Health Care Reform: Consumer Health - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Health Care Reform: Consumer Health


This is a natural health orientated presentation on Health Care Reform entitled, 'Consumer Health' – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Health Care Reform: Consumer Health

  • The program will begin shortly

  • The health information in this multimedia
    program should not be construed as any treatment
    regimen, diagnosis, or any other prescribed
    health-care advice. This is consumer health
    information solely provided with the
    understanding that the presenter does not enter
    into a health-care practitioner/patient
    relationship with its viewers. It is advised that
    viewers seek appropriate treatment or therapy
    with regard to matters relating to health or well
    being and viewers should consult an appropriate
    health-care professional in such matters. The
    health information and opinions provided herein
    are believed to be accurate and sound at the time
    of its publication, based on the best judgment
    available to the authors. However, viewers who
    rely on information in this program to replace
    the advice of a health-care professional, or who
    fail to consult with a health-care professional,
    assumes all risks of such conduct. The presenter
    or publisher here forth since is not responsible
    for the art and science concepts, errors or
    omissions, as a result of its present format.

To Your Health!
Consumer Health
  • We found a variety of hyperlink options for
    consumer education to improve health, naturally.
CNDA A Leader in the Nations Natural Health
Dr. T. Colin Campbell
  • T. Colin Campbell is an American biochemist who
    specializes in the effects of nutrition on
    long-term health. He is the Jacob Gould Schurman
    Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry
    at Cornell University, the author of over 300
    research papers, and the co-author of The China
    Study (2004), one of America's best-selling books
    about nutrition. He also starred in the 2011
    American documentary, Forks Over Knives.
Vegetarian Society of DC
  • The Vegetarian Society of the District of
    Columbia (VSDC) promotes the benefits of
    vegetarianism through educational and social
    activities and events throughout the DC metro
  • VSDC events are open to all ? members and
    non-members, vegetarians, vegans, future
    vegetarians, casual vegetarians, and all
    others ? but we encourage you to join us to
    support vegetarian living in the Washington
Dr. Joseph E. Pizzorno, ND
  • Dr. Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D., appointed by
    President Clinton in 2000 to the White House
    Commission on Complementary and Alternative
    Medicine Policy and by the Bush administration to
    the Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee in 2002,
    is one of the worlds leading authorities on
    science-based natural medicine. A naturopathic
    physician, educator, researcher and expert
    spokesperson, he is the founding president of
    Bastyr University.
Dr. Michael T. Murray, ND
  • Dr. Michael T. Murray is one of the worlds
    leading authorities on natural medicine. He has
    published over 30 books featuring natural
    approaches to health.
  • His research into the health benefits of proper
    nutrition is the foundation for a best-selling
    line of dietary supplements from Natural Factors,
    where he is Director of Product Development.
  • He is a graduate, former faculty member, and
    serves on the Board of Regents of Bastyr
    University in Seattle, Washington.
The Ornish Spectrum
  • For more than 30 years, Dr. Dean Ornish has
    directed a series of scientific research studies
    showing, for the first time, that the progression
    of even severe coronary heart disease can often
    be reversed by making comprehensive lifestyle
    changes. These include a very low-fat diet
    including predominantly fruits, vegetables, whole
    grains, legumes, and soy products in their
    natural, unrefined forms moderate exercise such
    as walking various stress management techniques
    including yoga-based stretching, breathing,
    meditation, and imagery and enhanced love and
    social support, which may include support groups.
Food, Inc.
  • In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the
    veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the
    highly mechanized underbelly that's been hidden
    from the American consumer with the consent of
    our government's regulatory agencies, USDA and
    FDA. Our nation's food supply is now controlled
    by a handful of corporations that often put
    profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood
    of the American farmer, the safety of workers and
    our own environment. the harmful bacteria that
    causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans
    annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity,
    particularly among children, and an epidemic
    level of diabetes among adults.
Michael A. Klaper, MD, Consultant
  • Dr. Michael A. Klaper is available for private
    consultations by phone or Skype. Dr. Klaper's
    knowledge and advice is especially valuable with
    respect to
  • 1) decisions regarding when or whether surgery is
    a proper form of treatment 2) interpreting the
    results of laboratory tests 3) understanding
    whether specific medications or a particular
    therapy regimen is safe and effective 4)
    learning what questions are most important to ask
    primary care physicians and treatment
    specialists 5) anticipating and avoiding side
    effects from medications and/or complications
    from surgery or hospitalization 6) devising
    plans for optimum nutrition, a balanced
    lifestyle, and maximizing the healing powers of
    your body
Food Safety Class
  • A food allergy reaction can be serious,
    explains Steven Yannicelli, Ph.D., R.D. In
    severe cases, children may experience
    life-threatening side effects, such as
    anaphylactic shock. Other symptoms, such as
    diarrhea and vomiting, can have negative effects
    on a childs health and well-being.
  • One concern that has been raised is that when the
    DNA of a certain plant is genetically modified,
    it may increase its risk of interacting with
    immunoglobulin E (IgE), which plays a key role in
    certain food allergies. Although not fully
    established by the medical community, there is a
    concern, based on two reports in The New England
    Journal of Medicine and Trends Biotechnology,
    that certain genetically modified organisms
    (GMOs) may increase risk of allergenicity in some
Dr. Joel Fuhrman How to Live for Life
  • Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a board-certified family
    physician, and nutritional researcher, who
    specializes in preventing and reversing disease
    through nutritional and natural methods. He is
    the author of seven books including the New York
    Times bestseller Eat to Live The Amazing
    Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained
    Weight Loss and his newest release Super
    Immunity The Essential Nutrition Guide for
    Boosting your Body's Defenses to Live Longer,
    Stronger and Disease Free. As one of the
    country's leading experts in nutritional and
    natural healing, Dr. Fuhrman's articles, case
    studies, and advice are widely published, from
    medical journals such as the University of
    Pennsylvania Journal of Orthopedics and Nutrition
  • Trinity School of Natural Health was founded by
    Dr. Wendell Whitman in 1991 to offer professional
    programs of study in the natural health field
    leading to non-traditional designations or
  • The courses of study are specifically designed to
    integrate the total person in mind, body and
    spirit each course building on the next to
    create a complete and healthful lifestyle. Today
    Trinity provides a solid education for students
    to establish their own professional practice and
    bring much needed health alternatives to their
  • Trinity School of Natural Health is a non-profit,
    nondenominational, Christian educational
    institution. Professional programs are offerred
    in Natural Health and Christian Ministry. Courses
    focus on the integration of the mind, body and
    spirit so that our students can create a
    lifestyle harmonious with the Creator and His
    divine plan.
Forks Over Knives
  • examines the profound claim that most, if not
    all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us
    can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting
    our present menu of animal-based and processed
    foods. The major storyline in the film traces the
    personal journeys of a pair of pioneering yet
    under-appreciated researchers, Dr. T. Colin
    Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.
Dr. Lorraine Day
  • Dr. Day is an internationally acclaimed
    orthopedic trauma surgeon and best selling author
    who was for 15 years on the faculty of the
    University of California, San Francisco, School
    of Medicine as Associate Professor and Vice
    Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics. She
    was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San
    Francisco General Hospital and is recognized
    world-wide as an AIDS expert. She has been
    invited to lecture extensively throughout the
    U.S. and the world and has appeared on numerous
    radio and television shows including 60
    minutes, Nightline, CNN Crossfire, Oprah
    Winfrey, Larry King Live, The 700 Club, John
    Ankerberg Show, USA Radio Network, Art Bell Radio
    Show, Three Angels Broadcasting Network and
    Trinity Broadcasting Network.
  • The American Naturopathic Medical Association is
    the nation's oldest and largest American
    Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Founded
    in 1981, ANMA is a nonprofit, scientific,
    educational, organization, dedicated to exploring
    new frontiers of mind, body, medicine and health.
  • ANMA has a nondiscriminatory policy, with
    membership open to individuals with Doctor of
    Naturopathy (N.D.) or Doctor of Naturopathic
    Medicine (N.M.D.), as well as other health care
    fields. Some of our members hold other medical
    degrees M.D., D.O., D.D.S., O.M.D., H.M.D., and
  • All of our members have a strong commitment to
    the philosophy, art and science, of natural
    therapeutics. They subscribe to the motto "Doctor
    do no harm".
  • Eating is a video by filmmaker Mike Anderson,
    the author of The RAVE Diet Lifestyle explains
    that it stands for
  • No Refined foods
  • No Animal foods
  • No Vegetable oils
  • No Exceptions  Exercise
  • In addition to the book, the amazing DVD that is
    shocking, enlightening, and can change your life.
    It shows you the way to heal illnesses that kill
    so many people in countries that eat an
    animal-based diet.
  • Its simple, and it doesnt require
    pharmaceuticals or supplements or surgery or
    chemotherapy or radiation.
SDA Dietetic Association
  • For over 57 years, the Seventh-day Adventist
    Dietetic Association (SDADA)  continues to
    maintain excellence in plant-based nutrition
    promotion for consumers, medical professionals,
    and community-based health educators in clinical
    and non-clinical settings.

Seventh-day Adventist Dietetic AssociationDepartm
ent of Nutrition DieteticsSchool of Allied
Health ProfessionsLoma Linda University - NH
1103Loma Linda, CA 92350
SDADA is an affiliate of the American Dietetic
The McDougall Progam
  • Physician and nutrition expert who teaches better
    health through vegetarian cuisine. John A.
    McDougall, MD. has been studying, writing and
    "speaking out" about the effects of nutrition on
    disease for over 30 years.
  • Dr. McDougall is the founder and medical director
    of the nationally renowned McDougall Program, a
    ten-day, residential program located at a luxury
    resort in Santa Rosa, CA -- a place where medical
    miracles occur through proper diet and lifestyle
    changes.  Dr. McDougall believes that people
    should look, feel great and enjoy optimal health
    for a lifetime. Unfortunately, many people
    compromise their health unknowingly through poor
    dietary habits.
Complete Health Improvement Program
  • The Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP)
    (formerly Coronary Health Improvement Project) is
    an affordable, lifestyle enrichment program
    designed to reduce disease risk factors through
    the adoption of better health habits and
    appropriate lifestyle modifications. The goal is
    to lower blood cholesterol, triglycerides, and
    blood sugar levels by reducing excess weight,
    lowering high blood pressure, enhancing daily
    exercise, improving dietary choices, and
    eliminating smoking, thus aiding in preventing
    and reversing disease.
The Future of Food
  • The Future of Food offers an in-depth
    investigation into the disturbing truth behind
    the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered
    foods that have quietly filled U.S. grocery store
    shelves for the past decade.
  • From the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada to the
    fields of Oaxaca, Mexico, this film gives a voice
    to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been
    negatively impacted by this new technology. The
    health implications, government policies and push
    towards globalization are all part of the reason
    why many people are alarmed by the introduction
    of genetically altered crops into our food supply.
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
  • Since 1985, PCRM has been influencing
    advancements in medicine and science. We advocate
    for preventive medicine, especially good
    nutrition, conduct clinical research, and
    advocate for higher ethical standards in
    research. Our membership includes 150,000 health
    care professionals and concerned citizens PCRM
    has led the way for reforms of federal nutrition
    policies. Clinical research programs are breaking
    new ground in diabetes, cancer, and other serious
    conditions. PCRMs Cancer Project has provided
    vital information to tens of thousands of
    people.The New Four Food Groups is PCRMs
    innovative proposal for a federal nutrition
    policy that puts a new priority on health.Our
    public service announcement series features
    medical experts on prevention and health.
American Vegan Society
  • The American Vegan Society was founded February
    1960, in Malaga New Jersey.
  • Throughout recorded history there have been
    individuals and groups teaching the complete
    non-use of animal-source food and clothing. The
    practice of this lifestyle attained varying
    degrees of success, and some failures.
  • Veganism was defined and the first Vegan Society
    formed in 1944 in England. This society was to
    become the inspiration for others to follow.
Caldwell B. Esselstyn Jr., M.D. 
  • Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., received his B.A.
    from Yale University and his M.D. from Western
    Reserve University. In 1956, pulling the No. 6
    oar as a member of the victorious United States
    rowing team, he was awarded a gold medal at the
    Olympic Games. He was trained as a surgeon at the
    Cleveland Clinic and at St. Georges Hospital in
    London. In 1968, as an Army surgeon in Vietnam,
    he was awarded the Bronze Star.
John Robbins
  • Bestselling author, social activist, and
    humanitarian. Recipient of the Rachel Carson
    Award, the Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award,
    the Peace Abbey's Courage of Conscience Award,
    and Green America's Lifetime Achievement Award.
Sylvia Weshauen, D.C.
  • Dr. Sylvie Wellhausen DABCI, DACBN has great
    success in treating patients unable to find
    answers in the traditional medical paradigm. She
    was born and educated in France. She earned her
    Bachelor of Science in Paris, France. She became
    a Doctor of Chiropractic in the United States and
    continued her training with a Post Doctorate in
    Internal Disorders, Post Doctorate in Clinical
    Nutrition. She has been following the Functional
    Medicine movement for 20 years. She has been in
    private family practice, first in Riverside and
    now Loma Linda, since 1990
Nancy Ann Mazur, ND
  • Dr Mazur utilizes physiological, psychological,
    and mechanical methods, such as air, water,
    light, heat, earth, phototherapy, food and herb
    therapy, psychotherapy, electrotherapy,
    physiotherapy, minor and orificial surgery,
    mechanotherapy, naturopathic corrections and
    manipulation, and natural methods or modalities,
    together with natural medicines, natural
    processed foods, and herbs and nature's remedies.

Nancy Ann Mazur, NDDesert Naturopathic
Medicine1448 Sierra De Ronda Palm
Jewish Vegetarians of North America
  • The Torah is full of commandments demanding
    humane treatment of animals, yet the modern
    factory farms that produce over 90 of the animal
    products we consume today raise their animals in
    unconscionable conditions of abject misery. The
    Torah reflects great concern for the land, yet as
    the primary cause of water pollution, water use,
    topsoil erosion, destruction of the world's
    rainforest, and other environmental harms, animal
    agriculture takes a devastating toll on the
    planet. Jewish teachings emphasize the grave
    importance of protecting human health.
  • The Council on Naturopathic Registration and
    Accreditation was created as a nonprofit
    organization for the purpose of promoting
    traditional naturopathic techniques, recognizing
    trained and degreed practitioners, as well as
    certifying to the public the credentials of
    naturopathic doctors.The CNRA has a
    nondiscriminatory policy among schools as we
    recognize we are registering individuals not
    institutions. The CNRA is interested in the
    quality and professionalism of the
    student/graduate, not the prestige of the school
    from which he/she received his/her degree or is
    currently studying.
  • Robert Cohen, who holds a degree
    in Psychoneuroendocrinology, performed research
    in the 1970s on the hormonal effects on the
    brain and behavior. Twenty-five years later, this
    father of three became concerned about the most
    controversial drug approval in FDA history, the
    genetically engineered hormone that is now in our
    milk supply.  Along the way, Cohen discovered
    that milk is implicated in causing breast cancer,
    osteoporosis, heart disease, and chronic
    childhood illnesses.  Cohens skills as a
    researcher, and his passion for the safety of his
    family, led to his single-minded pursuit to
    expose the truth about milk.

Robert Cohen
Friends of the Earth
  • Friends of the Earth strives for a more healthy
    and just world. We understand that the challenges
    facing our planet call for more than half
    measures, so we push for the reforms that are
    needed, not merely the ones that are politically
    easy. Sometimes, this involves speaking
    uncomfortable truths to power and demanding more
    than people think is possible. It's hard work.
    But the pressures facing our planet and its
    people are too important for us to compromise.

Latter Day Saints Vegetarians
  • This is the purpose of (LDS Vegetarian
    / Vegan/HealthSupport).  Because it is difficult
    to make and live a different life choice by ones
    self in a meat centered, contrary society
    developing friendships and support with those of
    like belief, who may already be experienced,
    along with others also learning, makes this
    change and its continuing experience easier.   
    It is also helpful, as it is with our faith, to
    be able to connect, share and work out challenges
    and find loving support along our learning path
    so we here are drawn together in supportive
    friendships and fellowship in this important

Right to Know
International Vegetarian Union
  • The International Vegetarian Union (IVU) was
    founded in 1908 when the first World Vegetarian
    Congress was held in Dresden, Germany. The idea
    for IVU came from the French Vegetarian Society,
    the first Congress was organised internationally
    by the British Society and locally by the Dresden
    Society with support from the Deutsche
    Vegetarier-Bund. Since then a series of World
    Congresses have been held all around the world,
    and in 2008 IVU returned to Dresden for
    the Centenary 38th Congress.
The Blue Zone Sabbath School
  • Loma Linda was identified as the representation
    of Seventh-day Adventists (See Blue Zone Sabbath
    School) who have a peculiar and healthier
    lifestyle compared to the others around the
    country. In general the three blue zones
    mentioned in the NG magazine have six lifestyle
    secrets in common dont smoke, put family first,
    be active every day, keep socially engaged, eat
    fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Adventists
    have three more longevity factors  eating nuts,
    observing the Sabbath and having faith in God.

Non-GMOs, No GMOs, GMO-Free
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Presentation - Please eMail
  • iiijohn2 _at_ mail . com
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