use of school facilities for personal needs
  • Stressed, sleepy, change in behavior
  • Hygiene issues
  • Change in grades or school performance
  • Lack of school supplies, lost books/supplies
  • Loss of access to computer
  • Storing clothes or personal items at school

If you think a student might be homeless,
discuss your concerns with the school counselor,
social worker or nurse.
What Are the Things a School Must Do?
  • The person who registers students in any building
    MUST give every student a copy of the Student
    Questionnaire Form. (Found in the Policies and
    Procedures Manual).
  • If the student/family does not fill out the form,
    there is no further work to do on this topic at
    this time.
  • If the student/family does complete the form, the
    next steps must happen
  • Fax the form to Mary Ensley (468-4638)
  • Let the school counselor and nurse know that this
    student has been enrolled, so they can begin work
    with school records, health issues, providing
    school supplies, hygiene kits, etc.

Other Enrollment Regulations(Clarification is
found in the Policies and Procedures Manual)
  • Continue enrollment in the school the student was
    attending at the time of homelessness, regardless
    of the school zone of their new housing
  • Enroll students without required documentation
  • Medical Records
  • Birth certificate
  • School records
  • Enroll unaccompanied youth, even without an adult
  • Help fill out free/reduced lunch form (every
    homeless child is eligible for free lunch)
  • Provide a School Handbook encourage
    participation in school activities
  • Provide all needed school supplies and
  • Provide hygiene kits, if needed. (Every nurse
    has a supply).

What happens to the SQF?
  • Once received in the Student Services office, the
    following steps take place
  • The form is documented, dated, and signed by the
    Program coordinator
  • It is forwarded to Peggy Miller, District
    Homeless Liaison, and faxed to Nutrition
  • The case is assigned to Kimberlee Minter, a
    social worker whose work is specifically with
    homeless children and families
  • The case management with wrap-around services
  • The case is monitored throughout the school term.

The Social Worker Assigned to Homeless Students
  • Collaborate with building counselors, social
    workers, nurses, and teachers to do case planning
    in behalf of the homeless child
  • Contact homeless families to determine needs,
    which may include school supplies, clothing,
    medical, dental and more and
  • Provide wrap-around services to families by means
    of collaboration with community entities.

Additional Services May Include
  • Limited medical, dental and counseling
  • Transportation needs, including limited car
    repair (usually under 100) to get children to
    school and/or services
  • Help with utilities (by means of community
  • Clothing (by means of community donations) and
  • Assistance in finding housing, child care and
    other services that may keep a family who is on
    the edge from becoming homeless.

Academic Support to Homeless Students
  • Counselors report concerns to program staff, and
    together they may
  • Visit the home of the children, working with
    parents on issues that keep the child from
    attending school
  • Collaborate with other school and community
    services that can provide support for the childs
    academic success.
  • Students grades, attendance and tardiness are
    monitored quarterly and
  • Homeless students standardized test scores are
    monitored and compared to non homeless for the
    purpose of finding gaps in services that may
    cause lack of academic success.

Because of grant funding and additional community
support, the following services were provided to
homeless students and their families last year
  • Emergency/critical dental 30
  • Housing referrals 147
  • Vision correction 2
  • Employment referrals 10
  • Phone consultation and case management too many
    to count!
  • Weekend food 260
  • School supplies 493
  • Hygiene kits 160
  • Emergency clothing 500
  • Blankets 75
  • Transportation for extra school events 3

Feed the ChildrenOur newest partner has
provided more than 750 back packs for elementary
and middle school youth. Each back pack includes
a bag of school supplies, hygiene items, and a
bag of nutritious snack foods. Distribution will
be to those students who are documented homeless
by means of signed Student Information
If children are warm and fed, it is much easier
to focus on school work.
Teachers may be the only consistent part of a
childs life during the time of homelessness.
To a homeless child, life is seen as uncertain
and blurred. What do you see?
With some help, the picture becomes clearer
Ways Teachers Can Help
  • Understand homeless children have heavy burdens
    and fears other children know nothing about.
  • Be sensitive to challenges, such as homework
    papers that are wrinkled or messy.
  • Many children do not have access to a computer
    provide alternative ways to do assignments that
    are otherwise prepared on a computer.
  • Collaborate with counselors, social workers, and
    nurses when you feel new problems rising.
  • Homeless students dont need sympathy they do
    need consistent support.
  • Dont assume students know basic social skills,
    such as how to play they may need to be taught
    how to do so.
  • Let each child know you genuinely believe in
    them, and that you support all their efforts to
    succeed, however small.

Some children come to school chronically hungry.
How can you know?
  • Quickly eating all the food served asking for
  • Regularly asking the teacher for food
  • Saving/hoarding/stealing food to take home
  • Asking classmates for food they dont want
  • Asking when the next meal/snack will be served
  • Rushing food lines
  • Extreme thinness
  • Chronically dry/cracked lips and/or dry and itchy
  • Source The Idaho Foodbank

Many Partners Work to Help Our Homeless Students
  • Vouchers from Deseret Industries
  • LDS Humanitarian Center
  • Local Churches
  • Nampa Chamber of Commerce
  • Local Businesses, including Walmart and Cap-Ed
  • Boise Rescue Mission Ministries through Light
  • Come to the Table Dinners (Ministerial Assoc.)
  • Salvation Army
  • LOVE, Inc.
  • Realtors
  • Individual Volunteers
  • H W Navigator
  • Shelters
  • And many more

And just in case there is a disagreement about
theenrollment of a homeless child, there is a
Protocol for Enrollment DisputesAll forms can
be found on the Administrative Support Center site
Additional information and all required forms are
posted on the NSD Administrative Support Center
under the Administrative Rules and Regulations
Too often we underestimate the power of a
touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an
honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life
around.  Leo F. Buscaglia
This slide show was prepared as a training tool
by the Nampa School District Student Services
  • The Idaho Foodbank, Boise, ID
  • Optical Illusions Retrieved from
    http//eyetricks.com/1101.htm, 27 August 2009.
  • Photos www.huffingtonpost.com/news/homelessness,
    24 August 2010.
  • Photos Garam, B. Educating our homeless.
    Power Point Presentation. Retrieved on line 28
    August 2009 at
  • www.profweb.ws/The20McKinney-Vento20Homeless20
  • Tennessee Department of Education (2009). The
    McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act Effective
    Education for Children and Youth in Tennessee.
    Power Point presentation retrieved on line 28
    August, 2009 at
  • www.state.tn.us/education/fedprog/doc/McKVStimulu
  • U. S. Department of Education, (2004). Education
    for homeless children and youth program Title
    VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance
    Act. Washington, D. C. Author.

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