Title: Working with Information Governance
1Working with Information Governance
- What is Information Governance?
- Why?
- Benefits
- Do nothing option
- How?
- Principles approach
- 6 aspects to the development of an IG framework
3Information Governance
- Information component of clinical governance.
- Framework for handling personal information in
a confidential and secure manner to appropriate
ethical and quality standards in a modern health
4Information Governance
- Integration/Way of thinking/Way of Working
- interrelationship between initiatives
- unites law/ethics/policy
- A framework to provide a positive enabling
tension between - IT
- Cultural issues
- Modernisation programme
5Information Governance in the NHS
Health Service Functions Service Quality Researc
h Management
Caldicott Report HSC 1999/053 Records
Management EPR /Common Clinical Systems
The Law DPA 1998 Human Rights Act 1998 Freedom
of Information Act 2000 Common Law
Data Accreditation Process Data quality audit
Security confidentiality audit
ISO17799 Quality Risk Management Controls
NHS Numbers project NSTS/Exeter
Professional regulations Ethics, Ethnicity
Beliefs Local Traditions Practices
Technological Sociological Change Choice Seamle
ss Services Protection Privacy
6Information Governance - Why?
- Information Communications Technological
developments - portability, duplication, access, sharing,
manipulation, integration of patient records and
information contained within them - Societal changes Human Rights, Ethics, Choice,
Privacy - Service expectations seamless privacy,
demonstrable quality, confidential teamworking - Electronic clinical information systems
7The do nothing option?
- Confusion, fragmentation frustration
- Lack of progress
- Excess work for staff
- Litigation and expense
- Inability to set up robust flows between multiple
systems - Difficulties integrating systems into a seamless
whole - inability to produce reliable performance
8Information Governance - How?
- Principles Approach
- Six aspects to consider when developing and
Information Governance Framework
9Principles Approach
- Work with and understand system, process and
people - confidential communities working in confidential
environments - Focus on organisational structure
- Focus on the user
- Work on specifics, develop solutions, consider
generic implications - Policy from specifics (bottom up)
- Basic principles - healthcare privacy
10Six Aspects of an IG Framework
- 1. Teambuilding
- 2. Organisational structures
- 3. Service and work planning
- 4. Policy, procedure and guidance
- 5. Education, training and awareness
- 6. Standards
111. The Team
- Clarify the approach
- Always user focused
- Advice
- Guidance
- service
- new developments
- new systems
- Helpdesk
- Hands on practical support (we do it)
121. The Team
- Clarify aims
- Team may be working across multiple organisations
- Consistency, consensus cohesion
- Secure, confidential quality assured systems
process - The cycle of monitor, review, audit and informed,
appropriate actions for change that respect the
position of all stakeholders
132. Organisation
- Ensuring organisational and managerial commitment
- Information Governance Steering Group
- engage at an appropriate level
- work with authority
- Terms of reference
- Policy
- principles
- organisational responsibilities
- confirms standards
- sets out structure
142. Organisation
- IG Steering Group - membership
- Caldicott Guardian
- Director of Finance and Information
- Head of IT
- Head of Medical Records
- Assistant Chief Executive
- HR
153. Planning
- One plan
- IGT to baseline the organisation
- Plan maps back to requirements, provides the
foundation to apply and implement standards,
evaluate progress - System
- Process
- People
164. Policy, procedure, guidance
- Agreed policy
- Related and documented procedure and guidance
- Policy reflects reality
- Policy, procedure, guidance inform training.
175. Education, Training, Awareness
- Education and communication at the heart of the
process - Develop good quality, professional multi media
training materials - Design and deliver user focused training and
awareness sessions - Ideally integrating with an ETD strategy
186. Standards
- Standards currently being drawn together from the
core IG initiative - Modelled around
- H eld securely and confidentially
- O btained fairly and efficiently
- R ecorded accurately and reliably
- U sed effectively and ethically
- S hared appropriately and lawfully
- Connects Clinical Corporate Governance
- Provides a flexible framework capable of
responding to change. - Effective use of limited resources
- Increases the ability to secure information
flows. - Increases the ability to respond to patient
choice and preferences - Creates a safer working environment for staff